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Vicki Davis

Weill Music Institute at Carnegie Hall - 0 views

    If you have a music program at your school, perhaps you should peruse some of the fascinating thing my new friend Christopher Amos, director of Distance Learning for Carnegie Hall is doing. (I met him at NECC.)
    Carnegie hall has some music programs and cool activities on their website.
David Wetzel

Elearning Replaces the Traditional Model of Teaching and Learning - 7 views

    Emerging Web 2.0 technologies are discussed in the perspective of how elearning is evolving into a future dominated by personal learning environments.
Clint Hamada

Small, Simple Tool For Getting Distances And Bearings Between Points In Google Maps | F... - 0 views

    A simple tool for finding the bearing between two locations in Google Maps. Not perfect, but very simple to use!
Vicki Davis

UW Oshkosh Today | Web 2.0 connects UWO, international scholars - 0 views

  • More than 20 University of Wisconsin Oshkosh students participated in a two-month teaching and advising project with students from Australia, India, New Zealand, Pakistan, Qatar and the United States — all without leaving the classroom.
    Great article about the partnership between University of Wisconsin Oshkosh and our latest Flat Classroom Project, NetGenEd. This sort of arrangement in which preservice teachers served as expert advisors and judges for the project provided real, authentic learning experiences for both students and participants. We skyped into Eric's classroom a few times to talk to his students about pedagogy and they did a great job providing feedback and input on the project. It would make sense that many more preservice programs are going to want to put in authentic distance learning experiences for their preservice teachers and there are many teachers who need high quality feedback and educator review and interaction for their projects.
Vicki Davis

Daft Logic - A Quirky But Cool Website You Should Check Out - 11 views

    Some really cool links to neat tools on this website including a Google map distance calculator (geography teachers imagine what you can do with that!)
Martin Burrett - 16 views

    This is a wonderful Video conferencing site which works across many types of devices. There is no sign up or login required. Just start a room and share the link to invite afters. You can have five video participates at once. You can watch videos together from YouTube and other sites. There is a collaborative notepad, text chat, file sharing and you can even share your screen with other 'room mates.' You can sign in for free to customise rooms and schedule sessions. A great resource for staff meetings, training and distance teaching.
Dennis OConnor

E-Learning and Online Teaching | - 9 views

    Hi impact, curated magazine of articles and professional resources for those interested in e-learning and online teaching. Published by Dennis O'Connor, Program Advisor for the University of Wisconsin Stout E-Learning and Online Teaching Graduate Certificate Program.
Lisa M Lane

Some faculty distressed by Pawlenty's online ed vision - - 8 views

    When Jon Stewart asked Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty last week for some examples of how he intended to administer "limited and effective" government, the Republican governor did not roll out boilerplate rhetoric on welfare or farm subsidies. Instead, he took square aim at traditional higher education. "Do you really think in 20 years somebody's going to put on their backpack, drive a half hour to the University of Minnesota from the suburbs, haul their keister across campus, and sit and listen to some boring person drone on about econ 101 or Spanish 101?" Pawlenty asked Stewart, host of "The Daily Show."
Kelly Faulkner

Bloom's Pyramid - 24 views

Clint Hamada

GPS Math Modules - 0 views

    A complete unit integrating GPS into area, shapes, error, etc. A very integrated unit. Something to try in the future?
Ben W

Log Height -xkcd - 0 views

    A cartoon done in log scale moving from the surface of the Earth out to the furthest reaches of the cosmos. Includes several chuckles along the way.
John Evans

TALL blog » Blog Archive » Not 'Natives' & 'Immigrants' but 'Visitors' & 'Res... - 0 views

  • In effect the Resident has a presence online which they are constantly developing while the Visitor logs on, performs a specific task and then logs off.
  • The Visitor is an individual who uses the web as a tool in an organised manner whenever the need arises.
  • The resident is an individual who lives a percentage of their life online.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • This underlying motivation lead us to outline two main categories of distance learning student.
Jo Fothergill

IMPACT '08 - The Social, Cultural & Ethical Impact of ICT Innovation - 0 views

shared by Jo Fothergill on 31 Mar 08 - Cached
  • Social Interaction August 18 How are innovations in ICT impacting on how people interact?  What is the impact of innovative ICTs eliminating the tyranny of distance and time?  Community Building September 15 What impact does ICT innovation have in building communities?  And, has the concept of community changed away from a geographic focus?  And what is the impact on the individual’s association with their multiple communities?
    • Jo Fothergill
      could be of interest to educators

kids games, kids stories, school , distance learning, online learning, free kids games,... - 0 views

shared by anonymous on 30 Apr 08 - Cached
    interactive activities, over 400!
Ted Sakshaug

Dimdim: Web conferencing that just works. Dimdim provides easy, open, affordable collab... - 0 views

    free video conf and screen sharing
    free online video coferencing
David Wetzel

Continuing Education - Professional and Personal Education for the 21st Century - 2 views

    This Ning is dedicated to support of Continuing Education for all adults seeking to improve themselves through education.
Ben Rimes

A Call for Technology Leadership - 2 views

  • “We have quite a distance to stretch in assessment,” adds Moran, although her district recently installed an instructional system from Schoolnet that provides rubrics for more open-ended tasks and allows teachers to score them accordingly.
    • Ben Rimes
      I wonder how many districts know exactly what they want out of their assessments, and how many have a good general idea, but then have their notions blown away when looking at all of the assessment tools available today.
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