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A Tip for Teaching Tenacity and Teamwork - Coach G's Teaching Tips - Education Week Tea... - 0 views

  • Give each group two plastic cups, one green and one red, and advise students to keep one inside the other in the center of their table (or adjoining desks), with the red cup on the outside when a group needs your help and the green on the outside when it doesn't. I love this idea for a few reasons. First, it lets teachers see from anywhere in the room which groups need help at any given time. Second, it's a concrete way to uphold a key to promoting independent and interdependent learning: only helping students if they've exhausted all other available resources including each other.
  • Best of all, the cups help students develop important non-cognitive (or character) traits/skills such as self-determination and collaboration. At first, for example, some students are quicker than others to give up and reach for a red cup. But more often than not, one (or more) of their fellow group members will protest: "Hey, change that back to green." Over time, this I'm-not-ready-to-give-up-and-ask-the-teacher mentality becomes contagious, and students are more persistent. They're also more motivated to reach out to each other for help. Who would have thought a couple of plastic cups could inspire such tenacity and teamwork?
    Helpful teaching tool to establish teamwork in any group 
Meghan Brooks

Let Tech Organize Your Teaching | Edutopia - 0 views

  • Following are three applications that can organize your teaching schedule and turn your classroom into an efficient machine.
  • At the core, technology integration can save us time and make us more efficient, organized educators. Instead of pushing back against technology integration, first see what it can do for you
  • Plus, many students now have email accounts and use this medium to submit work or the occasional excuse.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Google Drive gives every user 30 GB of shared space, and includes docs, spreadsheets, presentations, folders, forms and more. Teachers can upload and convert a variety of document types for sharing and collaborating.
  • Evernote is where I make my lists, take a quick picture to remember something . . . and where I am writing this post. Another great feature in Evernote is its ability to remember the web.
    more efficient teaching, planning and organizing with an iPad
Antonio Amores Ortiz

Keep Organized Planners - 2 views

  • Keep Organized w/ Awesome Planners from
  • Finding the Perfect Planner:
  • reached out to Erin Condren through her site asking if I could review a planner in exchange for one to trial.  They gifted me a certificate so that I could build my own planner through their site.  I went all out.  I added extra pages, more checklists, additional clear sleeves, an extra notepad and more.
    Tool order and teaching planner
    Tool order and teaching planner
Meghan Brooks

Over 40 Wonderful Math Games for Kids ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 0 views

    Using mobile learning to teach children math through fun games.
Antonio Amores Ortiz

6 Resources for Educators - 1 views

  • Digital Citizenship Week: 6 Resources for Educators
  • Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum for K-12 (4):
  • Understanding YouTube and Digital Citizenship (6):
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Digital Citizenship Learning Center from CyberWise (7): CyberWise produced an extensive list of digital citizenship resources, including videos, games and toolkits from a variety of sources.
  • Cable in the Classroom’s Digital Citizenship Resources (11): Cable in the Classroom (CIC) is a one-stop-shop for digital citizenship resources for teachers.
  • BrainPop Jr. Spotlight -- Free Digital Citizenship Resources (13): BrainPop's Digital Citizenship resource page is perfect for younger students, and there are two sections on bullying and Internet safety.
  • Digital Citizenship Teaching Channel Video Overviews (14):
    Digital tools resources to use in class
    Digital tools resources to use in class
    Digital tools resources to use in class
Antonio Amores Ortiz

Web 2.0 Teaching Tools: - 0 views

  • provides free, customisable flash templates to embed into blogs, wikis and websites. There is no signup, no passwords, no charges...This is very cool for anyone who teaches online or has a class website.
    Web, you can create games introducing questions
    Web, you can create games introducing questions
    Web, you can create games introducing questions

7 Apps for Teaching Children Coding Skills | Edutopia - 0 views

  • Even if a student never intends to pursue programming as a career, learning to code will still foster problem-solving skills, spark creativity and enhance logical thinking. (10), a pro-coding education nonprofit, features dozens of quotations (11) about computer programming from famous and important people who believe that coding should be part of the core curriculum for every child.
    easy programming skills kids can learn!
Antonio Amores Ortiz

Membership, policy, and professional development for educators - ASCD - 0 views

    Smartbrief K-12 resources for classes and to professional improve
Meghan Brooks

6 Open Educational Resources | Edutopia - 0 views

  • More and more, schools are seeking efficient, cost-effective alternatives to using paper and supporting over-priced textbook companies. One way is by supporting technology in schools. Schools are seeking ways to upgrade and sustain wireless infrastructures and integrate mobile devices that broaden teaching and learning opportunities. Similarly, schools are decreasing their dependency on paper and incorporating digital workflows.
  • Curriki (1) is a website that curates content in a variety of disciplines, highlighting noteworthy teachers and content.
  • The CK-12 Foundation offers FlexBooks (2), full digital texts that students and teachers can access on multiple devices in PDF, MOBI and ePub formats.
Antonio Amores Ortiz

The Creative Language Class - 0 views

  • For the last year, I have been using my iPad to teach. I wanted to mirror the iPad to the projector wirelessly. I thought about Apple TV, but it would cost at least $150 after buying adapters. Then I found the “Reflector” application/program and it has changed my life. Visit Reflector to download the program and details.
    Reflector program ipad computer smart board no cable
    Reflector program ipad computer smart board no cable
    Different activities in a world language class
Antonio Amores Ortiz

Out There: Presentations prepare future speakers (with video) | Daily Tribune Media | w... - 0 views

  • Basically, what happens (is there is) a real-world problem that’s presented to the students, and they go through a process to solve this,” he said. “In this case, the 4K teacher at Vesper needed help teaching her kids what they can expect to see in kindergarten.”
  • The children used several ways to prepare their short and sweet presentations, including ways posters can be made by hand and online, using an educational program called Glogster.“They used Twitter to communicate with another kindergarten class in Texas, and we talked about our similarities and differences,” Novinska said. “It’s kind of the new way of having pen pals.”
    Technology tools Glogster Twiter
    Technology tools Glogster Twiter
Antonio Amores Ortiz

Teaching & Learning Spanish: News in Slow (Latin American) Spanish - 0 views

  • News in Slow (Latin American) Spanish
  • There are six sections: 1) Flashcards 2) News Stories 3) Grammar 4) Expressions 5) Pronunciations 6) Quizzes
    News grammar spanish quizzes
    News grammar spanish quizzes
    News grammar spanish quizzes
Antonio Amores Ortiz

5 Online Tools to Align Lessons to Common Core Standards - 0 views

  • 5 Online Tools That Help You Align Lessons to Common Core Standards
  • Teaching Objects is an online lesson planner that enables you to pull materials from your Google Drive and YouTube accounts into your lesson plans.
  • Alchemy SmartBinder is a free service for creating, organizing, and sharing lessons. With an Alchemy SmartBinder account teachers can create lessons that include text, images, videos, audio files, and web links.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Common Curriculum is an online lesson planning resource that aims to help you align your lessons to Common Core standards.
  • OpenEd is a site that claims to be the world's largest educational resource catalog.
  • MasteryConnect
  • they offer a good system for tracking your students' mastery of Common Core standards. Second, they provide a great community of educators who are connecting and sharing lesson ideas. And third, MasteryConnect now offers a curriculum mapping tool that allows you to easily connect your current lessons and curriculum to Common Core and or state standards.
    Apps to help with  common core and standards
    Apps to help with  common core and standards
    Apps to help with  common core and standards
Antonio Amores Ortiz

50+ Ways to USe Glogster EDU in Your Classroom - 0 views

  • 40+ Ways to Innovative Teaching Using Glogster EDU in the Classroom
    Different ways to use Glogster in class
    Different ways to use Glogster in class
    Different ways to use Glogster in class

11 Virtual Tools for the Math Classroom | Edutopia - 0 views

  • Whether you’re teaching elapsed time or just helping students monitor their pacing and stamina, the timer built into the clock that comes with the iPad (or one of the many comparable options (11)) is a great addition to your classroom.
    lower elementary math tools found on iPad, online, etc

Global Learning- What Do You Mean? | Langwitches Blog - 1 views

  • With the increasingly interconnected nature of our global society and the need for a very different kind of literacy for our students, extending teaching and learning beyond the walls of our classrooms is especially vital in this digital age. Through a blend of authentic examples, hands-on activities, and engaging social learning experiences, this learning path will guide you through the process of modernizing and globalizing your classroom practices while expanding your professional learning network to include colleagues from around the world.
    Global learning requires globally connected teachers!
Meghan Brooks

10 Best Autism Apps for the iPad - 0 views

  • Mobile technology, such as the iPad, has been extremely helpful for parents and teachers of autistic children, as apps have replaced dedicated devices that cost upwards of $2,000. As part of Autism Awareness Month, we’ve highlighted 10 iPad apps that help address different aspects of autism. 
  • One common symptom of autism is a difficulty in speaking or an inability to speak. Proloquo2Go is an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) app that teaches children how to construct sentences using symbols and pictures. It also has text-to-speech, word prediction, and a customizable vocabulary and interface.
    (Not Free)
Antonio Amores Ortiz

Digital Storytelling with Glogster - 0 views

  • Digital Storytelling with Glogster EDU A part of teaching is storytelling. As a teacher, you tell the story of the world around you. The history, the mechanics, the reasoning behind everything that your students observe and wonder about.
  • Great digital storytelling gives more than the facts: it gives a bit of atmosphere as well.
    Glogster ideas in class
    Glogster ideas in class
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