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Antonio Amores Ortiz

Chat and real-time collaboration - 0 views

  • When you’re viewing or working on something in Google Drive and somebody else opens the same file, you’ll see his or her Google+ profile picture appear in the top-right corner of your browser window. (If the person doesn't have a Google+ profile picture, you'll see their first initial. If the person's viewing the item anonymously, they'll be assigned an animal name and image.) As more people open the document, more profile images appear. If you hover over a profile image, you’ll see information about the viewer pulled from his or her Google+ profile, and you can add the person to one of your Google+ circles with a click.
    Google chat in assainments
    Google chat in assainments
    Google chat

Free Technology for Teachers: Seven Science Lessons that Utilize Google Earth - 2 views

    Google Earth Science Lessons!
    Google Earth Science Lessons!

Free Technology for Teachers: How Flubaroo Helps Teachers Save Time - 0 views

  • If your school uses Google Apps for Education, when you have students take quizzes that you've created through Google Forms, have your students sign into their accounts before taking the quiz. That way you will capture their email addresses and be able to quickly email grades to them after you have run the Flubaroo script to grade the quiz. If your school doesn't use Google Apps for Education you can still require email addresses by making "email address" a required question on the quizzes you create in Google Forms.
    Helps teachers manage their time when grading assignments/tests

autism-technology - 0 views

    Super awesome site for all types of technology use for kids with Autism! Best Practice Technology etc
Meghan Brooks

Daily Education and Technology News for Schools 11/05/2013 | Cool Cat Teacher Blog - 0 views

  • Projectqted is a new presentation builder
  • Projeqt lets you create what you could call interactive slideshows… I might describe it as a more sophisticated Prezi that’s easier to create and less confusing to watch.
  • Haiku Deck is one of my all time favorite quick presentation makers when I just have to share something meaningful with my class and only have a few moments to pull it together.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Google presentations is another alternative for presentations online.
  • Prezi is a fun online presentation program used by many teachers and students.
Meghan Brooks Tips - 0 views

    A website on tips on how to make using easier for new users.
Meghan Brooks

Innovative Technology Helping Those with Autism Connect | Blog | Autism Speaks - 0 views

  • technology has evolved since then. From lugging around a large, metal communication device around his neck to using new apps on the iPad to help him communicate more comfortably – things were getting better.
  • AutisMate provides a platform that makes communicating easier than ever, the app doesn’t come close to stopping there.
  • To save time and effort, users also have the option of uploading previously created videos, stories, and schedules geared specifically for those with autism from a vast content library. A GPS feature allows scenes to change according to the individual’s location, making the software even more intuitive and applicable in real-time. This platform grows with the individual as those unique needs change over time.
Meghan Brooks

Smart Technology May Help Kids With Autism Learn, Communicate - US News and World Report - 0 views

  • new Canadian research suggests that smart technologies such as the iPad and iPod may also serve as therapeutic tools for a very specific group: children with autism.
  • We have heard from many parents about how much their children enjoy mobile devices like the iPad, and how it is helping with learning and communication,
Meghan Brooks

Working Together: People with Disabilities and Computer Technology - 0 views

  • By using computing technology for tasks such as reading and writing documents, communicating with others, and searching for information on the Internet, students and employees with disabilities are capable of handling a wider range of activities independently.
Meghan Brooks

2.1 How to save time by using as a hub to feed my social media? - Customer Fee... - 0 views

  • With you can find inspiration, write about your interest and share on multiple social media, all of this on a single platform!
Meghan Brooks

Keep Your Content Fresh With | The Edublogger - 0 views

  • (1) combining clever curation tools that make it easy to gather content in one place with (2) a reasonably wide range of sharing functionalities to let people know about your page.
Antonio Amores Ortiz

Out There: Presentations prepare future speakers (with video) | Daily Tribune Media | w... - 0 views

  • Basically, what happens (is there is) a real-world problem that’s presented to the students, and they go through a process to solve this,” he said. “In this case, the 4K teacher at Vesper needed help teaching her kids what they can expect to see in kindergarten.”
  • The children used several ways to prepare their short and sweet presentations, including ways posters can be made by hand and online, using an educational program called Glogster.“They used Twitter to communicate with another kindergarten class in Texas, and we talked about our similarities and differences,” Novinska said. “It’s kind of the new way of having pen pals.”
    Technology tools Glogster Twiter
    Technology tools Glogster Twiter
Antonio Amores Ortiz

6 Resources for Educators - 1 views

  • Digital Citizenship Week: 6 Resources for Educators
  • Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum for K-12 (4):
  • Understanding YouTube and Digital Citizenship (6):
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Digital Citizenship Learning Center from CyberWise (7): CyberWise produced an extensive list of digital citizenship resources, including videos, games and toolkits from a variety of sources.
  • Cable in the Classroom’s Digital Citizenship Resources (11): Cable in the Classroom (CIC) is a one-stop-shop for digital citizenship resources for teachers.
  • BrainPop Jr. Spotlight -- Free Digital Citizenship Resources (13): BrainPop's Digital Citizenship resource page is perfect for younger students, and there are two sections on bullying and Internet safety.
  • Digital Citizenship Teaching Channel Video Overviews (14):
    Digital tools resources to use in class
    Digital tools resources to use in class
    Digital tools resources to use in class
Antonio Amores Ortiz

5 Online Tools to Align Lessons to Common Core Standards - 0 views

  • 5 Online Tools That Help You Align Lessons to Common Core Standards
  • Teaching Objects is an online lesson planner that enables you to pull materials from your Google Drive and YouTube accounts into your lesson plans.
  • Alchemy SmartBinder is a free service for creating, organizing, and sharing lessons. With an Alchemy SmartBinder account teachers can create lessons that include text, images, videos, audio files, and web links.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Common Curriculum is an online lesson planning resource that aims to help you align your lessons to Common Core standards.
  • OpenEd is a site that claims to be the world's largest educational resource catalog.
  • MasteryConnect
  • they offer a good system for tracking your students' mastery of Common Core standards. Second, they provide a great community of educators who are connecting and sharing lesson ideas. And third, MasteryConnect now offers a curriculum mapping tool that allows you to easily connect your current lessons and curriculum to Common Core and or state standards.
    Apps to help with  common core and standards
    Apps to help with  common core and standards
    Apps to help with  common core and standards

Free Technology for Teachers: Bulb - Create and Share Collections of Educational Media - 0 views

  • view the collections without registering on the site.
  • As you create your collections on Bulb you can write text, upload or link to pictures, and upload or link to YouTube videos. All collections can be shared via email and through popular social networks like Twitter and Google+
  • Bulb you can create your own collections of text, images, and videos
    Details/description on bulb
Meghan Brooks

Let Tech Organize Your Teaching | Edutopia - 0 views

  • Following are three applications that can organize your teaching schedule and turn your classroom into an efficient machine.
  • At the core, technology integration can save us time and make us more efficient, organized educators. Instead of pushing back against technology integration, first see what it can do for you
  • Plus, many students now have email accounts and use this medium to submit work or the occasional excuse.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Google Drive gives every user 30 GB of shared space, and includes docs, spreadsheets, presentations, folders, forms and more. Teachers can upload and convert a variety of document types for sharing and collaborating.
  • Evernote is where I make my lists, take a quick picture to remember something . . . and where I am writing this post. Another great feature in Evernote is its ability to remember the web.
    more efficient teaching, planning and organizing with an iPad

Five Ways Assistive Technology Helps Those With Down Syndrome | Concordia University - ... - 0 views

  • But since federal legislation requires students with learning disabilities be educated in the same manner (and often the same classrooms) as other children, there has been a need for modifications and tools to assist special needs students in meeting their educational goals.
    Not 5 tools but 5 ways (convincing)
Meghan Brooks

Technology that Uses Disney and Pixar to Educate Kids with Autism | News | Autism Speaks - 1 views

  • He explained, "What we do is break the movies into short segments of 40 or 50 seconds with some event or concept. In Toy Story, it could be as simple as Andy playing with his toys or as complex as Woody pushing Buzz out the window and what happens after that. Children understand almost intuitively what has happened."
  • Animated Language Learning, an Ireland-based company, is developing technology that uses Disney and Pixar movies to help educate children with autism and other language learning disorders.
  • Their goal is to improve the lives of people with autism and to help them communicate with the world around them.
    Animated Language Learning, an Ireland-based company, is developing technology that uses Disney and Pixar movies to help educate children with autism and other language learning disorders
1 - 18 of 18
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