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Antonio Amores Ortiz

How to Learn Spanish List of Websites - 0 views

  • List of Websites Where You Can Watch Spanish Videos with Spanish Subtitles or Transcripts Online for Free
    List websites news games Spanish
    List websites news games Spanish
    List websites news games, watch Spanish Videos with Spanish Subtitles or transcripts online
Antonio Amores Ortiz

Teaching & Learning Spanish: News in Slow (Latin American) Spanish - 0 views

  • News in Slow (Latin American) Spanish
  • There are six sections: 1) Flashcards 2) News Stories 3) Grammar 4) Expressions 5) Pronunciations 6) Quizzes
    News grammar spanish quizzes
    News grammar spanish quizzes
    News grammar spanish quizzes
Antonio Amores Ortiz

Learn Spanish with Notes in Spanish Podcasts! : Notes in Spanish - Learn Spanish with P... - 0 views

    Web with audio to learn Spanish
    Web with audio to learn Spanish
Antonio Amores Ortiz

How to Learn Spanish (using free online resources!)Spanish Learning Resources & Tools: ... - 0 views

  • A modern source of Spanish in a form that you enjoy using
  • Dictionaries and a verb conjugation tool or book
    Dictionaries in Spanish translate webs
    Dictionaries in Spanish translate webs
Antonio Amores Ortiz

Digital Storytelling in the Spanish Language Classroom - 0 views

  • Digital Storytelling in the Spanish Language Classroom
  • We started with the students writing an autobiographical essay describing themselves and where they are in their lives right now
  • Photo Story 3 makes movies by stringing together still photographs with music or narration.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Having practiced with Photo Story 3 and having explored the technique of telling a story through still photos, students used Photo Story 3 to turn their digital audio presentations into digital video
    Example and process to make a digital storytelling with Photo Story 3
Antonio Amores Ortiz

BookWriter: Turn your Digital Storytelling into Printable Books - 0 views

  • BookWriter: Turn your Digital Storytelling into Printable Books!
  • Book Writer ($3.99) is an educational iOS app designed for the iPad/iPhone for creating multimedia digital books.
  • This is a fantastically simple app to use for students that has them creating dynamic digital books by the tap of a button. A user can add video, images, music, and even record their own voice to narrate a book.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Children can take photos on a field trip, add text to demonstrate their learning, and annotate their voice to pages to bring learning alive in real time.
    Create story students can add pictures, music and their own voice. Spanish story create
    Create story students can add pictures, music and their own voice. Spanish story create
Antonio Amores Ortiz

Phonetics: The Sounds of English and Spanish - The University of Iowa - 0 views

    Phonetic program to learn how to pronounce the different sounds in different language
    Phonetic program to learn how to pronounce the different sounds in different language
Antonio Amores Ortiz

Five Best Language Learning Tools - 0 views

  • Anki, Japanese for "memorizing," is a flashcard program that's been around for years
  • Because it's a flashcard style program, its focus is on memorization. It'll display you a word, phrase, image, or even play a sound, and then leave it to you to make the connection, repeat it, interpret it, and commit it to memory. Anki is great for languages, but it's also useful for studying equations, diagrams, names and faces, and moreā€”its strength is in the fact that you can load it up with custom card sets depending on what it is you want to memorize.
  • Anki is free
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Memrise is a language learning program that extends beyond vocabulary and language to things like history and science, but at its core it's a flashcard-style program that's augmented with memory tricks, images, and other useful tools to make learning a new language easier.
  • Duolingo takes a different approach to learning a new language than just memorizing words and phrases.
  • The Pimsleur Method is an audio-based method that focuses on participation in speaking and sound exercises than strict memorization and flashcards.
  • Livemocha is an extremely comprehensive language learning community and program, packed with native speakers
    Five tools language learning
    Five tools language learning
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