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Antonio Amores Ortiz

Digital Storytelling with Glogster - 0 views

  • Digital Storytelling with Glogster EDU A part of teaching is storytelling. As a teacher, you tell the story of the world around you. The history, the mechanics, the reasoning behind everything that your students observe and wonder about.
  • Great digital storytelling gives more than the facts: it gives a bit of atmosphere as well.
    Glogster ideas in class
    Glogster ideas in class
Antonio Amores Ortiz

50+ Ways to USe Glogster EDU in Your Classroom - 0 views

  • 40+ Ways to Innovative Teaching Using Glogster EDU in the Classroom
    Different ways to use Glogster in class
    Different ways to use Glogster in class
    Different ways to use Glogster in class
Antonio Amores Ortiz

Out There: Presentations prepare future speakers (with video) | Daily Tribune Media | w... - 0 views

  • Basically, what happens (is there is) a real-world problem that’s presented to the students, and they go through a process to solve this,” he said. “In this case, the 4K teacher at Vesper needed help teaching her kids what they can expect to see in kindergarten.”
  • The children used several ways to prepare their short and sweet presentations, including ways posters can be made by hand and online, using an educational program called Glogster.“They used Twitter to communicate with another kindergarten class in Texas, and we talked about our similarities and differences,” Novinska said. “It’s kind of the new way of having pen pals.”
    Technology tools Glogster Twiter
    Technology tools Glogster Twiter
Antonio Amores Ortiz

Remix concept in Digital Storytelling with Glogster EDU | Perpetual Evolution - 0 views

  • Glogster EDU is a Web 2.0 global education platform that allows students to easily upload pre-existing materials such as photos, videos, text and audio combine them into new forms according to their personal taste to create interactive online multimedia posters. It brings digital storytelling to life in a multidimensional experience by infusing all types of media into the process. These activities also encourage students to be independent, inventive problem solvers and lifelong learners by: Giving them diverse options for acquiring information and knowledge; Providing them with options for demonstrating what they know; Tapping into their interests, offering appropriate challenges and increasing motivation.
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