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Antonio Amores Ortiz

Cool Cat Teacher Blog: Daily Education and Technology News for Schools 10/08/2013 - 0 views

  • I noticed that Wikispaces included Dogo books under a new "Education" category in the widget menu. (This looks like a television on the edit bar when you click to Edit a wiki.) So, Dogobooks is a place where kids ar writing book reviews about everything. Very cool. You can see the most popular books and ti also has book clubs and other ways for kids
    Education in wikispaces
    Education in wikispaces
Antonio Amores Ortiz

60 Educational Game Sites - 0 views

  • 60 Educational Game Sites That You’ve Probably Never Seen
  • the site is an amazing resource,
  • These aren’t in order of greatness – they all have their own specific applications for education
    A list of Educational Games Sites that can use in different classes
Meghan Brooks

Special education school invests in technology and future of students - 0 views

  • Since their introduction in 2010, tablets like the iPad have made a big impact on education.
Antonio Amores Ortiz

6 Resources for Educators - 1 views

  • Digital Citizenship Week: 6 Resources for Educators
  • Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum for K-12 (4):
  • Understanding YouTube and Digital Citizenship (6):
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Digital Citizenship Learning Center from CyberWise (7): CyberWise produced an extensive list of digital citizenship resources, including videos, games and toolkits from a variety of sources.
  • Cable in the Classroom’s Digital Citizenship Resources (11): Cable in the Classroom (CIC) is a one-stop-shop for digital citizenship resources for teachers.
  • BrainPop Jr. Spotlight -- Free Digital Citizenship Resources (13): BrainPop's Digital Citizenship resource page is perfect for younger students, and there are two sections on bullying and Internet safety.
  • Digital Citizenship Teaching Channel Video Overviews (14):
    Digital tools resources to use in class
    Digital tools resources to use in class
    Digital tools resources to use in class
Meghan Brooks

Creating a "Least Restrictive Environment" with Mobile Devices | Edutopia - 0 views

  • The U.S. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (3) defines the concept of the Least Restrictive Environment as the opportunity for a student with a disability to be "provided with supplementary aids and services necessary to achieve educational goals if placed in a setting with non-disabled peers."
  • By providing students with the option to access content on a mobile device, we begin removing many of the restrictions previously placed upon their learning environment.
  • The U.S. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (3) defines the concept of the Least Restrictive Environment as the opportunity for a student with a disability to be "provided with supplementary aids and services necessary to achieve educational goals if placed in a setting with non-disabled peers."
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • They can use the features of iPads, Chromebooks, Android and laptops to guide the creation of a Least Restrictive Environment for all of their students.
Meghan Brooks

Technology that Uses Disney and Pixar to Educate Kids with Autism | News | Autism Speaks - 1 views

  • He explained, "What we do is break the movies into short segments of 40 or 50 seconds with some event or concept. In Toy Story, it could be as simple as Andy playing with his toys or as complex as Woody pushing Buzz out the window and what happens after that. Children understand almost intuitively what has happened."
  • Animated Language Learning, an Ireland-based company, is developing technology that uses Disney and Pixar movies to help educate children with autism and other language learning disorders.
  • Their goal is to improve the lives of people with autism and to help them communicate with the world around them.
    Animated Language Learning, an Ireland-based company, is developing technology that uses Disney and Pixar movies to help educate children with autism and other language learning disorders

Generalization & Game-Based Learning: What Parents & Educators Need to Know | LearningW... - 0 views

  • some of the inconsistencies we see in children can be attributed to motivation and memory, much of it is directly related to difficulties with generalization.
    Helpful for ASD, ADD/ADHD, SLD: generalization of rules, norms, knowledge!

Free Technology for Teachers: How Flubaroo Helps Teachers Save Time - 0 views

  • If your school uses Google Apps for Education, when you have students take quizzes that you've created through Google Forms, have your students sign into their accounts before taking the quiz. That way you will capture their email addresses and be able to quickly email grades to them after you have run the Flubaroo script to grade the quiz. If your school doesn't use Google Apps for Education you can still require email addresses by making "email address" a required question on the quizzes you create in Google Forms.
    Helps teachers manage their time when grading assignments/tests

Trim Recess? Some Schools Hold On To Child's Play : NPR - 0 views

  • A growing body of research shows that play is fundamental to kids' development by promoting social interaction, exploration and creativity. There are no recent national studies or fresh numbers on recess time, but 2005 data from the Education Department survey and a 2006 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that about 9 in 10 elementary schools regularly schedule recess, with times ranging from 24 to 30 minutes a day.
  • School districts that are cutting back on recess or physical education to save money or add instruction time should think twice, Goodman says. "It's penny wise and pound foolish to cut back recess and put in academic time. Because, in the end, the kids won't be prepared for academic time.
    Talks about how recess can help  student learn to grow academically and creatively and relationship wise 
Meghan Brooks

6 Open Educational Resources | Edutopia - 0 views

  • More and more, schools are seeking efficient, cost-effective alternatives to using paper and supporting over-priced textbook companies. One way is by supporting technology in schools. Schools are seeking ways to upgrade and sustain wireless infrastructures and integrate mobile devices that broaden teaching and learning opportunities. Similarly, schools are decreasing their dependency on paper and incorporating digital workflows.
  • Curriki (1) is a website that curates content in a variety of disciplines, highlighting noteworthy teachers and content.
  • The CK-12 Foundation offers FlexBooks (2), full digital texts that students and teachers can access on multiple devices in PDF, MOBI and ePub formats.
rmissel | Kids Educational Computer Games & Activities - 0 views

  • Grade level lessons incorporate areas such as math and language arts while introducing basic computer skills. Many of the kindergarten and first grade activities are equipped with sound to enhance understanding. Fun children's Holiday activities are available in grade level sections!
    Online Halloween educational games!

How To Gamify Your Classroom - Edudemic - Edudemic - 0 views

  • These resources and ideas represent just the tip of the available tools on creating and developing educational games. There is a vast, international network of educators who are banding together and pooling resources to further the study and practice of educational games. Thus, I encourage you to get involved; we can all learn from each other!
    Incorporation a game into pedagogy.

Five Ways Assistive Technology Helps Those With Down Syndrome | Concordia University - ... - 0 views

  • But since federal legislation requires students with learning disabilities be educated in the same manner (and often the same classrooms) as other children, there has been a need for modifications and tools to assist special needs students in meeting their educational goals.
    Not 5 tools but 5 ways (convincing)
Antonio Amores Ortiz

Membership, policy, and professional development for educators - ASCD - 0 views

    Smartbrief K-12 resources for classes and to professional improve

A Tip for Teaching Tenacity and Teamwork - Coach G's Teaching Tips - Education Week Tea... - 0 views

  • Give each group two plastic cups, one green and one red, and advise students to keep one inside the other in the center of their table (or adjoining desks), with the red cup on the outside when a group needs your help and the green on the outside when it doesn't. I love this idea for a few reasons. First, it lets teachers see from anywhere in the room which groups need help at any given time. Second, it's a concrete way to uphold a key to promoting independent and interdependent learning: only helping students if they've exhausted all other available resources including each other.
  • Best of all, the cups help students develop important non-cognitive (or character) traits/skills such as self-determination and collaboration. At first, for example, some students are quicker than others to give up and reach for a red cup. But more often than not, one (or more) of their fellow group members will protest: "Hey, change that back to green." Over time, this I'm-not-ready-to-give-up-and-ask-the-teacher mentality becomes contagious, and students are more persistent. They're also more motivated to reach out to each other for help. Who would have thought a couple of plastic cups could inspire such tenacity and teamwork?
    Helpful teaching tool to establish teamwork in any group 
Meghan Brooks

Daily Education and Technology News for Schools 11/05/2013 | Cool Cat Teacher Blog - 0 views

  • Projectqted is a new presentation builder
  • Projeqt lets you create what you could call interactive slideshows… I might describe it as a more sophisticated Prezi that’s easier to create and less confusing to watch.
  • Haiku Deck is one of my all time favorite quick presentation makers when I just have to share something meaningful with my class and only have a few moments to pull it together.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Google presentations is another alternative for presentations online.
  • Prezi is a fun online presentation program used by many teachers and students.
Antonio Amores Ortiz

5 Online Tools to Align Lessons to Common Core Standards - 0 views

  • 5 Online Tools That Help You Align Lessons to Common Core Standards
  • Teaching Objects is an online lesson planner that enables you to pull materials from your Google Drive and YouTube accounts into your lesson plans.
  • Alchemy SmartBinder is a free service for creating, organizing, and sharing lessons. With an Alchemy SmartBinder account teachers can create lessons that include text, images, videos, audio files, and web links.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Common Curriculum is an online lesson planning resource that aims to help you align your lessons to Common Core standards.
  • OpenEd is a site that claims to be the world's largest educational resource catalog.
  • MasteryConnect
  • they offer a good system for tracking your students' mastery of Common Core standards. Second, they provide a great community of educators who are connecting and sharing lesson ideas. And third, MasteryConnect now offers a curriculum mapping tool that allows you to easily connect your current lessons and curriculum to Common Core and or state standards.
    Apps to help with  common core and standards
    Apps to help with  common core and standards
    Apps to help with  common core and standards

Welcome to bulb - 0 views

    create and share educational media! presentations, pictures, etc. very very cool.

Apps for ASD - 0 views

    Austism reseach institute webcast on effects of educational technology for ASD
Meghan Brooks

The Best 15 iPad Apps for Teacher Professional Development ~ Educational Technology and... - 0 views

  • To tap into the full potential of iPad and to leverage it for your professional learning purposes, you should definitely have certain apps installed on it.
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