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Censorship in the classroom: Understanding controversial issues - 0 views

    "Censorship in the classroom: Understanding controversial issues\n\n\n\nA lesson plan for grades 9-12 English Language Arts and Information Skills\nLearn more\n\n * Learn more about banned books, biases, censorship, language arts, media, persuasive writing, propaganda, reading, stereotypes, and writing.\n\nHelp\n\nPlease read our disclaimer for lesson plans.\nLegal\n\nPrint\n\n * Print\n\nShare\n\n * Email\n * Delicious Delicious\n * Digg Digg\n * Facebook Facebook\n * StumbleUpon StumbleUpon\n\nIt is important for young people to understand their individual rights and what they, as citizens, can do to protect these rights. In addition, young people need to understand the way in which bias and stereotyping are used by the media to influence popular opinion. In this ReadWriteThink lesson, students examine propaganda and media bias and explore a variety of banned and challenged books, researching the reasons these books have been censored. Following this research, students choose a side of the censorship issue and support their position through the development of an advertising campaign.\nNorth Carolina Curriculum Alignment\nEnglish Language Arts (2004)\nGrade 9\n\n * Goal 3: The learner will examine argumentation and develop informed opinions.\n o Objective 3.01: Study argument by:\n + examining relevant reasons and evidence.\n + noting the progression of ideas that substantiate the proposal.\n + analyzing style, tone, and use of language for a particular effect.\n + identifying and analyzing personal, social, historical, or cultural influences contexts, or biases.\n + identifying and analyzing rhetorical strategies that support proposals.\n\nGrade 10\n\n * Goal 3: The learner will defend argumentative positions on literary or nonliterary issues.\n o Objective 3.01: Examine controversial is

Policy 652: Library and Resource Center Materials - 0 views

  • However, the board also recognizes the students’ First Amendment constitutional rights. It is the policy of this district that:  1.                  The district will maintain a comprehensive district wide media program which will provide access to large and varied collections of materials;  2.                  Selection of library materials will be made by school librarians, taking into account the needs of teachers and students, and will follow the accreditation standards and procedures set forth by the Idaho State Board of Education;
  • Any decision to remove a book, material, or resource from a school library will be content neutral, based on a legitimate exercise of control over pedagogical matters: neutrality will be demonstrated. Censorship based on the content of a book or resource is considered an extreme measure; prior to removing a book or resource from a school library, other less restrictive measures will be considered, such as placing the item in question on reserved or restricted status.
Heather Berlin

Education 3.0: Learning Anywhere, Anytime - 1 views

    This sources is a brief introduction to education 3.0. It outlines the meaning of education 3.0, compares it to 1.0 and 2.0, and gives additional resources for more information.
    Web 2.0 is when you interact with the internet, like I am doing right now. Diigo is an example of web 2.0 tools. Web 3.0 is when the internet interacts with you. For example, Google has all this data on you that when you search for something you get different search results than others who do the same search.

Education 3.0: Getting to Know the Brain - 0 views

    This Wired article was about how Education 3.0 can be most effectively leveraged if educators have a good understanding on how the brain learns. Keeping in mind what learners care about, giving them the ability to place their learning in context, and allowing students to identify patterns of knowledge (think making connections in neural pathways) all can expand upon the the experience of learners in a course.
Nate Cannon

Solution Tree: Rebecca DuFour, 3 Big Ideas of a PLC - YouTube - 1 views

    This video talks about the 3 Big Ideas we want to have in a PLN for educators
    This video talks about the 3 Big Ideas we want to have in a PLN for educators
Buffy Naillon

Communities of Practice (Lave and Wenger) CoPs - 17 views

    This is a more technical site that better describes CoPs.  It talks about what a CoP is and what the requirements are.  I particularly like that the it states that the learning is not necessarily the primary reason for the existence of a CoP.  It also gives some sources for further study.
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    Fabio, I agree, good find. Always helpful to have a firm understanding of what makes up the CoP. I keyed in on the requirement that members must not simply be interested in the topic, but needed to be practitioners as well!
    This article has an interesting take on a community of practice. With the current nation wide movement to adapt the Common Core Standards, educators are required to focus on student achievement. In order to be successful, educators will have to form Communities of Practice in order to collaborate and effectively. This means that CoPs must focus on professional development as well as learning issues.
    This site breaks down the required components of a community of practice, based on the views of Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger. The site also gives some background regarding the origination of the term "communities of practice."
    SUMMARY: Communities of Practice are defined as informal social partnerships of like-minded practitioners who want to work together to improve current issues or states of learning. Three required components are proposed to constitute a CoP: "a domain of interest, a community, and practice."
    This is a "webliography" (my new word of the day) that describes the idea of communities of practice by theorists Lave and Wenger. It is a good at describing what the terms are. Wenger says that" learning is central to human identity" and people continuously create their identity by engaging in and contributing to communities.
    In this article, the author cites Ettiene Wenger (one the two theorists who coined the term 'Communities of Practice') and summarizes its definition. The quote she includes succinctly and clearly explains communities of practice as: "groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly."
    Some history on learning theories and the origins of communities of practice.
    This site gives a brief, easy-to-understand summary on the definition of Communities of Practice. It tells how COPs work and the distinctive components of a COP.
    A nice summary of the basics of CoP. Gives history of the theory, definition, descriptions, and the building blocks of a successful CoP. My biggest take-away: "The learning that takes place [in a CoP] is not always intentional. This helped me to develop a deeper understanding.
    This provides another basic overview of communities of practice. There is a brief description followed by the history of the term and the development of the theory. It continues to outline the three required components of CoPs.
    There are 3 necessary parts: 1. A group of people share an interest (high school Math) 2. All members contribute 3. All members put into practice the resources that are shared as a group.
    This is a solid description of what a Community of Practice is in reference to learning styles.
    I love how succinct this is. Sometimes less is more and I think this is an example of that. It also helped me realize that this isn't a new or complicated idea, but something that we have done in my school for years (Learning Communities). We are organized by department, meet regularly to compare data, offer up examples of work, share sources, etc. I am already a part of a CoP and did not even realize it!
    I find the term community of practice being used in professional development and having structure imposed top down. This website clearly lets you know it is not a club or a fan group but a practicing community that is formed voluntarily.
    This blog post from explores Communities of Practice and provides a clear and concise explanation of components of Communities of Practices, and what constitutes CoP and what does not.
    This is a summary of the Communities in Practice learning theory. It is a very concise view of the theory. It covers the three required components as well as the key terms involved.
    This site speaks specifically about the three "must haves" in order to determine if something is a community of practice or not. They are: having a common interest, having a community, and practicing that specific skills/interest.
    Summary: Communities of Practice occur when people have a common interest in something. This becomes a collaboration with peers to engage in discussions as well as sharing ideas, strategies and solutions.
    This article defines what a community of practice is and the three required components of CoPs. There needs to be domain, community, and practice. The domain is a common interest where the members are committed to it. The community is where members interact and engage in shared activities. The practice is developing a shared repertoire of resources over time.
    This article describes what a CoP is and specifically what it is not. It describes three major components of a CoP and details how participants can help or hurt a CoP. The author also provides two resources to gain more knowledge about CoPs.
    This article is an outline of Communities of Practice with description of relevant terminology outlined and defined. Identifies the three components of CoPs - domain, community and practice. This article says that the central component of this learning theory is to draw participants deeper into the community through the attractiveness of developing skills relative to the domain.
    This one I didn't summarize, only because I really had a hard time grasping the three elements of the CoP, and I thought this site encapsulated it nicely. Incidentally, my creative assignment for this week was inspired by the reference to Star Trek fans in this post. Here are the three elements make up CoP, and again, this information below is taken straight from the source (long quotes), because the definition is so good: 1. There needs to be a domain. A CoP has an identity defined by a shared domain of interest (e.g. radiologists, Star Trek fans, middle school history teachers, Seahawks football fans, etc.); it's not just a network of people or club of friends. Membership implies a commitment to the domain. 2. There needs to be a community. A necessary component is that members of a specific domain interact and engage in shared activities, help each other, and share information with each other. They build relationships that enable them to learn from each other. In this way, merely sharing the same job does not necessitate a CoP. A static website on hunting in itself is not a community of practice. There needs to be people who interact and learn together in order for a CoP to be formed. Note that members do not necessarily work together daily, however. Wenger points to the example of Impressionist painters who sometimes met in cafes to discuss their painting styles. He indicates that even though these men normally painted alone, these kinds of interactions were essential to making them a CoP. 3. There needs to be a practice: A CoP is not just people who have an interest in something (e.g. sports or agriculture practices). The third requirement for a CoP is that the members are practitioners. They develop a shared repertoire of resources which can include stories, helpful tools, experiences, stories, ways of handling typical problems, etc. This kind of interaction needs to be developed over time. A conversation with a random stranger who happens to be an exp

The 3 Tech Ninjas - 2 views

    This is one of my favorite websites to discover and explore new tech tools. There are a number of Web 2.0 tools, apps, game websites, etc. that are useful to teachers at any level. Many of the resources shared on the 3 Tech Ninjas site have been put into regular use in my classroom!

3-D Animated Animals Help Kindergartners Read - 1 views

  • A new reading curriculum based on augmented reality technology grabs student attention and shows them difficult concepts in a visual form. "Letters alive" uses 26 animals to help pre-kindergartners and kindergartners learn to read.
Levi Fletcher

(Fletcher #2) Research-based communities of practice in UK higher education - 1 views

    Research regarding the benefits of being a member of a community of practice. While the information seems a bit forced (the communities of practice used for the study were exclusively face-to-face communities), the benefits of being a member of a community of practice still seem valid. According to the study, they are (1) autonomy and freedom to think beyond, (2) sources to ideas, (3) sounding board, (4) intellectual discussion, (5) like-mindedness, (6) alternative perspective and cross-pollination of ideas, (7) overcoming intellectual isolation, (8) move towards collaborative research, (9) response to research pressure, (10) synergy and leverage, (11) time and energy saving, (12) an informal ground for learning and training, (13) fostering of tangible returns, (14) driving research, (15) opportunities to met, (16) networking, information sharing and updates, (17) support and guidance, (18) sense of belonging, (19) identity, and (20) intrinsic fulfillment. As the article is about higher education, there are certainly some benefits that are more specific to their context, but I think the findings of the article are still valid.
    Research regarding the benefits of being a member of a community of practice. While the information seems a bit forced (the communities of practice used for the study were exclusively face-to-face communities), the benefits of being a member of a community of practice still seem valid. According to the study, they are (1) autonomy and freedom to think beyond, (2) sources to ideas, (3) sounding board, (4) intellectual discussion, (5) like-mindedness, (6) alternative perspective and cross-pollination of ideas, (7) overcoming intellectual isolation, (8) move towards collaborative research, (9) response to research pressure, (10) synergy and leverage, (11) time and energy saving, (12) an informal ground for learning and training, (13) fostering of tangible returns, (14) driving research, (15) opportunities to met, (16) networking, information sharing and updates, (17) support and guidance, (18) sense of belonging, (19) identity, and (20) intrinsic fulfillment. As the article is about higher education, there are certainly some benefits that are more specific to their context, but I think the findings of the article are still valid.

Communities of Practice (Lave and Wenger) - Learning Theories - 6 views

  • collaborate over an extended period of time
  • earn how to do it better as they interact regularly
  • does not require intentionality
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • problem solving, requests for information, seeking the experiences of others, reusing assets, coordination and synergy, discussing developments, visiting other members, mapping knowledge and identifying gaps.
    Throughout this website, Etienne Wenger describes Communities of Practice as "groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly." It strongly conveys the importance of working together and emphasizes teamwork as a vital component for success. I could not agree more.
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    This is a summary of the work of Lave and Wenger on communities of practice. It focuses on the need for social participation for learning. The article also highlights how learning is central to human identity.
    Wenger and Lave first used the term Communities of Practice (CoPs) in 1991 and furthered their explanation in 1998. CoPs are a process of social learning in which a group of like-minded people regularly collaborate with the objective to learn something. Wenger specifically notes that this definition does not include "intentionality," stating that learning can happen incidentally. This article goes on to explain the three components of a CoP: domain, community, and practice. Finally, the summary ends with a list of methods commonly seen to collaborate in a CoP including problem solving, seeking others' experience, discussing developments, and mapping knowledge
    This article also explains how participation is a huge part of communities of practice. It states that these communities are groups that have something in common and people can learn from one another through the interactions taking place. One big focus is how the participation that is going on needs to be active and continuous. A person's active participation can then help motivate them and others in the community to continually want to learn.
    This quick overview of CoPs gives a plain-English approach to the definition and components of CoPs. This allows for a quick understanding without having to dissect the meaning of each word of the definition. Wenger's simple definition is given, as well as the required components for a CoP, and it is concluded with the concept of social participation as a learning focus.
    Since I hadn't heard of CoPs, I thought I should find out what it is. For those in the same boat, there are 3 things necessary to have a CoP: 1. domain (common interest), 2. community (engaging together in activity and sharing of information), and 3. practitioners (members are not just people with a shared interest, but practicing).
    Introduction to and required components of a community of practice.
    This article outlines the components of a community of practice as well as discussing what a community of practice is not to help learners better understand what is necessary to have a community of practice.
    Communities of Practice were first used in 1991 by Jena Lave and Etienne. A CoP is social learning aimed around a specific subject with people who have common interests and collaborate over a large period of time in an online community. The learning that takes place is often natural and happens through the social interactions. There are three requirements for a proper CoP. The first is that there needs to be a domain. The people involved in the CoP need to have shared interests. The second is that there needs to be a community. The people involved need to interact and engage in activities to help and share information with each other. The final necessity is that there needs to be a practice. This means that they are actively engaged within the community and work to inform everyone involved. CoPs work using social interactions to create the learning community. 
    This short but informative article helps get to the root question of "what are communities of practice?" The article describes the three main components of the communities of practice theory which domain (shared, common interest), community (sharing of info, activities), and practice (members of COP need to be practitioners of the domain and not just casual observer). To be a true COP, the above components must be present. The article breaks down Wengers belief that "groups of people who share a concern of a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as the interact regularly". It discussed how COP's are becoming more present through online communities formed through the Internet and social media. COP's are being seen as avenues that promote innovation and building of social capital through the spreading of knowledge.
    In this article Etienne defines Communities of Practice (CoP) as "groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly." This learning that takes place is not necessarily intentional. Three components are required in order to be a CoP: (1) the domain, (2) the community, and (3) the practice.
    This short summary did a really good job of making this concept simple to understand. It explains that you need three things for a COP: a domain, a community and practice. Great short explanation
    This article is an overview of CoPs. The highlight for me is that it must be a collaboration over time, not a one-time Professional Development.
Gretel Patch

'A Week in the Life...' Project - Flat Classroom® Projects - 0 views

    This Flat Classroom project brings together Grades 3-5 to explore similarities and differences in their lives and cultures. Using Edmodo, Wikispaces, VoiceThread, and other online multimedia tools, it helps students learn, connect, share, and create.
Richard Krause

Richard Krause module 3 digital footprint.docx - Google Drive - 0 views

    Here is my Positive digital Footprint assignment for module 3. It is on Google Drive as it is one of the few acceptable sharing sites that my district allows.

3 Steps for Builiding a Professional Learning Network - 0 views This was a useful article for those who wish to start developing their own Professional Learning Netw...

Edtech543; PLN; Steps; Proffesional; Learning; Network

started by anonymous on 30 Aug 16 no follow-up yet
Jessica Gake

Understanding personal learning networks: Their structure, content and the networking s... - 4 views

  • This article aims to understand how professionals determine the networking actions they undertake. In other words, how does the support offered by different ties in a professional’s personal learning network change and evolve with the intentional actions of the professional?
  • The learner as orchestrator of her personal learning network
  • Communality
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  • Organisation of the contact
  • Like–mindedness.
  • Reputation
  • Benevolence
  • Network of a contact.
  • Real potential for collaboration.
  • Real potential for learning
  • Trends in work environment
  • When asked to reflect on their learning experiences and the role of others in those learning processes, interviewees displayed clear differences in the way they interact with contacts in their personal networks and the way they learn from these interactions.
  • the effects of networking are not limited to face–to–face interactions with the contacts: even when others are not present, their words, messages and perspectives can influence the reflections of the learner.
  • Proficient networkers use dedicated events and environments where networking has the prime focus (such as professional conferences, seminars and, more recently, online social networking sites) to trigger their mind into making valuable associations.
    Summary: The authors of this article clearly prove that a learner who is in control of h/her own learning will benefit the most, especially if h/she designs and navigates h/her own network. A learner will learn whether the connection is strong or weak as long as h/she has: 1) a choice in what network is joined, 2) a true passion or interest, and 3) a flexible method of communication (could be in person or via technology).
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    This work goes into detail on how the individual learner impacts the creation and function of their PLN. It identifies 9 specific factors that influence how we "build, maintain, and activate" our learning networks. It fits these factors into a "Personal learning network model"
    PLN: This article delves into how networking is essential to personal growth and learning; especially personal learning networks. Learning by interacting with peers lets us make the connections that either in learning or work environment is important.
    A clear explanation of personal learning networks, and in particular the different ways they form and the different ways individuals interact with their PLNs. Helpful diagrams for understanding the PLN model are included.
    This article focuses on personal professional networking. This is essentially a PLN in the workplace. Three primary tasks build a foundation for future activities within the PLN, 1) building connections, 2) maintaining connections, 3) activating connections. There are nine factors that influence a personal professional network. See include: communality (or commonality) reputation, and real potential for collaboration or learning. Learning within a PLN must be cultivated and involve reflection. Participants must recognize the value of other contributors to their own learning in order for the network to be truly effective, because this will allow person to know who to contact in the future for a similar issue. Networking to create a PLN depends on the person be g able to make connections between their own skills and their contacts' potential contributions. In creating an PLN, the learner "orchestrates" the environment, "browsing, selecting, and choosing" relevant resources.
    This clearly follows the belief that personalized learning is beneficial to the learner. By getting to create your PLN you are strategically picking who to network with and the topics you want to be involved in.
    In this article, the discussion of personal learning networks surrounds working professionals and how they manage their professional network. The article presents a model of personal professional networking with the goal of creating a personal learning network.
Kristen Taubman

Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Virtual Learning Environments - Google Books - 0 views

    This is my second unusual reference but well worth it. Chapter 3 provides the reader with a research article that considers the value of the PLEF Personal Learning Environment Format when implementing personalized mashups to increase collaborative learning. This peer reviewed article provides a Connectivist theoretically based argument for engaging dynamic virtual and network learning in lifelong, informal and personalized learning environments.
Erin Horie

Communities of Practice - 4 views

  • he term community of practice was coined to refer to the community that acts as a living curriculum for the apprentice
    The "community of practice" is defined and there are examples. The characteristics are the domain, the community, and the practice. There are examples given and explanation of where the concept came from and where it is being applied.
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    This site goes over, in detail, what a community of practice is. I had a little trouble understanding what the concept was referring to from the class material, but after reading this site, I was no longer confused. It defines a Community of Practice and breaks it down on a basic level. It provides the three requirements and explains what a CoP basically does. It is very informative.
    Article describing communities of practice. Where they come from, and where they are being applied.
    Wenger 2006, I chose this article because I recognized his name from my 503 reading. He does explain CoPs well. Wenger states there are three charateriestics crucial to being a CoP. They are: domain or the common interest; community or the interaction, and practice or the fact that the members are practitioners. He coined the phrase community of practice in reference to the living curriculum of apprentices.
    Etienne Wegner is a leader in the field of CoP. He along with Jean Lave coined the term. This is his website and it provides a direct introduction to the concept and the application of communities of practice.
    This is the website of Etienne Wenger, one of the leading researcher's of communities of practice. This website contains an overview of his theory and links to his papers. Wenger studied the learning process in apprenticeship situations and found that most learning and sharing of knowledge actually takes place between the community of advanced apprentices and journeymen.
    Wenger defines what makes a CoP different from a group of friends who like some of the same things, people who share the same occupation, or 30-somethings who all like romantic comedies. CoPs must consist of a group of people who pursue a certain focus and help the members obtain more skills/knowledge in the process. He explains where the term came from and various ways in which it is applied today.
    I'm sure many people have listed this one but it does seem like the place to start; at the source. I do like that the wenger does speak in plain language, especially in the call out boxes.
    I agree with Richard, especially since the term gets used loosely and tends to mean many different things. One of the articles I found deals with contrasting four different definitions of Communities of Practice.
    In this Web site Etienne Wenger introduces the concept of "communities of practice" and defines them as "groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly" and describes why they are useful for learning in many different contexts. A community of practice has 3 characteristics- 1) an identity defined by a shared domain of interest 2) a community of members that engage in joint activities and discussions, help each other, and share information and 3) members who are practitioners. These communities develop their practice through activities such as sharing information, problem solving, and mapping knowledge. Communities of practice are ubiquitous and can be small or large, local or global, meet face-to-face or online, informal or formal.
    Wegner describes three characteristics necessary for a community to be a "community of practice." These are the domain of interest, a community of members that engage in activities and discussions that allow them to learn from one another, and the actual practice or application of that learning. Wegner also describes what CoPs look like, the theory behind CoPs, and the environments in which they are used.
    This site by Etienne Wenger gives an overview of what a community of practice is. You will find definitions and descriptions, as well as applications. There are also resources listed concerning application and learning theory.
    Great article on Community of Practice. It is defined and there are examples listed. Its very basic.
    Wegner describes three important criteria for a community of practice, the domain, the community, and the practice. When the three criteria are combined, it creates the basis of a community of practice where interaction takes place and participants gain knowledge on a topic/topics.
Christina Jorgensen

Communitities of Practice-devling deeper - 0 views This resource takes communities of practice and divides it up into six sections to delve deeper into it. ...

education technology elearning teaching learning Resources

started by Christina Jorgensen on 08 Sep 12 no follow-up yet
danica marble

EDTECH543 Module 3 - 1 views

    here are my strategies to develop a positive digital footprint!
Katy Cooper

Learner control and personal learning environment: a challenge for instruct...: EBSCOhost - 0 views

    This article focuses on the role of personal learning environments in higher education. I particularly appreciated the description of the PLE in the article. Pointing out what it offers that Learning Management Systems do not, the PLE is explained as the future of education where the student takes control and responsibility from the reigns of the institution. It also suggests that PLEs have staying power in education due to the fact that they are not wrapped up with a specific technology, rather they have the ability to adapt and change as technology around us continues to do so. The author discusses how students should be given challenging situations rather than ridged assignments. The article finishes with an example where this idea was implemented in an online learning environment. Väljataga, T. (2010). Learner control and personal learning environment: a challenge for instructional design. Interactive Learning Environments, 18(3), 277-291.

Goals, motivation for, and outcomes of personal learning through networks: Results of a... - 4 views Sie, R. L., Pataraia, N., Boursinou, E., Rajagopal, K., Margaryan, A., Falconer, I., ... & Sloep, P. B. (2013). Goals,...

Tweetstorm PLN Twitter

started by anonymous on 01 Jul 15 no follow-up yet
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