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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Roland O'Daniel

Roland O'Daniel

MSP:MiddleSchoolPortal/Teaching With Trade Books - NSDLWiki - 41 views

    ...benefits of using trade books is increasing student engagement. High quality trade books are written as to spark interest and create a desire to read. Many contain colorful, interesting illustrations, photographs, and diagrams, all of which draw students into the text and improve comprehension.
Roland O'Daniel

Scientific American: 60-Second Science - 80 views

    Great weekly 60 second podcast that can be used as an incredible starter. I just listened to three podcasts that involved solar power, Mars, laughter and morality, and regressions to liars. If you can't start a conversation or class with those topics you aren't very imaginative!
Roland O'Daniel

Reading is a Problem-Solving Process. Why Not Try the Thumb Method? « Co-Crea... - 60 views

    Reading is a Problem-Solving Process. Why Not Try the Thumb Method? New blog post by Denise Finley about supporting students while they learn to read scientifically!
Roland O'Daniel

Home - 65 views

    Perhaps the easiest Wiki I've ever scene. Anyone, and I mean anyone, can now create a wiki for use with their students or to share information with colleagues. I wonder what their business model is and how long they will be able to sustain this approach, but until then I plan on using with teachers as a great entry point tool. 
Roland O'Daniel

Dynamic Maps - 84 views

  •™ contains a remarkable range of products and services to meet the diverse needs of people who are looking for maps and geographic information about America. Dynamic maps are innovative illustrations of geographic phenomena. We combine the science of mapping with today's multimedia to offer maps that are useful, understandable, and that stimulate interactivity.
Roland O'Daniel

mathfuture - events - 36 views

    An interest group that shares valuable tools/conversations/ideas for developing mathematical understanding naturally (not just in the classroom). Maria Droujkova is one of the driving forces behind the group, and she's brilliant and dedicated to the cause. 
Roland O'Daniel

SAS® Curriculum Pathways® Home Page - 37 views

    This resource is your online partner for teaching the core curriculum: English, history, science, mathematics, Spanish Learner-centered tools, lessons, and resources with measurable outcomes Interactive components that foster higher-order thinking skills Twenty-first century skills integrated into content
Roland O'Daniel

Free Technology for Teachers: Tracking the Oil Spill - Interactive Maps - 53 views

    Another great/pertinent blog post from Free Technology for Teachers. What a great collection of resources for students to explore in class regarding the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
Roland O'Daniel

Teach Science and Math - 88 views

    Simple article, but very nice examples of podcasting routines that would add value to classroom instruction.  Podcasting takes some time to develop but offer students opportunities to listen to materials multiple times, when they want/need to hear it again. 
Roland O'Daniel

QlipBoard - Voice anything. Share anywhere. - 111 views

    Multimedia online note taking tool. Students can capture screen images, make audio recordings for notes, or write text notes to accompany drawings. These different media can then be organized into videos!  I envision it being similar to Evernote with more interaction capabilities and with the great addition of being able to create videos of the information gathered. I like this tool!
Roland O'Daniel

Virtual Nerd has the best interactive math and science video tutorials to help high sch... - 82 views

    Virtual Nerd is developing some very interesting video tutorials. The videos are primarily symbolic and procedural but they are thorough , organized, and model notes accompany the videos.  they are in the process of developing physics videos. 
Roland O'Daniel

Virtual Nerd - Algebra Search - 43 views

    Virtual Nerd is developing a nicely organized site. The videos are primarily symbolic in nature but are thorough, organized, and do a nice job of modeling notes to accompany the explanations. 
Roland O'Daniel

Digital Writing, Digital Teaching - Integrating New Literacies into the Teaching of Wri... - 67 views

    Troy Hick's blog. Great source of information about digital literacy!
Roland O'Daniel

5 Trends in Education Technology Leadership -- THE Journal - 57 views

    5 Trends in Education Technology Leadership SETDA's "National Educational Technology Trends Report" spotlights state efforts to boost learning through the federal Enhancing Education Through Technology program. By David Nagel04/23/10
Roland O'Daniel

Word Clouds; Tag Clouds. Which is the best software? « Seeing the Meaning - 87 views

    Terry Freedman discusses different tools for creating word clouds including wordle, tagxedo, and many eyes. 
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