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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Lauren Rosen

Lauren Rosen

Chile : - 80 views

    Sample of simplebook. A nice way to tell a digital story.
Lauren Rosen

Google Alerts - 40 views

    controla la Web en busca de nuevo e interesante contenido. Get alerts on what you are most interested in, currently researching. Similar to a twitter search but set to email you regularly if you want to save the alert. 
Lauren Rosen

Texting With Teachers Keeps Students in Class -- THE Journal - 2 views

  • While much of the deluge was back-and-forth banter on tardiness, homework, or grade anxiety, Campbell also began using the constant communiqués as a means to engage students in learning. He began texting a daily journal topic every morning and encouraged students to think about it before they came to class. So far, it's been largely effective, perhaps as a result of the psychology that makes cell phones so addictive for teens in the first place.
  • "Everyone has a compulsion to read that text message when it bleeps, bings, chimes, or vibrates. No exceptions," Campbell has written of the program. "Sooner or later you have to open that text and read it. It's like captive-audience advertising, but for the good guys in education, rather than marketing."
    Nice article on reaching the less advantages and using technology to meet their needs. Teachers can engage students before they enter the classroom.
Lauren Rosen

16 Ways Educators Can Use Pinterest [INFOGRAPHIC] - 5 views

    Pinterest infographic does a nice job of demonstrating all the possible parts of pinterest. Still think Diigo offers more but this at least helps clarify all that pinterest does offer. 
Lauren Rosen

What do High School students want from mobile tech? [Infographic] | ZDNet - 118 views

    Mobile technology and secondary students.
Lauren Rosen

Art Project, powered by Google - 123 views

    Museums from around the world. Nice place to view art work from multiple locations quickly.
Lauren Rosen

eLearning Tools Home - eLearning Tools - 69 views

    Site organized by application use, name, general reference, and so forth. A nice repository. Encourages outside people to add additional tools.
Lauren Rosen

VoiceThread - Conversations in the cloud - 2 views

    Pacansky's voicethreads on community oriented learning spaces
Lauren Rosen

Computational Thinking: A Digital Age Skill for Everyone - YouTube - 1 views

    An Iste video combining 21st Century skills, today's world, and how we can function with today's technology at our fingertips to improve our world for tomorrow. 
Lauren Rosen

@Westylish's Blog: Getting Student Feedback on my Teaching using Google Forms - 5 views

    Using google forms for feedback on teaching and turning responses into word clouds in tagxedo. I nice way to get a view of yourself. 
Lauren Rosen

A Declaration of Interdependence: - 5 views

     a crowdsourced short film - YouTube. A short film on connectedness in the world in multiple languages. 
Lauren Rosen

Collaborize Classroom -free resources - 4 views

    Resources to prepare students and teachers for getting involved in an online community.
Lauren Rosen

Collaborize Classroom | Online Education Technology for Teachers and Students - 11 views

    Online discussion that allows for media, text, voting, and student commenting. More than just a linear discussion. Has topic organization and class organization. Online Education Technology for Teachers and Students
Lauren Rosen

Top 10 Sites for Educational Apps - 230 views

    Looking for a vetted view of ipad apps. Here is a nice list of sites that does just that.
Lauren Rosen

The World in Your Pocket - 164 views

    Melinda Larson's collection of Apps for education. Great resource when looking for apps for language teaching and learning.
Lauren Rosen

YouTube - 1 views

shared by Lauren Rosen on 07 Nov 11 - No Cached
    great tips for shooting video with flip cameras or other small video cameras.
Lauren Rosen

ClassParrot - 0 views

    - How it works - Hassle-free texting for teachers -- ClassParrot. US & Canada. Free texting to students and parents up to 500 messages. For others that join get 200 more. Text out from a computer & schedule texts in advance.
Lauren Rosen

Doceri - 124 views

shared by Lauren Rosen on 07 Oct 11 - Cached
    The Interactive Whiteboard for iPad.
Lauren Rosen

The Teacher's Guide To Using YouTube In The Classroom - Edudemic - 188 views

    Great ideas for how to truly capture and curate the power of YouTube for learning, for developing high level thinking, flipping the classroom and just generally making really good use and organization of video in your course.
Lauren Rosen

70+ Google Forms for the Classroom | - 10 views

    Mostly focused on the needs of elementary learners but could be adapted for other uses.
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