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Deborah Baillesderr

Reframing Failure as Iteration Allows Students to Thrive | Edutopia - 51 views

    Love this idea!
Matt Renwick

From Idea to Iteration: Honoring the Process of Learning #IPDX16 - Reading By Example - 33 views

    When is an idea more than just an idea? When it's presented to a wider audience for review, criticism, and possible improvement.
Roland Gesthuizen

Aaron Draplin Takes On a Logo Design Challenge on Vimeo - 13 views

    "Most logos aren't designed in fifteen minutes, but most designers aren't Aaron Draplin. .. Watch as he sketches, brings his ideas into Illustrator, and tests and tunes the different iterations. The logos Aaron creates prove design can elevate any company or brand. Along the way, he provides tips for freelancing, finding inspiration, and providing clients context for logos that won't just live in PDFs."
Dan Bench

Process vs Product in Maker-centered Learning - The Learner's Way - 42 views

  • by ‘Making Thinking Visible’ (MTV) can help here. MTV strategies offer two advantages to teachers and learners. Importantly they provide structure to thinking and encourage a deeper engagement with concepts and ideas. They also allow the thinking that is occurring to be made visible and thus a part of the assessment process
  • mastery of the process that students are utilising as they solve the problems they encounter in their making. How do they deal with obstacles? How did they plan their solution? How effectively do they collaborate? What did they do to understand the problem and how did they monitor their progress?  
  • Students move through phases of thinking that include empathy, needs analysis, ideation, planning, prototyping and evaluation in patterns both linear and non-linear as needs require.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Failing is a part of the process and failing disrupts output based assessments. At the core of the maker philosophy is a process of ideation, iteration and emergence.
  • their Personal Passion Projects. Many of the projects fit neatly into the description of maker-centered learning. These are the projects where the students have identified a need and the solution is a product which they design and then prototype.
    The maker movement and with it maker-centered learning brings new possibilities and challenges into the classroom. It has spawned makerspaces and students are busy designing and making products. The danger with all this frenzied making is that it is very easy to miss the point, to focus on the product and not the journey.  
BalancEd Tech

BalancEdTech - Mini Maker Faire - 49 views

    Mini Maker Fair is designed to get students making with found materials, documenting the process, tweaking/hacking someone else's design, and reflecting throughout.
Josh Flores

If you want to innovate like Da Vinci, education is overrated | TechRepublic - 46 views

  • Thiel is a venture capitalist and the game that VCs play is to invest in 10 different ideas with the hope that one of them hits it big, while the other nine are likely to fail, morph into something different, or simply fade away.
  • Bill Gates (Microsoft) and Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook). Yes, both dropped out of Harvard to start a company and eventually became billionaires, but before they went to college both of them got an outstanding education that was certainly a springboard to their later achievements.
  • A college education trains and teaches students how to best plug themselves into the current civilization. Education helps you plug into the things society already needs, to plug into society as it is today. It’s not about tomorrow
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  • Innovation is about what’s next. To pull off a big innovation, you almost always have to take a big risk. You have to try something different.
  • Da Vinci basically out-observed everyone in his generation? That was critical. He spent a lot of time observing and figuring out where there were important problems and pain points that could be improved by either iterating or innovating. It’s a simple but powerful formula. Lots of organizations could do a better job of carefully observing the best opportunities to target, and then attacking the opportunity with their best ideas.
    • Josh Flores
      What a great quote to support authentic lessons in the classroom! assessment should include more creativity and products to persent.
    Thiel is a venture capitalist and the game that VCs play is to invest in 10 different ideas with the hope that one of them hits it big, while the other nine are likely to fail, morph into something different, or simply fade away.
    In reference to Gates and others who have shined, according to Gladwell's "Outliers" they have also most likely put in the time (10,000 plus hours) practicing, envisioning, and imagining what they want to create. Innovation takes time input, imagination, desire, and risk...

The Power of Digital Story | Edutopia - 45 views

  • places of learning must be places of listening that allow time and space for the speed of life to be digested in a meaningful way.
  • the flood of technology tools that allow for instant communication has spun us back into a golden age where story again dominates the media landscape
  • Great digital stories are rooted in their narrative.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • A thousand words isn't the true power of images. Great images link story elements, humanize the abstract, and force the audience to see invisible people and places. Images are a gateway into the soul of stories.
  • the best of digital storytelling comes from the art of iteration
  • Today's best tools for digital story will quickly become relics
  • story inspires story
Martin Leicht

A Breakthrough for A.I. Technology: Passing an 8th-Grade Science Test - The New York Times - 13 views

  • But others, like this question from the same exam, required logic:
    • Martin Leicht
      Why do we still test rote memory? Why do not more tests in involve logical choices?
  • A science test isn’t something that can be mastered just by learning rules. It requires making connections using logic
  • “We can’t compare this technology to real human students and their ability to reason,”
    • Martin Leicht
      And yet, AI continues to improve/make logical connections. What are we doing to help keep students improving?
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  • The new research could lead to systems that can carry on a decent conversation.
  • the world’s leading A.I. labs have built elaborate neural networks that can learn the vagaries of language by analyzing articles and books written by humans.
    • Martin Leicht
      This was an improvement. Before, they showed AI thousands upon thousands of photos of dogs. In the end, AI can recognise a dog.
  • Bert learned how to guess the missing word in a sentence.
    • Martin Leicht
      Bert (from Google) learned to fill in these missing words by analysing thousands of pages of wikipedia and online books. Bert soaked up so much with so little effort. Never send a Human to do a robots job.
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