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Enid Baines

Lesson plans | Taylor Mali - 5 views

  • Lesson plans Lesson Plans, Poetry Prompts & Assignments for Teachers
MaryLiz Jones

Daily Planning Worksheet - 83 views

    Weekly planners, whether digital, handwritten, or typed, can help you get a handle on your to-do's for each week. This sample daily planning worksheet is one example. Read more about strategizing your time in the associated post: " 7 Step-Prep: Make a Weekly Plan for YOU!"

Education World: Assistive Technology for Challenged Kids - 40 views

    • anonymous
      It is important to understand that there are a variety of students with different learning needs. While we can utilize different teaching strategies for students who have learning disabilities, it is important to remember that there are students with physical disabilities who need a different kind of help. This article really shows us the different types available, gives examples of different students and their experiences, and provides various resources for the parent and teacher to utilize in order to find out what assistive technology may be best for their child or student. less than a minute ago
    • anonymous
      It is important for us to remember that there are various resources we can go to in order to help our students. We just have to know where to go to find them.
    • anonymous
      This article reminds us that just getting an assistive technology is not what the student needs. We need to make sure that we have the proper training in order to help the student utilize it so he or she can get the most out of the assistive device.
Dan Bench

Ready to Flip: Three Ways to Hold Students Accountable for Pre-Class Work - Faculty Focus - 83 views

    One of the most frequent questions faculty ask about the flipped classroom model is: "How do you encourage students to actually do the pre-class work and come to class prepared?" This is not really a new question for educators. We've always assigned some type of homework, and there have always been students who do not come to class ready to learn.
Kelly Sereno

SIRS: Turn Off the Cell and Tune In - 64 views

    • Kelly Sereno
      con - Argument #2
  • There is an epidemic of under-the-desk text messages during class, a virtual economy of exam pictures posted to Facebook, a trade in school fight videos on YouTube, they say. To combat it, the county school board voted Thursday to ban cellphones and other electronics during the school day, even as many school systems across the country are loosening their rules.
    No cell phone use in schools - text messages, cheating, school fights
Dallas McPheeters

Rubrics - Teaching Commons - 95 views

    Handy resource for all sorts of grading rubrics dealing with tech integration in curriculum.
    A guide to rubrics--why you should use rubrics, types of rubrics, how to create a rubric, how to evaluate a rubric, and more
Caroline Kuhn

From Internet to Gutenberg 1996 - 30 views

  • remember books. Books challenge and improve memory
  • (The book will kill the cathedral, alphabet will kill images).
  • During the sixties, Marshall McLuhan wrote his The Gutenberg Galaxy, where he announced that the linear way of thinking instaured by the invention of the press, was on the verge of being substituted by a more global way of perceiving and understanding through the TV images or other kinds of electronic device
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • the computer has become, first of all, an alphabetic instrument
  • These same teen-agers, if by chance they want to program their own home computer, must know, or learn, logical procedures and algorithms, and must type words and numbers on a keyboard, at a great speed. In this sense one can say that the computer made us to return to a Gutenberg Galaxy.
  • Today the concept of literacy comprises many media. An enlightened policy of literacy must take into account the possibilities of all of these media. Educational preoccupation must be extended to the whole of media.
  • Images have, so to speak, a sort of Platonic power: they transform individuals into general idea
  • who will receive pre-fabricated images and therefore prefabricated definitions of the world, without any power to critically choose the kind of information they receive, and those who know how to deal with the computer, who will be able to select and to elaborate information.
  • This will re-establish the cultural division which existed at the time of Claude Frollo, between those who were able to read manuscripts, and therefore to critically deal with religious, scientifical or philosophical matters, and those who were only educated by the images of the cathedral, selected and produced by their masters, the literate few.
  • With a hypertext, instead, I can navigate through the whole encyclopedia. I can connect an event registered at the beginning with a series of similar events disseminated all along the text, I can compare the beginning with the end, I can ask for the list of all the words beginning by A, I can ask for all the cases in which the name of Napoleon is linked with the one of Kant, I can compare the dates of their birth and death - in short, I can do my job in few seconds or few minutes.
  • Even if it were true that today visual communication overwhelms written communication, the problem is not to oppose written to visual communication. The problem is how to improve both.
    Or the Elements of Euclid.
Kathleen N

Text Note Suggestion - 79 views

Along the lines of research I think have any bookmark or annotation come with a citation. If you copy into notebook programs (like Google NoteBook and OneNote) the citation comes with it. The tem...



Do Quizzes Improve Student Learning? A Look at the Evidence - 47 views

  • But the devil is in the details, as in the specific combination of factors and conditions that produced the results. When I looked closely at this subset, I was amazed at the array of details that could potentially affect whether quizzes improve learning. Are they pop quizzes or scheduled on the syllabus? What types of questions are used (multiple choice, short answer, etc.)? What’s the relationship between quiz questions and questions on the exam (same questions, similar questions, or completely different)? How many quizzes are given throughout the semester? When are the quizzes given—before content coverage or after? How soon after? Do students take the quizzes in class or online? Are the quizzes graded or ungraded? If graded, how much do they count? Is the lowest score dropped? What kind of feedback are students provided?
Comrad Compadre

Bertrand Russell's Inductivist Turkey - 3 views

  • The turkey found that, on his first morning at the turkey farm, he was fed at 9 a.m. Being a good inductivist turkey he did not jump to conclusions. He waited until he collected a large number of observations that he was fed at 9 a.m. and made these observations under a wide range of circumstances, on Wednesdays, on Thursdays, on cold days, on warm days. Each day he added another observation statement to his list. Finally he was satisfied that he had collected a number of observation statements to inductively infer that “I am always fed at 9 a.m.”. However on the morning of Christmas eve he was not fed but instead had his throat cut. It doesn’t matter how many cases we list during our inductivist reasoning, nothing guarantees that the next case will lay in this inference we deducted from our observations, as the possible experiments and observations are infinite by number and type. The only valid scientific method is to test the theory using the assertions which can be deduced.
    gathering information only increases your chances of being right but there are never any guarantees.
mmdenne - 9 views

    • mmdenne
      There are moany online businesses on facebook. I can't even begin to htink about the number of people selling Rodan and Fields, 31, etc... - My negihbor works n the prison and she still can't have a cell phone - You have ti be careful what you ike and don't like because that could look bad to potential employrs. You have tore realize that your posts are seen by everyone. Ha! Line 23 just said wthe same thing! - Why can't stuents, exmployees, have personel lives and live them on facebook. How you are in a social speace does not define you as an employee, students, etc... Okay- this background- checking service that takes pictures and keeps themfor 7 years is skechy! - It is scary to think that anything we post can be used by anyone for any purpose.
    • mmdenne
      Really? We are monitored if we type in a cerain term? Pork seems abit scary in that a certain group is clearly being targeted here. - I do like the advanteages soical media can bring to horrific siutation: missing children. thefts, etc... It can really help people find who they are looking for: parents looking for birth children, etc... -- Streaming in our own state on facebook of cop shooting F"Facebook holds the cards , and its citizens have little recourse- other than to leave the service entirely." ( ) scary! page 9 - ads on facebook r targeted to us for what we search which is unsettling. Facebook knows alot about me! - Where do companies like Spokeo get all of our information??? Ahh- okay I see. But because they claim they are out there for entertainment that do not have to be accurate and can post that stuff??
Dallas McPheeters

Are 'Learning Styles' Real? - The Atlantic - 34 views

  • Really, Willingham says, people have different abilities, not styles. Some people read better than others; some people hear worse than others. But most of the tasks we encounter are only really suited to one type of learning. You can’t visualize a perfect French accent, for example.
    • Dallas McPheeters
      Learning Abilities not Learning Styles

The association of music experience, pattern of practice and performance anxiety with p... - 0 views

  • Music inexperience, changed pattern of practice and performance anxiety are associated with playing-related problems in child instrumentalists and are therefore important issues for music education.
  • Research on adult musicians has adopted these models and identified individual intrinsic factors such as age and gender, music performance anxiety and enjoyment, extrinsic factors such as music practice habits and type of instrument played and intrinsic–extrinsic interaction factors such as playing posture, technique and student–teacher interaction which influence the development of PRMP.
  • The aim of this study was to describe the music practice of child instrumentalists and determine their associations with playing-related musculoskeletal problems (PRMP), accounting for gender and age
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Symptoms of performance anxiety are generally categorized into cognitive (e.g. catastrophic thoughts), behavioral (e.g. avoidance of performance/auditions) and physiological (e.g. dry mouth, shaking arms/hands, increased heart rate) (Plaut, 1990; Salmon, 1990).
  • Shoup (1995) reported performance anxiety negatively affected performance in 55% (234/425) junior high and high school instrumentalists.
  • Over a third of students (36%, 263) reported they experienced the feeling of butterflies most times to always when playing in a concert or competition (Table 1).
  • There was a significant association between gender and the experience of butterflies (χ2 = 32.32, df (4), p < .001) with more females reporting the experience of butterflies than males. There was a significant association between age and reported experience of the feeling of butterflies (F = 9.012, df (3), p < .001), with older children reporting the experience of butterflies more than younger children.

Guideline on Some Questions and Answers about Grammar - 36 views

  • Grammar names the types of words and word groups that make up sentences not only in English but in any language
  • sentence structure
  • conventions and style of language.
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • apply knowledge of language structure, language conventions (e.g., spelling and punctuation)"
  • language use, patterns, and dialects
  • Students benefit much more from learning a few grammar keys thoroughly than from trying to remember many terms and rules.
  • Experiment with different approaches
  • show students how to apply it not only to their writing but also to their reading and to their other language arts activities.
  • If they know how to find the main verb and the subject, they have a better chance of figuring out a difficult sentenc
  • Traditional drill and practice will be the most meaningful to students when they are anchored in the context of writing assignments or the study of literary models
  • apply it to authentic texts.
  • Try using texts of different kinds, such as newspapers and the students' own writing, as sources for grammar examples and exercises.
  • entence combining: students start with simple exercises in inserting phrases and combining sentences and progress towards exercises in embedding one clause in another.
  • practice using certain subordinate constructions that enrich sentences.
  • All native speakers of a language have more grammar in their heads than any grammar book
  • If a word can be made plural or possessive, or if it fits in the sentence "The _______ went there," it is a noun. If a word can be made past, or can take an -ing ending, it is a verb
  • whole sentence or a fragment
  • verb phrase
  • subject
  • pronoun f
  • Students can circle the sentence subjects in a published paragraph, observe this pattern at work, and then apply it to their own writing.  
  • Most sentences start with information that is already familiar to the reader, such as a pronoun or a subject noun that was mentioned earlier.
  • end focus.

Music performance anxiety and occupational stress amongst opera chorus artists and thei... - 3 views

  • There has been no study exploring the prevalence or characteristics of MPA among professional choral musicians, who may be considered a vocal analogue of orchestral musicians. There may be systematic differences among different types of musicians regarding the level of performance anxiety experienced.
  • Chorus artists were ideal subjects for the proposed study because they are a clear exemplar of a group of musicians with high performance demands and expectations who have heavy rehearsal and performance schedules.
  • While this study suggests that treatment efforts be directed at reducing MPA rather than occupational stress, further investigation of the relationship between occupational stress and trait anxiety is needed.
Terry Elliott

Journalism for the 21st Century: Zotero, Diigo and Research - 3 views

  • Diigo is good if you want to save websites of interest, and then access them from any computer. It does not provide the automatic bibliography of Zotero, but the user could simply save his bookmarks, return to the sites, hit the Zotero button and the problem is quickly solved. Diigo also features a highlighting tool that allows the user to select text from the site and write comments. If the user is logged in to Diigo and returns to the site, the highlights and comments remain. It it also somewhat useful if you want to find websites related to a certain topic that you are interested in. However, finding academic type articles or journal entires in a person's bookmarks is rare.
    This is exactly how I use Zotero and Diigo. Extensions are tools that can be loosely joined. Integration may not be an entirely desireable outcome considering the hiearchies needed to manage it.
    Using diigo and zotero together.
Katie Akers

COPPA and Schools: The (Other) Federal Student Privacy Law, Explained - Education Week - 4 views

  • In a nutshell, COPPA requires operators of commercial websites, online services, and mobile apps to notify parents and obtain their consent before collecting any personal information on children under the age of 13. The aim is to give parents more control over what information is collected from their children online.
  • This law directly regulates companies, not schools. But as the digital revolution has moved into the classroom, schools have increasingly been put in the middle of the relationship between vendors and parents.
  • In some cases, companies may try to shift some of the burden of COPPA compliance away from themselves and onto schools
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • “That is not without risk, and COPPA has a whole lot of gray area that gives school attorneys pause.”
  • Less clear, though, is whether COPPA covers information such as IP (internet protocol) address, device identification number, the type of browser being used, or other so-called metadata that can often be used to identify users.
  • some school lawyers have taken the FTC’s previous guidance to mean that their districts must get consent from every single parent, for every single product that collects information online from young children.
  • First, according to the FTC, schools can grant consent on behalf of parents only when the operator of the website, online service, or app in question is providing a service that is “solely for the benefit of students and the school system” and is specific to “the educational context.”
  • How are schools supposed to determine if a website or app is strictly educational?
  • will any information collected from children under 13 be used or shared for commercial purposes unrelated to education? Are schools allowed to review the information collected on students? Can schools request that student info be deleted? If the answers to that second group of questions are, respectively, yes, no, or no, schools are not allowed to grant consent on behalf of parents, according to the FTC.
  • Many vendors also allow third-party trackers (usually related to analytics or advertising) to be embedded into their sites and services.
  • How do schools notify parents and get their consent under COPPA?
  • Often through an Acceptable Use Policy or similar document that is sent home to parents at the beginning of the school year, said Fitzgerald of Common Sense Media.
  • Even better, Fitzgerald said, is when schools provide a detailed list of exactly what websites/online services/apps students will be using, and what the information practices of each are.
  • some privacy experts say that a one-time, blanket sign-off at the beginning of the school year may not be considered valid notification and consent under COPPA, especially if it doesn’t list the specific online services that children will be using.
  • responsibility for deciding “whether a particular site’s or service’s information practices are appropriate” not be delegated to teachers.
  • Many districts do in fact have that kind of review-and-approval process.
  • One is “click-wrap agreements.” Often, these are the kinds of agreements that almost all of us are guilty of just clicking through without actually reading
  • Herold, Benjamin. (2017, July 28). The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. Education Week. Retrieved Month Day, Year from
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