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Roland Gesthuizen

Teachers demand protocol for emails - - 101 views

    "Teachers across NSW will refuse to respond to student and parent emails unless all public and private schools put protocols in place to deal with the after-hours use of technology, privacy issues and legal concerns. "
    Check the date please... Dec 2002 is what shows when I read article. Were you doing historical piece on changes?
Roland Gesthuizen

Should students memorise their essays? - 15 views

  • There is a moral dimension to the process. It is one thing to memorise an answer which you have prepared, but it is wrong to present an answer prepared by someone else.
  • Answer memorisation is inevitable in high-stakes and somewhat predictable examinations.
  • High-stakes tests always corrupt teaching, learning and curriculum.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The reality is that many questions are answered by a process of ''recognition of sameness''.
    "Examiners will struggle because the HSC exams have a degree of predictability. They are based on known content and skills. They use the same, known format. If the exam drifts too far from past norms people scream and the media vent complaints of unfairness. The consequence is that parts of exams are readily exploited by prepared answers."
    Intersting implications when we rely on state wide examinations to assess students.

Paul Zakcalls oxytocin the "moral molecule" - 26 views

    Studies on the role of hormones of behaviour

Computers ok? Not in Silicon Valley - 53 views

    An argument against using technology in primary school and high school settings.
Steve Ransom

Over the web, loose lips can sink more than ships - 40 views

    Cautions to be taken when making information public or "private". Either way, all control is lost over information once it is made available online.
Steve Ransom

Digital Age Damaging Learning | Nicholas Carr - 72 views

  • excessive use of the internet and other forms of technology diminishes our capacity for deep, meditative thinking, "the brighter the software, the dimmer the user", a counter-revolution may be required.
  • curricula must be developed not only with the potential benefits of technology linked to every learning outcome in mind, but also the costs.
    • Steve Ransom
      The Faustian bargain that Postman so often wrote about
  • available where there is clear utility, to remove it when there is not
    • Steve Ransom
      And who do we leave this decision up to? The individual? If so, we are in big trouble.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • we must be mindful of any cost associated with allowing ourselves to devolve to a more machine-like state.
    • Steve Ransom
      NO ONE is striving for this. Just the opposite.
  • Of greatest importance, however, is the status of our thinking, understanding how we think and the effect new technologies have on our cognitive processes. This debate extends beyond the neuroscience to questions relating to what is worth knowing and what mental functions are worth preserving at their present level of development
  • As a senior high school teacher, one of my greatest bugbears is the reluctance of students to reflect on the information they have collected and plan their essays. Rather, some expect to Google their entire essay, often skipping from one hyperlink to the next until they find something that appears to be relevant, then pasting it into their essay, frequently oblivious to academic honesty and coherence of argument. The ability to discern reliability of sources is also severely lacking
    • Steve Ransom
      This is a by-product of failing to address and teach good research methods in a digital world and assigning work that can simply be cut and pasted. We must move beyond "reporting" in a digital, information-rich, and connected world.
  • A primary role of educators is to foster qualities that are distinctly human: our ability to reflect, reason and imagine
    • Steve Ransom
      Exactly... and this must happen, regardless of the types of information that we have access to. To say that technology impedes this is laughable.
  • In the curricula of tomorrow this may entail identifying topics and tasks that begin with an instruction to turn all electronic devices off.
    • Steve Ransom
      No- it should begin with teachers establishing and negotiating meaningful, interesting, and powerful learning opportunities with access to all available tools. The computer as a learning tool is meant to extend physical human capabilities, not weaken them. It is the low-level, rote tasks that we require that weaken them. It's time to recognize this and wake up. Blaming the technology does little more than preserve the status quo.
Marita Thomson

Just shut up and listen, expert tells teachers - 178 views

    JOHN HATTIE has spent his life studying the studies to find out what works in education. His advice to teachers? Just shut up.
    Hattie makes some good points, and I was with him until I read his comment about "not spending a penny" on smaller class sizes. Smaller class size is exactly what makes it possible for a teacher to oversee student-directed learning and "engage closely and listen"
    That is my experience too thank you Carol I missed that! I rely on volunteers so that I can teach hands on skills. The students themselves give me the feedback I need to adjust instruction. And of course the type of skills and content that they enjoy too.
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