A useful science resource about many ocean habitats and the adaptions fish have to survive there. Design your fish to thrive in the habitat.
A fun interactive, animated game show about habitats. Get three clues and try to guess which habitat is being described.
A realistic walk-though of a 3-D model of a Mars base for the first humans to land on Mars. Over 100 images representing a Mars habitat, a greenhouse, a Mars car and robot rovers.
Animal games for kids. Lear about producers and consumers, the food chain, animal diets, habitats, endangered species and much more by playing the games at this website.
Known worldwide by its panda logo, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) leads international efforts to protect endangered species and their habitats and address global threats such as toxic pollution, over-fishing and climate change. Learn about job and employment opportunities and scan WWF's publications.
From the site: "This site contains a variety of educational and supporting materials for students and teachers of microbiology. You will find information about microorganisms, extremophiles and extreme habitats, as well as links to online provides information about the ecology, diversity and evolution of micro-organisms for students, K-12 teachers, university faculty, and the general public. "
"A vast treasury of wildlife images has been steadily accumulating over the past century, yet no one has known its full extent - or indeed its gaps - and no one has had a comprehensive way of gaining access to it. ARKive will put that right, and it will be an invaluable tool for all concerned with the well-being of the natural world."
Sir David Attenborough
Wildscreen Patron
Information and wonderful photography on endangered species. Information includes stats about each species, such as its classification, range, habitat, threats, current endangered status, conservation efforts, etc. The photos/videos are amazing.
Schools that grouped students by academics and created other ways to force kids with different backgrounds to cooperate (whether in clubs or on sports teams) were less ruled by segregation and hierarchy.
how organizations shape our behavior
People are social animals, but we’re also creatures of our environment. Our habitats shape our habits.
Search through thousands of photos from animal camera traps from all over the world. See some of the most allusive creatures in the wild.
I would like to recycle my tree- does Bville do this?
parks, as well as erosion prevention, weed abatement and habitat creation, but how do these programs work?
Earth911 sat down with Jaime Souza of Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful (KTMB), which heads up a Christmas tree recycling
A well made flash resource that introduces the features of a forest and our responsibilities to look after them. The resource is generic enough that it is useful for forest locations from around the world.
The question is how will you change the school from a collection of classrooms to a robust multidimensional learning space capable of fostering well-educated, 21st Century citizens?
As Sir Ken Robinson stated, “If we are looking for new pedagogical practices, we have to have facilities that will enable those to happen.”
In many classrooms, the picture is all too familiar: desks in rows, a clear front of the classroom, podium off-center in the front, etc.. Does this image speak to the beliefs we state about 21st Century Learning? Are these spaces best capable of fostering the development of our vision for a well-educated global citizen? Have the spaces been intentionally designed in a way that supports learning and teaching?