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Jay Swan

2010: International Year of Biodiversity - 8 views

    From site: "The United Nations declared 2010 to be the International Year of Biodiversity. It is a celebration of life on earth and of the value of biodiversity for our lives. The world is invited to take action in 2010 to safeguard the variety of life on earth: biodiversity."
Mark Trerotola

Biodiversity Resources - University of Puget Sound - 36 views

    University of Puget Sound website containing information of biodiversity resources.

Biodiversity Snapshots | Home - 60 views

    Biodiversity Snapshots will help you to learn more about the animals around us every day by combining mobile technology and science. We provide you with a field guide, identification tool and way to record your observations all on a mobile device - your phone, netbook, or tablet. You make the observations and participate as a citizen scientist.
    Also take a look at the Encyclopedia of Life and their associated podcasts. There are efforts to create comprehensive collections in several places. There is even a game that helps classification efforts for children that want to add to the sum of human knowledge.
Jay Swan

ActionBioscience - 52 views

    A great resource for articles on biodiversity, environment, genomics, biotechnology, evolution and what is coming in the future of biological sciences. Also includes educator materials. Also available in Spanish.
Holly Barlaam

Biodiversity Snapshots - 33 views

    designed to assist students and teachers to field trip and report on their local fauna in Australia; even if you are not in Australia there are great pictures and info here
Charles Greenberg

Browse Charles Darwin's Library - Biodiversity Heritage Library - 30 views

  • Sort By: Title Author Year This collection contains 541 volumes from 436 titles, containing 220969 pages.
    Alot of full text about Charlies Darwin
evag pardo

Spotzi - 156 views

    A wonderful site for seeing information layered over a map. Includes temperature data, habitats, volcanoes location and natural resources.
Melissa Enderle

Biomes of the World - Biome Map - 15 views

    Click on the map for more information, informative videos, and links to scientist profiles, travel information, lesson plans and species profiles for each region. Has information on aquatic and terrestrial biomes.
Holly Barlaam

The Shape of Life - 70 views

    Cool site from PBS offering information on the different animal phyla. Also has activities and videos.

OLogy - 21 views

    El Museo americano de Historia Natural (American Museum of Natural Historia" ofrece esta amplia de recursos destinada es estudiantes, padres y profesores. Recursos sobre abropologçia, arqueología, astronomía. biodiversidad, cambio climático y más. En inglés (de momento)
Deb White Groebner

Discover Life - 36 views

    Check out the ID Nature Guides and Albums. Great tools for biology folks and naturalists.
Deb White Groebner

Pollinator Live - 51 views

    Exciting resources for teaching about the important roles that pollinators (including bees) play in ecosystems and economics.
Susan Glassett Farrelly

ARKive - Discover the world's most endangered species - 57 views

  • Wildlife films and photos are vital weapons in the battle to save the world's endangered species from the brink of extinction
    Wildlife films and photos are vital weapons in the battle to save the world's endangered species from the brink of extinction. So with the help of the world's best filmmakers, photographers, conservationists and scientists, ARKive is creating the ultimate multimedia guide to the world's endangered animals, plants and fungi.
    amazing images, videos, sounds of life on earth with helpful factual information
Holly Barlaam

ARKive - 76 views

    "A vast treasury of wildlife images has been steadily accumulating over the past century, yet no one has known its full extent - or indeed its gaps - and no one has had a comprehensive way of gaining access to it. ARKive will put that right, and it will be an invaluable tool for all concerned with the well-being of the natural world." Sir David Attenborough Wildscreen Patron
    Information and wonderful photography on endangered species. Information includes stats about each species, such as its classification, range, habitat, threats, current endangered status, conservation efforts, etc. The photos/videos are amazing.
Trevor Cunningham

Project Noah - 71 views

    tool to explore and document wildlife and to harness the power of  citizen scientists
    This could be a good way to get students to understand biodiversity. Pity about the name.
    Science education social networking platform integrating technology, the surrounding environment, and contextual learning. Powerful stuff here folks!
Martin Burrett

American Museum of Natural History - 74 views

    The children's section of the American Museum of Natural History site is packed with fun, games, images and information about the natural world. Explore animals from the distant past right up to how humans read expressions. There is something for anyone.
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