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Martin Burrett

The effect of depression on academic performance by @emma_rachels - 8 views

    "During a person's lifetime they will experience a variety of life events, both positive and negative. Negative life events, such as a loved one dying, tend to be researched more extensively than positive life events due to the damaging effects it could have on a person's life. Negative life events can induce a great amount of emotion and a person's reaction to these life events determines how they process the event and overcome it. When this processing is detrimental, emotional deficits can occur such as depression."
Megan Reif

Elections and Events 1811-1849 - The Library - 11 views

    • Megan Reif
      NOTE: 1849 has information primarily from 1839 except first highlighted yellow section
  • Indirect elections are “in use between 1840 and 1872.  Indirect elections enhanced the political power of the hacendados, because voting districts often coincided directly with the boundaries of haciendas.  The first stage of an indirect election, when voters gathered to choose electors, occurred in the cantones, the administrative sub-units of a municipality.  Cantones often were made up of nothing more than one or two haciendas, giving landowners a clear advantage to control the selection of electores.  Above and beyond all other aspects of the electoral system, the oral vote [in use until 1950] insured the predominance of patron-client relations” (pages 65-66).  Describes process for recording oral votes.  “Throughout the nineteenth century, national politics followed to a great extent the rise and fall of alliances between departmental networks.  For instance, in the mid 1840s San Vicente and San Miguel were allied against Sonsonate and San Salvador” (page 163).
  • o Vasconcelos “al término de su gestión promovió su reelección, para lo cual reformó la Constitución el 9 de marzo de 1849.  Deseaba otro mandato constitucional de dos años para reconstruir Centroamérica.  Francisco Dueñas y el Coronel Nicolás Angulo se opusieron a esta reforma, alegando que se quebrantaba el ordenamiento constitucional” (page 140). Figeac 1938:  “Don Doroteo Vasconcelos se portó a la altura del deber patriótico en el primer período de su Administración, pero cometió un grave e imperdonable error:  permitió que lo reeligieran para un segundo período presidencial.  La Constitución Política entonces vigente, prohibía en su artículo 44 la reelección del presidente de la República, y para dar el paso apuntado se dispuso la reforma [de 9 de marzo de 1849 de la Cámara de Senadores]” (page 171). Leistenschneider 1980:  “En marzo de 1849 la Asamblea Legislativa reforma el Art. 44 de la Constitución Nacional, el cual fijaba el período presidencial para dos años, prohibiendo la reelección; la reforma permite la reelección de Presidente por una sola vez” (page 88). Monterey 1978:  Marzo 17, 1849—“La Asamblea Legislativa…convoca a los pueblos a elecciones de Presidente del Estado, Diputados y Senadores” (page 85). December Monterey 1978:  Diciembre 1849—“Se efectúan en el Estado de El Salvador las elecciones de Autoridades Superiores; fué reelecto el Presidente don Doroteo Vasconcelos” (page 93).  “Se presentaron como principales candidatos a la Presidencia de la República, los señores Doroteo Vasconcelos y Lic. Francisco Dueñas” (page 94). El SalvadorAcronyms1811-18491850-18991900-19341935-19691970-19791980-19891990-19992000-2009More than one electionSources UC San Diego 9500 Gilman Dr. La Jolla,
Roland Gesthuizen

imoot 2011 - 61 views

    iMoot is an annual event where the Moodle community of over 32 million users are provided the opportunity to join together on a global scale. This web based event engages a global audience of Moodle practitioners, administrators and decision makers in one event for an online e-conference with a difference!
    Here is a Moodle event to add to your 2011 online calendar. :-)
Kathleen N - free websites for teachers - 0 views

    Post homework, Upload Documents to share with the class Post upcoming events to your calendar, Post articles of interest and links to resources, Receive documents uploaded by students Start a class message board, just for you and your students Create unlimited numbers of photo albums
    Post homework Upload Documents to share with the class Post upcoming events to your calendar Post articles of interest and links to resources Receive documents uploaded by students Start a class message board, just for you and your students Create unlimited numbers of photo albums Post homework Upload Documents to share with the class Post upcoming events to your calendar Post articles of interest and links to resources Receive documents uploaded by students Start a class message board, just for you and your students Create unlimited numbers of photo albums Upload Documents to share with the class Post upcoming events to your calendar Post articles of interest and links to resources Receive documents uploaded by students Start a class message board, just for you and your students Create unlimited numbers of photo albums
Roland Gesthuizen

Twitter Trumps Online Conference - Six Steps For Using Twitter For Your Conference Or E... - 1 views

  • At the end of the last day, we were all amazed at our Twitter experience. We felt connected to a new breed of professionals, the Twitterati, like never before and we saw the amazing power of instant feedback from social media applications like Twitter.
    "In this post Jeff Hurt (@JeffHurt) tells the story of using Twitter at a conference and then proposes some tips for Conference and Event planners wanting to use Twitter to enhance their events."
Jennifer Garcia

ABCICT - Current Events 9-11 - 40 views

    Wanted-partner schools interested in collaborating on a current events research project on 9/11 using Voicethread
Martin Burrett

UKEdChat Global 2020 Online Conference - Call for Speakers - 2 views

    "As part of our efforts to support the amazing community of schools, teachers and educators globally, we are delighted to announce that our plans for a 2020 UKEdChat Conference have been moved forward to June 2020. The 2020 event will be our second online conference, and many educators got involved in the first event, sharing resources, pedagogy and great ideas that can be used in the classroom. We have now opened our 'Call to Speakers', and we invite school leaders, teachers, educational authors, educational consultants and educational companies to create (upto) 20-minute videos that will inspire delegates during the 3-day event."
Martin Burrett

UKEdChat Online Conference - 6 views

    "Educators from around the world are invited to participate in this inaugural event, where the focus is on pedagogy, classroom practice, and ideas to improve teaching and learning. The event will take place over 3 days in October 2017 (24-26 October) - planned to be during the half-term holidays for most educators in the UK - but educators are also invited along to share in the incredible pedagogy that goes on in classrooms around the world. We will also send you a guide of the event with details about the speakers and about their presentation prior to the conference. "

National Geographic Events - NG Live Videos - NG Live Interview: Brian Skerry - 84 views

    national geographic live site, lots of amazing videos on lots of different events from national geographic
Martin Burrett

Day for Change 2012 | Schools - 26 views

    A yearly event for schools to raise funds for worthly causes in the developing world. The Day for Change 2012 is Friday 3rd February and has a sporty theme.
Lucinda Keller

12 Expert Twitter Tips for the Classroom: Social Networking Classroom Activities That E... - 51 views

Chris Betcher

Conferences and events in Australia - - 28 views

    Big thanks to the Oz-teachers list who provide the link. Go here if you want to join: Very useful the Professional Learning Teams at my school.
    Conferences and events in Australia

List your Education Events with UKEdChat - 0 views

    UKEdChat is starting a list of education conferences, training events etc.
Nigel Coutts

Politics, Education and Lessons from 2016 - The Learner's Way - 15 views

    It is difficult to have not noticed that the Presidential Election in the United States of America has been somewhat controversial. The same conclusion can be drawn about 'Brexit'. The implications of these events will keep historians, political analysts and indeed educators busy for many years. Regardless of your political leanings there are genuine implications for educators in these events and a considered response now and in the coming months (even years) will be required. 
Glenn Hervieux

50 Ways to Teach With Current Events - - 49 views

    Current events are a powerful medium to engage students and their thinking in so many different ways. Here are 50 to get you started!
John Evans

When Learning Becomes An Event | K12 Online Conference - 0 views

    "When Learning Becomes An Event" Any McKiel's K12Online Keynote in the Purposeful Play strand!
Roland Gesthuizen

Apple education event: Winners and losers | ZDNet - 66 views

    With Apple's announcement just out the door, we take a look at some of those who benefit greatly from today's event, and a look at some of those who might suffer as a result.
Dave Fones

Japanese Real Estate Bubble Recoverry? - 0 views

  • look at economic trends
  • it is becoming more apparent that we may be entering a time when low wage jobs dominate and home prices remain sluggish for a decade moving forward.
  • looking at the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing program, growth of lower paying jobs, baby boomers retiring, and the massive amount of excess housing inventory we start to see why Japan’s post-bubble real estate market is very likely to occur in the United States.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • both economies had extraordinarily large real estate bubbles.
  • Massive real estate bubble (check) -Central bank bailing out banks (check) -Bailed out banks keep bad real estate loans on their books at inflated values (check) -Government taking on higher and higher levels of debt relative to GDP (check) -Employment situation stabilizes with less secure labor force (check) -Home prices remain stagnant (check)
  • the United States had never witnessed a year over year drop in nationwide home prices since the Great Depression.
  • home prices are now back to levels last seen 8 years ago.  The lost decade is now nipping at our heels but what about two lost decades like Japan?
  • the U.S. has such a large number of part-time workers and many of the new jobs being added are coming in lower paying sectors signifies that our economy is not supportive of the reasons that gave us solid home prices for many decades. 
  • young Japanese workers, some in their late 20s or early 30s, already resigned that they would never buy a home.
  • The notion that housing is always a great investment runs counter to what they saw in their lives.  Will they even want to buy as many baby boomers put their larger homes on the market
  • many of our young households here are now coming out with massive amounts of student loan debt.
  • Lower incomes, more debt, and less job security.  What this translated to in Japan was stagnant home prices for 20 full years.  We are nearing our 10 year bear market anniversary in real estate so another 10 is not impossible.  What can change this?  Higher median household incomes across the nation but at a time when gas costs $4 a gallon, grocery prices are increasing, college tuition is in a bubble, and the financial system operates with no reform and exploits the bubble of the day, it is hard to see why Americans would be pushing home prices higher.
    Explains how Japan has responded to the breaking of their real estate market bubble and the effect it has had on Japan's economy
Thieme Hennis

OpenTechSchool - OpenTechSchool - 22 views

    So many cool things come from Berlin... "OpenTechSchool is a community initiative offering free programming workshops and meetups to technology enthusiasts of all genders, backgrounds, and experience levels. It supports volunteer coaches in setting up events by taking care of the organizational details, encouraging coaches to create original teaching material. This material is then openly shared online and can be further developed by contributions from the global OTS community. OTS' main goal is to create a friendly learning environment where no one feels shy about asking any question. Everyone is invited to participate, whether as a coach or a learner, and get in contact to organize OTS events anywhere in the world."
Deborah Baillesderr

Newsela | Nonfiction Literacy and Current Events - 55 views

    This site presents current events in various reading levels
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