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Martin Burrett

The Virtual Circuit - 92 views

    A science resource about electrical circuits. Build a lots of circuits based on instructions.
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    This connection did not work.
    I went to Martin Burrett's site and was instructed to go to
Martin Burrett

Electric Circuit Builder - 118 views

    There is no better way of learning about circuits than to get out the wires and play. But this is a good resource that helps you teach about circuits and how to build them. Good as an introduction to the topic.
Thieme Hennis

Educade | Find, create and share lesson plans and teaching tools to empower your classroom - 3 views

    DIY Lesson plans and materials for K12 and above. Very cool platform. Example project: USE MAKEY MAKEY TO DESIGN A VIDEOGAME CONTROLLER Students design and make controllers with clay, Play-Doh, bananas, or whatever they desire and link their controller through circuits to their laptop with this innovative circuit board kit. GRADE LEVEL: 4-9 Created by Agustin Molfino Curriculum Writer PLATFORM TYPE LIKE SHARE
Martin Burrett

Electric Circuits - 76 views

    A good interactive resource with information and activities about making electrical circuits.
Martin Burrett

Learning Circuits - 118 views

    A good flash-based resource about electrical circuits. Users are show information and given tasks to complete.
Martin Burrett

Wired - 19 views

    "Superb adventure platform and puzzle game which teaches about electricity and electrical circuits, designed by the engineering department at the University of Cambridge. Play in your browser or download from Steam."
Tonya Thomas

Five Resources for Estimating Development Time: The eLearning Coach - 1 views

  • 1. Time To Develop One Hour of Training Although this article from ASTD is a few years old, it is still relevant. Not only does it provide the detail many are seeking, authors Karl Kapp and Robyn Defelice delve into several of the contributing factors. 2. How Long Does it Take to Create Learning? This survey states that it has culled data from 249 organizations, representing 3,947 learning development professionals. The “time to complete” data is represented as ratios. Don’t miss the accompanying SlideShare presentation, which has helpful visuals. 3. How Long Does It Take to Create an E-Learning Course? This article discusses a variety of factors you may not have considered, such as priority, review cycles and availability. 4. Estimating Costs and Time in Instructional Design In this article, Donald Clark provides budgets and cost guidelines in addition to the time estimates that he takes from an older source. 5. Why eLearning Development Ratios Can Be Hazardous to Your Health This article presents factors that surveys don’t consider.
Tonya Thomas

Time to Develop One Hour of Training - 2 views

  • The chart below indicates the numbers from our most recent survey and the numbers from the survey and data gathered in 2003. Respondents only provided numbers to the methods that they have used. It is interesting to note that in six of the areas, the time estimates actually increased. Note: NA is listed in some of the responses for 2003 because these are new questions in 2009.
Holly Barlaam

Virtual Neuron - 59 views

    Use Virtual Neuron to explore neurotransmitter properties, make neurons fire, and manipulate neural circuits.
Lara Kessler

What is Electricity? - 2 views

    A cool site about how electricity works. It includes discussion of electricity and magnets, static electricity, and circuits.
Marsha Ratzel

Squishy Circuits: the movie | The Tinkering Studio Blog | Exploratorium - 75 views

    These are wonderful ways to incorporate activities to get thinking stimulated. Just imagine how much fun they'll have and the questions they'll genereate.

The Water's Edge » Will MOOCs Revolutionize Higher Education? - 1 views

  • husiasm for MOOCs seems to follow the trajectory of New Year’s diet resolutions. More than half of the students who enrolled in MIT’s circuits course didn’t even bother to complete the first assignment, and just 7,157 students (or less than 5 percent of enrollees) passed the course.
  • More than half of the students who enrolled in MIT’s circuits course didn’t even bother to complete the first assignment, and just 7,157 students (or less than 5 percent of enrollees) passed the course.
Martin Burrett

Research: Children see words and faces differently from adults - 11 views

    "Young children literally see words and faces differently from adults. Where adults can most easily comprehend a word when they look at it straight on, children need to look a bit up and to the left. For faces, they need to look a bit up and to the right. What's more, those differences are accompanied by previously undetected changes in the brain circuits responsible for processing words and faces, researchers report Feb. 23 in Nature Communications."
Martin Burrett

Book: MasterClass in Science Education by @DrKeithSTaber via @BloomsburyAcad - 5 views

    "In his new book, Professor Keith Taber reassures practicing and training science teachers, as he explores a range of issues faced by secondary school educators and discusses strategies for teaching the nature of scientific knowledge, making practical work effective and challenging young scientists. Throughout the academic prose, Professor Taber reflects on the nature of scientific knowledge in science education encouraging creating narratives, challenging misconceptions, and exploring principles of constructive teaching. The book continues with exploring specific challenges, such as teaching electrical circuits to lower secondary school students, along with a chapter dedicated to supporting gifted students who excel at the subjects."

Anant Agarwal Discusses Free Online Courses Offered by a Harvard/M.I.T. Partnership. - ... - 4 views

  • Granted, there are no papers to grade, and assignments aren’t free-form, but how does one professor handle so many students? We had four teaching assistants, and my initial plan was that they would spend a lot of time on the discussion forum, answering questions. One night in the early days, I was on the forum at 2 a.m. when I saw a student ask a question, and I was typing my answer when I discovered that another student had typed an answer before I could. It was in the right direction, but not quite there, so I thought I could modify it, but then some other student jumped in with the right answer. It was fascinating to see how quickly students were helping each other. All we had to do was go in and say that it was a good answer. I actually instructed the T.A.’s not to answer so quickly, to let students work for an hour or two, and by and large they find the answers.
  • Most students who register for MOOCs don’t complete the course. Of the 154,763 who registered for “Circuits and Electronics,” fewer than half even got as far as looking at the first problem set, and only 7,157 passed the course. What do you make of that?
  • EdX operates under an honor code, with no way to verify that the student who registered is the one doing the work. Is that likely to change? It’s quite possible employers would be happy with an honor certificate. We’re looking at various methods of proctoring. We have talked about people going to centers to take exams. There are also companies that use the cameras inside a laptop or iPad to watch you and everything else that’s happening in the room while you take an exam, and that may be more scalable.
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  • And because we will have all this data on how students actually use our materials, there are opportunities for research on learning. We can watch how many attempts students made before they got an exercise right, and if they got it wrong, what they used to try to find a solution. Did they go to the textbook, go back and watch the video, go to the forum and post a question?
Roland Gesthuizen

The Risks of Rewards - 54 views

  • Control, whether by threats or bribes, amounts to doing things to children rather than working with them. This ultimately frays relationships
  • The alternative to bribes and threats is to work toward creating a caring community whose members solve problems collaboratively and decide together how they want their classroom to be
  • grades in particular have been found to have a detrimental effect on creative thinking, long-term retention, interest in learning, and preference for challenging tasks
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  • good values have to be grown from the inside out. Attempts to short-circuit this process by dangling rewards in front of children are at best ineffective, and at worst counterproductive
  • Children are likely to become enthusiastic, lifelong learners as a result of being provided with an engaging curriculum; a safe, caring community in which to discover and create; and a significant degree of choice about what (and how and why) they are learning
  • Unfortunately, carrots turn out to be no more effective than sticks at helping children to become caring, responsible people or lifelong, self-directed learners
    "Many educators are acutely aware that punishment and threats are counterproductive. Making children suffer in order to alter their future behavior can often elicit temporary compliance, but this strategy is unlikely to help children become ethical, compassionate decision makers. Punishment, even if referred to euphemistically as "consequences," tends to generate anger, defiance, and a desire for revenge. Moreover, it models the use of power rather than reason and ruptures the important relationship between adult and child."
A Gardner

How science works: The flowchart - 194 views

    • A Gardner
      Reminder that science is not linear in practice nor in gathering information. Work your way through the site to the lab/activities.
    • Brian Hamilton
      Excellent visual.
  • process of scientific inquiry
  • Most ideas take a circuitous path through the process
    A flowchart depicting the process of scientific inquiry (nature of science). Can trace the development of different ideas. Gives a visual representation that the "scientific method" is not a rigid, sequential process that goes automatically from one step to the next.
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