hey avidly recruited students and their families into the process; they maintained focus, ensuring that everything they did contributed to student learning; they planned exhaustively and purposefully—for the next day or the year ahead—by working backward from the desired outcome; and they worked relentlessly, refusing to surrender to the combined menaces of poverty, bureaucracy, and budgetary shortfalls.
National Catholic Sisters Week | SisterStory Listening Party - 8 views
Years ago the Hilton Foundation gave St. Catherine University money to support outreach around the Sisters, broadly construed. Why? Because in their research on ROI, they found that money given to Sisters to do good in the world yielded the largest returns. Sisters have a history of maximizing benefits. In our practice at St. Kate's we, with a faculty of varying faiths and identities, channel the Sisters' practices of hospitality, generosity, the Catholic Intellectual Tradition and treating our dear neighbors as ourselves to serve the greater good in our work with students and the community. Unity around this shared purpose is what makes working and learning here uniquely wonderful. Anyway, if you are a lover of podcasts, good stories, history, or community you might consider the series shared here. A suitable addition to National Women's History Month as well as National Catholic Sisters Week in March.
No more pencils, no more books: this Vancouver school has embraced iPads, iPods and apps - 107 views
"For students attending one of Vancouver's most popular public schools, the classroom is an exciting world of iPads, iPods, apps, laptops and SmartBoards. Even the youngest children at Elsie Roy elementary in Yaletown are using iPads as they learn to write the letters of the alphabet, pull them together into words and tackle basic addition and subtraction with colourful and interactive applications that make learning feel like fun."
Integrating mLearning into the primary school classroom.
Rubric for Online Instruction - 100 views
also, Quality Matters, http://www.qualitymatters.org
McKinsey report: How the world's best performing school systems come out on top - ITQ - 77 views
BEAT THE ODDS - Kindergarten Teachers - 62 views
What Makes a Great Teacher? - The Atlantic (January/February 2010) - 71 views
one way that great teachers ensure that kids are learning is to frequently check for understanding: Are the kids—all of the kids—following what you are saying? Asking “Does anyone have any questions?” does not work,
Students are not always the best judges of their own learning.
"For years, the secrets to great teaching have seemed more like alchemy than science, a mix of motivational mumbo jumbo and misty-eyed tales of inspiration and dedication. But for more than a decade, one organization has been tracking hundreds of thousands of kids, and looking at why some teachers can move them three grade levels ahead in a year and others can't. Now, as the Obama administration offers states more than $4 billion to identify and cultivate effective teachers, Teach for America is ready to release its data."
Article on teacher effectiveness as studied through Teach for American data. Thrilling and scary in implication all at the same time.
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