fractions idea bank - 141 views
Fractions are as easy as pigs
One way to help students to understand the basics of adding and subtracting fractions (denominators must be the same; add/subtract the numerators; DO NOT add/subtract the denominators) is to teach the students what the parts of a fraction really are: numbers and names. This also helps combat the frequently-taught but incorrect idea that a fraction and a ratio are the same. A ratio may look like a fraction, but it is not a fraction.
FRACTIONS ARE AS EASY AS PIGS What is 2 pigs plus 3 pigs? 5 pigs (Write as a fraction: 2/pigs + 3/pigs = 5/pigs) Notice, we do not end up saying the answer is 5 horses.
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Free Technology for Teachers: A Video Guide to Common Fallacies - 92 views
"When I taught current events to ninth grade students the first unit I taught was about recognizing bias, propaganda, and logical fallacies. The Guide to Common Fallacies is a resource that I wish I had back then. The Guide to Common Fallacies is a series of five short videos from the PBS Idea Channel. Each video covers a different common fallacy. The fallacies are Strawman, Ad Hominem, Black and White, Authority, and No True Scotsman. I have embedded the playlist below."
Copyright and Creative Commons | Common Craft - 4 views
Creative Commons Resources for Classroom Teachers | CTQ - 90 views
Common Core State Standards Initiative | Home - 55 views
The Common Core State Standards provide a consistent, clear understanding
The Common Core State Standards provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them. The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers.
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Draft of K-12 curriculum standards as part of the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI) available for comment
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This is the homepage for the Common Core Standards. All standards k-12 are presented and organized by grade-level and content area. You may want to review the standards and highlight the standards you will need to address. You can then print out those standards you need to address.
The Common Core State Standards provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them.
Meet the New Common Core - The New York Times - 19 views
Standardized tests certainly aren’t going anywhere. States that have dumped exams aligned with the Common Core aren’t dumping high-stakes testing; they’re just switching to new tests, like the ACT’s Aspire. (Other ACT offerings include the Explore, the Engage and the Compass. Apparently standardized tests are titled by the same people who name midsize sedans.)
The Common Core is the way math was taught before. True, the new South Carolina standards are 92 percent aligned with the Common Core. But the Common Core was 97 percent aligned with the math standards South Carolina was using before! The term “number sentence,” which the comedian Stephen Colbert mocked, is 50 years old, and the kind of problem it describes appears in textbooks from the 1920s.
"Standardized tests certainly aren't going anywhere. States that have dumped exams aligned with the Common Core aren't dumping high-stakes testing; they're just switching to new tests, like the ACT's Aspire. (Other ACT offerings include the Explore, the Engage and the Compass. Apparently standardized tests are titled by the same people who name midsize sedans.)"
Creative Commons - LiveBinder - 106 views
5 Critical Mistakes Schools Make With iPads (And How To Correct Them) - From Tom on Edu... - 166 views
technology needs to be — above everything else — in the service of learning. Administrators who fail to articulate the connection between iPads and learning often hamper their iPad initiative.
put the iPads in the hands of teachers who understand that active learners learn best
Focusing on iPad-versus.-laptop comparisons stifles the ability to see how the iPad facilitates student-centered learning
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"While we've witnessed many effective approaches to incorporating iPads successfully in the classroom, we're struck by the common mistakes many schools are making with iPads, mistakes that are in some cases crippling the success of these initiatives. We're sharing these common challenges with you, so your school doesn't have to make them. "
"While we've witnessed many effective approaches to incorporating iPads successfully in the classroom, we're struck by the common mistakes many schools are making with iPads, mistakes that are in some cases crippling the success of these initiatives. We're sharing these common challenges with you, so your school doesn't have to make them. "
Education in the Age of Globalization » Blog Archive » Five Questions to Ask ... - 29 views
Daniel Pink observed, traditionally neglected talents, which he refers to as Right-brained directed skills, including design, story, symphony, empathy, play, and meaning, will become more valuable (Pink, 2006).
international assessments such as PISA and TIMSS, which are mostly left-brained cognitive skills.
Common Core does not include an element to prepare the future generations to live in this globalized world and interact with people from different cultures.
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EduCore - Tools for Teaching the Common Core - ASCD - 74 views
the tools, and add notes. Register Now Learn how to implement instructional resources that support the use of formative assessments in the secondary math classroom, as well as design your own literacy template tasks that create high-quality and engaging student assignments. The EduCore platform is specifically dedicated to providing secondary teachers with high-quality teaching and learning resources aligned to the Common Core. The Math and Literacy Tools on this site have been designed with you, the teacher, and your students in mind. Strong Student-Teacher Relationships Within the Common Core, students and teachers become partners in the teaching and learning process. 123
BetterLesson: Share What Works | Free K-12 Lesson Plans, materials and resources - 58 views
A rich site full of Common Core lessons for all to use.
"Over 5,000 complete Common Core-aligned lessons from our 130 Master Teachers. Introducing CC.BetterLesson - a brand new, free resource from the BetterLesson team featuring the highest quality Common Core-aligned lessons created through our Master Teacher Project."
PhotoPin - Free Photos for Bloggers via Creative Commons - 199 views
Photo Pin is a new website offering images that can be re-used for blog entries, video productions, slideshows, and print media. Photo Pin uses a combination of Flickr's API for Creative Commons search and Fotolia's image library to serve-up royalty-free images. The search results page on Photo Pin clearly delineates between images that are free to use and images that you have to purchase. Applications for Education If you're looking for a new way to find Creative Commons-licensed images for yourself or your students, Photo Pin could be a good option for you. I like that Photo Pin offers a clear reminder to users that they must correctly link to the sources of the images that they choose to use.
Search Creative Commons photos adn attribute them for your blog or website easily
useful for creative commons images - free and subscription based but none free ones usually have sponsored across the corner of the thumbnail
Rae Ann Knopf: So Just What Are the Common Core Standards? - 51 views
Principal: 'I was naïve about Common Core' - 4 views
The promise of the Common Core is dying and teaching and learning are being distorted. The well that should sustain the Core has been poisoned.
Whether or not learning the word ‘commission’ is appropriate for second graders could be debated—I personally think it is a bit over the top. What is of deeper concern, however, is that during a time when 7 year olds should be listening to and making music, they are instead taking a vocabulary quiz.
Real learning occurs in the mind of the learner when she makes connections with prior learning, makes meaning, and retains that knowledge in order to create additional meaning from new information. In short, with tests we see traces of learning, not learning itself.
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