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Tracy Tuten

When the 'A' in U.C.L.A. Stands for 'Achievement' - Campaign Spotlight - - 0 views

  • The campaign, now getting under way, is for the University of California, Los Angeles. The campaign proclaims that U.C.L.A. is the home of “the optimists,” people who are risk-takers, rule-breakers and game-changers.
  • The campaign is the first for U.C.L.A. from an agency named 160 Over 90, which is based in Philadelphia and recently opened an office in Newport Beach, Calif.
  • That work underscores the growing presence of universities and colleges as advertisers in the media. Their goals include selling themselves to prospective students and the parents of those students, seeking donations from alumni, recruiting faculty members and improving their standings in various surveys.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • The agency has also created ads for institutions of higher learning like Michigan State University, Loyola University Maryland and the University of Dayton.
  • The campaign has a section devoted to it on the U.C.L.A. Web site,, and is getting shout-outs on the U.C.L.A. fan page on Facebook and on the U.C.L.A. Twitter feed, where those who send messages are asked to use the hashtag #optimists.
  • The U.C.L.A. campaign has a small budget, estimated at less than $500,000, for a couple of reasons. One is that much of the campaign is appearing online; there is also print advertising, in newspapers.
  • The video clip can also be watched on YouTube.
  • The new campaign is meant to celebrate “the optimism that abounds on our campus,” she adds, “even in challenging times,” and shine a spotlight on “the dynamism and vitality” as well as the history and legacy of the university.
  • The way to do that, Ms. Turteltaub says, is to focus on “the icons” from U.C.L.A. “who made their mark in whatever fields they choose” and describe their “accomplishment, success, barrier-breaking.”
  • “This is the place that gives you the opportunity to be a game-changer,” Ms. Turteltaub says, “and you’ll choose the game.”
    That work underscores the growing presence of universities and colleges as advertisers in the media. Their goals include selling themselves to prospective students and the parents of those students, seeking donations from alumni, recruiting faculty members and improving their standings in various surveys.
Roland Gesthuizen

Gmail - Living in Public: What Happens When You Throw Privacy Out the Window - rgesthui... - 190 views

    "I am an extremely private person. I don't broadcast my location, I use privacy tools to keep advertisers from tracking me, and almost never give any app access to Facebook. Of course, a lot of people don't have a problem with living publicly. I've always wondered what the benefits and downfalls of doing so are, so I decided to give it a three-week test run. Here's how it went."
Barbara Wright Games and Lessons Plans about advertising - 59 views

    The Federal Trade Commision has made a website to help kids become aware of how advertisements are targeted at them, so that they may make smarter decisions as consumers.
Tricia Hunt

The World's Best Print Ads, 2012-13 | Adweek - 124 views

  • Time, Wired and The New Yorker
    • Tricia Hunt
      Incredible! Such and example of trusted sources pushing certain products while at the same thing advertising themselves.
  • This campaign turned famous authors into headphones.
    • Tricia Hunt
      Genius!  I love the idea of audio books being Authors' voices speaking to us in an intimate way.
  • School portraits are turned on their heads to remind the viewer that every child gets education
    • Tricia Hunt
      Powerful message that appeals to statistics and helping people for a better cause
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • elp us provide quality education to thousands of children in Chile because if we can change their education we can change their destiny."
    • Tricia Hunt
      Such a powerful message!
  • old the page for comedy.
  • ou know it's funny
  • When you see the logo
  • The drawings from the famous "Real Beauty Sketches" campaign, which won the Titanium Grand Prix this year. At left, a woman as described to a sketch artist by the woman. At right, the woman as described by a stranger.
    • Tricia Hunt
      WOW! Even more powerful!  This shows the impact media has made on us.  The left is the woman describing herself and the right is a STRANGER describing her!!! INSANE!
  • Fake ads cleverly pushed for better literacy rates in France
  • thumbs-up means nothing in this brutal campaign pleading for more tangible charity support than a like on Facebook.
    "These iPad mini ads, released late last year, were placed on the back covers of several national magazines-including Time, Wired and The New Yorker."
Kimberly DeSandre

Persuasive Techniques in Advertising - 35 views

    Unit of Study with Read Write Think
Michael Sheehan

Learning Never Stops: Vintage Ad Browser - Over 100,000 ads and posters from the 1700's... - 4 views

    This website features a huge collection of over 100,000 old posters and advertisements from as far back as the 1700's.
Steven Engravalle

Physics Games - online physics-based games - 11 views

    A great collection of free online physics games. You can even embed them directly into your website, wiki or blog.
    Physics, as the name implies, is a website of games based on simple physics concepts. Physic Games offers dozens of games based on a physics concept or two. Each game can be played directly on the Physics Games website or embedded into your blog or website. The one downfall of the site is that before each game starts there is a short commercial. I checked out a few different games, and I did not see any advertising that would be unacceptable in a public school classroom. 
Fabiola Berdiel

Contextual Analysis- Uganda (Sarita Vengal) | International Field Program Seminar-Sprin... - 11 views

  • Food and grocery stores definitely plays an important role in this community. There were also an unexpected amount of African art and music stores. I think diaspora communities like this have a lot of meeting and community aid establishments to help immigrants navigate the American system of living.
    • Fabiola Berdiel
      Very insightful contextual analysis
  • I honestly didn’t see too many advertisements outside of the West African diaspora context. The ads that I did see were not billboards or real advertisements. There were mostly posters or small signs showcasing the sales in each of the stores.
  • As a native New Yorker, who grew up in an Indian diaspora community, I felt like a lot of the sights resonated with my childhood.  And to make things even more familair, I lived in Niger for a few months and did feel a certain connection to the area.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • I also didn’t see that many women walking around, it was mostly men who were hanging around local hot spots. The women that I did see, were going somewhere specific and not really hanging out outside.
  • Contextual Analysis- Uganda (Sarita Vengal)
Frederick Eberhardt - 28 views

    Later History Text by Lapsansky-Werner, E.J. (2008). A discussion of the historical impact of the History of American Advertising. Writer of Lapsansky-Werner, E.J. (2008). U.S. History of Modern America: Boston, Pearson.
James Shockley

Web 2.0 Smack Down - 149 views

    Digital Edition mag Top Stories Benjamin Franklin: An Extraordinary United States Global Change Research National World War II Museum Mayan Math Activity Product Review: StudySync FORUMS How did you choose an SIS? Are schools ready for open source? Can you Google-proof a question using Bloom's Taxonomy? Does online training work? top tech resources LCD or DLP? More.. Subscribe| Customer Service|Contact Us|About Us|eNewsletters|Advertising New Articles From the Classroom Leadership Professional Development Tech/Media Coordinators Tech Talk Studies in Ed Tech Ideas and Opinions How To EdTech Ticker TL Advisor Blog Leader of the Year Awards of Excellence Portraits of Learning Other Contests Upcoming Webinars Data Management Security eLearning Copyright Funding Mobile & Wireless Assessment & Testing Curriculum News & Trends Products Features Editor's Desk Issues Current Issue Newsletters eBooks White Papers Grants Columns Podcasts Web Tours Buyers Guide News Site of the Day QuickFlicks IT Guy Interactive Whiteboards Student Information Systems
Misha Miller

Using Groups Effectively: 10 Principles » Edurati Review - 50 views

    "Conversation is key . Sawyer succinctly explains this principle: "Conversation leads to flow, and flow leads to creativity." When having students work in groups, consider what will spark rich conversation. The original researcher on flow, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, found that rich conversation precedes and ignites flow more than any other activity.1 Tasks that require (or force) interaction lead to richer collaborative conceptualization. Set a clear but open-ended goal . Groups produce the richest ideas when they have a goal that will focus their interaction but also has fluid enough boundaries to allow for creativity. This is a challenge we often overlook. As teachers, we often have an idea of what a group's final product should look like (or sound like, or…). If we put students into groups to produce a predetermined outcome, we prevent creative thinking from finding an entry point. Try not announcing time limits. As teachers we often use a time limit as a "motivator" that we hope will keep group work focused. In reality, this may be a major detractor from quality group work. Deadlines, according to Sawyer, tend to impede flow and produce lower quality results. Groups produce their best work in low-pressure situations. Without a need to "keep one eye on the clock," the group's focus can be fully given to the task. Do not appoint a group "leader." In research studies, supervisors, or group leaders, tend to subvert flow unless they participate as an equal, listening and allowing the group's thoughts and decisions to guide the interaction. Keep it small. Groups with the minimum number of members that are needed to accomplish a task are more efficient and effective. Consider weaving together individual and group work. For additive tasks-tasks in whicha group is expectedtoproduce a list, adding one idea to another-research suggests that better results develop
Marcia Jeans

Common Core & Ed Tech: Tools/Resources - 81 views

    SOME FAVORITE TOOLS When selecting tools for students, carefully consider the following: Advertising - Be careful that if there are ads, that they are appropriate for your students.  Log-Ins - Can you set up a class login, generic login, or must all students have their own?  Be clear on what is required by the site and have that established before your students try to use it. Save/Share - Is there some feature that allows students to share their work with you and others? COPPA Compliant - Review COPPA regulations on all sites to determine if students under 13 years old should be accessing the site.
Rafael Morales_Gamboa

Noam Chomsky on Democracy and Education in the 21st Century and Beyond - 38 views

  • So a lot of public education was, in fact, concerned with trying to teach independent people to become workers in an industrial system.
  • we have to train them in obedience and servility, so they're not going to think through the way the world works and come after our throats.
  • One can at least be suspicious that skyrocketing student debt is a device of indoctrination
    • Rafael Morales_Gamboa
      My landlord in Edinburgh, Peter Sinclair, used to say that students do not protest these days because they all have loans to pay.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • "the failures of the institutions responsible for indoctrinating the young."
  • It's not just you learned how a mosquito flies in the rain, but you learn how to be creative and why it's exciting to learn things and create things and make up new things. And that can be done from kindergarten on
  • There are a lot of factors. And one of them, probably, is just that students are trapped
  • First of all, the existence of the advertising industry is a sign of the unwillingness to let markets function. If you had markets, you wouldn't have advertising. Like, if somebody has something to sell, they say what it is and you buy it if you want. But when you have oligopolies, they want to stop price wars
  • there's no real economic reason for high-priced higher education and skyrocketing student debt
  • It doesn't matter how much you learn in school; it's whether you learn how to go on and do things by yourself

Bing in the Classroom will eliminate adverts at no cost to school districts | eSchool N... - 23 views

  • Schools are safe havens where children should be able to learn and grow in a supportive atmosphere. At home, parents have the ability to monitor their children’s intake of consumer products by limiting television and internet usage, and helping them engage critically with the content they see. But if we allow advertising in any form in our schools, we run directly counter to the message educational institutions are trying to promote: that these are places of learning, not selling.
Miss Miller

Secret Websites, Coded Messages: The New World of Immersive Games - 1 views

    The future of advertising isn't writing better slogans or using cool photography or video. It's creating interactive stories people can explore over their phones, on the web, maybe even through a flash drive hidden in a bathroom. It's a new art form. Just
Maggie Tsai

The Classroom » Using Diigo for Organizing the Web for your Class - 13 views

  • Using Diigo for Organizing the Web for your Class 31 07 2007 A good friend of mine, Randy Lyseng, has been telling people of the tremendous power and educational value that can be gained from social bookmarking in the classroom. His personal favourite is Diigo. My preference is a social bookmarking tool called With diigo, you can highlight, add stick notes and make your comments private or public. (Randy Lyseng, Lyseng Tech: Social Bookmarking, November 2006) After listening to Randy praise Diigo at every opportunity, I finally started playing with the site (and corresponding program, more on that in a bit) this summer (I know Randy - I’m slow to catch on…)As I started to play with the system, my mind started reeling with all the possibilities. First off, like any other social bookmarking tool, Diigo allows you to put all your favorites/bookmarks in one “central” location. Students can access them from ANY computer in the world (talk about the new WWW: whatever, whenever, where ever). They just open up your Diigo page, and there are all the links. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Diigo’s power lies in it’s group annotations. That’s right, people can now write in the margins of webpages. You can highlight passages of interest, write notes, and even write a blog entry directly from another webpage, quoting passages right from the original text. Sounds great - but to do all that it must be complicated right? Nope. To use these advanced features all you need to do is run the Diigo software. This can either be done using a bookmarklet or by downloading and installing the Diigo toolbar. While both have basically the same features, the toobar is less finicky, and allows you to use contextual menus to access features quickly. I also find the toolbar’s highlighting and sticky notes to be easier to read. Ok fine… I can leave notes on webpages - so what? Here’s an example. I’m thinking about having my 7B’s record radio plays. I’ve looked them up online and found many scripts from all the old classics available. However many also contain the old endorsements from tobacco and other companies. So I go to a play that I’d like to my students to record and highlight the old commercial. If they’re using diigo when they access this page they’ll see the same text highlighted in pink, and when they mouse over the highlighted text they’ll get a hidden message from me - “I’d like you to write a new advertisement for this section. What other advertisement do you think we could write for here? Write an ad for a virtue or trait that you think is important. For example - “Here’s a news flash for every person in Canada. It’s about a sensational, new kind of personality that will make you the envy of all those around you. It’s call trustworthiness. Why with just a pinch of this great product….” They now have a writing assignment to go along with the recording of the radio play. Adding assignments is just one possibility. You can ask questions about the site, or have students carry on conversations about the text. Perhaps about the validity of some information. These notes can be made private (for your eyes only), public, or for a select group of people. You could use the same webpage for multiple classes, and have a different set of sticky notes for each one! Diigo will also create a separate webpage for each group you create, helping you organize your bookmarks/notes further! This technology is useful for any class, but I think is a must have for any group trying to organize something along the lines of the 1 to 1 project. I’m hoping to convince all the core teachers to set up a group page for their classes, and organize their book marks there! I’ve already started one for my 7B Language Arts Class! One of the first questions I was asked when I started looking at this site, and more importantly at the bookmarklets and toolbar was is it secure? Will it bring spyware onto our systems? How about stability? I’ve currently been running the Diigo bookmarklet and toolbar on 3 different browsers, Explorer, Firefox, and Safari (sorry, there’s no Safari toolbar yet), across 4 different computers and 2 different platforms with no problems. I’ve also run every virus and spyware scan I can think of, everything checks out clean. I’ve also done an extensive internet check, and can’t find any major problems reported by anyone else. To my mind it’s an absolutely fantastic tool for use in the classroom. Thanks Diigo! And thanks Randy for pointing me in the right direction!
H DeWaard

How to block the companies tracking you on Facebook - Tech Insider - 34 views

    If you're using Facebook, you're giving the company a ton of information about yourself that it is selling to advertisers in one form or another.
Martin Burrett

VideoDuke: Advanced Video Downloader for Mac - 15 views

    "There is a wealth of video content available online that can help the teaching and learning process, but some of the main issues of using online content within the classroom include inappropriate advertising, inappropriate recommendations, and the dreaded school firewall or slow internet connection. Yet, gaining access to such video content can really help to explain certain concepts, with opportunities to include footage, clips or teaching points in the lesson."
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