A. Elementary Aged Students
Don't let them stay on the computer for extended amounts of time, don't let them get on Myspace or Facebook, and when they are on the computer the parents should always be watching them no matter what.
B. Middle / High School Aged Students
The middle school students should be allowed a little more freedom but by the same token i don't think that they should be allowed to get on Myspace or Facebook. Those things will bring a lot more trouble than anything else. Do you think that the people on Myspace are looking for a good christian page or a page that has a lot of bad pictures on it? I don't have a Myspace or Facebook and truly I don't want one.
C. Adults
Adults should be allowed to do what they want. I mean really what can we do to stop them? Nothing!! We can try all that we want to but adults get more addicted and are harder to get out of that habit. Then again I think that the adults will be the best influence for the young kids and if they will try and spread the word for the kids they can do anything for them that they want to