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Kelby W

Privacy Tips - 0 views

    Not all websites are trust worthy. Here are some tips to help be a little more safe with your privacy online. "TIP #1: Do Some New Year's (Data) House Cleaning Get New Passwords: Use different, strong passwords for each of your online accounts so if one is compromised the rest are safe. Strong passwords contains letters, numbers, different cases, and symbols. Check your password's strength here. Close Old Online Accounts: Unused online accounts are a liability. Hackers could use them to infiltrate your more important accounts . Get rid of them. If you can't remember where you have old accounts search your email inbox with queries like "registered", "confirm" or "your account" to find email records of old accounts. Cull Your Friends List: You put a lot of information about yourself on social networks. Would you want that friend of a friend you met once, two years ago to be carrying around a physical copy of all that information? Probably not. Keep the people you know and trust. Delete the rest. Go Paperless: Still receiving bank statements and doctors' invoices by mail? You don't need your Social Security number floating around in your trash can on the curb outside. Call your bank, doctor, credit card company etc. to find out if you can go paperless and manage your records via a secure online portal. You'll save a tree and protect your privacy. Shred Sensitive Documents: Those credit card and health savings account statements you don't need that have been sitting in that folder in your desk? They're a privacy liability. Get rid of them (securely, using a shredder). Privacy Tips Browser Privacy  Back to top Web browsers have evolved into highly customizable software platforms capable of controlling and protecting much of the information that flows between you and the parties you interact with online. Modern browsers have an impressive array of privacy enhancing capabilities and options. They can, for example, warn you before you visit suspicious or fraudul
Erin B

E-Commerce News: E-Commerce - 0 views

    This seems like a new way advertisers may be using ecommerce to their advantage. "Smartphones Get More AdSense October 05, 2009 Google has developed a new JavaScript snippet for AdSense aimed at high-end mobile phones, giving advertisers yet another option for using its mobile platform. The new feature allows publishers to run larger-scale text and image ads on smartphones. As more people use these devices, more advertisers want to be able to target them, noted a Google engineer in a blog post on the rollout."
Kelby W

Internet Use Raises Privacy Concerns - 0 views

    We need to be more alert about who we chat with how we use the internet.  "The Internet brings us great websites full of information and entertainment, and email and chat have revolutionized communication. But there's a dark side, too, as Internet users are increasingly concerned about how much of their personal information they're giving up in exchange. VOA's Art Chimes reports on the debate over Internet privacy. As more and more people are realizing, we often reveal a lot of information about ourselves when we go online, information we may not realize we're disclosing, but which advertisers and commercial websites can use to sell us goods and services. Sometimes the information is openly requested: you register on a website and you fill out a form. Next time you log into the site, you find ads for sporting equipment if you registered as a young man, or maybe cosmetics if you're a woman. Other times, websites and advertisers seem to magically know our interests. They can do this because of cookies, little text files created on your computer that contain information left there by the websites you visit"
Kelby W

Privacy & Identity | Internet Society - 0 views

    A big part of the Internet's value is the ability to interact online without giving away your personal stuff.  "Privacy is about retaining the ability to disclose data consensually, and with expectations about the context and scope of sharing. Identifiability, linkability of data, and the mining of vast quantities of aggregated information all erode the individual's ability to manage disclosure, context and scope. Networks depend on the use of unique (and often identifying) numbers, and facilitate the instant global dissemination of information; increasingly, devices and applications gather and use geolocation data that builds up into a unique 'track' for each user. A growing commercial ecosystem based on targeted and behavioural advertising results in an inexorable financial pressure for service providers to exploit personal data. The privacy implications of the current Internet represent a significant and growing concern.   Our Work The Internet Society's Trust and Identity initiative includes dedicated outreach activities on identity and privacy. These are aimed at technology vendors and adopters, to encourage privacy-respecting technology deployment, and at policymakers and legislators to provide the necessary counter-balances to commercial expediency. The Trust and Identity initiative also aims to ensure that users are better informed about the benefits of good online privacy, so that they can make better privacy choices and make use of appropriate privacy-enhancing tools online."
Kellie C

A Clash of Cultures on the Internet - 0 views

  • In these cultural clashes, advertisers compare the Internet to magazines and newspapers (where most people expect ads) while Internet diehards compare the Internet to telephones and interpersonal conversations (where ads would be considered intrusive). In fact, Internet areas such as Usenet are areas of two-way communication where, unlike newspapers and magazines, anyone can post messages and contribute equally to the content. Yet, unlike telephone conversations, these areas are disseminated widely, which is what attracts those interested in advertising
    This website tells you the history and what has happened with culture clashes on the internet.
Audrey b

GIC | Article - 0 views

  • Rules of 'Netiquette' include no advertising, replying via E-mail rather than posting to the entire group when possible and avoiding rude messages called 'flames
  • rules of Netiquette: No advertising, no flaming (sending rude or antagonistic responses), and remember to reply via E-mail rather than posting to the whole group whenever possible
Savana R

Invading our privacy on the Internet - Los Angeles Times - 0 views

  • privacy is among our inalienable rights
    People tracking our personal life on the internet can be bad. People can steal other peoples identity. "Internet companies track and sell advertisers virtually everything we do online. That's why a 'do not track me' system is vital. If Washington fails to act, California should create its own system."
JeremyS_mca MCA

The Cell: It's a Selling Machine - 0 views

    Who would say yes to text-message ads? Plenty of people, perhaps. Even though costs and opt-in rules may keep some users safe from spam, cell-phone advertising could be the next big thing in the United States. Randy Dotinga reports from San Diego.

Courthouse News Service - 0 views

    Unofficial Guide to Hipstamatic is stealing copyrighted photos. "UGTH is advertised as an instruction manual for Hipstamatic; however, its primary function is to 'scrape' and republish photographs that are 'tagged' or otherwise associated with the Hipstamatic app." goes through the app store but is illegal
October H

WPEC-TV CBS12 News :: Search Results - 0 views

    "Privacy expert John Verdi says, when you visit a website, as many as twenty different companies could be monitoring your every move. Ad agencies and other internet firms compile all that information about what we do online, building large profiles on us that go back months, even years."
    This women bought a purse online from this companies and they put a cookie on her computer and could track her every move... Find out what happens.
Peter J

Culture and Internet Consumption: Contributions from Cross-Cultural Marketing and Adver... - 1 views

    This is about cultural awarness for businesses, but it does have some important points. It describes how the "products" on the web should be "cross cultural". This also applies to how an individual should present themselves online.
Vicki Davis

I'm Being Followed: How Google-and 104 Other Companies-Are Tracking Me on the Web - Ale... - 0 views

    This incredible article from the Atlantic talks about who is tracking you and how to understand it. It is very balanced and informative and a great post to share with students as you discuss privacy. "As users, we move through our Internet experiences unaware of the churning subterranean machines powering our web pages with their cookies and pixels trackers, their tracking code and databases. We shop for wedding caterers and suddenly see ring ads appear on random web pages we're visiting. We sometimes think the ads following us around the Internet are "creepy." We sometimes feel watched. Does it matter? We don't really know what to think."
Susan Davis

Netiquette | Define Netiquette at - 1 views

  • The conventions of politeness recognised on Usenet and in mailing lists, such as not (cross-)posting to inappropriate groups and refraining from commercial advertising outside the biz groups. The most important rule of netiquette is "Think before you post".
radhika chatterjee

Using the Internet to Increase Access to HIV information :: United Nations Development ... - 0 views

  • The internet has long been identified as a key platform to increase user’s access to HIV awareness and prevention information. Current internet based interventions consist of establishing websites and chat rooms. However, these mechanisms alone have been ineffective in providing key access to the majority of internet users.
  • This partnership builds on UNDP’s ongoing efforts to increase access to HIV awareness information to millions of Chinese by working with commercial media and advertisement companies, government partners, production companies, people living with HIV and UN partners.
radhika chatterjee

Impact of Media on Learning - 1 views

  • All forms of media- the newspaper, radio, television and the internet are equally important in imparting education
  • Media literacy or education does not only mean to be entertained by media but to learn something from it.
  • Media Literacy: "the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and communicate information in a variety of formats." —David Considine
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Moreover, we have seen that a large number of people depend on the internet to collect information, read news, listen to music and download movies, play games and also for work. Newspaper, Radio, Television and the internet- all form part of the media and are important in imparting education. Media offers culture, sports, information, entertainment, current affairs and education.
  • Computer-based education has transformed the traditional offerings of distance learning.
  • The students can get a vast exposure to the pop-cultural references. They can get statistics and data from the news, which can be the basis for math and science learning. The teachers can also incorporate media analysis whenever the Internet, television or video are used in the classroom.
  • The first and foremost effect of media is definitely the accumulation of General knowledge, different dialects and cultures. Television boosts the social awareness of a child to a great extent. Sports channels develop the logical mindset of a child. Cartoon channels keep the children happy. News channels increase the vocabulary of the children and inform them about the positive and negative impacts on the society. It increases the concentration and retention power of a child, which benefits their studies to a great extent.
  • Children often learn certain things, which change their perspective towards life. For example, if they watch violent scenes on TV, their nature tends to be the same. There are many incidents where children try to imitate the super heroes and it results in death. Studies often get hampered and lapse of concentration occurs due to excessive watching of television. The advertisements shown in the media often captures the mood of the individuals. Generally, girls are very vulnerable and sensitive about their physical image. When an adolescent girl watches the ads that show unless we buy a product or carry the style statement or wash our hair with a specific shampoo and look smart like a slim model, we don’t get respect in the society or get a job.
    • radhika chatterjee
      This is really interesting: the negative effects of free and easy access to entertainment are presented alongside with the positive.
Margaret O.

Tech program in north Georgia inspires Houston school system - Living - - 0 views

  • “We’v
  • e got to create a relevant educational situation for our kids, so when they go off to college and the working world, it won’t be a foreign world to them,” said Robin Hines, superintendent of Houston County schools. “We’re preparing our students for jobs that haven’t even been created yet.”During the trip, they saw fo
    Schools need to use technology to help kids learn
Brandon B

Teen Safety on the Internet - 0 views

  • Teen Safety on the Internet More and more teenagers are logging on to the Internet every day. Although the Internet is a great source for research projects and other information, there are also dangers involved with surfing the Web. For example, a study conducted in 2000 found that 25 percent of kids 10 to 17 years of age received unwanted pornographic material.The Web allows you to be completely anonymous. Someone who says that he is a 15-year-old boy may actually be a 50-year-old man pretending to be a teen for inappropriate reasons. As a result, agreeing to meet in person with someone you met over the Internet is extremely dangerous, as this can result in sexual assault or even murder. How to Stay Safe on the Internet E-mail Safety Chat Rooms Assessing a Web Site Blogging How to Stay Safe on the Internet Never give out personal information, such as your name, home address or phone number, the name of your school, pictures, credit card numbers or the names of your parents without permission from your parents.Do not meet in person with someone you met online. Do not give out your password to anyone.In chat rooms, use a name that is not gender-specific so you are less likely to receive pornographic material or other forms of harassment. If you do receive pornographic material, report it to your local police department. Back to top E-mail Safety
  • Do not open links or files from people you do not know.Never respond to e-mails with pornographic or other inappropriate material.Do not respond to advertisements -- this confirms that you have a working e-mail account, and you will only receive more junk e-mail.
    This page talks to teens about how to be safe on the internet. On e man pretended to be a 15 year when he was really 50. Some people are out there that are actually trying to talk and harm teens so be careful. Quote:"The Web allows you to be completely anonymous. Someone who says that he is a 15-year-old boy may actually be a 50-year-old man pretending to be a teen for inappropriate reasons. "
Ashley B.

Are You Minding your (Online) Manners? - 0 views

  • Are You Minding your (Online) Manners?
    This website shows ways that will make sure you are following your "online manners".
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