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Judy O'Connell

Digital education: comparison in attitudes | Australian Policy Online - 8 views

    "I set out to answer these questions through a study of attitudes, which compared digitally literate students' to digitally-challenged teachers and visa versa. In this study being undertaken at Swinburne University and sponsored by the Wesley College Institute for Innovation in Education, 321 students in years 9 and 10 and 100 educators were surveyed about their attitudes to digital literacy and the use of digital technologies. The schools were co-educational independent schools with laptop programs and significant differences were observed in student and educator attitudes towards each other's digital literacy. The hypothesis, "that there is a disconnect between the digitally capable students and digitally challenged educators in schools with laptop programs, limiting effective use of digital technology in the classroom" was supported in the findings. This has repercussions for educating "net generation" students and implications for the implementation of the National Secondary Computer Fund and National Broadband Network. The disconnect was revealed in terms of attitudes towards technology in the classroom, teaching pedagogy, internet use, adoption of cutting-edge technologies and limitations placed on school laptops and networks. In this study 57 statements were provided to research participants, who were then grouped into four groups: digitally capable students, digitally challenged students, digitally capable educators and digitally challenged educators."
Judy O'Connell

Why Media Literacy is Not Just for Kids | Edutopia - 0 views

  • The solutions Hobbs outlines are worth considering at the local level, as well. Is your school ready to think critically about the learning potential of social networks, games, and other popular media that many students use only outside of school? What is your community doing to close the digital divide for underserved groups such as juvenile offenders, recent immigrants, or the elderly? Are you making effective use of local technology resources -- or do you even know where to find them?
    Your students may be able to update their Facebook status in a heartbeat, but can they also write a thoughtful letter to the editor, voice their opinion on a call-in radio show, or access local media to advocate for community action? How well would parents or teachers in your community do at those tasks? In Digital and Media Literacy: A Plan of Action, media literacy expert Renee Hobbs makes a strong case for deepening digital literacy -- not only for youth but for Americans of all ages. Improving our digital and media literacy will require nothing less than a national community education effort, Hobbs argues in a position paper recently published by the Aspen Institute and Knight Foundation. Sorting through the flood of information most of us encounter daily requires new knowledge and critical-thinking skills, she says.
Judy O'Connell

Digital Citizenship, Media Literacy & Child Safety - 0 views

    "In all my work on online child safety issues, I always try to stress how important education and media literacy efforts are. Indeed, technical parental control tools and methods, while important, should be viewed as just one part of a more holistic approach to encouraging digital literacy and digital citizenship. In recent years, many scholars and child development experts such as Nancy Willard of the Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use, Anne Collier and Larry Magid of, Marsali Hancock of iKeepSafe, Common Sense Media, the Family Online Safety Institute, and many others have worked to expand traditional education and media literacy strategies to place the notion of digital citizenship at the core of their lessons and recommendations."
jo quinlan

Creating a global measure of digital and ICT literacy - 4 views

    This paper reviews the definitions of digital and ICT literacy that have been adopted in cross-national studies, investigates the approaches to the assessment of digital and ICT literacy that have been employed in those studies and articulates the criteria that should guide the development of a global measure of digital and ICT literacy skills. Furthermore, the paper includes an appraisal of prospects for such a development.
Judy O'Connell

Study: The Net Can Boost Youth Citizenship « Literacy 2.0 - 1 views

    ""Research demonstrates that many youth are disengaged from traditional forms of civic and political life but are very engaged with new media," said Mills College Professor of Education Joseph Kahne, the author of the study. "Our study findings strongly suggest that there are ways to build on their engagement with digital media to foster engagement in civic life." The study debunks the notion that young people, because they are growing up with technology, are so-called "digital natives", who naturally learn to use the Internet for information and discourse. Most young people, in fact, have a lot to learn about using online information and social media resources to better understand their role in society and politics. The research indicates that Literacy 2.0 education can directly influence young people toward civic involvement and political participation. Teaching new literacies, such as credibility assessment, is essential for supporting a healthy democracy, the report concludes. The findings make a strong case for increased digital literacy programs for both students and parents."
Judy O'Connell

CyberWise Guide to Digital Citizenship | Video Store powered by MindBites - 8 views

    "This simple Video and Companion Guide (below) help parents and educators understand why digital citizenship is the essential first step to media literacy in the 21st century. If you've watched the "Cyberwise Guide to Media Literacy" at, then you already know that digital citizenship prepares students to use digital media safely, confidently and wisely. Fortunately there are loads of free, online resources to help you incorporate digital citizenship lessons into your classroom, after-school program or home. We've compiled this information for you and made it easy-to-access and understand."
Judy O'Connell

What is digital literacy? - 5 views

    "Digital literacy is the topic that made the etmooc learning space so irresistible to me… I think as educators we spout off about wanting our students to be digitally literate, but not many of us (myself included) have a firm grasp about what that actually means, and quite a number of us are still attempting to become digitally literate ourselves."
Judy O'Connell

What Should Civic Learning Look Like in an Age of Social and Technological Change? | DM... - 0 views

    "In Digital Age, Learning Civics Means Doing Civics Traditional civic education has required students to memorize basic facts about American government, call it the what, who, and when model for civic literacy. The primary source of information has been textbooks, a source of literacy that has not always been the most accurate or inclusive. And while books (in various forms) will certainly continue to play a role in civic education emerging digital media platforms will be key in the effort to engage, invigorate, and create an informed citizenry. The rise of digital media offers a unique opportunity to add a more experiential dimension to civic education. Digital technologies can, of course, be used to teach kids basic civic facts, but they can also serve as an entry point into "doing" civics. This happened in a Minneapolis third grade class I visited earlier this year. "
Helen Stower

Digital Literacy across the Curriculum handbook | Futurelab at NFER - 6 views

    • Helen Stower
      This might be a process for embedding digital literacy into core classrooms if Retech has to go - We could do our own version of the Digital Participation Project with core teachers
    A handbook for embedding digital literacies into core classrooms.
edutopia .org

Digital Literacy is the Bedrock for Lifelong Learning | Edutopia - 7 views

    Bridging the digital divide means more than having "access," it includes digital literacy which ensures the birth of new ideas and informed citizens. 
Judy O'Connell

The Partnership for 21st Century Skills - ICT Literacy Maps - 0 views

    "In collaboration with several content area organizations, the Partnership for 21st Century Skills developed a series of ICT Literacy Maps illustrating the intersection between Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Literacy and core academic subjects including English, mathematics, science and social studies (civics/government, geography, economics, history). The maps enable educators to gain concrete examples of how ICT Literacy can be integrated into core subjects, while making the teaching and learning of core subjects more relevant to the demands of the 21st century."
Fiona Jostsons

Digital and Media Literacy - YouTube - 1 views

    A playlist by wesfryer defining digital literacy and information literacy skills.
Judy O'Connell

Attention, and Other 21st-Century Social Media Literacies (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE - 1 views

  • Attention is the fundamental building block for how individuals think, how humans create tools and teach each other to use them, how groups socialize, and how people transform civilizations.
  • Participation is a broader literacy.
  • We are seeing a change in their participation in society—yet this does not mean that they automatically understand the rhetorics of participation, something that is particularly important for citizens.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • The whole notion of the public sphere is that we have sufficiently well-educated citizens who are free to access information about workings of the state so that they will be able to govern themselves. Implicit in the notion that ordinary people can shape policies of state is the assumption that they know how to communicate their opinions in concert with other citizens in a productive manner—a literacy of participation.
    • Judy O'Connell
      So we have a need for digital citizenship, and policies that help shape a culture of participation.
  • Just as the print technologies and literacies shaped the Enlightenment, the social media technologies and literacies will shape the cognitive, social, and cultural environments of the 21st century.
Judy O'Connell

Transliteracy for Librarians wiki - 0 views

  • transliteracy is potentially a unifying concept for what it means to be literate in the digital age extends transliteracy in 21st century to include multiple discourses, communication platforms and tools calls for change of perspective away from battles over print / digital, moves instead towards unifying ecology of media / all literacies relevant to reading, writing, interaction and culture, both past and present not intended to replace other terms that refer to print literacy; encompasses both media and digital literacy and (media) convergence not just computer–based materials, but all communication types across time and culture emphasizes lateral approach to historical, contextual and cultural issues / literacies; bridges and connects past, present and future modalities situated in a liminal space between being a new cognitive tool and the recovery of an old one refuses to presuppose any kind of offline/online divide considers ability to understand multiple media and modes of communication and kinds of literacy we apply online
John Pearce

11 Tips For Students To Manage Their Digital Footprints - - 12 views

    "If you've scratched your head over suggestions to manage your "digital footprint," you aren't the only one. A surprisingly large percentage of people have never even heard the phrase, let alone thought about how to manage theirs responsibly. Among students, the percentage is probably higher. We'll talk about ways you can help students understand and manage their digital footprints before they get themselves in trouble."
    After reading this article, I asked my 10 year old if he knows what his 'digital footprint' is...I was surprised that he did. It is vital to teach people about their footprint at a younger age, so they have time to be thoughtful about their digital lives.
John Pearce

Digital Compass | Common Sense Media - 5 views

    "Learn the fundamentals of digital citizenship through animated, choose-your-own-adventure interactive experiences, designed for grades 6-9. Invite students to explore digital dilemmas, make good (and not-so-good) decisions, and try out possible solutions through stories and mini-games - all without risking their real-world reputations. Discover how Common Sense Education's award-winning digital literacy and citizenship curriculum seamlessly integrates into blended-learning environments. Coming soon as an iOS app, Android app, and Edmodo app!"
Judy O'Connell

Digital Citizen: Information about citizenship in our digital world - 1 views

    This is collection of resources related to digital citizenship - how we work together, learn together and act together in our digital world. We link to sites about safety and security, digital literacy and acting appropriately when using technology.
Judy O'Connell

K12 Digital Citizenship - home - 1 views

    "This site provides k12 curriculum on digital citizenship and professional development for adults working with K12 students on digital citizenship."
    Here 'Digital Citizenship' is defined as 'Using technology- Safely,Responsibly,Critically,Pro-actively to contribute to the digital society'. It provides lessons for each grade in one KLA. On the link for librarians. It has link to the 'California Model School Library Standards for Technology' which links info. literacy and digital literacy together to create a policy document for all years. This framework could be developed to demonstrate its application across the KLAs.
Adrienne Kajewski

Digital literacy: what is it and how important is it in the future of work? | FYA - 5 views

  • FYA’s research shows that our young people aren’t ready. In recent international testing by PISA around 1 in 4 Australian 15 year-olds (27%) demonstrated low proficiency in digital literacy.
  • “We don’t need to limit ourselves to standalone classes on digital skills – we need to embed them in the way we teach young people, so that they can learn these alongside other enterprise skills that they’ll require to thrive in the future of work.
Julie Lindsay

Developing digital literacies | Jisc - 4 views

    An interesting model for defining digital literacy.
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