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Judy O'Connell

Mashable - The Social Media Guide - 9 views

    "You don't have to be running for president to care about your online reputation. Almost everything you do online is easy to track, especially when you're using social media sites. This infographic shows you how to manage your "e-reputation," perhaps saving you some embarrassment, or even your career. Gathered by digital marketing firm KBSD, it's a treasure trove of tips, techniques and information about what companies and individuals are looking for inside your personal profiles and social information, and what you can do to show off your best side to those who might want to find out unflattering things about you. It's not too late to protect yourself and polish up your online image. So now that you've grown up (you have grown up, haven't you?), this would be a good time to do a bit of backtracking, cleaning up those mistakes you made in the past as much as you can, and at the same time, keeping an eye on your online behavior so there won't be anything to hide in the future."
John Pearce

The Innovative Educator: 4 things you need to know to help your students manage their o... - 17 views

    "We often hear complaints about what students say and do online, but we often neglect to look into educators helping them manage their online reputation. This infographic is geared toward adults, but it can serve as a great starting point for conversations and activities that educators can engage in with students to help them to establish an active digital footprint that represents who they want to be perceived as online."
Judy O'Connell

Search me: online reputation management | Technology | The Guardian - 4 views

    "Online reputation management now accounts for 95% of his business. Initially, he worked exclusively with firms and brands, but these days 60-70% of Wadsworth's clients are individuals. "I did not anticipate that," he says."
John Pearce

5 ways to save face online: dealing with criticism on social media - 1 views

    "The internet can be a dark place. For businesses, a mismanaged customer complaint online can spell the end for a well-established reputation, especially if the results go viral. By learning to deal with trolls and dissatisfied customers, businesses can turn negative word-of-mouth into satisfied consumers. Here are six ways you can make the most of online complaints, and hopefully increase brand loyalty."
Judy O'Connell

How to fix your reputation online - 1 views

    ""The treasure trove of personal data about each of us is growing to unanticipated levels, and the leak of huge portions of those data can be personally devastating"
John Pearce

Google-Yourself-Challenge-800.png 800×3,599 pixels - 4 views

    here is another very good reason for "Googling" yourself - to find out if any private and sensitive information about yourself and / or your family has ended up online somehow.  Maybe you accidently changed your Facebook privacy settings and your mobile phone number is now public? Or maybe a disgruntled former friend or colleague is bad mouthing you online?  Both of these scenarios have happened to me in the past and speaking from those experiences, I can assure you that these are things you need to be aware about right away so you can do something about it.  At the very least, too much information about you online can lead to a serious risk of your identity being stole
John Pearce

Digital Citizens: Cybersmart - 6 views

    The Australian Communications and Media Authority has launched a guide to being positive about digital engagement'' rather than being a wary Internet user. The Guide facilitates confident online engagement by citizens through identifying three principles which reflect the required values, skills and knowledge: Engage positively: exercise your rights and responsibilities as a digital citizen Know your online world: learn new skills and digital technologies Choose consciously: take charge of how you interact online.
John Pearce

Your teen online the what the where and how | ACMA - 2 views

    "New research from the ACMA is casting a clear light on what Aussie teens are involved in, online. It shows that kids from 14 - 17 years are, unsurprisingly, active players in Australia's digital economy, who are online more often than ever before, use the internet and mobiles for everything from entertainment to shopping, research, banking and sharing with friends."
John Pearce

A Great Guide on Teaching Students about Digital Footprint ~ Educational Technology and... - 8 views

    "Have you ever Googled yourself ? Have you ever checked your virtual identity? Do you know that you leave a digital footprint every time you get online? Do you know that whatever you do online is accumulated into a digital dossier traceable by others ? These and several other similar questions are but the emerging tip of the sinking iceberg.One that is packed full of concerns related to issues of our online identity and privacy issues."
John Pearce

Online Tracking 101 - 14 views

    Whether you like it or not, your internet activities are being monitored every time you log online. In this infographic you can learn more about who's tracking who....
John Pearce

Online Now - YouTube - 7 views

    "Journey into the world of contemporary online social interaction."
John Pearce

Henry Sibley Presents: Managing Your Digital Footprint - YouTube - 1 views

    "Published on 25 Sep 2013 Henry Sibley High School believes in educating students now for the digital realm of the future. This means being aware of the implications that today's online interaction can have down the road. This 15 minute video walks students through how to protect themselves online, and how to create and manage a positive digital footprint. Special Thanks to Azul 7, the University of Minnesota, and the Mendota Heights Police Department."
John Pearce

Have you Googled yourself lately? If you're surprised, know online privacy takes effort... - 4 views

    "Typing your own name into Google may be an eye-opening experience. Even if your personal information isn't easily accessible, your computer may be sharing information about habits, preferences and activities that you'd prefer to keep private. Here's how to keep a lid on what your computer shares about you with strangers."
John Pearce

How to cover your tracks on the internet - 8 views

    There are no secrets online. That emotional email you sent to your ex, the illness you searched for in a fit of hypochondria, those hours spent watching kitten videos (you can take that as a euphemism if the kitten fits) - can all be gathered to create a defining profile of you. Advertisement: Story continues below Your information can then be stored, analysed, indexed and sold as a commodity to data brokers who in turn might sell it to advertisers, employers, health insurers or credit rating agencies.
John Pearce

How Cybersmart are you? - 1 views

    From ACMA Cybersmart this very catchy video has stats on what students are doing online as well as lots of targetted advice on what to do to prevent problems and what to do when problems arise. It also contains visual links to the support docs that Cybersmart can provided.
John Pearce

Are You In Control of Your Social Media Privacy? [INFOGRAPHIC] - 10 views

    By now, we know that social media behavior differs, based on factors like gender, age and nationality. It turns out, how you manage your social media privacy may depend on similar indicators. ZoneAlarm created the below infographic, based on a 2012 study by Pew. The research points to gender-specific privacy practices. For instance, men are nearly twice as likely as women to profess regret for posting online content. On the other hand, men are more likely to maintain public social media presences.
John Pearce

Would The Real 'Alec Couros' Please Stand Up? | open thinking - 1 views

    "Last September, I wrote a post about how scammers had been using my photos to lure women into online, romantic relationships for the purpose of 'borrowing' or extorting money. Since that time, the scams have continued. I get, on average, one new report a day from women (and occasionally men) who have been tricked, or nearly tricked, into sending money. In many cases, individuals have reported forming deep attachments or even falling in love with these scammers. This has been a frustrating predicament that has been going on for many years now. In this post, I thought I would share a few of the things that I've learned about the scams, the scammers, and their potential victims."
John Pearce

The road ahead for social media | Technology Spectator - 4 views

    People are trading their privacy for influence! This irreversible global trend is shaping a communication battleground that will impact on every aspect of our future. The concept of relinquishing privacy is a scary proposition for many people, generally in loose correlation to their age. Similarly the idea of a profound change in societal influence is generating resistance and fear in traditional power centres and institutional mediators of meaning. Governments, corporations, media empires and a host of heritage institutions and their practices will change dramatically as contemporary forces shift the nature of influence.
John Pearce

The Digital Citizen - 9 views

    Mark Carbonne's related to Digital Citizenship
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