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Judy O'Connell

Cool Cat Teacher Blog: Social Media Syndication Part 2: Overview of Places to Share - 4 views

    "So, it is time to get your school into social media in a way that is safe, makes sense, and will help your image in the community. We've discussed in Social Media Syndication Part 1: Where is your Audience?why social media is important to schools. In Facebook Friending 101 for Schools (170 tweets on that one) we discussed the impact of Facebook Friends on your teachers, students, and staff. You've resoundingly flooded my inbox with requests for more on social media and how to get your school in safely - so, let's keep going"
John Pearce

The Sad State of Social Media Privacy [Infographic] | Tech the Plunge - 7 views

    "Privacy issues are a very hot topic for anyone using social media. As educators, I believe it is our responsibility to teach our students the ins and outs of how to responsibly use social media. ...... I believe social media is important for educators and students. But I also believe it must be used responsibly and that cannot be accomplished without knowing the intricacies of social media privacy. Take a look at this infographic from MDG about the sad state of social media privacy."
Judy O'Connell

The Importance of Digital Citizenship in Social Media | Edutopia - 1 views

  • When you are presenting social media and digital responsibility, don't lecture your students on why it is bad to post inappropriate pictures on Facebook, but have them search for examples. Allow the students to not only find examples of inappropriate use, but also allow them to teach each other. Even though they have a Facebook account, do they really understand all that comes with Facebook? Do they understand their privacy rights on Facebook and other social media sites? Did they read the fine print?
    "While students and teachers alike are anxious to integrate new learning tools into the classroom, we must err on the side of caution. It is our responsibility to empower our students by giving them the fundamental lessons in digital citizenship. Like basketball, students must enter the world of social media and digital media with a good defense. They must understand the repercussions of irresponsibly using social and digital media and what affects it may have on their future."
Julie Lindsay

Teens, Social Media, and Privacy | Pew Research Center - 0 views

    Teens share a wide range of information about themselves on social media sites;1 indeed the sites themselves are designed to encourage the sharing of information and the expansion of networks. However, few teens embrace a fully public approach to social media. Instead, they take an array of steps to restrict and prune their profiles, and their patterns of reputation management on social media vary greatly according to their gender and network size. These are among the key findings from a new report based on a survey of 802 teens that examines teens' privacy management on social media sites
Judy O'Connell

Online Social Networking: A new form of social interaction - 2 views

    This paper will present the findings of the pilot studies on the use of online social network in Malaysia. A total of 40 questionnaires were distributed to active users of this social media to get an early indication on this activity. In addition, discussion about the global activities of online social networking is also undertaken as a comparison. The analysis shows that online social networking has been used as a new mode of communication especially for Internet active users to meet and interact with their friends. Early findings indicate that they spent quite many hours in this environment and log in into their accounts a few times a day. This shows that social interaction in cyberspace by using new media applications such as social networking has been adapted by more and more people and has changed human communication.
Judy O'Connell

Designing for learning: online social networks as a classroom environment | Australian ... - 6 views

    "This paper deploys notions of emergence, connections, and designs for learning to conceptualize high school students' interactions when using online social media as a learning environment. It makes links to chaos and complexity theories and to fractal patterns as it reports on a part of the first author's action research study, conducted while she was a teacher working in an Australian public high school and completing her PhD. The study investigates the use of a Ning online social network as a learning environment shared by seven classes, and it examines students' reactions and online activity while using a range of social media and Web 2.0 tools. The authors use Graham Nuthall's (2007) "lens on learning" to explore the social processes and culture of this shared online classroom. The paper uses his extensive body of research and analyses of classroom learning processes to conceptualize and analyze data throughout the action research cycle. It discusses the pedagogical implications that arise from the use of social media and, in so doing, challenges traditional models of teaching and learning."
Judy O'Connell

SocialMediaGuidelines - 5 views

    Queensland University of Technology recognises the important role social media technologies play in enabling people not only to communicate and collaborate with each other, but also to create, share and consume content. The uptake of social media has opened up new ways of learning and teaching for educational communities to experience new ways of communicating. The rapid growth in Web 2.0 tools and other emerging technologies, often located outside university managed environments, has occurred alongside the steady growth in blended learning in higher education, with students becoming increasingly active communicators, collaborators and creators of content in a virtual community. Learning and teaching activities now take place both in physical and virtual spaces with a range of tools, including learning management systems, other university supported applications and tools, and, increasingly, a variety of public domain social media (Facebook, Twitter, blogs, wikis, mashups, video-sharing sites, etc.). These guidelines aim to provide guidance to QUT teaching staff and students in the use of social media that adds value to the educational experience, whilst being mindful of the University's duty of care and legal obligations.
John Pearce

Are You In Control of Your Social Media Privacy? [INFOGRAPHIC] - 10 views

    By now, we know that social media behavior differs, based on factors like gender, age and nationality. It turns out, how you manage your social media privacy may depend on similar indicators. ZoneAlarm created the below infographic, based on a 2012 study by Pew. The research points to gender-specific privacy practices. For instance, men are nearly twice as likely as women to profess regret for posting online content. On the other hand, men are more likely to maintain public social media presences.
Heather S

How to Create Social Media Guidelines for Your School | Edutopia - 13 views

    Social media is fast becoming as ubiquitous as the air we breathe. In recent months, many schools and districts around the country have taken steps to create social media policies and guidelines for their students and staff. In my work with several districts to draft these documents, I have seen many approaches that work well, and some that don't. That said, there is no silver bullet for administrators; every school, district, and state has a different set of circumstances. With that in mind, here are some steps that will help you determine the best approach for your own community.
    How to Create Social Media Guidelines for Your School
Judy O'Connell

New Hampton School - Social Media Reading List - 1 views

    The idea for this page is to build a 'best of the web' reading / watching list for school leadership regarding using social media for school advancement. Rather than talk about how great social media is we're using social media to build this reading list.
Judy O'Connell

12 Most Common Elements of Effective Social Media Policies | Jure's Blog - 3 views

    "The policy should be in tandem with the technology use policy, but its main focus should be to appropriate the use of social media platforms, tools and websites and also to clearly describe the consequences of inappropriate use. Consistent enforcement of the policy, once implemented, is absolutely essential to maximize the policy's effectiveness. While a company's social media policy must be tailored to its specific workplace, there also are many common elements that should be included in any social media policy."
Judy O'Connell

Teaching the Facebook generation - for once the media gets it right! - 1 views

  • today's teachers are finding it harder to keep their distance
  • For each new arm of social media that opens up, so do new dilemmas for teachers, students and parents
  • Most teachers and schools have had to wise up quickly to cope with the rapid and massive uptake of Facebook and mobile technology in the past 10 years
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Some educators say the social-media bans in schools are overkill and privacy fears have overshadowed the positive educational opportunities social media can offer students.
  • It is known, too, that students also access social-networking sites and post to them during class time via mobile phones or by circumventing the network blocks.
  • ''Ineffective policy is to ban use; prohibition has never worked,''
  • doesn't matter how impoverished a young person may be, they will have access to social networks daily, they find ways to get online through public libraries, internet cafes, at their friend's house or on their mobile
  • Common advice for teachers is to be familiar with privacy settings on social-networking sites, perhaps maintain a private and professional account (although this is not permitted on Facebook) and to set a search-engine alert for their own name, so adverse mentions can be detected early and dealt with.
  • So can, or should, a teacher be Facebook friends with a student?
    "Schools have had to act fast to try to manage the widespread use of Facebook and other social media by students and teachers"
Judy O'Connell

Social Media Guidelines | Edutopia - 4 views

    "More and more, social media is becoming a part of our daily lives. Just today, Mashable is out with a report that says Pintrest (which is less than a year old) is the #3 social network in the U.S. This report mentions that the amount of monthly traffic Facebook receives is seven billion page views, and Twitter receives 182. Again, these are just U.S. statistics. If we were to look at the numbers worldwide, I would guess they would be much, much higher. But it isn't just adults who are moving more of their lives to online spaces. In a recent Pew Internet survey, 73 percent of all teens used social networks daily. The most popular of these is Facebook; however, Twitter, Myspace and even LinkedIn are not far behind. And it isn't just teens. The #1 social network for kids under the age of 13 is Club Penguin. It is visited more times each day than the New York Times. "
John Pearce

e-Learning Acupuncture: Are you new to social media curation in online learning? [VIDEO] - 3 views

    "This great video produced by Vanessa Dennen (Florida State University) for the Social Media for Active Learning MOOC (#SMOOC2014), will give you a quick overview of social media curation. It's a great topic that all online instructors will love exploring."
Karen Keighery

Why Schools are Spooked by Social Media | Integrating Technology in the Primary Classroom - 3 views

    Denis Masseni, a Monash university lecturer and a director of Sponsor-Ed has written a report called "Why Schools are spooked by social media" (2010) which presents findings from a survey of 140 principals on the subject of social media. It's a positive take on SNS use in schools. This site links both the 34 page paper and a small radio interview (8 mins) which is well worth a listen.
Judy O'Connell

Thoughts on writing a social media policy - 5 views

    "Social media and online communication opportunities are important and can have a positive impact on all elements of the teaching and learning process, the school and learning community. We see teachers and other professionals creating networks to share ideas and resources, children and young people crowd source ideas and information. They seek and receive feedback on their work while parents engage more fully with teachers, their children and the school. Furthermore, even if we feel too old or too busy to engage with social media ourselves then we, as teachers, must still be able to model appropriate, safe and positive use of social technology for our learners and the wider learning community."
John Pearce

Traditional Media brainwashing Australians about Social Media | @SilkCharm | Laurel Pap... - 2 views

    "NSW Police have been made aware of a Facebook page that has allegedly made disturbing death threats against baby-faced singer Jack Vidgen. Telephones don't stalk children, Social Media doesn't intimidate them either. People do. Investigate People. Don't blame the online community tools. Thank the tools - they shine a spotlight on all that is horrid in our society. We cannot heal until we know what is wrong with us and acknowledge and address it. And newspapers are not here to heal us, believe me!"
Judy O'Connell

How far can schools go in regulating teachers' social-media use? | Philadelphia Inquire... - 0 views

    "Munroe and Collins have joined a list of teachers and professors nationwide who have found themselves in hot water for expressing their views through blogs and social media. Both were critical of students, though neither used students' names. Some educators who blog or use social media as part of their teaching argue that when done right it can provide tremendous benefit. They say students will need to be proficient and should learn to use such tools responsibly."
Judy O'Connell

Why Media Literacy is Not Just for Kids | Edutopia - 0 views

  • The solutions Hobbs outlines are worth considering at the local level, as well. Is your school ready to think critically about the learning potential of social networks, games, and other popular media that many students use only outside of school? What is your community doing to close the digital divide for underserved groups such as juvenile offenders, recent immigrants, or the elderly? Are you making effective use of local technology resources -- or do you even know where to find them?
    Your students may be able to update their Facebook status in a heartbeat, but can they also write a thoughtful letter to the editor, voice their opinion on a call-in radio show, or access local media to advocate for community action? How well would parents or teachers in your community do at those tasks? In Digital and Media Literacy: A Plan of Action, media literacy expert Renee Hobbs makes a strong case for deepening digital literacy -- not only for youth but for Americans of all ages. Improving our digital and media literacy will require nothing less than a national community education effort, Hobbs argues in a position paper recently published by the Aspen Institute and Knight Foundation. Sorting through the flood of information most of us encounter daily requires new knowledge and critical-thinking skills, she says.
Judy O'Connell

Facebook: virtual impact on reality in the Middle East - Information Policy - 0 views

    "Beyond the analysis of how Facebook, Twitter and other social media are rapidly bringing about political change in Egypt, Tunisia and elsewhere lies a more complex, and compelling, picture of how social media is changing the identities and lives of young people in supposedly 'closed' societies Facebook is seen by some to represent the acme of 'Neo-Media.' The word 'neo' prior to any word, probably with political characteristics, implies a drastic kind of intruder that has crossed the limits of the 'original' word to add new interpretations. The intruder justifies the continued existence of the original word while presenting a 'new look' on the whole thing."
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