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The Shortage of Healthcare Workers in the U.S. | Duquesne University School of Nursing - 4 views

    This article is going to talk about the shortage of healthcare workers and how medically it takes time to hire educated people for the job. Also some strategies to gain worker back.

Social Issues in Healthcare | Maryville Online - 1 views

    This article talks about how healthcare is accessible to class, religion, gender, race and ethnicity. They explain how healthcare is a social determinant of health.

1. Views of the major problems facing the country Views of major problems facing the U.... - 0 views

    This article started out talking about healthcare, that it's been so expensive. Age differences and race differences and other economic problems

List of Social Issues - Common Social Issues of 2021 - 0 views

    This article is talking about some major issues in the world. Things such as a highly anticipated the vaccine, same-sex marriage etc., overpopulation, and many more.

Health Net lawsuit reveals the financial engine of drug rehab industry - 0 views

  • The only "Obamacare" health insurer in metro Phoenix and Pima County is ensnared in a legal dispute with several addiction treatment centers over the cost of care amid an Arizona opioid epidemic that is taking an average of two lives each day. 
  • Maricopa County Superior Court lawsuit
  • widespread fraud among Arizona and California drug rehab centers in 2015 and 2016, when it alleges"teams of brokers" recruited out-of-state clients to fraudulently obtain insurance policies and to seek treatment in Arizona.
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  •  residential “sober homes”
  • headaches for local government officials as they try to determine how to manage the unregulated industry.
  • Prescott, which once claimed more than 100 sober homes, has adopted regulations to provide more oversight of them.
  • Federal and state prosecutors have aggressively pursued cases in Florida and California in connection with fraudulent activities such as patient brokering.
  • There have been no criminal cases filed in Arizona, however. 
  • Six of the rehab facilities that accuse Health Net of improperly withholding payments are in Prescott: Chapter 5 Counseling, Prescott House, Compass Recovery Center, Clean Adventures of Sober Living, Decision Point Center and Carleton Recovery Centers.
  • Three others, T R U Recovery Solutions, North Ridge Counseling and Desert Cove Recovery, list Scottsdale addresses. 
  • The rehab facilities allege that Health Net improperly withheld payments to virtually every rehab center in Arizona and southern California beginning in January 2016. Health Net halted the payments as part of an investigative audit that demanded each center provide detailed records such as proof of patients' residency and assurances that patients did not receive incentives to sign up for rehab. 
  • Health Net said in court documents that claims filed by rehab centers in Arizona soared because of widespread fraud
  • Health Net's PPO plans paid $2.4 million to all Arizona rehab centers in 2014. Those payments soared to $47.4 million in 2015
  • Those plans paid more for rehab care that year than all other types of care in Arizona, including typically expensive medical care such as cancer, heart disease and child births, according to the insurer’s counterclaim.
  • Here’s how the fraud worked, the insurer said in its counterclaim:Brokers would scout out people in 12-step programs, Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, homeless shelters and jails, then refer these clients to the “highest-bidding clinic.”Clinics that were not part of the insurer’s network paid clients’ insurance premiums and out-of-pocket costs such as deductibles and co-payments.The result was that people secured Health Net coverage “arranged and bought for them by financially-interested providers for one purpose only: to obtain coverage for the limited time needed to rack up millions of dollars in substance abuse treatment.” Some clinics misrepresented the home addresses of patients, many of whom lived out of state. 
  • “a sophisticated fraud involving the fraudulent enrollment of non-Arizona residents,” who signed up for Arizona insurance policies. 
  • misrepresenting their home address
  • Clean Adventures staff member told him to list the rehab facility's address on his insurance application.
  • put him in contact with an insurance agent who suggested using Clean Adventures' address on his insurance application
  • The insurer named 10 other examples of people who lived in California, Indiana, New Jersey, New York, Tennessee and Wisconsin but represented that they lived in Prescott or Scottsdale.
  • The insurer also said the rehab centers engaged in fraudulent billing, charging for services that were not medically necessary or in amounts that exceeded what the plan allowed.
  • A 2008 law called the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Act requires insurance plans to provide equitable coverage for substance abuse and addiction treatment. The Affordable Care Act also requires health insurance plans cover essential health benefits, including behavioral health services, and it forbids insurers from denying coverage to individuals based on existing medical conditions. 
  • The unintended consequence was (some) addiction treatments centers began taking advantage of that and over-billing," said Angie Geren, executive director of Addiction Haven, a grassroots and advocacy organization focusing on addiction issues. 
  • House Bill 2333
  • curb the practice of paying referral fees to brokers who steer patients to rehab centers.
  • bill never made it out of committee.
  • Florida
  • "The scam starts with deceptive advertising at the beginning," Aronberg said. "You are lured down to sunny Florida with a free plane ticket, which is illegal. You are given illegal benefits to keep you there."
  • patients often find themselves booted from treatment when their insurance benefits run out.
  • incentive for people to relapse so they can obtain another round of coverage.
  • Sober Home Task Force targeting the practice of buying and selling patients battling addiction
  • Johnson said rehab centers that provide legitimate services are being harmed as insurance companies scrutinize payments and bad actors poach patients away. 

Six ways loss of Arctic ice impacts everyone | Pages | WWF - 0 views

    This website is showing problems the world is facing right now from the ice caps melting.

Six ways loss of Arctic ice impacts everyone | Pages | WWF - 0 views

    This website is showing the affects the world is facing right now from the ice caps melting.

Survey: 1 in 5 Americans can't afford necessary care - MedCity News - 0 views

    One of the major social issues in our world, and especially in The United States, is accessible and affordable healthcare. Americans are not able to afford healthcare, and those that manage to pay for it state that more things need to be included.
    I think that is an important and relevant topic in America many of its own citizens can't afford basic care and health needs. It is something that we need to look more diligently on. America can not progress when its citizens are suffering. Great Article!
    It's sad that people can't afford healthcare it should be more accessible to everyone. If everyone could afford healthcare then we wouldn't have so many deaths.

COVID-19 and student performance - 1 views

    The pandemic is affecting school children. There are not doing that well in school because they have been on lockdown for to long. There forgetting how to be social.
    The pandemic has effected so many lives, especially students. This is one of the most principle periods in their lives and where development can be most important. Throwing the stress of online schooling and removing them from in-person interactions is deeply affecting them in more ways people seem to realize.

Abortion: Women's Right and Wrongs - 2 views

    Laws that restrict abortion have the effect and purpose of preventing a woman from exercising any of her human rights. The abortion-rights debate is commonly misunderstood, with advocates on both sides attributing false motives to many good, deeply conscientious people. Denying women access to abortion is a form of gender discrimination.
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    I still cannot believe that in Texas its legal now after 6 weeks, I do not think a man should have a opinion on a women's body at all!
    I like how this article used their own experience of feeling different towards the argument int the past to help boost their side. But I completely agree that men should not have an opinion on a woman's body, but also if they do have an issue with abortion then they need to take preventing unwanted pregnancies more seriously!
    This is the most common social issue that I see brought up/discussed. The author is this article did a great job including her own personal experiences with abortion laws. Unlike a lot of the articles on the topic, it was not cut and dry full of laws and instead replaced with actual opinions/experiences. I see this topic coming up more especially as Texas recently passed a law that woman would not be able to receive abortions past 6 weeks of fetus age.

The Effect of COVID-19 on Homelessness - 1 views

    Many people have become homeless due to the pandemic. Landlords are raising the rent in this time of crisis and people aren't able to afford to live anymore. Unemployment rates have also gone through the roof
    This was a good, but very sad read. I cant imagine having to be evicted out of my home due to being out of work for something like the pandemic. Something completely out of your control. I know that Arizona temporarily put a notice during the lockdown that those who couldn't pay rent were not allowed to be evicted (I was one of them) but it didn't last long enough. Like the article states, COVID19 has long term affects not short ones meaning more time to recover from its effects are needed.

The Gender Pay Gap in Nursing - 4 views

    the gender pay gap in nursing. Men make more money than woman nurses
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    It bottles my mind of how women are still in equal to men. We are more advanced now than the 1900's. We should be able to treat women the same across all platforms especially healthcare.
    There definitely needs to be a change in this, gender inequality shouldn't be an issue anymore. Especially when the majority of nurses are women.
    This is so interesting I had no idea about this one reading the article is mind-boggling how can they justify paying someone less solely based on their gender. Amazing read!
    It really makes me angry that anyone could think that this is okay. Someone's pay should be dictated by the work they put in instead of their gender or race.
    The fact that this sort of inequality still exists just based on sex is crazy! And like your article states, gender is not the only affected area, but black, indigenous and people of color as well. Pay should vary on knowledge and performance, not ones ethnicity.

Education Should Be Free for Everyone - 2 views

    Information can readily be absorbed when it is relevant to human purpose. The proper focus of authentic education is not ingestion and disgorgement of information like trained seals clapping their flippers on command but a development process that leads to critical thinking and life-long learning skills.
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    I agree, many other countries already have free education. I bet the wage gap would definitely benefit from the country having a free education system in the United States.
    I agree with this I think education should always be free. Everyone should be able to get a decent education even if they are not financially well off.
    I feel there would be more to benefit from having a higher population of educated individuals. These people would have more to contribute to society and the economy, so there would be more to gain in the long run.
    I agree with this education should be free. Lots of people don't go to college for the fact that they cant afford to go. President Biden has canceled student loans which I think was really good of him to do. I know people who are in debt due to this.
    Education overall has so many social issues carved into it, cost being one of the major ones. Even just cutting down the cost would help. but we are one of the most expensive countries to attend college in. Like the article you linked states, student loans and the excessive amount people spend on an education results in them becoming bankrupt before even starting out.
jos2429699 - 0 views

    Texas has put an abortion law that prevents women from getting an abortion after approximately six weeks of pregnancy. This has led to people flooding their websites with false reports to deter their efforts in enforcing this law.
    I don't understand why they wanna regulate what we do with our bodies. Some people can't afford kids or are just not ready for kids and I don't think we should be ridiculed for that decision . I hope they overturn that law.

Homeless encampments are becoming part of the American landscape - The Washington Post - 0 views

    There has been a rise in large communities of homeless people living in tents in various big cities across the United States. Many of them are living in tents instead of shelters to avoid getting COVID-19. The CDC even wants these communities to be left alone to prevent the aforementioned problem.
    It's sad to see so many homeless people especially when it's due to the pandemic. Its crazy how people would rather live in a tent than be in shelters. The shelters arent doing all they can to make sure these people feel safe so I see why they would rather not be in the shelters.

Facts About Bullying | - 0 views

    Bullying is a severe issue that usually affects the youth. Whether bullying occurs in person or via media, it can drastically impact an individual's state of mind.
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    I agree, till this day bullying still goes on its so sad. It really impacts the youth and cause depression!
    Bullying is still an issue and there isn't much that can be done to stop it in its entirety sadly. It can have serious negative effects for not only the person being bullied, but the bully themselves too as they will think it is ok if not told otherwise.
    Not enough people talk about the psychological impact that bullying can have on kids. These problems do not always just go way, and they can carry on into adulthood if nothing is done about it.

Obesity Consequences | Obesity Prevention Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public H... - 0 views

    Obesity and unhealthy habits are a huge social issue in the world today, especially in The United States. Obesity is one of the highest causes of deaths in that U.S right along side tobacco use. A time passes on even more GMO and artificial food with be introduced into the world only making it worse.
    This sort of problem is only made worse when unhealthy foods are more accessible to the poor than the healthy alternatives. This is done simply because it is more profitable to make things like fast food easier to repeatedly buy.

Food banks feed people. Why don't they fight hunger? | The Counter - 2 views

    Food banks do a lot to aid those in need and feed them, but is it enough? Despite feeding millions of bellies in the past 2 decades but that has does nothing to move the percentage of the population that remains hungry
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    This is so interesting. I know so many people who benefit from the food bank but didn't realize that it doesn't budge the issue with food hunger.
    I really liked this article food banks were a big thing for me growing up and they are not as great as many people think they are! I loved this read!
    Thank you for sharing this article. I have always felt that it was important to know how your money is going to be used by charity organizations, and this article highlights the reasons why I feel this way.

LGBT Americans reported higher rates of food and economic insecurity than non-LGBT peop... - 0 views

    The Census Bureau did a Household pulse survey to see how people were doing financially in their households, and it found that LGBTQ+ people were struggling more than LGBTQ+ people were. The Human Rights Campaign stated that these were problems that already existed, but it was made worse by the COVID-19 outbreak.
jos2429699 - 0 views

    The Rainbow Railroad in Toronto, Canada has received hundreds of requests for help from LGBTQ+ people in Afghanistan after the Taliban took over. Afghanistan was already a dangerous place to live for LGBTQ+ people, but it has gotten even worse since their lives are now being threatened.
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