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Lisa Stevens

Classroom 2.0 Convention in the UK? - 141 views

I'll lurk on FM - pop past the webcam and wave ;o) Lisa xx Joanne Bennett wrote: > Yes ...lets all try and meet up.... say hello to fellow diigo and twitter users. > > > Danny Nicholson wrote: >...

learning teaching web2.0

juhi gangrade

Register for Android Development Workshop on 28th September in Indore - 0 views

    Join the workshop to learn the technicalities of Android Development from experts. Know the Career Scope in Android Development, Sneek the Future of Android Market and much more in the Workshop. Register free for the workshop NOW!
Tom Daccord

Lincoln School: Teacher Workshops - 0 views

    Teacher Workshops School Year and Summer technology workshops for Teachers.
Tom Daccord

2009 Teaching the Flat Classroom Workshop - 0 views

    2009 Teaching the "Flat Classroom" Workshop Boston, Massachusetts with Vicki Davis
Evelyn Izquierdo

Come join Podcasting for the ESL/EFL Classroom - 20 views

Hi all! Happy New Year! Here is an invitation for you. Come join Podcasting for the ESL/EFL Classroom, a totally free, 5-week, hands-on, TESOL - Electronic Village Online (EVO) workshop aimed at ...

podcasting web2.0 technology tools resources Teaching learning

started by Evelyn Izquierdo on 05 Jan 12 no follow-up yet
Kerry J

Information on the edna 2.0 workshops touring Australia in 2007. - 0 views

    The 2009 edna Workshop tour has the dates dialed in. The tag is ednaconf.
Jeff Johnson

BLC Conference (November Learning) - 0 views

    Get ready to have your brain tickled with ideas from around the world. The 2009 Building Learning Communities Conference is designed to have an immediate and long range impact on improving teaching and learning. What first started as a 'jam session' of ideas between friends and education colleagues has grown into something truly special. Each year at BLC, we welcome representatives from around the world along with some of the most prestigious leaders in the field of education technology. Our conference program features hands-on pre-conference workshops, keynotes and over 90 main session workshops.
Tom Daccord

EdTechTeacher - 1 views

    We have partnered with Boston University School of Education and Noble & Greenough School to offer an incredible group of educational technology experts who will lead a series of innovative hands-on summer workshops in Boston. Join educators from around the world who come to Boston each summer for a memorable and inspiring educational experience.
juhi gangrade

Global Teaching Methodology - 0 views

    Jagran Lakecity University offers world class course structure with global teaching methodology including industry oriented workshops, guest lectures and seminars in Bhopal
Tero Toivanen

Around Klewel » Blog Archive » Lift workshop video: Web 3.0 round table - A t... - 0 views

    Lift workshop video: Web 3.0 round table - A techo-philosophical debate by Philipp Egli
Dennis OConnor

Workshop Resouces 21st Century Information Fluency - 0 views

    A special menu of workshop resources about 21st Century Information Fluency. Media rich materials for creating presentations about searching, website evaluation, and ethical use of digital materials. Online & Free
Caroline Roche

Keystage 3 & 4 - Learning - National Media Museum UK - 0 views

    Workshops from the National Media Museum about various different types of filmmaking

literacy&language - fun2teachandlearn - 0 views

    Language and Literacy (in Reading & Writing Workshop) Website
Maggie Verster

Elluminate workshops edu calender - 9 views

    These free online workshops/webinars with great educational topics are always great. Just wish I had more time!
Evelyn Izquierdo

Electronic Village Online / Podcasting2012 - 19 views

    Podcasting for the ESL/EFL Classroom, a totally free, 5-week, hands-on, TESOL - Electronic Village Online (EVO) workshop aimed at English teachers from all over the world. Learn how to create, produce and publish your own podcasts for the ESL/EFL classes. 
Martin Burrett

Finding Santa - 0 views

    Find Santa in the chaos of his workshop at Christmas with this fun game.
Roland Gesthuizen

5 Ways Twitter Strengthens A School's Learning Community | Connected Principals - 0 views

  • Although we’ve only just completed our first full year in using this socal media tool, we’ve broken the ice on a variety of teaching and learning benefits for parents, teachers and students. Over the summer, we’re planning to engage a shared hashtag to “keep the learning going” – one of the best features that Twitter offers.
  • Our staff’s “learning by Twitter” has occurred in multiple formats this school year: From each other From classroom to classroom From our school parents From their developing Personal Learning Networks (PLNs) From local & national conferences From our district hashtag (#nped) From weekly education chats like #ptchat, #5thchat, #edchat #ntchat & others
    "This year, our K-6 staff began learning in a new virtual way using Twitter. After a couple staff in-service trainings and after school workshops, parents and teachers ventured into this new educational Twitterverse. As we enter the final week of school, I'd like to share it's initial impact on teaching and learning from my principal's lens."
Carlos Quintero

Weblogg-ed » Keynotes and Workshops - 0 views

    Will Richardson un buen académico del classroom 2.0
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