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chemise burberry brit femme It - 0 views

Sweden and Finland participate in allied operations in the Balkans and Afghanistan. Associating Iran These ''a la carte'' partnerships that NATO wants to establish on a case-by-case basis are not w...

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started by intermixed intermixed on 18 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
Paul Beaufait

P21 Framework Definitions [PDF] (2009) - 15 views

    "To help practitioners integrate skills into the teaching of core academic subjects, the Partnership has developed a unified, collective vision for learning known as the Framework for 21st Century Learning. This Framework describes the skills, knowledge and expertise students must master to succeed in work and life; it is a blend of content knowledge, specific skills, expertise and literacies" (Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2009, ¶1).

Xiaomi Mi 5C with Company's own Pinecone Octa-core Processor coming soon - Technology hub - 0 views

    Xiaomi Mi 5C a new variant of Mi5 Series to be announced soon, and it is the first smartphone to come with company's own developed processor Pinecone. The company developed the processor with a partnership with Leadcore Technology Ltd., the company who developed 4G chips for cellular devices from last two years.
    Xiaomi Mi 5C a new variant of Mi5 Series to be announced soon, and it is the first smartphone to come with company's own developed processor Pinecone. The company developed the processor with a partnership with Leadcore Technology Ltd., the company who developed 4G chips for cellular devices from last two years.
Sheri Edwards

Education Week: Backers of '21st-Century Skills' Take Flak - 0 views

  • Unless states that sign on to the movement ensure that all students are also taught a body of explicit, well-sequenced content, a focus on skills will not help students develop higher-order critical-thinking abilities, they said at a panel discussion here in the nation’s capital last week.
  • Array of Skills In the Partnership for 21st Century Skills’ vision for K-12 education, the arches of the rainbow depict outcomes, while the pools represent the resources needed to support those outcomes. But critics contend that states implementing this vision might focus too heavily on discrete skills instruction, at the expense of core content. SOURCE: Partnership for 21st Century Skills
  • Ten states have agreed to work with P21 to incorporate a focus on technology, analytical and communication skills into their content standards, teacher training, and assessments.
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • “We’ve been having this curriculum war for years.”
  • Mr. Kay, in contrast, painted the P21 vision as one that transcends this debate. The partnership tries to encourage states to be more deliberative about how they help students learn the skills,
  • “[But] the liberal arts movement, which we embrace, has not been as purposeful and intentional about the skill outcomes as we need to be.”
  • Mr. Willingham argued not only that the teaching of skills is inseparable from that of core content, but also that it is the content itself that allows individuals to recognize problems and to determine which critical-thinking skills to apply to solve them.
  • Students become proficient critical thinkers only by gleaning a broad body of knowledge in multiple content domains, he said.
  • Those techniques include student-directed methods such as project-based learning, which requires students to work in groups to solve a specified problem, relying on teachers for guidance rather than for explicit instruction.
  • “Teachers will rise to the challenge given the kind of supports they need.”
  • “If [curriculum] is just picking up a manual, or a series of nonconnected or nonsequenced experiments in science or literary works with no connection and no background knowledge, it’s not going to help our kids think any better,” she said in an interview.
  • Academics like Ms. Darling-Hammond said that setting forth a clear understanding once and for all about what students should know, and which teaching methods best help students engage that content in depth, will be crucial to putting such debates to rest.
  • The highest-scoring countries on international exams, she said, undertook efforts to outline such goals specifically 20 to 30 years ago. “When you really think about delivering a rich curriculum, it takes a very skillful type of teaching,” Ms. Darling-Hammond said. “It can be done badly; we have to acknowledge that. But we don’t really have a choice, if we want to join other nations.”
  • Meanwhile the critics go about squawking while promoting their own panaceas
  • he majority of kids just go right on tuning out, dropping out, or just getting by
  • I challenge what I read by looking at source material. These are timeless skills. It's the technology that is 21st century.
  • As for the topics we are unfamiliar with, the poster just before me rightly points out that the Internet is out there for just that purpose. Real teachers are also learners, and should be constantly seeking to know more.
  • Many recent studies have concluded that the current system is broken beyond repair and that point solutions like those being advocates above cannot fix it. We know that people learn best when they teach others so small groups that encourage peer-to-peer mentoring should be encouraged. Those same small groups require the students to learn and use the high-performance skills advocated by P21. At the same time, there is a body of knowledge that has been determined to be important to a student's future - represented by the state academic content standards. Robust, in-depth discussions of academic content help achieve the mastery of academic content. To ensure the content has meaning, it is best learned in a multi-disciplinary environment. By embedding a selected set of content standards from a variety of disciplines into a realistic setting/project the students get the opportunity to use the knowledge and go beyond the standards as their interest leads them.
  • The fact is, while "experts" pore over the fabric of pedagogical delivery methods, online teaching and learning is quietly replacing classroom environments globally. Educators better make some quick adjustments or the very definition of what an "education" means nowadays will make many of these folks irrelevant.
    What do you think? How do we envision the future and teach for it?
Maggie Verster

The Partnership for 21st Century Skills - 2009 MILE Guide: Milestones for Improving Lea... - 14 views

    "Nearly six years ago, the Partnership for 21st Century Skills released its signature toolkit, the MILE Guide for 21st Century Skills: Milestones for Improving Learning and Education. Today, this toolkit has been revised and updated to reflect new realities and the P21 Framework for Education. "
Nigel Coutts

Student voice, choice, agency, partnerships and participation - The Learner's Way - 5 views

    This week I joined with teachers, students, researchers and policy writers at Melbourne University to discuss student voice. This conference was hosted by Social Education Victoria and made possible by the conference partners, The University of Melbourne, Education and Training Victoria, Foundation for Young Australians and Connect. Over three days, participants engaged in rigorous dialogue about the significance of student voice and what is required to ensure its benefits are maximised for all.
Paul Beaufait

Curriculum21 - Clearinghouse - 31 views

    Resources in dozens of categories: "21st Century Skills, Android Apps, Art, Arts, ASCD 2012, Assessment, Audio, Blogs, C21 Webinars, Career/Tech Ed, Chemistry, Chess, Common Core State Standards, Curriculum Mapping, Dictionary, Digital Literacies, Digital Storytelling, Digital Tools, Early Childhood, eCoaching, English/Language Arts, ePortfolios, Film, Games, Global, Global Education, Global Partnerships, Government, Grades 3-5, Health, Heritage, High, High School, History, Humanities, Images In the Classroom, Infographics, Interdisciplinary, Issues, iPad/iPhone Apps, K-2, Languages, Library-Media Literacy, LiveBook, Math, Media Arts, Middle School, Mobile Learning, Music, New Forms, News, Open Learning, Physical Education, Podcast, Professional Development, Provocations for Professionals, Reading, Repositories, Science, Social Networking, Social Studies, Sustainability, Technology, The Arts, Theatre, Uncategorized, Videos, Webinars, World Languages, [and] Writing" (2012.08.29).
Peter Horsfield

Almir Narayamoga Surui - Extraordinary People Changing the Game - 0 views

    As tribe leader, Chief Almir Narayamoga Surui had to do something to save Paiter Surui, their niche in the Amazon Forest. Loggers did not give up easily considering the money century-old trees bring in. When the Surui Chief began to criticize and act against logging, a bounty was put on his head, forcing him to leave his people for seven months. It was not the end of the story. More determined than ever, Chief Almir kept his partnership with Google Earth Outreach and has found a way to liberate his people from welcoming loggers through a 50-year development plan. To read more about Almir Narayamoga Surui visit
adina sullivan

Report- Ready t oInnovateTCB.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    Per David Warlick blog - "A recent report (Ready to Innovate/pdf) from The Conference Board and Americans for the Arts, in partnership with the American Association of School Administrators (AASA), reminds us that creativity, and integral part of innovation, is among the top five skills that will become more important over the next five years. Yet, according to their survey, school superintendents and American business executives differ in some significant ways in what this means."
Kathleen N

The LoTi Digital Age Survey - 0 views

    We, at LoTi, are proud to announce the release of the free LoTi Digital-Age Survey to all public schools in the United States. The LoTi Digital-Age Survey provides each participant with an empirically-validated tool that creates a personalized digital-age professional development profile aligned to the NETS for Teachers (NETS-T). This profile offers recommendations aligned to five popular instructional initiatives including (1) Level of Teaching Innovation (LoTi), (2) Partnership for 21st Century Skills, (3) Marzano's Research-based Instructional Practices, (4) Daggett's Rigor & Relevance, and (5) Webb's Depth of Knowledge.
Maggie Verster

21st Century Skills Map for science - 0 views

    The Partnership advocates for the integration of 21st Century Skills into K-12 education so that students can advance their learning in core academic subjects.
Dennis OConnor

Wimba and Moodlerooms Offer Integrated and Optimized Moodle Solution - 0 views

  • Partnership Enables Affordable, Hosted Moodle and Wimba Environment. New York and Baltimore (PRWEB) April 21, 2009 -- Wimba® Inc., the education technology company that helps people teach people, and Moodlerooms, Inc., a Moodle Partner that provides tools and services for online learning, today announced a partnership that offers affordable, hosted implementations of the Wimba Collaboration Suite™ within Moodle, the world's most widely used open-source online learning system.
Tero Toivanen

Education Futures - Settlers of the Shift - 26 views

    Settlers of the shift is an open map of experts, organizations and ideas that are scattered around the globe. It's for people whose work is shifting us towards a better tomorrow - a New World Order 2.0. This map aims to encourage people to connect across sectors and enable you to tie partnerships with like-minded individuals.
Kerry J

Resource collection re: Assessment and 21st Century Skills - 49 views

    Collection of resources around assessment and 21st Century skills - provides ability for resources to be rated by members of the 21st Century skills partnership org. 
Kerry J

21st Century Skills White paper - 38 views

    Has great info on the Formative and Summative assessments the Partnership for 21st Century Skills organisation feel measure 21st Century skills.
Lucy Gray

2010 Global Education Conference - 19 views

    In partnership with Elluminate, we are in the process of organizing a free virtual online global education conference to hopefully take place November 15 - 19, 2010. Our conference strands are *tentatively* set to include: Teachers (professional development, training, etc.), Students (student-led initiatives, exchange programs, service learning etc.), Pedagogy (curriculum, digital citizenship, assessment etc. ), Policy and Leadership (exemplary schools, ICT infrastructure, government initiatives etc.), and Change (peace and social justice, equity, etc.).
David Wetzel

Google Global Science Fair 2011 - 0 views

    "At Google, the only thing we love as much as science is science education. We want to celebrate young scientific talent and engage students who might not yet be engaged with science. So, in partnership with CERN, the LEGO Group, National Geographic, and Scientific American we've created an exciting new global science competition, the Google Science Fair. Students all over the world who are between the ages of 13 and 18 are eligible to enter this competition and compete for prizes including once-in-a-lifetime experiences, internships and scholarships. "
Nigel Coutts

Towards a pedagogy for life-worthy learning - The Learner's Way - 2 views

    In the contemporary classroom, there is much greater consideration of what the learner does in partnership with their teacher so that they develop the capacity to learn. Classroom routines and structures are designed to engage the learner in a rich process of dialogical learning. 
Nigel Coutts

Learning to learn with a MakerSpace - The Learner's Way - 15 views

    Making, Maker Centred Learning and STEAM fit neatly alongside Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) for many schools. Commonly this approach includes a constructivist view of knowledge and teachers seek to establish conditions which allow students to explore questions and ideas with greater independence than may occur in the traditional classroom.  Learning becomes a collaborative partnership between teachers and students with a clear focus on a learner centric approach.
Nigel Coutts

Teaching and Learning as Dialogue with the World - The Learner's Way - 3 views

    Learning should always be an active process and a two-way partnership between teaching and learning. In essence, learning and its counterpart exist as a vibrant dialogue between individuals whose role in the relationship is continually transformative. I'd like to explore this thinking further.
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