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Nigel Coutts

Moving beyond doing inquiry towards embracing an inquiry stance. - The Learner's Way - 1 views

    When we adopt an inquiry stance towards learning, we start to see things differently. Taking an inquiry stance towards learning involves a shift in mindset and practice for both student and teacher. It allows us to move beyond doing inquiry towards being inquisitive.
J Black

08.03.10: MySpace in Democracy: inquiry on how social networks and media technologies p... - 0 views

    This unit on "MySpace in Democracy: inquiry on how social networks and media technologies promote and disrupt democratic practices" is intended to integrate with the School Districts Philadelphia's middle grades' Social Studies core curriculum. Through my proposed unit, students will conduct inquiry on how the proliferation of social networking sites, search engines, and electronic media shapes democratic practices. Inquiry and critical thinking will be core skills students will master. To lead students to master research skills this unit will use media literacy and free speech topics to provide students with seed ideas for their own inquiry. As Leonisa Ardizzone posits, students need to find themselves at the center rather than the margins of learning for critical pedagogy to take place. 1 My students consequently need opportunities to create their own media where their voices can be heard and honored. The hope is that my students' voices will placed at the center of topics related to digital literacy and democratic practices.
Paul Beaufait

Introduction to Inquiry-Based Learning - 55 views

    "It is crucial to recognize that inquiry-based teaching should not be viewed as a technique or instructional practice or method used to teach a subject. Rather, inquiry starts with teachers as engaged learners and researchers with the foundational belief that the topics they teach are rich, living and generous places for wonder and exploration." (para. 4, retrieved 2012.11.23)
Nigel Coutts

Thinking throughout the Inquiry Cycle - The Learner's Way - 3 views

    If we believe that all learning is a consequence of thinking, then we should consider what types of thinking our learners are likely to benefit from at each phase of their inquiry. This is where the Understanding Map, developed by Ritchhart, Church & Morrison offers useful guidance. By contemplating the demands of each phase of our chosen inquiry model, we can plan for how we might scaffold thinking moves which will enhance our learners' learning.
Nigel Coutts

Multiple perspectives on an understanding of inquiry - The Learner's Way - 2 views

    Recently I have been contemplating how we might define inquiry. Like many terms in education, it is often used in multiple contexts and has a range of meanings attached to it. Coming to agreement on what inquiry is, requires negotiating seemingly divergent understandings. If we are to avoid oversimplifications and dichotomous thinking, we need to explore these multiple perspectives and find a balance point.
Nigel Coutts

Inquiry vs Direct Instruction - The Great Debate and How it Went Wrong - The Learner's Way - 9 views

    There is a debate taking place in the world of education. It is not a new debate but recently it has gathered new energy and the boundary between polite discussion of opposing views and hostility has been stretched. The debate is that between those who are advocates of inquiry based learning and those who believe direct instruction produces the best outcomes. - This article explore how the debate has gone wrong and fails to serve the needs of learners.
Paul Beaufait

For Students, Why the Question is More Important Than the Answer | MindShift - 50 views

    Thanks to Nik Peachey for pointing out this post on one of his sites. In this post, Katrina Schwartz (2012.10.26) provides a pointer to the Right Question Institute (an NPO), introduces a new book about inquiry-based learning, and explains, "Coming up with the right question involves vigorously thinking through the problem, investigating it from various angles, turning closed questions into open-ended ones[,] and prioritizing which are the most important questions to get at the heart of the matter" (¶4). An excerpt from the book spells out rules for student engagement in forming questions about topics under investigation.
Garth Holman

teaching inquiry learning - YouTube - 0 views

    Great Youtube on Inquiry learning.  
Nigel Coutts

Inquiry Based Learning is dead, long live inquiry. - 23 views

    In the ebb and flow of educational theories and approaches to learning one can see many commonalities to the world of fashion. A good idea emerges, becomes mainstream, is appropriated by a wide number of educators who blend the essential elements into their methodology and over time the once good idea becomes an oversimplified or slightly misunderstood model of what it once was.
  • is an online language and accommodation booking website that has started in gathering potential accredited language schools and accommodation providers worldwide.
Rick Beach

sarabeauchamp - Forms for Inquiry - 0 views

    Sara Beauchamp-Hicks: NCTE presentation: Using Google Docs Forms for inquiry
Maggie Verster

Love this brilliant science site! Well done! - 77 views

    This website offering free science resources was developed by, an organization dedicated to sharing the emerging tools of science education: real-time data collection, simulations, inquiry based lessons, interactive web lessons, micro-worlds, and imaging. Click on categories including Science Inquiry, Life Science, Earth and Space, The History and Nature of Science, Tools to do Science and more. Read the student and teacher comment page, and add one of your own.

Less teaching, more learning: 10-yr study supports increasing student learning through ... - 0 views

  • We believe that the quantitative and qualitative data support greater student-driven inquiry in the classroom laboratory, which leads to deeper learning in fewer topic areas (less teaching) and can reap gains in scientific thinking and fundamental understanding applicable to a broader range of topic areas (more learning) in introductory biology
Mike McIlveen

21centuryedtech - home - 0 views

  • First they promote "a new instructional approach that engages learners". New Tech incorporates project-based learning (PBL) as the center of the instructional approach. PBL is facilitated by technology and student inquiry to engage learners with issues and questions that are relevant. Teachers design rigorous projects tied to state standards and customized to local community and student interests. Students collaborate in teams to acquire and apply knowledge and skills to solve problems. Next, " New Tech builds "a culture that empowers students and teachers". It is trust, respect, and responsibility that become the center of the learning culture. Students are put in charge of their own learning, becoming self-directed learners, while teachers are given the administrative support and resources to assist students in this realization. Last, New Tech maintains that "integrated use of technology" is essential for 21st Century education.
    • Mike McIlveen
      Trust, respect, responsibility - putting Character Ed. into practice, with admin. support - that's a new paradigm in my district.
    New Tech incoporates three key concepts. First they promote "a new instructional approach that engages learners". New Tech incorporates project-based learning (PBL) as the center of the instructional approach. PBL is facilitated by technology and student inquiry to engage learners with issues and questions that are relevant. Teachers design rigorous projects tied to state standards and customized to local community and student interests. Students collaborate in teams to acquire and apply knowledge and skills to solve problems. Next, " New Tech builds "a culture that empowers students and teachers". It is trust, respect, and responsibility that become the center of the learning culture. Students are put in charge of their own learning, becoming self-directed learners, while teachers are given the administrative support and resources to assist students in this realization. Last, New Tech maintains that "integrated use of technology" is essential for 21st Century education
Nigel Coutts

Fostering a dispositional perspective of curiosity - The Learner's Way - 4 views

    When we are young, we are naturally curious. We ask many, many questions. As we encounter the world, our consciousness is bombarded by a plethora of opportunities for curiosity. And at this early stage of exploring and discovering the world we inhabit, there is no filter between our sense of curiosity and our expression of our it. If we are curious, we will be asking questions and heaven help anyone close enough to be a potential source of answers. - At school, our relationship to both curiosity and inquiry changes.
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Buy Facebook Accounts - 100% Verified BM Accounts - 0 views

    Buy Fake Profile Pictures for Facebook Fans Buy fake profile pictures for facebook fans is one of the most popular services on the Internet. To get a lot of likes on your fan page or profile, you need to buy it from us. If you want to buy fake profile pictures then visit our website and order your desired amount of likes from us at cheap rates. We have created an amazing team who works hard to provide best services in this field so that everyone can find their own solution easily without any problems at all! Get Approved for Banning on Facebook If you have been banned from Facebook, it means that your content has been taken down for violating the company's policies. You'll receive an email informing you of what happened and how to appeal the ban-if necessary. Buy Facebook Accounts You can also report inappropriate content on Facebook by clicking "Report" next to any post in question (which appears as a blue comment bubble). This will prompt a window asking if the content is inappropriate; if so, choose "Yes," then click "Next." From there, select which reason best describes why this post should be removed from your account: Harassment or bullying Hate speech/violence against groups based on race/ethnicity/etc., or threats against public officials who represent those groups Buying Real facebook accounts is a great way to increase the number of fans your page has. Buying Facebook Accounts The first thing you need to know is that buying an old Facebook account is easy and safe. You can buy a fake account from anywhere on the internet and then use it to boost your own profile with followers, likes and comments. If you're looking for cheap prices on Facebook fake accounts then look no further than our marketplace: we have thousands of profiles available at incredibly low prices! If you want something more advanced than just buying a fake one-time use account then check out our other services which allow users to create multiple new profiles through
  • ...2 more comments...
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    Buy Facebook Accounts Introduction There are many people who have a Facebook account and want to sell it. If you have an account, then you can also buy one from other people and get more likes or followers. But how does the process work? To buy an account on Facebook, there are several things that you need to know first like what is Marketplace on Facebook? What should I do when buying an old FB account? How much does it cost for buying a FB user name? And more questions like these will arise. In this article we will try our best to answer all your queries regarding buying FB accounts with marketplace feature by giving some tips here as well as answering some common questions related). Sell Facebook Accounts Sell Facebook Accounts Sell Facebook Accounts for Money Sell Facebook Accounts for Free Sell Facebook Accounts for Cheap Sell Facebook Accounts with Ads Buy Real Names on Facebook You've probably heard that if you want to make money on Facebook, you should buy accounts. The truth is that buying accounts for your ads isn't necessary-you can get real names and photos from us. We offer a wide range of services for this purpose: Buy Real Names on Facebook Buy Facebook Accounts with Friends Buy Fake Accounts For Your Ads The price depends on the character limit, but we're able to provide accounts with 100 000 characters (or more) at no extra cost! This means that if you have an ad that needs more than 100 000 characters in its copy or description, then we will be able to help out by providing additional space for your ad text at no extra cost! Buy Fake Likes and Followers on Facebook Buying Facebook likes and followers is a popular way to make your page look more popular. You can buy likes for your business, product or service, or even yourself. If you want to increase the number of likes on your Facebook page then there are many ways that you can do this. Buy Facebook Accounts Buying fake accounts is one of them, but it's not always easy to find out if
    Buy Facebook Accounts Introduction There are many people who have a Facebook account and want to sell it. If you have an account, then you can also buy one from other people and get more likes or followers. But how does the process work? To buy an account on Facebook, there are several things that you need to know first like what is Marketplace on Facebook? What should I do when buying an old FB account? How much does it cost for buying a FB user name? And more questions like these will arise. In this article we will try our best to answer all your queries regarding buying FB accounts with marketplace feature by giving some tips here as well as answering some common questions related). Sell Facebook Accounts Sell Facebook Accounts Sell Facebook Accounts for Money Sell Facebook Accounts for Free Sell Facebook Accounts for Cheap Sell Facebook Accounts with Ads Buy Real Names on Facebook You've probably heard that if you want to make money on Facebook, you should buy accounts. The truth is that buying accounts for your ads isn't necessary-you can get real names and photos from us. We offer a wide range of services for this purpose: Buy Real Names on Facebook Buy Facebook Accounts with Friends Buy Fake Accounts For Your Ads The price depends on the character limit, but we're able to provide accounts with 100 000 characters (or more) at no extra cost! This means that if you have an ad that needs more than 100 000 characters in its copy or description, then we will be able to help out by providing additional space for your ad text at no extra cost! Buy Fake Likes and Followers on Facebook Buying Facebook likes and followers is a popular way to make your page look more popular. You can buy likes for your business, product or service, or even yourself. If you want to increase the number of likes on your Facebook page then there are many ways that you can do this. Buy Facebook Accounts Buying fake accounts is one of them, but it's not always easy to find out if
LaDawna Harrington

Shaping the Learning Environment - 0 views

FREE Webinar 4/17 | Guided Research Join us for the next LMC @ The Forefront webinar! Guided Research: Shaping the Learning Environment by Being observANT Wednesday, April 17, 2013 - 4pm / Eastern ...

Inquiry Guided Research Technology Digital Learning teaching collaboration education

started by LaDawna Harrington on 14 Apr 13 no follow-up yet
LaDawna Harrington

Guided Inquiry - 0 views

FREE Webinar, TODAY, April 17 4:00 EST

guided inquiry digital learning technology google docs teaching research

started by LaDawna Harrington on 17 Apr 13 no follow-up yet
Tero Toivanen

Tools (and Spaces) for Self Organised Learning Environment (SOLE) | FLOSSE Posse - 21 views

    "The self organized learning environment (SOLE) is a model to adapt school space to facilitate inquiry based learning. The idea is simple and powerful: "A teacher encourages their class to work as a community to answer questions using computers with internet access"."
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