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CSEET 2022 Details: Registration, Eligibility, Fee, Exam Dates, & Syllabus - 0 views

    ICICI CSEET 2022 Details In this blog, we will understand everything about the cs executive entrance test 2022 exam Check CSEET Eligibility 2022
Venizz Smith

online-research-paper-help - 0 views

    Essay Point is the most reliable online writing assistant company over the globe. Visit our website to know more about services.
tom campbell

Rethinking the Function of Business Functions - Paul Leinwand and Cesare Mainardi - Har... - 0 views

    Read the article and replace the word company with school or district. Betcha we could launch some rich, forward thinking conversations. Thus far, school systems seem to have taken all the worst things from business models. Maybe this article might allow us to think about how to build schools that support personal learning strategies.
Paul Beaufait

About NWP - National Writing Project - 5 views

    "The National Writing Project focuses the knowledge, expertise, and leadership of our nation's educators on sustained efforts to improve writing and learning for all learners" (Our Mission, ¶1, 2016.05.02).
Mary Beth  Messner

I Won't Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here's Why. - Kyle Wiens - Harvard Business R... - 0 views

    Good resource for a discussion forum topic in TechGrammar
Roland Gesthuizen

Computer lessons are out of date, admits government | Education | - 0 views

    ICT teaching in English schools needs reform, says minister in response to review of video gaming and visual effects industries

Refraction: Teaching Fractions through Gameplay - 0 views

    Refraction is an online puzzle game for teaching fractions.
Marc Lijour

Go Ahead, Mess With Texas Instruments - Phil Nichols - The Atlantic - 5 views

  • Though many devices enter our classrooms for different reasons -- they are not neutral. Some are used to reinforce the authority of formal teaching; some engage students in the process of imaginative discovery. By balancing conventional and subversive academic possibilities, these latter objects show us the real potential of learning technologies. Not as sterile knowledge-delivery devices policed by authorized educators, but as boundary objects between endorsed educational utility and creative self-expression gone rogue.
  • Though many devices enter our classrooms for different reasons -- they are not neutral. Some are used to reinforce the authority of formal teaching; some engage students in the process of imaginative discovery. By balancing conventional and subversive academic possibilities, these latter objects show us the real potential of learning technologies. Not as sterile knowledge-delivery devices policed by authorized educators, but as boundary objects between endorsed educational utility and creative self-expression gone rogue.
  • Though many devices enter our classrooms for different reasons -- they are not neutral. Some are used to reinforce the authority of formal teaching; some engage students in the process of imaginative discovery. By balancing conventional and subversive academic possibilities, these latter objects show us the real potential of learning technologies. Not as sterile knowledge-delivery devices policed by authorized educators, but as boundary objects between endorsed educational utility and creative self-expression gone rogue.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Though
  • Though many devices enter our classrooms for different reasons -- they are not neutral. Some are used to reinforce the authority of formal teaching; some engage students in the process of imaginative discovery. By balancing conventional and subversive academic possibilities, these latter objects show us the real potential of learning technologies. Not as sterile knowledge-delivery devices policed by authorized educators, but as boundary objects between endorsed educational utility and creative self-expression gone rogue.
  • Though many devices enter our classrooms for different reasons -- they are not neutral. Some are used to reinforce the authority of formal teaching; some engage students in the process of imaginative discovery. By balancing conventional and subversive academic possibilities, these latter objects show us the real potential of learning technologies. Not as sterile knowledge-delivery devices policed by authorized educators, but as boundary objects between endorsed educational utility and creative self-expression gone rogue.
  • Much like skateboarders have an imaginative orientation that allows them to see textures and movement in the curvatures of everyday objects -- a park bench, a railing, an empty swimming pool -- programmers learn to see their immediate environment as a creative space, a source for inspiration and improvisation.
  • This is distinct from other popular educational technologies -- many of which are marketed as subversive tools to "disrupt" traditional notions of learning, but often end up preserving those aspects of schooling that are most in need of disruption. In recent decades, districts have spent millions of dollars equipping classrooms with TVs, computers, and Smartboards -- only to find that such devices are mostly used to aid formal teaching instead of facilitating student discovery.
  • writing code for an iPad is restricted to those who purchase an Apple developer account, create programs that align with Apple standards, and submit their finished products for Apple's approval prior to distribution.
    "Though many devices enter our classrooms for different reasons -- they are not neutral. Some are used to reinforce the authority of formal teaching; some engage students in the process of imaginative discovery. By balancing conventional and subversive academic possibilities, these latter objects show us the real potential of learning technologies. Not as sterile knowledge-delivery devices policed by authorized educators, but as boundary objects between endorsed educational utility and creative self-expression gone rogue."
Paul Beaufait

MultiBrief: The 4 C's of 21st century learning for ELLs: Critical thinking - 20 views

    "This is the first article of a four-part series on teaching the four C's effectively to English learners: Critical thinking | Communication | Collaboration | Creativity" (deck, 2015.03.16).
Dimitris Tzouris

UW Classroom Presenter - 46 views

    "Classroom Presenter"
Dennis OConnor

Technology Liaisons Network - National Writing Project - 0 views

  • The Technology Liaisons Network provides opportunities for local writing project sites and leaders to consider the impact technology is having on the teaching and learning of writing and on the general work of sites.
    The Technology Liaisons Network provides opportunities for local writing project sites and leaders to consider the impact technology is having on the teaching and learning of writing and on the general work of sites.

Johnny Chung Lee - Human Computer Interaction Research - 0 views

    Johnny Lee has videos posted on Youtube and TED. Here is his website with quick link cheap software to use.
    Johnny Lee - Carnegie Mellon studdnt - Wii TED video
J Black

How to Manage People in 15 Minutes a Day - Conversation Starter - - 0 views

    As educators, we could stand to do some of this with students. I wonder what this would look like in the classroom? I wonder what it would look like from an administrator towards an educator?
Dennis OConnor

Technology Initiative - National Writing Project - 0 views

  • The NWP Technology Initiative (TI) provides opportunities for writing project sites to better understand the impact of new digital tools and information/communication technology on the teaching of writing.
    The NWP Technology Initiative (TI) provides opportunities for writing project sites to better understand the impact of new digital tools and information/communication technology on the teaching of writing.
Dennis OConnor

Digital Comics Spur Students' Interest in Writing - National Writing Project - 0 views

  • Summary: Fourth grade teacher Glen Bledsoe has his students create comic strips together, which engages their creativity and teaches them writing, critical thinking, and other skills.
    National Writing Project article. PDF download of full text.
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