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Kerry J

Resource collection re: Assessment and 21st Century Skills - 49 views

    Collection of resources around assessment and 21st Century skills - provides ability for resources to be rated by members of the 21st Century skills partnership org. 
Kerry J

21st Century Skills White paper - 38 views

    Has great info on the Formative and Summative assessments the Partnership for 21st Century Skills organisation feel measure 21st Century skills.
Dennis OConnor

The Essential Role of Information Fluency in E-Learning and Online Teaching | The Sloan... - 0 views

  • Curiously, most educators think they are competent searchers and evaluators, when they are really just beginners. Their disposition is to ask for help rather than search for answers. With simple instruction many radically improve their ability to search, and evaluate. This is empowering and greatly increases learner satisfaction. Instruction in copyright and fair use is also part of the program.
  • As online teachers and learners we work in a computer where information is just a few keystrokes away.
  • I've been researching and writing about Information Fluency since the turn of the century. My work is published on the 21st Century Information Fluency Portal: You'll find modular online learning content including games, micromodules and assessments on the portal. (Free for all educators.) I include information fluency training in all of my online classes. I introduce power searching and website investigation to the graduate students studying in the E-Learning and Online Teaching Certificate Program at UW-Stout ( ) because I believe that Information Fluency is a foundation skill for all online teachers and learners.
    I've been researching and writing about Information Fluency since the turn of the century. My work is published on the 21st Century Information Fluency Portal: You'll find modular online learning content including games, micromodules and assessments on the portal. (Free for all educators.) I include information fluency training in all of my online classes. I introduce power searching and website investigation to the graduate students studying in the E-Learning and Online Teaching Certificate Program at UW-Stout ( ) because I believe that Information Fluency is a foundation skill for all online teachers and learners.
Maggie Verster

The Partnership for 21st Century Skills - 2009 MILE Guide: Milestones for Improving Lea... - 14 views

    "Nearly six years ago, the Partnership for 21st Century Skills released its signature toolkit, the MILE Guide for 21st Century Skills: Milestones for Improving Learning and Education. Today, this toolkit has been revised and updated to reflect new realities and the P21 Framework for Education. "

21st Century Pedagogy | 21st Century Connections - 0 views

  • The sum of the students learning will be greater than the individual aspects taught in isolation.
  • Students should be involved in all aspects of the assessment process.
  • Linked to assessment  is the importance of timely, appropriate, detailed and specific feedback. Feedback as a learning tool, is second only to the teaching of thinking skills [Michael Pohl]. As 21st Century teachers, we must provide and facilitate safe and appropriate feedback, developing an environment where students can safely and supportively be provided with and provide feedback. Students are often full of insight and may have as valid a perspective as we teachers do.
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  • ?    The use of technology = technological fluency, ?    Collecting, processing, manipulating and validating information = information fluency,?    using, selecting, viewing and manipulating media = media fluency,
  • Students must be key participants in the assessment process, intimate in it from  start to finish, from establishing purpose and criteria, to assessing and moderating. Educators must establish a safe environment for students to collaborate in but also to discuss, reflect and provide and receive feedback in.
    In 1997, I said that "The Web is not the future, but a dynamic part of today."; the same still holds for Web 2.0 and beyond. It's an evolution (webolution - ) not a revolution. It's time to STOP strategic planning and START strategic TEACHING.
    21C teaching
Sheri Edwards

Education Week: Backers of '21st-Century Skills' Take Flak - 0 views

  • Unless states that sign on to the movement ensure that all students are also taught a body of explicit, well-sequenced content, a focus on skills will not help students develop higher-order critical-thinking abilities, they said at a panel discussion here in the nation’s capital last week.
  • Array of Skills In the Partnership for 21st Century Skills’ vision for K-12 education, the arches of the rainbow depict outcomes, while the pools represent the resources needed to support those outcomes. But critics contend that states implementing this vision might focus too heavily on discrete skills instruction, at the expense of core content. SOURCE: Partnership for 21st Century Skills
  • Ten states have agreed to work with P21 to incorporate a focus on technology, analytical and communication skills into their content standards, teacher training, and assessments.
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  • “We’ve been having this curriculum war for years.”
  • Mr. Kay, in contrast, painted the P21 vision as one that transcends this debate. The partnership tries to encourage states to be more deliberative about how they help students learn the skills,
  • “[But] the liberal arts movement, which we embrace, has not been as purposeful and intentional about the skill outcomes as we need to be.”
  • Mr. Willingham argued not only that the teaching of skills is inseparable from that of core content, but also that it is the content itself that allows individuals to recognize problems and to determine which critical-thinking skills to apply to solve them.
  • Students become proficient critical thinkers only by gleaning a broad body of knowledge in multiple content domains, he said.
  • Those techniques include student-directed methods such as project-based learning, which requires students to work in groups to solve a specified problem, relying on teachers for guidance rather than for explicit instruction.
  • “Teachers will rise to the challenge given the kind of supports they need.”
  • “If [curriculum] is just picking up a manual, or a series of nonconnected or nonsequenced experiments in science or literary works with no connection and no background knowledge, it’s not going to help our kids think any better,” she said in an interview.
  • Academics like Ms. Darling-Hammond said that setting forth a clear understanding once and for all about what students should know, and which teaching methods best help students engage that content in depth, will be crucial to putting such debates to rest.
  • The highest-scoring countries on international exams, she said, undertook efforts to outline such goals specifically 20 to 30 years ago. “When you really think about delivering a rich curriculum, it takes a very skillful type of teaching,” Ms. Darling-Hammond said. “It can be done badly; we have to acknowledge that. But we don’t really have a choice, if we want to join other nations.”
  • Meanwhile the critics go about squawking while promoting their own panaceas
  • he majority of kids just go right on tuning out, dropping out, or just getting by
  • I challenge what I read by looking at source material. These are timeless skills. It's the technology that is 21st century.
  • As for the topics we are unfamiliar with, the poster just before me rightly points out that the Internet is out there for just that purpose. Real teachers are also learners, and should be constantly seeking to know more.
  • Many recent studies have concluded that the current system is broken beyond repair and that point solutions like those being advocates above cannot fix it. We know that people learn best when they teach others so small groups that encourage peer-to-peer mentoring should be encouraged. Those same small groups require the students to learn and use the high-performance skills advocated by P21. At the same time, there is a body of knowledge that has been determined to be important to a student's future - represented by the state academic content standards. Robust, in-depth discussions of academic content help achieve the mastery of academic content. To ensure the content has meaning, it is best learned in a multi-disciplinary environment. By embedding a selected set of content standards from a variety of disciplines into a realistic setting/project the students get the opportunity to use the knowledge and go beyond the standards as their interest leads them.
  • The fact is, while "experts" pore over the fabric of pedagogical delivery methods, online teaching and learning is quietly replacing classroom environments globally. Educators better make some quick adjustments or the very definition of what an "education" means nowadays will make many of these folks irrelevant.
    What do you think? How do we envision the future and teach for it?
Ian Woods

AJET 26(3) Drexler (2010) - The networked student model for construction of personal le... - 17 views

    • jordi guim
      Muy interesante sobre PLE / PLN
  • Table 2: Personal learning environment toolset Web application (networked student component) Tool used in test case Student activity level of structure Social bookmarking (RSS) Delicious Set up the account Subscribe to each others accounts Bookmark and read 10 reliable websites that reflect the content of chosen topic Add and read at least 3 additional sites each week. News and blog alert (RSS) Google Alert Create a Google Alert of keywords associated with selected topic Read news and blogs on that topic that are delivered via email daily Subscribe to appropriate blogs in reader News and blog reader (RSS) Google Reader Search for blogs devoted to chosen topic Subscribe to blogs to keep track of updates Personal blog (RSS) Blogger Create a personal blog Post a personal reflection each day of the content found and experiences related to the use of personal learning environment Students subscribe to each others blogs in reader Internet search (information management, contacts, and synchronous communication) Google Scholar Conduct searches in Google Scholar and library databases for scholarly works. Bookmark appropriate sites Consider making contact with expert for video conference Podcasts (RSS) iTunesU whatson/itunesu.html Search iTunesU for podcasts related to topic Subscribe to at least 2 podcasts if possible Video conferencing (contacts and synchronous communication) Skype Identify at least one subject matter expert to invite to Skype with the class. Content gathering/ digital notebook Evernote Set up account Use Evernote to take notes on all content collected via other tools Content synthesis Wikispaces Post final project on personal page of class wiki The process and tools are overwhelming to students if presented all at once. As with any instructional design, the teacher determines the pace at which the students best assimilate each new learning tool. For this particular project, a new tool was introduced each day over two weeks. Once the construction process was complete, there were a number of personal web page aggregators that could have been selected to bring everything together in one place. Options at the time included iGoogle, PageFlakes, NetVibes, and Symbaloo. These sites offer a means to compile or pull together content from a variety of web applications. A web widget or gadget is a bit of code that is executed within the personal web page to pull up external content from other sites. The students in this case designed the personal web page using the gadgets needed in the format that best met their learning goals. Figure 3 is an instructor example of a personal webpage that includes the reader, email, personal blog, note taking program, and social bookmarks on one page.
  • The personal learning environment can take the place of a traditional textbook, though does not preclude the student from using a textbook or accessing one or more numerous open source texts that may be available for the research topic. The goal is to access content from many sources to effectively meet the learning objectives. The next challenge is to determine whether those objectives have been met.
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  • AssessmentThere were four components of the assessment process for this test case of the Networked Student Model: (1) Ongoing performance assessment in the form of weekly assignments to facilitate the construction and maintenance of the personal learning environment, (2) rubric-based assessment of the personal learning environment at the end of the project, (3) written essay, and (4) multimedia synthesis of topic content. Points were earned for meeting the following requirements: Identify ten reliable resources and post to social bookmarking account. At least three new resources should be added each week. Subscribe and respond to at least 3 new blogs each week. Follow these blogs and news alerts using the reader. Subscribe to and listen to at least two podcasts (if available). Respectfully contact and request a video conference from a subject matter expert recognised in the field. Maintain daily notes and highlight resources as needed in digital notebook. Post at least a one-paragraph reflection in personal blog each day. At the end of the project, the personal learning environment was assessed with a rubric that encompassed each of the items listed above. The student's ability to synthesise the research was further evaluated with a reflective essay. Writing shapes thinking (Langer & Applebee, 1987), and the essay requirement was one more avenue through which the students demonstrated higher order learning. The personal blog provided an opportunity for regular reflection during the course of the project. The essay was the culmination of the reflections along with a thoughtful synthesis of the learning experience. Students were instructed to articulate what was learned about the selected topic and why others should care or be concerned. The essay provided an overview of everything learned about the contemporary issue. It was well organised, detailed, and long enough to serve as a resource for others who wished to learn from the work. As part of a final exam, the students were required to access the final projects of their classmates and reflect on what they learned from this exposure. The purpose of this activity was to give the students an additional opportunity to share and learn from each other. Creativity is considered a key 21st century skill (Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2009). A number of emerging web applications support the academic creative process. Students in this project used web tools to combine text, video, audio, and photographs to teach the research topics to others. The final multimedia project was posted or embedded on the student's personal wiki page. Analysis and assessment of student work was facilitated by the very technologies in use by the students. In order to follow their progress, the teacher simply subscribed to student social bookmarking accounts, readers, and blogs. Clicking through daily contributions was relatively quick and efficient.
Kathleen N

21st Century Learning Videos Catalina Foothills School District - 0 views

    Excellent set of videos highlighting programs and how 21st Century learning is incorporated into the curriculum. Also has quality rubrics for assessment (somewhere...)
Stephanie Sandifer

Esther Wojcicki: Revolution Needed for Teaching Literacy in a Digital Age - 28 views

  • But one area of American life that is consistently resistant to innovation is our education system.
  • children who are below grade level by age ten tend to stagnate and eventually give up and drop out in high school. Harvard educational psychologist Jeanne Chall famously called this phenomenon the "fourth grade reading slump,
  • In the classroom, digital media also have other major advantages. These media teach students to master the production of knowledge, not just the consumption of knowledge. Kids learn to create videos, write blogs, collaborate online; the also learn to play video games, do digital storytelling, fan fiction, music, graphic art, anime and even more. Their informal process of learning, collaboration, and transforming passion into knowledge is desperately needed in schools today.
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  • to train teachers to help students learn to read by transforming information for discovery and problem-solving.
  • all beginning teachers learn how to use online collaborative tools, video production tools, blogging tools, mobile tools and a variety of commercial and non-profit programs targeting the classrooms. Frequently young teachers know how to use these tools on a personal level but not in the classroom.
  • Let's building on national models like Communities in Schools, First, Computer Clubhouse, Club Tech of the Boys and Girls Clubs, and the Quest to Learn, Digital Youth Network and School of One models in Chicago and New York City.It is time to extend the learning day and create a place in every community where young children can gain confidence in their literacy and interactive technology skills.
  • laboratories for testing many different digital approaches to learning and assessment, as well as for testing different ways to break down the barriers between in- and out-of-school learning
  • a hub for the professional development of digitally savvy teachers.
  • embrace the potential revolutionary power of the digital tools that have defined the first decade of the 21st century
    embrace the potential revolutionary power of the digital tools that have defined the first decade of the 21st century
Paul Beaufait

Curriculum21 - Clearinghouse - 31 views

    Resources in dozens of categories: "21st Century Skills, Android Apps, Art, Arts, ASCD 2012, Assessment, Audio, Blogs, C21 Webinars, Career/Tech Ed, Chemistry, Chess, Common Core State Standards, Curriculum Mapping, Dictionary, Digital Literacies, Digital Storytelling, Digital Tools, Early Childhood, eCoaching, English/Language Arts, ePortfolios, Film, Games, Global, Global Education, Global Partnerships, Government, Grades 3-5, Health, Heritage, High, High School, History, Humanities, Images In the Classroom, Infographics, Interdisciplinary, Issues, iPad/iPhone Apps, K-2, Languages, Library-Media Literacy, LiveBook, Math, Media Arts, Middle School, Mobile Learning, Music, New Forms, News, Open Learning, Physical Education, Podcast, Professional Development, Provocations for Professionals, Reading, Repositories, Science, Social Networking, Social Studies, Sustainability, Technology, The Arts, Theatre, Uncategorized, Videos, Webinars, World Languages, [and] Writing" (2012.08.29).
Paul Beaufait

MultiBrief: Grading practices that better support 21st‑century learning - 35 views

    In this post, Stack (2014.08.25) suggested four ways of developing or improving grading practices: 1. Separate and acknowledge the role of both formative and summative assessment. 2. Stop averaging averages to get more averages. 3. Separate academics from academic behaviors. 4. Use rubrics and a rubric scale, not percentage scores.
Kerry J

Flux » Articles | Time for a Change? - 0 views

    Over the past 12 months Cisco ,Intel and Microsoft have worked together to develop a plan with the aim of creating new modes of assessment suitable for 21st century skills and are now hoping to enlist the support of political, education and business leaders.
Maggie Verster

Free webinar: Global21: Students deserve it. The world demands it. - 0 views

    Dr. Steven Paine, West Virginia Superintendent of Schools, will provide an update regarding implementation of West Virginia's 21st Century Learning initiative entitled Global21. Join this webinar to learn about the transformative efforts regarding curriculum benchmarking, educator development, policy development, marketing strategies, balanced assessment strategies and other components of West Virginia's systemic education initiative.
Jean Potter

Looking For Learning In 21st Century Classrooms - A leadership guide to supporting and ... - 38 views

    Assessing learning with technology - tips for adminstrators with links - could be useful for the ICT group
Tom Daccord

U6: E-portfolios - Supporting Distance Learners in the 21st Century - 0 views

    Using e-portfolios for assessment The use of computers in distance education creates many opportunities for learners to record their progress through a course. In many institutions, tutors are using e-portfolios as a method of formative or continuous assessment. E-portfolios can be produced and published on the Web using some of the simple tools that were discussed in Unit 4, such as wikis, blogs and Google Docs. In addition, some learners might choose to add multimedia elements such as video or audio recordings, if they have the basic equipment - and the inclination - to do so. As the following illustration by Helen Barret (2007) shows, it is possible to create quite an elaborate, multimedia portfolio system using only freely available tools on the Web.
Sally Loan

Learning in the 21st century | TODAYonline - 38 views

  • Teaching is not simply presenting ideas and insights, nor filling students’ heads with what we know or transmitting information. Learning is not just committing facts to memory but the ability to critique, synthesise, analyse, use and apply information.
  • The addition of greater interactivity is essential to make knowledge transfer in universities more meaningful in today’s world
  • . But how do we integrate the digital world’s resources into classroom-based learning?
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  • A key element in any directed learning environment is the assessment of competence in that knowledge.
  • The first step — “knows” — is knowledge about a subject, such as recalling facts. The second is to “know how” to use the knowledge, such as in analysing a problem. The third step is to demonstrate proficiency in applying the knowledge — “shows how”.
  • The fourth step is to see how the knowledge is integrated into the real world.
  • The final step, “mastery”, refers to the competence of an expert who teaches the next generation.
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