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New Tools for the Flipped School: Interactive Visual Media in Remote Learning - 4 views

  • This article focuses on the use, potential benefits, and best practices of interactive visual media in online education and remote learning. We will discuss: What are the main arguments for interactive visual media in online learning? What are some examples and best practices for creating visual learning materials for students? How can students use interactive visual media for documenting and sharing their learning?
  • Interactive images, videos, and virtual tours can support online learning by providing an alternative to text-based communication. Here are three arguments for why this is the case.
    • vallb001
      Agreed. I think we must keep in mind the Internet goes beyond text and video. If we use online tools just as we used books and VCRs in the bast, we are wasting the potential of the Internet.
  • Humans remember pictures better than words (the “picture superiority effect”)
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  • Multisensory experience triggers simultaneous associations.
  • Pictures, sounds, and words together with a contextual experience of a place can create memorable learning experiences more efficiently than plain images or written words alone that are not associated with anything real
  • Seeing a new word written under a picture and hearing how it is pronounced, helps us understand and remember what we are looking at.
  • Virtual tours expand our fields of perception from physical to digital.
  • We can remember and learn on a virtual field trip the same way as we learn on a physical field trip.
  • Interactive videos, audio posters, narrated screenshots, and virtual tours can be effective tools for online education that help educators and learners work together using not only text-based communication, but also voice, video, and images.
  • A great way for giving assignments or sharing projects is adding voice instructions to various areas of a photo, poster or a screenshot.
  • Equipment: The good news is, you only need your phone or laptop, so there is no need to invest in additional hardware unless you want to
  • Setup: A video lesson can be very similar to your lesson in the classroom.
  • Recording: Find a place with natural light where you feel comfortable, and start recording. The audience is your students so picture them in front of you, and address them as you would in the class. You may even mention some of them by name to keep their attention!
  • Duration: Our recommendation is you look at the lesson as a whole and divide it into parts, max 10-15 minutes and ideally 6 minutes each.
  • Examples and best practices for creating remote learning materials for students
  • 1. Explain visuals with text labels
  • 2. Explain abstract concepts with detailed descriptions
  • 3. Explain assignments using your voice
  • 4. Art history: Introduce a masterpiece
  • 5. Literature: Interpret a masterpiece
  • 6. Read to your students
  • 7. Learn vocabulary in new places
  • 8. Narrate your own virtual lesson
  • 9. Create a virtual field trip with assignment
  • 10. Ask students to narrate a virtual audio tour
  • Supporting student-centered learning with interactive visual media
  • Project-based learning, inquiry-based learning, and problem-based learning are constructivist approaches to education that develop the learners skills for research, problem-solving and collaboration. The process is based on authentic questions and problems identified by students, and finding information and explanation models to research and solve them.
  • An important aspect of student-centered learning is documenting the various phases and aspects of the learning process.
  • The following examples will show how students can use mixed media for completing various kinds of creative assignments and sharing them with their teacher and fellow students.
  • In the following, we summarize 10 easy project ideas for remote learning that encourage students to 1) make handwritten, visual and pictorial notes, collages and artwork, and 2) enhance and explain their work using digital audio/text notes, photos and video. Each of the examples provide a mix of learning opportunities combining traditional student work in the classroom with digital storytelling at home. The projects can be shared to a learning management system or collaboration platform such as Canvas, Schoology, Google Education or Microsoft Teams.
  • 1. Make an interactive greeting card
  • 2. Create an interactive book report
  • 3. Make a vocabulary poster in a foreign language
  • 4. Introduce yourself
  • 5. Create an interactive herbarium
  • 6. Make your own comic strips
  • 7. Create an interactive timeline
  • 8. Explain details of a painting
  • 9. Create an interactive map
  • 10. Build a diorama
  • Hotspots, what are they and how do they work? The purpose of the clickable hotspots is to give the viewer further information and resources on the topic they are learning about. Teachers and students can add various types of content in the hotspots, such as text, additional closeup images, video, sound, links and embedded web content such as maps or forms. These resources can serve any of the following functions: Building perspective by linking to related materials Improving comprehension of the topic by highlighting key concepts and vocabulary Zooming into details in a scene Creating a feedback loop by including a call to action
    • pamh6832
      These would be very helpful in a flipped classroom or with distance teaching.
  • Examples and best practices for creating remote learning materials for students
  • Examples and best practices for creating remote learning materials for students
  • Examples and best practices for creating remote learning materials for students
  • Best practices for developing students' creativity and digital storytelling skills at home
  • School teachers
  • School teachers
    • pamh6832
      10 creative ideas for students to use ThingLink while remote learning and in traditional classroom. I could see doing #3 (vocabulary poster) and #4 (introduce yourself) during first quarter.
    An article written by the founder and CEO of ThingLink in which she discusses the main arguments for interactive visual media in online learning, examples and best practices for creating visual learning materials for students, and ways students can use interactive visual media (ThingLink) to document and share their learning. She shares numerous ways teachers and students could use ThingLink with examples.
  • ...2 more comments...
    I have been thinking of what makes Thinglink different from the Microsoft Power Point? PPT also enables you to add recording on a slide. Later, I realized that Thinglink enables multiple layers to one picture/screen. Users can opt to access to other media or information when necessary. It would be useful to provide scaffolding only when it is necessary (e.g., students click links to get hint only when they cannot complete the task by themselves). Thinglink also condense information within one page/slide/screen without having to scroll down. However, we may be economical when we decide how many links we want to put on one screen.
    Whether we like it or not, it looks like we're going to consider some of this information in the upcoming school year. As I browsed the article, I realize options are almost unlimited but of course it requires time to figure out and prepare materials. Last spring I felt a bit like a Youtuber and I see how that is not actually an easy job!
    An article written by the founder and CEO of ThingLink in which she discusses the main arguments for interactive visual media in online learning, examples and best practices for creating visual learning materials for students, and ways students can use interactive visual media (ThingLink) to document and share their learning. She shares numerous ways teachers and students could use ThingLink with examples.
    A very complete article about the advantages of using images and learning. I really want to learn how to use thinglink now.

Six Habits of Highly Empathic People | Greater Good Magazine - 6 views

  • “instrumental empathy” (sometimes known as “impact anthropology”) can go a long way.
  • “instrumental empathy” (sometimes known as “impact anthropology”) can go a long way.
  • ambitious imagination
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  • ambitious imagination
    • vaguevara
      I like this phrase-- it encourages expansive thinking and ways out of old, ineffectual ways of thinking--
    • vaguevara
      I like this phrase-- it encourages expansive thinking and ways out of old, ineffectual ways of thinking--
  • Inspire mass action and social change
    • vaguevara
      And this is my hope, that empathy leads to agency and action on the parts of my students--L2 is an amazing tool to support action and change
  • empathic conversationalist.
    • vaguevara
      #great catch phrase for L2 learners
    • vaguevara
      #great catch phrase for L2 learners
  • Orwell developed new friendships, shifted his views on inequality, and gathered some superb literary material. It was the greatest travel experience of his life. He realised that empathy doesn’t just make you good—it’s good for you, too.
    • vaguevara
      This is a great example of empathy-- I want to bring more of these types of anecdotes into my classroom-- via web apps--
  • Orwell developed new friendships, shifted his views on inequality, and gathered some superb literary material. It was the greatest travel experience of his life. He realised that empathy doesn’t just make you good—it’s good for you, too.
  • the power of empathy to overcome hatred and change our minds.
    • vaguevara
      I am especially interested in the intersection of L2 learning and empathy-- I think that a deeper understanding of culture--differences and commonalities, helps to form a bridge between peoples-- In learning language, we learn humility and stepping into the unknown--trying on new ways of saying things and seeing the world.
  • ighly empathic people (HEPs) have an insatiable curiosity about strangers.
    • vaguevara
      This is what I want from my students-- I look forward to using the tools of this CARLAtech18 to draw them in and help them to become lifelong language learners
  • Six Habits of Highly Empathic People |
    • vaguevara
      I chose this article, as I feel empathy is the root of language learning, and I am searching for rationale and 'hooks' for student engagement in their L2 learning.
    • vaguevara
      I chose this article, as I feel empathy is the root of language learning, and I am searching for rationale and 'hooks' for student engagement in their L2 learning.
  • Six Habits of Highly Empathic People |
  • Six Habits of Highly Empathic People |
  • Empathy is about discovering those tastes.
    • barichetti
      I like that this focuses on the active role we play in learning better empathic responses - sometimes I think we act like empathy is either something we have or we don't and that we all feel the same.
  • . Evolutionary biologists like Frans de Waal have shown that we are social animals who have naturally evolved to care for each other, just like our primate cousin
  • HEPs challenge their own preconceptions and prejudices by searching for what they share with people rather than what divides them.
  • Habit 4: Listen hard—and open up
    I really like the phrase "instrumental empathy" -- I think it's something great to strive for in our classrooms and to integrate into our lessons.

Online Translators in Language Classes: Pedagogical and Practical Considerations - The ... - 6 views

    This is a very helpful article about translators being used in assignments.
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    My first chance to read Florencia's article, made me realize that oftentimes students' OT use is driven by what they perceive to be our unrealistic expectations of them. She offers a very practical strategy for accommodating OT in the classroom while reducing student motivation to resort to it.
    An easily readable article with key insights into why forbidding OT is NOT the best practice after all!
    Absolutely loved this article, nice set of five questions to ask when designing assignments ina way that discourages student use of OTs.
    Great article!
    I relate to approaches #1 and #2, but not really the rest. I haven't had many issues with OT anyway. What is your approach?
Roxana Sandu

VoiceThread - Support - Resources - Publications Language Learning - 1 views

  • Abstract: Collaborative social interaction when using Web 2.0 in terms of VoiceThread is investigated in a case study of a Swedish university course in social psychology.
  • The results show that use of Web 2.0: a) supports students' reflections concerning their own and others' thoughts and emotions, b) supports individual students and integrates them into a work group, and c) develops students' identification and awareness in relation to self, a task and others.
  • Reflection is a core component of many outdoor education programs with many educators relying on journal writing as a means of facilitating reflection.
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  • We speculated that it might be worth trying to engage these students with "their technology," and in this paper we explore if and how Web 2.0 technologies can support student journal writing behaviours in outdoor education.
  • With the advent of Web 2.0 tools, additional language educators can extend their classrooms beyond the traditional brick-and-mortar walls to communicate with the world. One of the best ways to do so is to introduce VoiceThread into language lessons. In doing so, students can create conversations that extend across the classroom or across the globe.
  • This review takes a look at current digital storytelling protocols and strategies currently displayed through VoiceThread creations, as well as detailed strategies conducive for a powerful digital storytelling tool such as VoiceThread.
  • This article documents the curricular decisions made by a teacher educator research team whose guiding theoretical focus for intern practice is dialogic instruction. Over a 2-year sequence, teaching interns used video and Web 2.0 technologies to respond critically to and revise their teaching practices in collaboration with peers and instructors.
    I found this by chance just exploring around. If you check the SUPPORT section on the VoiceThread site, you will find a list of publications. They posted a collection of abstracts with links of scholarly articles written about using VoiceThread for language learning, K-12, higher education and professional development. I just skimmed through the lists, and some of the articles are accessible, while some are behind a password.

Microsoft Word - 325-Watanabe.docx - 325-Watanabe.pdf - 1 views

    The article reports students' feedback about flipped classroom videos in L2 learning. Based on the findings, the author raises three suggestions in order to make the flipped classroom more successful. For those of you who are interested in flipped classroom model for language learning, this is a very practical article.
smuske - 6 views

    • smuske
      I see a place for this in my classroom.
    The article describes how to engage students in classroom activities using Padlet App. This multimedia friendly tool encourages real time full class participation. It also can be used for out of classroom activities. Sorry, I was unable to annotate this document so am posting another article on padlet app, which I had annotated
Marlene Johnshoy

Identity in Online Communities: Social Networking Sites and Language Learning - 4 views

    Abstract: Since their emergence in 2005, Web 2.0 technologies have been advanced as potentially transformative in the area of education in general and foreign language learning in particular. Web 2.0 technologies are presenting new opportunities for developing diverse online learning environments and enhancing interactivity, participation and feedback between students, their peer groups and teachers. This article examines one of the most significant Web 2.0 tools, Social Networking Sites (SNS), and focuses on Livemocha, an example of an online community specifically aimed at encouraging collaboration between foreign language learners. Results from the ethnographic approach adopted in the paper indicate that: (a) SNSs can be used by language learners to explore new relationships rather than merely maintain existing ones and that (b) longitudinal studies are required to achieve a better understanding of the complex processes of mediation involved in online community formation and maintenance
    Funny! I also found this article last week and even attached it to last week's blog post in the ning. I've noticed this morning, that reading and commenting on it is also one of this week's assignments. I guess I chose well :)
Agustin Vizcaino

Media Use in the Classroom - 2 views

  • Joe Dale explores how languages teachers have embraced technology in the classroom
  • The use of social media has allowed colleagues to get to know each other as real people not just teachers and this has strengthened the sense of cohesion, solidarity and collective confidence.
  • gy suited to MFL? Well, one of the fundamentals of language learning is re
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  • communication and new technologies can certainly facilitate this essential aspect through, for example, videoconferencing and blogging. There are also lots of ways of recording and editing audio as a method of improving pronunciation, boosting learner confidence, extending speaking skills and deepening understanding. Filmmaking and animation also draw on a variety of useful skills and promote creativity, collaboration and personalised learning.
  • Technology is not going away and language teachers need to embrace its full potential to engage our 21st century learners.
    The article describes how technology (I took it as one of the terms for media) is important in the foreign language classroom.
    I am opening the article and is not showing the highlights. Hopefully it will when I share the article.
Marlene Johnshoy

Multiple Choice Exam Theory (Just In Time For The New Term) - ProfHacker - The Chronicl... - 2 views

    This doesn't really apply to language level exams, but for those of you who are interested in the MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) and how to get beyond Bloom's level 1 in testing, this article has an interesting idea for multiple choice tests.
    thanks for the article link, Marlene. I am collecting articles/info about assessment and testing for a board I have going on Pinterest and for a Diigo group I have set up for my students here at my school in Chicago. It's a private group, but I am happy to invite you in if you are interested.

4 Solid Strategies for Teaching French in the Modern Classroom | FluentU French Educato... - 2 views

  • A flipped classroom reverses traditional teaching methods: The learners get the topic and recorded material online at home, while class time is devoted to doing exercises and discussing the topic. This will enable you as a teacher to devote more time to problem areas.
    • jenniferacarr
      This suggests the extent to which the success of a flipped classroom depends on the effective use of technology. In the context of flipped lessons, technology actually facilitates face-to-face interactions.
    A helpful article by Hilda Thomas, published on FluentU. Thomas provides a comprehensive list of online tools that can be used in the language classroom, some of which will be familiar to you from Koning's article. She also suggests resources for teachers interested in flipping their classrooms.

25 Strategies to Engage Students on Your Next Zoom Meeting | Hooked On Innovation - 15 views

  • A fun non-tech game to play is “Who’s who?”.  In this game, students privately message the teacher some facts about themselves and then the teacher reveals the clues. Students then write down their guesses as to who the person is based on the clues.
    • christasgould
      This could be a really fun way to build community during the first half of the semester on Zoom, if you are using it. It would be interesting to also do the Zoom poll option and give students a few options. They select the classmate that they think wrote the information.
  • Using the BINGO tool,
    • christasgould
      Has anyone tried
  • Taking breaks throughout a lengthy lesson are important whether it be for a reflective pause or just an opportunity to stretch.
    • christasgould
      With "Zoom fatigue," it seems that brain breaks might be more essential than ever! Any good ideas out there for break breaks students can do remotely?
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • use a shared collaborative space like a Padlet
    • christasgould
      Great idea. In another class I'm currently taking synchronously, we did some brainstorming on Padlet during our Zoom session. Will definitely be replicating it in my classes this fall.
    So many great ideas in this article. I hope I will get to use more this coming semester - Padlet, for instance.
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    I love these ideas, and I agree that they are a great way to build community and have a little fun. I will particularly look forward to using the story progression idea, I think it would be a lot of fun with intermediate level students.
    I also love these ideas and think they are a great way to build community. From the more basic, such as "Use the whiteboard feature" and "Create breakout rooms for collaboration" (I was wondering how to do that!) to the more creative and fun like having students go on a scavenger hunt or any of the many games the author describes... there are lots of great ideas. Many could even be adapted for lower level students.
    Thanks for sharing this article with so many great ideas to create more opportunities for student interaction and community building. I will try to create theme based BINGO games (numbers, colors, vegetables, fruits etc)
    I really enjoyed this article - lots of great ideas to use in the ZOOM classes. The one was discussed in the FaceBook ASL Teachers Share - a scavenger hunt. I going to implement some of the ideas. I actualy had to copy and save this article in a file. Amazing ideas. Thanks for posting!
    It's the perfect time for these tips! I wanted to try the breakout rooms last spring but had some technical issues and couldn't do it. I love the "I spy" and "Scavenger Hunt" ideas and many others. Thanks for sharing!
    So many ways to engage students in virtual classes. Great ideas!
    I attended a webinar and the presenter emphasized taking breaks. I must remember that one as well as putting these ideas in my toolbox.

Technology Provides Foreign-Language Immersion at a Distance - 3 views

    • janayalf
      I think this is something that we forget about on the virtual stage: we can still observe through body language and backgrounds about culture and cultural differences.
  • The students not only get to talk to one another but also can see how their partners react to questions, how they look, and how they live.
  • “It’s not knowing only a language,” he says, “but also knowing how to behave and acknowledge differences—cultural differences, behavioral differences.”
    I like this article even though it's from 6 years ago because it talks about the benefits to teletandem communication. I hope you are able to read it because it's from the Chronicle of Higher Education and you might need to sign up.
    It sounds interesting but I can't read the article because it prompts me to log in or create an account. I've always been interested in what I call "The cultural dimension of FL teaching".

The FLTMAG - A free magazine on technology integration in language teaching and learning - 23 views

    • Adrienne Gonzales
      This magazine is a fun project I am involved with - check it out!
    • yflanders
      Lots of great ideas for language teaching and learning. thanks for sharing.
    • kjjsk8
      Thanks for sharing. Lots of ideas and opinions to look at. I read a little into the evolving language center blog and it was really interesting.  
    • Jessica Rojas
      FLT magazine. Amazing ideas for Foreign Language Classroom. Thank you Addrianne!!
    • MariaEmicle Lopez
      Adrianne, I found the site with a lot of information. I particularly enjoyed "Virtual Exchanges in the Foreign Language Classroom." It explains how to make the target language more accessible to students allowing for an understanding of perspectives and practices. Good outline of benefits of virtual exchanges.
    This is a practice-oriented publication that's a bit more casual in tone and practical in content than its scholarly counterparts, while still rigorous in the quality of information it offers. We will feature articles, interviews with notable folks in the field of language teaching and learning, reviews of software, materials, and books, and more!
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    Adrianne!! It is awesome. I am (as many of us) so engaged with this teaching technology and using the web in foreign language classes. Congratulations!! and wish the best to you and this experience with the FLT magazine. I already have it in diigo and have subscribe me to follow you
    From UC Boulder
    You'll want to subscribe to this one and follow them on Twitter!
    Up-to-date content of immediate interest to FL teachers shifting to on-line instruction.
    I follow them on Facebook and love how publication addresses current issues especially with online and remote learning/teaching.
    I find this very interesting and the tips can be useful......good information!
    I like that it provides resources and information on different online techs that you can use!
    What a comprehensive resource for the world language teacher--blogs, articles, interviews, webinars, conference reviews... I could spend hours exploring all of its content. Thank you for sharing this.
    Thanks for this! I really enjoyed the article " How to Establish a Strong Community in an Online Course"
    One of THE best publications, comprehensive, practical, research based, inspiring, motivating to never stop learning!
    I found an interesting article about Wakelet.
    A lot of great ideas and a nice way to stay informed and to, at the same time, feel connected with a network of language educators who are addressing the same challenges and concerns.
    SpatialChat looks so fun! I'll be curious about pricing, and appropriateness and safety for high schoolers.
Marlene Johnshoy

Elearning Best Practices - elearningindustry - 1 views

    A collection of articles with eLearning best practices
    After bookmarking many of these sites, I started to wonder if I would actually go back and read any of them beyond the brief overviews I've already done. If I am spending time bookmarking, I would hope I would use them later. Does anyone else find this?
Alyssa Ruesch

New Learning Times : Article Proof That Some Social Media in Class Isn't Terrible - 1 views

    This is a timely article considering the topic of social media we're talking about this week!

10 Cool Ways Teachers Use Social Media to Enhance Learning @coolcatteacher - 1 views

  • While Linda Yollis has a fantastic classroom blog, her 366 Project is incredible. She has clear instructions for how students from around the world can submit their photos to be shared. These photos make great writing prompts, conversation starters, and can spur on so many ideas in the classroom.
Marlene Johnshoy

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences | Vol 34, Pgs 1-238, ,(2012) | - 0 views

    This issue - Languages, Cultures and Virtual Communities - has a number of articles on CALL and online learning.
Isolde Mueller

Schwarzmalerei | Sprachbar | DW.DE | - 0 views

    This is a great article about the different uses and meanings of black in German. There are also reading questions at the end. 
Jessica Rojas

Recast and prompts in second language classrooms - 4 views

    Hi Jessica, thanks for this article. Actually, I have been reading a lot about error correction lately, so it caught my eye right away. Any special reason why you chose it?
    Hi Violeta, When teaching languages I think we need to read a lot about how to correct our students errors, and how to have them self correct. I have used some techniques, but since last week I realized that there is more outside to research. Check this one.. is good! Tarone, E. and Swierzbin, B. (2009). Exploring learner language. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Hi Jessica, This article makes us think how best we can give students feedback.Thanks for posting it.

Second-Language Acquisition and the Information Age: How Social Software has Created a ... - 3 views

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