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New Tools for the Flipped School: Interactive Visual Media in Remote Learning - 4 views

  • This article focuses on the use, potential benefits, and best practices of interactive visual media in online education and remote learning. We will discuss: What are the main arguments for interactive visual media in online learning? What are some examples and best practices for creating visual learning materials for students? How can students use interactive visual media for documenting and sharing their learning?
  • Interactive images, videos, and virtual tours can support online learning by providing an alternative to text-based communication. Here are three arguments for why this is the case.
    • vallb001
      Agreed. I think we must keep in mind the Internet goes beyond text and video. If we use online tools just as we used books and VCRs in the bast, we are wasting the potential of the Internet.
  • Humans remember pictures better than words (the “picture superiority effect”)
  • ...46 more annotations...
  • Multisensory experience triggers simultaneous associations.
  • Pictures, sounds, and words together with a contextual experience of a place can create memorable learning experiences more efficiently than plain images or written words alone that are not associated with anything real
  • Seeing a new word written under a picture and hearing how it is pronounced, helps us understand and remember what we are looking at.
  • Virtual tours expand our fields of perception from physical to digital.
  • We can remember and learn on a virtual field trip the same way as we learn on a physical field trip.
  • Interactive videos, audio posters, narrated screenshots, and virtual tours can be effective tools for online education that help educators and learners work together using not only text-based communication, but also voice, video, and images.
  • A great way for giving assignments or sharing projects is adding voice instructions to various areas of a photo, poster or a screenshot.
  • Equipment: The good news is, you only need your phone or laptop, so there is no need to invest in additional hardware unless you want to
  • Setup: A video lesson can be very similar to your lesson in the classroom.
  • Recording: Find a place with natural light where you feel comfortable, and start recording. The audience is your students so picture them in front of you, and address them as you would in the class. You may even mention some of them by name to keep their attention!
  • Duration: Our recommendation is you look at the lesson as a whole and divide it into parts, max 10-15 minutes and ideally 6 minutes each.
  • Examples and best practices for creating remote learning materials for students
  • 1. Explain visuals with text labels
  • 2. Explain abstract concepts with detailed descriptions
  • 3. Explain assignments using your voice
  • 4. Art history: Introduce a masterpiece
  • 5. Literature: Interpret a masterpiece
  • 6. Read to your students
  • 7. Learn vocabulary in new places
  • 8. Narrate your own virtual lesson
  • 9. Create a virtual field trip with assignment
  • 10. Ask students to narrate a virtual audio tour
  • Supporting student-centered learning with interactive visual media
  • Project-based learning, inquiry-based learning, and problem-based learning are constructivist approaches to education that develop the learners skills for research, problem-solving and collaboration. The process is based on authentic questions and problems identified by students, and finding information and explanation models to research and solve them.
  • An important aspect of student-centered learning is documenting the various phases and aspects of the learning process.
  • The following examples will show how students can use mixed media for completing various kinds of creative assignments and sharing them with their teacher and fellow students.
  • In the following, we summarize 10 easy project ideas for remote learning that encourage students to 1) make handwritten, visual and pictorial notes, collages and artwork, and 2) enhance and explain their work using digital audio/text notes, photos and video. Each of the examples provide a mix of learning opportunities combining traditional student work in the classroom with digital storytelling at home. The projects can be shared to a learning management system or collaboration platform such as Canvas, Schoology, Google Education or Microsoft Teams.
  • 1. Make an interactive greeting card
  • 2. Create an interactive book report
  • 3. Make a vocabulary poster in a foreign language
  • 4. Introduce yourself
  • 5. Create an interactive herbarium
  • 6. Make your own comic strips
  • 7. Create an interactive timeline
  • 8. Explain details of a painting
  • 9. Create an interactive map
  • 10. Build a diorama
  • Hotspots, what are they and how do they work? The purpose of the clickable hotspots is to give the viewer further information and resources on the topic they are learning about. Teachers and students can add various types of content in the hotspots, such as text, additional closeup images, video, sound, links and embedded web content such as maps or forms. These resources can serve any of the following functions: Building perspective by linking to related materials Improving comprehension of the topic by highlighting key concepts and vocabulary Zooming into details in a scene Creating a feedback loop by including a call to action
    • pamh6832
      These would be very helpful in a flipped classroom or with distance teaching.
  • Examples and best practices for creating remote learning materials for students
  • Examples and best practices for creating remote learning materials for students
  • Examples and best practices for creating remote learning materials for students
  • Best practices for developing students' creativity and digital storytelling skills at home
  • School teachers
  • School teachers
    • pamh6832
      10 creative ideas for students to use ThingLink while remote learning and in traditional classroom. I could see doing #3 (vocabulary poster) and #4 (introduce yourself) during first quarter.
    An article written by the founder and CEO of ThingLink in which she discusses the main arguments for interactive visual media in online learning, examples and best practices for creating visual learning materials for students, and ways students can use interactive visual media (ThingLink) to document and share their learning. She shares numerous ways teachers and students could use ThingLink with examples.
  • ...2 more comments...
    I have been thinking of what makes Thinglink different from the Microsoft Power Point? PPT also enables you to add recording on a slide. Later, I realized that Thinglink enables multiple layers to one picture/screen. Users can opt to access to other media or information when necessary. It would be useful to provide scaffolding only when it is necessary (e.g., students click links to get hint only when they cannot complete the task by themselves). Thinglink also condense information within one page/slide/screen without having to scroll down. However, we may be economical when we decide how many links we want to put on one screen.
    Whether we like it or not, it looks like we're going to consider some of this information in the upcoming school year. As I browsed the article, I realize options are almost unlimited but of course it requires time to figure out and prepare materials. Last spring I felt a bit like a Youtuber and I see how that is not actually an easy job!
    An article written by the founder and CEO of ThingLink in which she discusses the main arguments for interactive visual media in online learning, examples and best practices for creating visual learning materials for students, and ways students can use interactive visual media (ThingLink) to document and share their learning. She shares numerous ways teachers and students could use ThingLink with examples.
    A very complete article about the advantages of using images and learning. I really want to learn how to use thinglink now.

5.1 Dogoriti.pdf - 1 views

shared by rillia on 27 Jul 15 - No Cached
  • Twitter is used as an ongoing public channel of communication for academic and co-curricular discussions
  • English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
  • Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
  • ...26 more annotations...
  • The use of the Web2 can provide opportunities for collaboration, authentic communication in a discourse community and provide what Warschauer and Kern (2000) termedas networked-based language teaching. Some ofthe general benefits of using technology in ESP are the use of authentic tasks, tools, and context (Bremner, 2010; Evans, 2012).It provides interaction and communication among learners, uses collaborative learning, focuses on socio-
  • do not provide motivation, enthusiasm or personalization
  • earning management systems (LMSs)
  • ave generally been used as static sources of content with no social appeal like social networks, such as Facebook or YouTube
  • while also impeding general pedagogical support with their default settings and familiar features
  • social networking platforms have been acclaimed to provide learners social communication, autonomy,fluid online discussions, and identity management
  • ease interaction, e-discussions by focusing on the use of technology to support education
  • informal and relaxing atmosphere and make learning effective (Dalton, 2009). Social networking allows students and teachers to build a rapport and overcome inhibitions
  • Integrating social software with LMS aims at active participation, interaction and collaborationbetween the members of an academic community
  • Web 2.0 tools consist of blogs, microblogs, wikis, podcasts, virtual worlds and social networks
  • he benefits of using Web 2.0 in education are the new interaction styles between students and teachers, immediacy of information, access to authentic learning environments, content sharing, collaboration and enhancement of learning experience
  • a service offering language learning quizzes via Twitter hasbeen established (TwitterLearn, 2008)
    • rillia
      I couldn't locate this service in a search; I suppose it went defunct?
  • Twitter, Edmodo, and Ning
  • On the whole, the reasons language instructors may opt to choose Edmodo in class are that teachers and students connect, assignments, back channeling, a paperless learning environment, its backpack feature,the library feature, Apps, homework, badges, learning continues outside the classroom, assessments, interface, sharing, and its private and safe learning environment
  • the use of Twitter facilitated collaboration, communication and data exchange among students in real time.The role of the instructor is underscored as she/he acts as a mediator, supporting the content, organizing the activities, and clarifying the use of the educational tool
  • Facebook
  • Twitter has been studied in context with other social media and has proven to have a significant influence on academic activity
  • microblogging and inferred that it enhanced students’ achievement, motivation and participation in class.
  • Edudemic
    • rillia
      Check this out--appears to be a comprehensive site about the use of technology for educators and students.
  • Different platforms suit different sorts of interactions and appeal tostudents and educators in a diverse manner
  • From the Edmodo platform, two main features are utilized. First, the Edmodo forum is used for both teacher-to-student communication and student-to -student communication. The communication topics include subjects such as assignments, questions, announcements, etc. Second, the Edmodo Assignment Center is used for testing the students on each learning topic and easily collecting their answers
    • rillia
      Although we have an in-house LMS at Northwest, I created an Edmodo platform for my Intermediate Russian I course for the fall to see how it will work. I'll use it in conjunction with the in-house LMS, which may prove to be cumbersome. We'll see.
  • As far as the assessment of students’ performance goes, the conventional assessment through graded assignments is backed up by students’ social learning activities. Network buildingand self-regulated learning canbe indicative of students’ progress throughout the course.Ongoing assessment or formative assessmentstrategies(integration of performance and feedback and reflection) can facilitate learning and review students’ performance
  • The empirical evaluation of the research highlights the dominanceof intrinsic motivation(students’ intentionsto use Twitter/perceived enjoyment)over extrinsic motivation in explaining the adoption of social media in the class
  • n order to provide assessment, instructors could evaluate students’ learning progress by reviewing their reflections. Communication (teacher-student/student-student)throughout the learning processcan also providefeedback information that may aid assessment
  • nstructors could evaluate students’ learning progress by reviewing theirreflections on what they have gained through networked learning
  • References
    • rillia
      Excellent collection of reference materials on SNSs in foreign-language (and other) learning.
Marlene Johnshoy

A faculty member and former ad executive offers six steps for improving teaching on Zoo... - 16 views

    "Stephen Hersh outlines six steps for how you can create a community of active learning online if you 'use the medium.' "
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    very interesting article! I actually like Zoom and its features and agree with Stephen Hersh. we as teachers will need to look through another lens now and try to adapt to teaching online in a new productive way.
    Like the article - when we switched remotely, my advice for the ASL instructors is to keep it simple, to the point and encourage breakaway groups, encourage conversations using new signs, come up with short stories (movies)....most of the students enjoyed it. When the semester ended, we decided we should learn more tech tips and find other features using ZOOM. Its interesting!
    This is nice! Super helpful since many of us are Zoom users! And not to mention that we are not alone in this!
    Yes!! My main takeaway is that online class is not just a duplication of in-person class. Some things have to be done completely differently. I like the part about no lectures. One thing I know is that my fall online classes aren't going to have long lectures...
    This was really useful! I especially liked how he said he used his mini-lectures as a way to kick start group work. I do think that using Zoom, even though not ideal, can bring us to better ways of doing things with our students. I like how he posits that it forced him to talk less and have students participate more. If this is a benefit of the pandemic, then I welcome it (although all the other stuff --no!).
    This post reminded me that InsideHigherEd is a great resource for keeping tabs not only on post-secondary education policy, but also on technology. I'll absolutely be delving into their archive!
    Yes,Greg, Agreed, great resource!!! Will use often.
    Zoom! I'm pretty sure Stephen Hersch is my neighbor! Teaches at Northwestern. "Stop talking so much!" Yes. Great take away. I saw this video when I looked up to see what TEACHx is since he's involved. Started in 2016. But this linked video is 4 Northwestern students and how they use technology. Evidently they use Canvas as well. I want to look up want one student said about his Spanish class. But what I liked is one of the students talks about when she doesn't use technology. After having said that all her life she had never used her laptop so much, but still in class the expectation is to arrive prepared and be ready to discuss. Hersch says the same for the what is one of the best uses of Zoom... time for students to discuss. Now! How to really get them all to prepare!?

Authentic Activities for the World Language Classroom | Edutopia - 27 views

  • Encourage students to have silent conversations using Google Docs. Choose a theme and have each student select a color for their responses. Make sure they share the document with you too, so that you can monitor and comment.
    • effeinstein
      I love this idea of using google docs for interpretive activities
  • In order to help students better master the units we teach, remember these rules when selecting activities:They must be authentic. They should always be engaging. Activities should be varied. They need to be focused on the unit theme. Perhaps most importantly, they should force students to use the target language.
    • effeinstein
      Important to remember!
    • leahmyott
      This reminds me of the assessment class I took at CARLA where I learned about the importance of using authentic materials to help boost student engagement and language learning.
  • f we make activities genuine, our students will be much more inclined to participate, acquiring new knowledge in the process.
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  • Show videos on Yabla
    • cbbbcb
      I just heard about FluentU. How is Yabla different from FluentU?
  • authenticity
    • cbbbcb
      I think authenticity refers to authentic materials and authentic tasks. What are real things native speakers would do?
    This looks like a good resource for new classroom activities for any language.
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    I am very interested in creating comics, I will use this in class: Thank you a lot for the great ideas. May George, Group C.
    This site has some awesome ideas! I can't wait to start planning for the upcoming school year!
    Amazing blog! I really like the explanation they provide for authenticity since it is not just decoration of the classroom with the cultural aspects of the target language. I will be using some of the activities they suggest :-)
    This great. I am not comfortable with the modes. This blog will help me to associate the modes with activities which will be more meaningful for me.
    Always good to have a list like this on hand! I also like the breakdown by modes.
    Thanks for sharing. I bookmarked it.
    Looks like a great list!
    This is such a valuable resource. While it felt validating to see some of the activities that I already use on these lists, they also gave me new ideas to try for next semester. I am sure students will appreciate the variety.
    I have used both Veinte Mundos and Paperboy--Wondering if I can use EdPuzzle/ Playposit, or Diigo with these-- I think that will help with greater student engagement and my ability to track what they are 'doing' with these resources-- It is not enough to assign them to watch/ read, I need to provide the activity to accompany it.
    this one is a keeper.
    If a tech device is not available for all students in class, you can do silent talk using a pen and paper. I used to call this activity "Pencil Talk"
    This seems like an excellent article/suggestion. I really enjoy using Google Docs and am excited to look into that.
    I, too, was planning to bookmark this piece. I appreciated that it was organized by the different modes.
    Focusing on authenticity makes students more inclined to participate. In addition, activities should be engaging, varied, focused on the unit theme and force students to use the target language. This article has suggestions for engaging activities for the interpretive, interpersonal and presentational mode. Many of these activities use technology, and the author provides links to the apps. A very useful and quick read.
    I really like the idea of doing an email activity with my students! Thank you for posting this article! Great ideas!
    Now I have another question: what role does a textbook play in our instruction? Do we need to get rid of materials written for language learners?

Música {and music videos} in the language classroom | Teaching a World Language - 10 views

    • ncsargo
      Using eduCanon to embed questions into music videos is far more convenient than answering questions with simple pen and paper. If you aren't an eduCanon fan at the very least these sites are great resources for Spanish language music for interpretive activities.
  • Next, my recent favorite, eduCanon.
    • ncsargo
      Silent videos can be used to create an interpretive activity for any language. Simon's cat is a good resource for silent videos, the following link also has many great silent videos that work with developing emotional intelligence and creative writing:
  • ...5 more annotations...
    • ncsargo
      Here is a great interpretive activity; having students use Twitter to convey how a song makes them feel or to write a ministory in 140 characters or less!
    • ncsargo
      I found this idea particularly insightful because I feel students must understand the main idea of the video fairly well to condense the theme into 140 characters!
  • For #authres: Bilblioteca Musical: LyricsTraining: Zambombazo {Cancionero}: TodoELE {Canciones}: El Mundo Birch: Youtube {different channels}: MTVTres: Los40: For non-natives/ELE: Rockalingua: Senor Wooly: Realidades I, II y III {Canciones de HipHop}
  • First, let’s talk resources; here are some of my “go-to” music websites for Spanish. Feel free to add your own comments with additional sources that you like to use.
  • This tool can be used in any discipline, with any grade. What a neat way to begin class, end class or assign as an independent practice activity. By embedding music videos into eduCanon, the teacher can pose questions about the actual video or the music lyrics that may appear. Here is a sample video I created in English using a great silent film source: Simon’s Cat
    • annalisaandre
      I find this idea very interesting. I might use a collection of music videos in eduCanon to work with students about vocabulary related to emotional states.
    • elenistef7
      I like the idea about using silent films like Simon Cat. Another source for silent films could be Charlie Chaplin.
  • -Have students describe how they feel when listening to the music, in #140charactersorless: write a mini story to go with the music & emotions, post to Twitter or a learning management site used {Edmodo, Schoology, Canvas, etc}, share their stories in small groups, collaborate using Google Docs to create a unique tale based on the music they hear, present their stories to the class {act it out, swap stories with another group, re-enact silently: have classmates reinvent the original story}
    Great resource for using Spanish language music videos and silent videos for interpretive activities, check out my sticky notes for more resources!
    Great resource for using Spanish language music videos and silent videos in the classroom for interpretive activities with Twitter and eduCanon.
    I like the idea of using Simon Cat videos. Another option: Charlie Chaplin films

Using Music in the Foreign Language Classroom | GradHacker - 11 views

  • By Natascha Chtena November 22, 2015 5 Comments   .blog-spacer { display: none; } @media (max-width: 420px) { .blog-spacer { display: block; height:1px; clear:both; } }   googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display("dfp-ad-story_level_pages"); }); Natascha Chtena is a PhD student in Information Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles. You can follow her on Twitter @nataschachtena.       One of the challenges I face teaching a daily language class is finding novel and creative ways to maintain student interest throughout my lessons. One of my favorite teaching “tricks” is using music to motivate learning, improve concentration, create a sense of community and help my students absorb material.   Music is a wonderful tool to integrate into your teaching repertoire, especially if you are a foreign language teacher. It has a
  • The key is to not be too ambitious (unless of course you are teaching a language AND culture class) and to set realistic goals: one song one major point! I usually keep it to seven minutes max, which includes a song, a very short “lecture” and some time for student questions at the end.
  • where I asked students to compile a short (German) playlist that describes their personality, explaining what it is about each song that speaks to them and/or that they identify with.
    • murasimo
      I would like to try this activity.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • By Natascha Chtena November 22, 2015 5 Comments   .blog-spacer { display: none; } @media (max-width: 420px) { .blog-spacer { display: block; height:1px; clear:both; } }   googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display("dfp-ad-story_level_pages"); }); Natascha Chtena is a PhD student in Information Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles. You can follow her on Twitter @nataschachtena.       One of the challenges I face teaching a daily language class is finding novel and creative ways to maintain student interest throughout my lessons. One of my favorite teaching “tricks” is using music to motivate learning, improve concentration, create a sense of community and help my students absorb material.   Mus
  • Music is a wonderful tool to integrate into your teaching repertoire, especially if you are a foreign language teacher. It has a way of capturing everything about a culture, its people and their language and it can inspire interest in a subject matter when other methods have failed. Not to mention that students love it and benefit from it intellectually and emotionally (even when they find your music taste questionable).
    • murasimo
      I use songs all the time and students love it. it is useful for grammar, vocabulary and culture. most of the time students start following on youtube the singer and present to class new songs from the same singer.
    • heidikreutzer
      My students (college level) really enjoy any music I bring into the classroom. Usually, I use it because it fits a grammar or vocabulary theme. I'd love to expand my use of music with my students.
    • vivianfranco
      My students also love to listen to songs in the target language. As you said, it is useful to work not only the language (grammar aspect) but also the cultural part. In my classes, I try to play 1 minute of music in Spanish before starting the class. They really enjoy it and even bring me more songs suggestions in the target language to play the next day.
    • pludek
      I like the idea of keeping the song length to a minimum. Sometimes the students get off task, especially if they don't like the song. Thanks for the idea! I love it when they tell me they've added the song to their own playlists!
    • speabodymn
      As a German instructor, I find music also is a great way to bring more traditional texts to life--lots of poems become more exciting to students when combined with a setting by Schubert or Strauss (for example), even if the student isn't initially interested in either poetry or classical music. (I have a video of Schubert/Goethe's "Erlkönig" that adds another dimension through a sort of cartoon horror-story video--so it's text plus music plus visuals.) With this much to discuss, it can easily fill half of a class session or provide the basis for a larger project. Still, I also like the shorter use of music as a way to add energy to many different topics without taking over the lesson.
    "Music is a wonderful tool to integrate into your teaching repertoire, especially if you are a foreign language teacher."
    This sounds fun! I would love to try it next year!

WhatsApp in the classroom to foster listening and speaking | TeachingEnglish | British... - 7 views

  • mobile technology can help teachers to find new ways to improve students’ language/content learning.
    • hharb01
      Ask school to supply a phone and apps installed to overcome giving your personal phone number to students.
    • norikofujiokaito
      Some of my students use LINE (similar to WhatsApp) to talk with their conversation partners in Japan to practice Japanese and learn about Japanese culture. Mobile phones play a great role in foreign language courses now.
  • WhatsApp in your classroom with the purpose of improving students’ oral skills.
    • hharb01
      Mainly for speaking and writing, can be used for both representational and interpretive modes.
  • Mobile Phone Operator they contacted offered them a cheaper phone rate than the one they had. We could say they killed two birds with one stone.
    • hharb01
      Ask Principal about the likelihood of going this route.
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • allow their use with a clear pedagogical use and under the supervision of a teacher
    • hharb01
      check cell phone use policy and advocate for pedagogical use.
  • assessed
    • hharb01
      be clear with deadlines assessment what they have to do
  • describe the project
  • WhatsApp recordings of presentations should be just another tool
    • hharb01
      One app to be used and not the only one
  • engaged very easily and they enjoy listening to each other’s presentations
  • overcome their anxiety by being able to prepare an audio file on their own
  • very useful with large classrooms
  •   Assign each student a topic
  • Hand out a task to each of the students
  • Tell students the deadline
  • Share the assessment criteria
  • on-line pronouncing dictionaries
    • hharb01
      Find online dictionaries with speech tools.
  • listen to them and mark them according to the assessmen
  •  Prepare a handout for students with a list of questions
  • let them listen to all students' recordings and ask them to answer the questions in the handout
  • need of a good Internet connection
  • will help students who feel anxious in public to relax and it will also create an atmosphere of concentration which is key to effective listening
    Examples on how to use Whatsapp in the language classroom
  • ...1 more comment...
    with highlights and sticky notes
    The use of Whatsapp in the language classroom to promote conversation in the target language
    This one worked! and I can see your highlights! =)

I've Been Using Evernote All Wrong. Here's Why It's Actually Amazing - 1 views

  • I kept hearing how awesome Evernote was
    • cwelton
      My school has Evernote premium available to all teachers--it's basically just like Diigo, so I'm excited to try and figure it out this year.
  • Archive whiteboard notes
    • cwelton
      I have colleagues who use Evernote to keep logs of their chalkboard notes, so they can send them to students who missed class for example.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • all of which become searchable
    • cwelton
      because Evernote can read handwriting! so cool.
  • You can share any note in Evernote with other people—even if they aren't Evernote users! So it's actually great for this.
  • The second type of bookmark is the one I use for Evernote. It's bookmarking stuff that you want to reference later, but not the kind of stuff you visit every day. Does that make a little more sense?
  • Forgot to mention my third type of bookmark, which are full articles I send to Readability/Pocket/Instapepr for reading later. That's more for pleasure reading than reference, which is what I use Evernote for.
    • cwelton
      I have colleagues who use Evernote for this 'pleasure reading' feature as well.
    I used to use Evernote a while ago for a staff writer/communications job I held in grad school. It helped a great deal with keeping my boss informed on my progress on news stories and for making suggestions. After reading this, I want to go back to it. I remember how organized it made me feel-- I'm sure I could use a lot more of that as a teacher! Thanks for sharing. Glad that Evernote is back on my radar-- with so much more to it than I remember!
Marlene Johnshoy

The $2 Interactive Whiteboard | Action-Reaction - 0 views

    Take note! How are you using your whiteboard? For those of you who don't have one, would the type of whiteboard mentioned in this article be useful for language learning? How would you use one? For those of you who DO have a digital whiteboard, how do your STUDENTS use it? Let us know! add your ideas here in a reply!
Marlene Johnshoy

Web 2.0 How-To for Educators - 0 views

    "Web 2.0 How-To for Educators explores the very best online collaborative tools available today (including blogs, wikis, and social networking) and Web 2.0 applications (Skype, Google Earth, Wordle, and more) that make a difference in education. Using a simple formula for each concept, the book describes what the tool is, when teachers should use it, why it is useful, who is using it, how you can use the tool, and where you can find additional resources. Practical examples from educators around the world offer an abundance of ideas, and the recommendations for further information and comprehensive lists of Web 2.0 tools and applications will be valuable resources as you integrate Web 2.0 technology in your classroom. "
Marlene Johnshoy

How to Teach Remotely with Flipgrid - YouTube - 6 views

    I like the features of padlet and have personally used the platform in several webinars, but have yet to use the tool myself! I think that will definitely try this platform in the upcoming school year.
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    Very useful. Thanks!
    I was thinking of using FlipGrid for next semester, so this came at the right time. Very clear and engaging presentation. Thank you!
    I will be exploring the Flipgrid for our ASL classes. This will be a helpful tool to use with students to sign their comments. No voice etc.....nice tool!
    This is a MUST! I'm saving this because this is a very useful tool for ASL classes!
    When I was video recording with Flipgrid interactively at the beginning of the training course, I already thought I found a very useful tool for my students of elementary Chinese in a hybrid class for the upcoming semester. Having watched this step-by-step YouTube introduction to it, I'm confident they are going to like this platform and be definitely benefited with all its video, audio, and drawing features in the remote interactive learning. Thanks for sharing this!
    This was a great explanation and i am definitely interested in using this for my students in the FALL.. i am realizing through this course how much more i retain if i am watching instructional videos as opposed to reading HOW TO.
    Thank you so much for sharing this! I've been discussing creating new FlipGrid assignments with my colleagues, but have never personally used it before. It seems like the least intimidating student video platform that I've seen so far. I love the snapchat-esque filters, stickers, etc... that users can play with.
    I am also thinking of trying it in the fall after I heard a lot of good things about it. I prefer it to VoiceThread (I really did not like the chaotic presentation of the different submissions). And it can be integrated into Canvas, but I still have to figure out the details of that (would I leave comments in FlipGrid or Canvas?).
    His videos are so helpful! Thanks for sharing. Does anyone know if Flipgrid integrates with Sakai? A big concern for me is to keep things simple and streamlined for students. Sending them information through different channels seems to just ask for things to get overlooked or lost. Thanks!
    It sound like this guy is in the right place at the right time! I love reading but honestly video tutorials can be sooo helpful and nice to watch when they are well produced! I've seen in his channel another tool I love and I haven't used for a while: Adobe Spark.
Marcie Pratt

Social-networking sites in foreign language classes: Opportunities for re-creation | Ka... - 4 views

  •   38   SOCiaL-NetwOrKiNg SiteS 2001). This difference in ‘lifestyle’ gives educators reason to believe we shouldincorporate SNS usage into our class-related activities, to capture these students’imaginations and t their thought patterns and socializing habits (Godwin-Jones,2008; Winke & Goertler, 2008).However, although technology is an integral part of neomillennial students’lives, they often do not know how to use technology in ways that would benet them in computer-assisted language learning (CALL) (Dieu & Stevens, 2007;Kolaitis, Mahoney, Pomann, & Hubbard, 2006; Winke & Goertler, 2008). Suc - cessful CALL activities, then, often require a substantial training period at theoutset (Jones & Bissoonauth-Bedford, 2008; Kolaitis et al., 2006), and studentsmay be less enthusiastic about a class’s language and culture projects if the formof computer-mediated communication ( CMC) employed is not the type they areaccustomed to using (McBride & Wildner-Bassett, 2008; Thorne, 2003). A usefulresponse may be to craft CALL activities more to the practices that our studentsare familiar with (Winke & Goertler, 2008). SNSs are an obvious possibility to consider, given their tremendous popularity.If we can get our F
  • we can get our FL students to interact socially on SNSs, then they may beengaged in more authentic social and communicative behavior than typically hap-pens in classrooms, because “instead of merely simulating other modes of interac-tion, technology mediated communication is, in and of itself, the real thing
  •   40   SOCiaL-NetwOrKiNg SiteS and sites like it, knowing, socially and technically, how to re-use media in thisparticular way has become foundational for communication and creative expres- sion over the Web” (Perkel, 2008, p. 218). We can call this activity of writing/remixing the self through the manipulationof text and media ‘ self-authorship.’ Within the framework of CALL, this term refers to students authoring their own materials which can then serve as the basisfor learning and lessons. Using student-created materials as the center of a lesson ts with a student-centered pedagogy (Dieu, Campbell, & Ammann, 2006). Self-authorship activities can increase interest and time on task, and they put students in a more active role in their own learning process (Kramsch, A’Ness, & Lam,2000; Nikolova, 2002).Students must take an active role in their learning. They cannot simply be handed knowledge from an expert because understanding is the result of a cre- ative process one must work through over time with other people (Bereiter, 2002). Learning
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  • Such use could instantiate the primary condition that research has shown to encourage L2 acquisition: timespent on meaningfully embedded interaction and negotiation with others
  • Students must take an active role in their learning. They cannot simply be handed knowledge from an expert because understanding is the result of a cre- ative process one must work through over time with other people (Bereiter, 2002). Learning and language develop through interaction with others, by means of in- ternalizing problem-solving patterns that are rst experienced in dialogue withothers (Vygotsky, 1978). SNSs therefore are a promising tool for FL education intheir capacity to be used by learners as L2 practice in a way similar to how they are used by the majority of young people in our society.
    • Marcie Pratt
      I did not mean to highlight so much. Can't find the "undo" highlight. I believe the paragraph starting with "If we can get our FL students..." is important because as FL teachers we are always working towards getting out students to speak in the target langauge and with as much authenticity as possible. By working with an SNS then they might be more apt to use their L2 skills in a more authentic way outside of the classroom as mentioned in the paragraph.
    • MariaEmicle Lopez
      Great comment! SNS are a way to help students connect class with the real world and someone besides peers and instructors. Interaction through SNS is practice in the target language with speakers of that language, helpful for when they study abroad, for when they graduate and find a job where they interact with Spanish speakers in the case of my students population. These kinds of interactions build on confidence and improvement of speaking skills.

Skype and Skype in the Classroom: Options for Language Teaching and Learning - 4 views

  • Skype in the classroom Skype in the classroom, launched in March 2011, is a website especially designed for educational purposes. It is a platform where teachers and students can disseminate information about their classes, share educational resources, and find partners to start classroom projects.
  • Language teachers and learners may find the “Languages” category especially useful because they can search for Skype language lessons that meet their needs (see Figure 4 for some examples of Skype language lessons). These lessons provide opportunities for learning another language or practicing language via language exchanges.
  • Language teachers and learners can enroll in any language lesson according to their needs and interests
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    • ncsargo
      This seems like a great way to expand your PLN and collaborate with other language teachers
  • advanced features, such as group video calls, require users to pay a fee and upgrade to a premium account to get the service. Calling fees vary depending on the countries the user calls and the amount of time spent on calls. Subscribing to a premium account, which will allow users to use services such as group video chats, currently costs US$59.88 for 12 months. US$4.99 per month is not very expensive.
    • ncsargo
      There is a cost for premium features.
  • Limitations Although Skype and Skype in the classroom provide an intriguing option for language teaching and learning, there are some limitations as well. First, there are minimum download/upload speeds required for using Skype. For example, video calling and screen sharing require 128kbps/128kbps as the minimum download/upload speed; group video calling requires 4Mbps/128kbps as the minimum download/upload speed. Therefore, Skype users need to check whether their Internet connection meets such requirements to avoid video and audio lag during Skype lessons.
    • ncsargo
      It is important to keep these limitations in line for any web based interpersonal activity.
  • Second, Skype and Skype in the classroom promote authentic learning. According to Lombardi (2007), authentic learning emphasizes “real-world, complex problems and their solutions, using role-playing exercises, problem-based activities, case studies, and participation in a virtual community of practice” (p.2). Thus, authentic learning happens as learners participate in real-world relevant tasks that require their judgment to distinguish information, patience to participate, ability to adapt themselves to unfamiliar contexts, and flexibility to work with people from different cultures. In this view, Skype and Skype in the classroom allow language teachers and learners to participate in a context of authentic learning.
    • ncsargo
      As we saw in our synchronous class session Skype just like Adobe Connect can be used to deal with problem-based activities.  Through creating contexts in which certain language is required we can simulate an immersion environment for students online.
  • The ACTIONS model, proposed by Bates (1995), is a practical guide for educators and policymakers to select and evaluate the use of technologies for teaching and learning. The ACTIONS model involves the following criteria: Access: How accessible is a particular technology for learners? Costs: What is the cost structure of a particular technology? Teaching and learning: How does a particular technology support teaching and learning? Interactivity and user-friendliness: How does a particular technology facilitate interaction among learners? How easy is a particular technology to use? Organizational issues: Are any class organizational changes needed? Novelty: How new is this particular technology? Speed: How quickly can courses be taught and learned via this particular technology?
Roxana Sandu

Better 'the Five Ws' than 'Because it's there' | blog-efl - 1 views

  • it was mentioned that many learning technology (LT) presentations at conferences and blog posts are of the type '20 ways of using Wordle', etc., dealing with the 'how to use tech' but not the 'why it should be used'.
    The importance of focusing on "Why technology should be used?" instead of only "How to use technology?" is emphasized - indeed an important aspect teachers should not overlook.
    I agree that we need to really access why we want to use technology. Is it really the best option all of the time? I love the checklist of questions one should ask him/herself before deciding to use the technology. I, especially, thought the question "Will students control the technology?. Sometimes, I need to remember that spending hours creating a great powerpoint presentation isn't as great as finding a way for students to engage in an interaction rather than passively listen to a lecture.

Facilitating a Class Twitter Chat | Edutopia - 3 views

  • Communicate the public nature of Twitter to parents. Consider an opt-out alternative for students or parents who are uncomfortable with participating in the classroom chat.
    • cwelton
      I've also used my school's platform "discussion board" as if it were a twitter chat feed--some students got really into it, and I think I could implement some of these suggestions to make it more universally engaging
  • assist students in moving back and forth between their own words and technical or course-specific terms. And help highlight particular content with the use of sentence starters.
    • cwelton
      perhaps for a language class this would look like a vocab list, or a list of social media abbreviations that are language-specific.
  • Do you feel the chat’s objective was reached? What was the most useful part of the chat? How might we improve the chat?
    • cwelton
      i've do this, at some level, for almost every new project or activity I do in my classroom--the students feel so empowered when I ask them to share their opinions and reactions to the structures of the course.
    Thanks for sharing, Carmen-- I am also considering students who do not have Twitter, or parent concerns, and I wonder if small group work might be a solution- Using the twitter account of one student, another student or group of students help to compose responses, stay hidden from their online contributions.
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    Hi Veronica--you could also consider making a class handle. I did that with an Adv. class once, and simply gave all the students the info to log in. They could all post from that handle, and sign tweets with their initials.
    This is a helpful article. I like how it gives us step-by-step of how to host a twitter chat.
    Thanks for this suggestions, Carmen-- will use it!
    Especially middle/high school parents/students may feel more comfortable using a platform provided by the district. I am also planning to use the discussion board in the district's platform. I can definitely use the tips in this article.

30 creative ways to use Padlet for teachers and students - BookWidgets - 9 views

  • Let your students answer some important exit ticket questions like “what did you learn today?”, “What didn’t you understand?” or “What questions do you still have?”.It gets better…Here are some other exit ticket promts your students could answer: Write down three things you learned today. If you had to explain today’s lesson to a friend, what would you tell him/her? What question do you have about what we learned today? What part of the lesson did you find most difficult? What would you like me to go over again next lesson? Write down two questions you would put in a quiz about today’s lesson. What were the main points we covered today? Did the group activity contribute to your understanding of the topic? Why? Read this problem … What would be your first step in solving it? I used app X extensively today. Was it helpful? Why or why not?
  • Complete the storyCreate a story and ask students how it should continue. Students can post their ideas on the Padlet. Finally, take some of your students' ideas and complete the story. You’ll have some funny stories!
  • What is Padlet?
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  • Padlet can be used by students and by teachers. With padlet you can create an online post-it board that you can share with any student or teacher you want. Just give them the unique Padlet link. Padlet allows you to insert ideas anonymously or with your name. It’s easy to use and very handy.
  • Whoever has the Padlet board opened on his smartphone or computer, can see what’s on it and what everyone is writing. Students just have to take a device and start adding little sticky notes online. They can see all the ideas gathered on the teacher board immediately.
    • pamh6832
      Clear description of what Padlet is and how to use it.
  • Sharing a Padlet board is easy; choose for a QR code or a link.
  • Let your students insert the link in the browser or in the Padlet app. They can ‘continue as guest’ so they just have to scan the qr code with the Padlet app or type in the URL, without creating an account. Shortly after, they will be directed to your first Padlet board.
  • How to post things on Padlet? Well, there are a few ways to do this: double click anywhere on the board; drag files in; paste from clipboard; save as bookmark with Padlet mini; or just click the ‘+’ button in the lower right corner.
  • 2. Live question bank Let your students ask questions during the lesson. It’s very handy when students don’t understand something or need a better explanation. Stop your lesson 10 minutes early and go over the questions. This way students who are afraid to ask questions can still ask their questions anonymously. It gives a voice to every student in the room, even to the shy ones.
    • pamh6832
      A good way to help ensure student engagement and comprehension. Similar to the "Chat" feature on Zoom.
  • 14. Prior knowledge Try to figure out what students already know about the topic you’re about to teach. What prior knowledge do your students have about that particular topic and what don’t they know? Students just post their knowledge on Padlet, so you can see how to build your lesson.
    • pamh6832
      For reviewing previous year information. Always important, but perhaps even more so after Spring 2020 and distance learning.
  • 23. Geocaching For physical exercises, students have to go walking more. Let you students do some geocaching and let them post pictures of themselves and the treasure to the Padlet board. It will encourage the others to find the treasures as well.
  • Online student portfolio
    • cnming
      I am going to try this in my language classes.
  • Complete the story Create a story and ask students how it should continue. Students can post their ideas on the Padlet. Finally, take some of your students' ideas and complete the story. You’ll have some funny stories!
    • cnming
      Great idea!
    This posting provides MULTIPLE ways to use Padlet. I found those activities that allow live interaction to be very interesting.
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    I think this would be good to use for collecting research or as a place to post class questions
    I love the idea of using padlet for exit ticket questions!
    I really like padlet as a survey tool or an exit pass type of activity
Marlene Johnshoy

The NEW Google Forms: 9 classroom uses | Ditch That Textbook - 2 views

    Google Forms - new version, and classroom use ideas from Matt's blog
    I've used google forms for sending surveys to staff before. I've NEVER thought about how cool it would be to use for students and collecting answers on quizzes or analyzing the answer responses they submit. I probably would use this more if I was teaching in the upper grades... Any ideas for K-2 ESL uses??
Marlene Johnshoy

Facebook-ing and the Social Generation: A New Era of Language Learning - 1 views

    Abstract: In this paper, we examine the use of Facebook (FB) as a social networking tool in an intermediate French class. After reviewing the available studies on FB in language instruction, we analyze surveys that were administered to students as well as student FB posts. We look at the potential benefits of social media, specifically FB, and discuss its impact on foreign language learning. We aim to address how FB is being used in the language classroom, how students respond to the integration of this social networking site in courses, the attitudes of higher education foreign language learners towards FB, as well as the role of FB in new learning spaces and with today's learners. An analysis of survey data suggests that students respond in a positive manner toward the use of FB in education and highlights some differences in the way FB is used in both personal and academic settings.
Marlene Johnshoy

Technology and Education | Box of Tricks - 3 views

    "Over the past academic year, my students and I have been experimenting with the use of a number of web based applications (often known as Web 2.0 tools). My aim has been to enhance our schemes of work by providing our students with new and exciting learning opportunities. In my opinion, using technology effectively has clear benefits for both teaching and learning and can help to improve motivation by engaging pupils in activities which, perhaps, step out of their ordinary school experience and which show them that it is possible to teach and learn about a subject using tools similar to those they use daily outside school. In other words, we have tried to use the types of tools with which they are often already familiar. I have written about each of these individual tools in separate posts, but I thought it would be useful to list the ten most used internet applications on one post. As ever, I aim to provide, not only a list of the web applications we have used, but also examples of practice which you may wish to follow or, indeed, improve upon. Therefore, each of the entries below has links leading to lesson plans which have incorporated the tools as well as working examples of students' work where appropriate. Without further ado, and in alphabetical order, my ten tried and tested internet tools for teachers are:"
    from a FL teacher in England - who tries and tests a number of tech tools. Here are his 10 favorite web 2.0 apps.

The Educator's Guide to Copyright, Fair Use, and Creative Commons - The Edublogger - 3 views

  • This may seem obvious, but judging by the notices we have received, many teachers (and especially students) are under the impression that if it is on the web, then it is up for grabs.
    • klmcguinness
      This is protocol in my classroom-they may as well learn it right the first time rather than the hard way later. When using Google images: go all the way to the cog wheel pull down on the right side of the toolbar; 2) go down to Advance Search; 3) inside Advanced Image Search, all the way at the bottom is a pulldown for usage rights, select "free to use or share" or, if you need to alter the image in anyway "fee to use share or modify." 
  • That is, in some cases, if an image, text, video, etc. is being used for educational purposes, there might be more flexible copyright rules.
    • klmcguinness
      Well, that's a relief, huh?!
    • brittasparksbr
      Just yesterday I was watching a webinar from a national organization, and on one of the PowerPoint pages I saw a picture of one of my district's students with his PE teacher. I was shocked and wondered how it came to be in this webinar. I can only guess that there was a newpaper article with this picture in the local paper, and that put it out there on the web, and it was found and inserted into this PowerPoint. I also thought it was pretty cool - one of ours in something like that. It was crazy just happening upon it like I did though.
  • But make sure to check specific copyright restrictions before uploading anything you’ve scanned to the web!
    • klmcguinness
      This is a biggie! I know of some teachers who upload all their homework handouts in .pdf format. I can think of only one who might have asked permission to do so. But, why bother buying that textbook's workbook if I can download it from another district for free. I can certainly see publishers having issue with that.
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    • klmcguinness
      Keeping this one bookmarked for future reference.
  • If only that were true.
  • copyright holders to give you (and the host of your site, such as Edublogs, WordPress, etc.) an official notification.
  • website
    • klmcguinness
      Another important website to keep handy!
  • You are free to embed any video from YouTube, Vimeo, WatchKnowLearn, etc. on your blog or website as long as it gives you the embed option.
    • klmcguinness
      This answers my earlier question about using a video in eduCanon. Seemed really wrong to do that, but guess it is understood when you upload if you allow others to borrow, they will.
    • srafuller
      I guess that's why on some music videos, there is a statement that there is no ownership in the content? I don't know. I also bookmarked this article as I know I will need it as time goes on.
    This is a great explanation. Thank you for posting it. Any idea about the legality of editing YouTube videos with eduCanon?
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