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Medical Assistance (MA) / Minnesota Department of Human Services - 1 views

  • Eligibility To get coverage, you must:  Be a Minnesota resident Be a U.S. citizen or a qualifying noncitizen Provide a Social Security number for each person requesting MA, unless an exception is met Meet the income limit and asset limit, if any Meet any other program rules. What is the income limit? The income limit and calculations depend on your age and who lives with you. If you are pregnant, blind or have a disability, you also may have a different income limit. Some people who do not meet the income limit still may qualify using a spenddown (PDF). A spenddown is like an insurance deductible. This means you are responsible for some medical bills before MA pays. What is the asset limit? Assets are items people own like cars, checking and savings accounts, your home and financial investments. Generally, there is no asset limit for MA for parents, children under 21 and adults without children in the home. Parents and caretaker relatives eligible for MA with a spenddown have an asset limit (PDF). Seniors and people age 21 and older who are blind or have a disability have an asset limit (PDF). Assets that do not count toward the limit include the home where you live, household goods, personal items like clothing and jewelry, and certain assets owned by an American Indian. What if I have other insurance? You still may qualify for MA. You must tell us if you have other health insurance or could get coverage through an employer or military service. Sometimes we can pay the cost of the other insurance so you can keep that coverage.
    • nikkilh
      How to be eligible for MA
    • Katelyn Karsnia
      Coverage and Benefits of MA
  • Benefits What is covered and how much does it cost? MA pays for a variety of services like doctor visits, prescriptions and hospital stays. Some services and prescriptions may require prior approval.  For some members, there is no cost. Others may have to pay a portion of the cost of a service. This may include copays, deductibles or spenddowns.  A summary of covered services and costs is online.  A printable summary of covered services and costs (PDF) is also available.  You will get more details on covered services after your application is approved.  When does coverage start? MA may pay for medical bills going back three months from the month we get your application.
    • nikkilh
      Benefits of MA
  • Medical Assistance (MA) is Minnesota’s Medicaid program for people with low income. 
    • nikkilh
      Medical Assistance information
    • Katelyn Karsnia
      Definition of MA
Sarah Emery

Famous People - celebrity and historical - 0 views

    An online biographical reference which chronicles the lives of people throughout the world. Famous people includes both celebrities and high achievers in all fields of human endeavor as well as those people who have touch the lives of others.
Stephanie Mohs

Famous People of the Civil War - 0 views

    Famous People of the Civil War
Theresa Erickson

Biographes for Kids, Famous Leaders for Young Readers - 0 views

    Biographies for Kids,Famous Leaders for Young Readers, biographies of famous people written for elementary age children
    This is a great site that offers so much information about many people in our history. Students can look up famous people and learn about who they were and more.
Barb Hagen - Social Studies - U.S. Studies - People in U.S. History (Grades 6 - 8) - 0 views

    Ideas related to people in U.S.History
Amanda Blumhoefer

The World - 1 views

    The world in spatial terms
    This site has a ton of really cool links to help students in the area of People, Places and Environment. Check it out!
Bill Olson

Critical pedagogy: schools must equip students to challenge the status quo | Teacher Ne... - 0 views

  • The pedagogy popularised by E.D.Hirsch, and recently promoted by the likes of Civitas, reduces teaching into nothing more than a bleak transmission model of learning.
  • "cultural literacy".
  • But Hirsch's "cultural literacy" is a hegemonic vision produced for and by the white middle class to help maintain the social and economic status quo.
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  • Young people who enter the educational system and don't conform to this vision are immediately disadvantaged by virtue of their race, income or chromosomes.
  • Moreover, teaching a prescribed "core knowledge" instills a culture of conformity and an insipid, passive absorption of carefully selected knowledge among young people.
  • The narcissistic notion that we can help underprivileged students by providing them with teachers who are privileged young graduates from elite institutions is a mistake.
  • Teachers can't ignore the contexts, culture, histories and meanings that students bring to their school.
  • Working class students and other minority groups need an education that prepares them with the knowledge of identifying the problems and conflicts in their life and the skills to act on that knowledge so they can improve their current situations.
  • School leaders have a duty to promote learning that encourage students to question rather than forcing teachers to lead drill-oriented, stimulus-and-response methodologies.
  • Students need the freedom and encouragement to determine and discover who they are and to understand that the system shouldn't define them – but rather give them the skills, knowledge and beliefs to understand that they can set the agenda.
  • The philosophy was first described by Paulo Freire and has since been developed by the likes of Henry Giroux, Peter McLaren and Roger Simon. Critical pedagogy isn't a prescriptive set of practices – it's a continuous moral project that enables young people to develop a social awareness of freedom. This pedagogy connects classroom learning with the experiences, histories and resources that every student brings to their school. It allows students to understand that with knowledge comes power; the power that can enable young people to do something differently in their moment in time and take positive and constructive action.
    This article is an opinion piece about why critical pedagogy is important to teach to students. What do you think the best way to support your underprivileged students is?

What Is Included in an IEP | Understood - For learning and thinking differences - 0 views

  • IEPs are developed by a group of professionals at school. One member of this IEP team typically acts as a case manager and oversees the IEP. You’re part of your child’s IEP team, too. That means you’ll be involved in the process as the IEP is made. The IEP team will use the results of your child’s evaluation testing to design the plan. The scores show the specific areas your child struggles with. Having that information allows the IEP team to provide the individualized instruction and supports your child needs.
    • nikkilh
      How IEPs are developed and whom they help
  • Here are some of the things the IEP will include: Your child’s present level of performance in school (PLOP) Individualized instruction and related services , such as occupational therapySupports like accommodations and
    • nikkilh
      What an IEP is likely to include
  • Your role in creating your child’s IEP doesn’t stop once the plan is done. In fact, it’s very important that you go over the IEP carefully and make sure it has everything it should have, and that you agree with what the school has proposed.
    • nikkilh
      Parents role in creating an IEP.
colleen schumack

BSU Social Studies - Group | Diigo - 0 views

    Activities to learn how the environment, people and places all affect each other.
Jen Bartsch

Looking at Our Own Cultural Artifacts - 0 views

    "There is no single objective way to describe why an artifact is significant to a culture. Objects are important to different people for different reasons. To make this idea personal, students will be invited to bring to class important cultural artifacts from their own lives. Each object will be "interpreted" by a student anthropologist who will make hypotheses regarding the importance of this object. The student anthropologist will also determine what this artifact says about the culture of the owner. The owner of the artifact will get a chance to tell their actual story."
Jen Bartsch

Global Trek - 1 views

    Scholastic's Global Trek is a way for students to travel around the world without ever having to leave their classroom. When students arrive in the country of their choice they are supplied with a suggested travel itinerary. This itinerary offers them links to background information and a chance to read about the country's people.
Siri Anderson

Search Classroom Resources | PBS LearningMedia - 3 views

  • ways that we can find out about people, places and events that took place a long time ago
    • Siri Anderson
      This is an example of 4E.
    • Siri Anderson
      This shows understanding of Standard 4E: "Understand how a students' learning is influenced by individual experiences, talents, and prior learning as well as language, culture, and other samples of student thinking." Asking students to brainstorm about the topic they are about to study activates their prior knowledge so they can potentially make a connection between the new material and what they already know.
  • Discuss the responses with the students
    • Siri Anderson
      3G --use a student's thinking and experiences as a resource in planning instructional activities by encouraging discussion, listening and responding to group interaction, and eliciting oral, written, and other samples of student thinking;" By eliciting student voices in a discussion the teacher can understand how they relate to the concepts that are being taught today.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Explain that we can also learn a lot by looking at photographs and drawings from the past.
    • Siri Anderson
      This is a little supportive of 4E, by presenting varied nationalities and cultures within the lesson, and encouraging the students to think that they have agency (you can learn alot) to look into their "photographs or drawings from the past" the teacher is demonstrating respect for the diverse backgrounds in the room.
  • would you like to ask
    • Siri Anderson
      This is also supporting 3G -- "eliciting student thinking"
  • Ask the groups to compare their photos. Ask them to find at least two things that are similar in the two photos and at least two things that are different.
    • Siri Anderson
      This supports standard 7I, "support and expand learner expression in speaking, writing, and other media" because the teacher is scaffolding experiences for the students to talk to and learn from one another.
  • describe the type of information that they were able to discover from looking at the photographs. (What people looked like, what people wore, etc.) Ask students to share some of the questions that they thought about when observing and comparing the photographs.
    • Siri Anderson
      Another example of eliciting student thinking, 3G. Also supports speaking 7I.
  • Kristi never met her father’s parents
    • Siri Anderson
      This is moderately supportive of 4E. By sharing the story of a person whose family did not have contact the teacher is making more space in the room for learners who also may not have met their grandparents, or parents. ; (
  • Explain to students that different cultures have different ways of passing down information about their past to their children and grandchildren.
    • Siri Anderson
      This supports 4E, the teacher is establishing that families have different cultural practices which makes more space in the room for children who may have felt that cultural practices in their own family are "weird." This provides space for "difference" as cool.
  • Encourage students to make something to help keep pictures, drawing, letters, articles and/or other information about them and their families.
    • Siri Anderson
      This supports standard 7I. The students are encouraged to express themselves in a media other than writing and speaking.
  • create their own drawings
    • Siri Anderson
      This is another example of 7I because the students are expressing themselves in another medium.
    These standards are not at all aligned with this lesson!

Visual Impairment (for Teens) - Nemours KidsHealth - 0 views

  • Just as you don't think about your eye color every day, people with visual impairment don't always think about their condition every day either.
    • sadielaurenn
      I never thought about it this way. This likely goes for other disabilities as well. Our own personal obstacles, if you will, in life become part of a routine that we don't think about every day.
  • If a visually impaired person asks for assistance, don't hesitate to help.
    • sadielaurenn
      You shouldn't ever hesitate to help someone who asks for assistance, disability or not. Helping others is great, but like in the disability sensitivity video we shared it may be more harmful than helpful in some scenarios.
  • People rarely lose their eyesight during their teen years. When they do, it's usually caused by an injury like getting hit in the eye or head with a baseball or having an automobile or motorcycle accident.
    • sadielaurenn
      This seems unclear to me. There are many causes for visual impairment, whether they stem from an accident or are genetic. Although, they do not have to be either of these, visual impairments can happen to anyone. This portion goes on to specify conditions that may cause loss of vision after birth, which to me would mean in infancy. Loss of vision doesn't have to happen at any said time in your life.
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  • Some people are completely blind, but many others have what's called legal blindness. They haven't lost their sight completely but have lost enough vision that they'd have to stand 20 feet from an object to see it as well as someone with perfect vision could from 200 feet away.
    • clwisniewski
      Distinguishes between complete blindness and legal blindness.

Facts about Down Syndrome | CDC - 1 views

  • Down syndrome is a condition in which a person has an extra chromosome. Chromosomes are small “packages” of genes in the body. They determine how a baby’s body forms and functions as it grows during pregnancy and after birth. Typically, a baby is born with 46 chromosomes.
    • nikkilh
      what down syndrome is
  • common physical features
    • nikkilh
      common physical features of down syndrome children and adults
  • Trisomy 21: About 95% of people with Down syndrome have Trisomy 21.2 With this type of Down syndrome, each cell in the body has 3 separate copies of chromosome 21 instead of the usual 2 copies. Translocation Down syndrome: This type accounts for a small percentage of people with Down syndrome (about 3%).2 This occurs when an extra part or a whole extra chromosome 21 is present, but it is attached or “trans-located” to a different chromosome rather than being a separate chromosome 21. Mosaic Down syndrome: This type affects about 2% of the people with Down syndrome.2 Mosaic means mixture or combination. For children with mosaic Down syndrome, some of their cells have 3 copies of chromosome 21, but other cells have the typical two copies of chromosome 21. Children with mosaic Down syndrome may have the same features as other children with Down syndrome. However, they may have fewer features of the condition due to the presence of some (or many) cells with a typical number of chromosomes.
    • nikkilh
      3 types of down syndrome

Introduction to the Americans with Disabilities Act | - 1 views

  • The ADA prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability just as other civil rights laws prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, and religion
    • nikkilh
      Important to remember what the ADA does for people with disabilities
  • A person with a disability is someone who: has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, has a history or record of such an impairment (such as cancer that is in remission), or is perceived by others as having such an impairment (such as a person who has scars from a severe burn).
    • nikkilh
      good idea to have clarification who is "disabled" according to the ADA
  • ection of the ADA: Title I Applies to: employers that have 15 or more employees, including state/local governments, employment agencies, and labor unions. General requirement: Employers must provide people with disabilities an equal opportunit
    • nikkilh
      knowing employees/employers rights with the ADA
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • S
  • y to benefit from the employment-related opportunities available to others. This includes things like recruitment, hiring, promotions, training, pay, and social activities. The ADA includes specific requirements for employers to ensure that people with disabilities have equal access to employment. Learn more about these requirements on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s guidance for employers. How to file a complaint: File a Charge of Discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
Siri Anderson

Where People, History and Memories Join Together from The People History Site - 2 views

    A comparison from the 1920's till present day.
    This would be a great site for students to create timelines to highlight important events of each decade. It also points out how things such as the cost of living, technology and popular culture have changed over time.
    handy links to videos by decades....not highly academic but user-friendly
Siri Anderson

Bemidji State University - 0 views

    Beautiful smart people exist here!
Siri Anderson

Paradigms Restrained: Implications of New and Emerging Technologies for Learning and Co... - 1 views

  • Instructional technology seeks to disprove the idea that "great teachers are born, not made."
  • "Students today can't prepare bark to calculate their problems. They depend on slates, which are more expensive. What will they do when the slate is dropped and it breaks? They will be unable to write." From a Teachers Conference, 1703. "Students today depend on paper too much. They don't know how to write on a slate without getting chalk dust all over themselves. They can't clean a slate properly. What will they do when they run out of paper?" From a principal's publication, 1815. "Students today depend too much on ink. They don't know how to use a pen knife to sharpen a pencil. Pen and ink will never replace the pencil." From the National Association of Teachers Journal, 1907. "Students today depend on store-bought ink. They don't know how to make their own. When they run out of ink they will be unable to write words or cipher until their next trip to the settlement. This is a sad commentary on modern education." From The Rural American Teacher, 1928. "Students depend on these expensive fountain pens. They can no longer write with a straight pen and nib. We parents must not allow them to wallow in such luxury to the detriment of how to cope in the business world, which is not so extravagant." From the Parent Teachers Association Gazette, 1941. "Ballpoint pens will be the ruin of education in our country. Students use these devices and then throw them away. The American values of thrift and frugality are being discarded. Business and banks will never allow such expensive luxuries." From Federal Teachers, 1950.
  • What this suggests is that all technologies, be they things that plug in or advances in thought, have various affordances that make them at times useful and at times not useful. The trick is to figure out what makes them useful in what situations in order to leverage their strengths and avoid their weaknesses.
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  • Organizational instructional strategies are those decisions the instructional designer makes when designing learning activities. The most important of these decisions is how the designer will assist learners to process new information and to process at a deeper level, producing meaningful learning, whether or not a teacher is presen
  • The choice of strategy is based on the designer's belief in the independent existence of knowledge: does it exist without the learner? Which epistemological approach to learning a designer espouses will have great impact on the organizational instructional strategy selected for use.
  • The goal of learning from the objectivist perspective is to communicate or transfer complete and correct understanding to the learner in the most efficient and effective way possible
  • In simple terms, objectivism holds that learners are the passive receivers of knowledge.
  • Cognitivism requires that learners devise methods for learning content.
  • Cognitivism recognizes that most people must develop a method of processing information to integrate it into their own mental models. The most recognizable mechanism in cognitive theory may be the definition of short term and long-term memory, and the need then to devise learner-appropriate methods of moving information from short-term memory to long-term memory. Learners must develop methods to learn how to learn. Consequently, interest in critical thinking skills has become fashionable in education. In terms of what this means for learning, it may be said that the truths are absolute in terms of what people are supposed to learn, but that we provide them latitude in how they arrive at those truths.
  • Constructivism, described by von Glaserfeld (1977) as an alternate theory of knowing, is the belief that knowledge is personally constructed from internal representations by individuals who use their experiences as a foundation (
  • he major differences between objectivism and constructivism involve beliefs about the nature of knowledge and how one acquires it. Objectivists view knowledge as an absolute truth; constructivists are open to different interpretations depending on who is interpreting. Objectivists believe learning involves gaining the answer; constructivists believe that because there are many perspectives, a correct answer is a limiting factor in learning. Constructivists say learning should focus on understanding and it may involve seeing multiple perspectives.
  • Transfer of inert knowledge from one context to another unfamiliar context (i.e. the real world) is difficult and unlikely.
  • nchored instruction is simply the idea that learning should be centered on problems.
  • Cognitive-flexibility theory is centered on "the ability to spontaneously restructure one's knowledge, in many ways, in adaptive response to radically changing situational demands . . .
  • The idea is to allow students to criss-cross the landscape of a content area so that they might have a rich mental model of the domain. The trick is to determine how much complexity a given group of learners is capable of handling without becoming lost or discouraged. A series of scenarios escalating in complexity can usually accommodate most learners.
  • Kurzweil (1999) says there is exponential growth in the rate of exponential growth; examining the speed and density of computation beginning with the first mechanical computers and not just the transistors that Moore used, he concluded that this doubling now occurs every year. He notes that "if the automobile industry had made as much progress [as the computing industry] in the past fifty years, a car today would cost a hundredth of a cent and go faster than the speed of light" (Kurzweil 1999, 25).
  • Already today it is becoming archaic and superfluous to teach facts. Instead, education needs to focus on ways of thinking. In particular, students will need to be able to recognize a problem, determine what information might be needed to solve a problem, find the information required, evaluate the information found, synthesize that information into a solution for the problem, apply the solution to the problem, and evaluate the results of that application
  • By the year 2099 there will no longer be any clear distinction between humans and computers.
    This artcle really struck me in terms of the descriptions of instructional design and the way they influence the type of learning that happens. Much social studies instruction, it seems to me, produces "inert knowledge" which is why most of us can't remember it later. Consider the descriptions I've highlighted of anchored instruction for an alternative approach.
Jaime Morse

United Nations Cyberschoolbus - 0 views

    United Nations Global teaching and learning website has curriculum, resources and much more to teach students about people and events around the globe.
Bryce Jacobson

Executive Order 9066: Resulting in the Relocation of Japanese - 0 views

    The actual document that sent almost 120,000 people of Japanese decent to camps in the U.S.
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