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Luciano Ferrer

Conflict-Free And Easy To Repair, The Fairphone Is The World's Most Ethical Phone | Co.... - 0 views

    "The Fairphone is a modular handset designed with repairability and ethical sourcing of its materials as headline features. It sold 60,000 units. Amazingly, for what sounds like a nerd-phone, almost half of those buyers had never owned a smartphone before. Now the Fairphone 2 is launching, and with a totally-new, in-house design. The new phone is even easier to repair, and because it was wholly designed by the FairPhone team, its supply chain is even more responsible than ever. The Fairphone is thicker than the latest iPhone or Samsung flagship, but that's the point. Instead of packing everything into a tiny case and keeping it there with glue, the Fairphone is designed to be taken apart. The lightweight magnesium frame supports modules that can be easily replaced by the user. "We have designed it with an aim to last three to five years, looking at making it robust and modular-for repairability," says Fairphone's chief communications officer, Tessa Wernink. "Obviously how long it lasts depends quite heavily on the user, so what we as a company are doing is offering an ecosystem around the phone that supports long-lasting use, first-hand or second-hand." Inside the case (itself one of several options) you'll find the core unit, containing all the chips and radios; a replaceable battery pack; a display that can be snapped off and replaced without any tools (not even a screwdriver); a receiver unit, which contains the front camera, sensors; the headset connector and microphones; a speaker/vibrator unit; and a camera module. These modules are designed to balance manufacturing complexity with repairability. For instance, the display comes as a standalone unit, but less-vulnerable components are bundled into one module. The camera, which people are most likely to upgrade as better versions become available, is also housed in its own module. That way you don't need to toss out your whole phone just to get a better camera. "In fact, the motto from the maker mo
Luciano Ferrer

En esta fábrica china han sustituido al 90% del personal con robots, y la pro... - 0 views

    "El debate sobre el impacto de la robótica y la inteligencia artificial en nuestro futuro laboral es cada vez más frecuente, y casos como el que se ha producido en una factoría de la empresa china Changying Precision Technology Company deja claras las potenciales ventajas de esa automatización. Los robots llevan muchos años reemplazando a trabajadores humanos en las cadenas de montaje, y en esta fábrica decidieron dar ese paso también: de los 650 empleados que tenía esa fábrica se ha pasado a solo 60, con el resto de labores realizadas por robots. El resultado ha sido aparentemente espectacular, con un aumento del 250% en la producción. ..."
juan domingo farnos

Don't drink the informal learning snake oil - 1 views

    The Tragedy of eLearning

    We've seen this movie before.

    The 1999 Online Learning conference in Los Angeles was ground zero for eLearning. CBT Systems told the world it was being reincarnated as SmartForce, the eLearning Company. When we unveiled signs at the SmartForce booth, we were the o
Luciano Ferrer

Una introducción histórica a la sociedad de consumo (2/3): Fordismo y consumo... - 0 views

    "A lo largo de los tres siglos que necesitó el capitalismo para consolidarse como sistema hegemónico -en el sentido gramsciano-, se fue imponiendo la ley de la oferta y la demanda, en detrimento de los gremios medievales, que durante siglos impidieron la competencia. Y cambió el significado social del dinero, que ganó un protagonismo central al tiempo que, progresivamente, se justificó el cobro de interés, que había sido condenado durante siglos. Los sistemas políticos europeos se tomaron más en serio la libertad que la igualdad y la fraternidad, de la tríada de valores de 1789 (liberté, égalité, fraternité), y la propiedad privada se erigió en el valor supremo de las constituciones, mientras se expandían por Europa las ideas de Adam Smith y John Locke. El Estado, en su concepción moderna, apareció como garante último de la reproducción del capital como eje ordenador de la sociedad; aunque, eso sí, no exento de tensiones y contradicciones, pues los estados europeos debían -y deben- sostener simultáneamente dos instituciones contradictorias: la acumulación creciente de la riqueza económica y el mantenimiento, al menos formal, de la democracia política. El engranaje capitalista estaba en marcha, pero su despegue sólo fue posible con la Revolución Industrial, que comenzó en la Inglaterra del siglo XVIII y se profundizó y expandió el siglo siguiente, sobre todo, desde el momento en que comenzaron a utilizarse los combustibles fósiles (Fernández Durán y González Reyes, 2014). La ingente cantidad de energía que éstos proveían, junto al desarrollo tecnológico, permitió el abaratamiento de los procesos productivos y la expansión de la industria y, con ello, del consumo. Entre los siglos XVIII y XIX, Europa y Estados Unidos asistieron a un espectacular aumento de la producción: para el historiador Neil McKendrick, fue la primera revolución consumista de la historia. La consecuencia inmediata fue una profundización y aceleración
Luciano Ferrer

Low tech website solar powered - 0 views

    "Our new blog is designed to radically reduce the energy use associated with accessing our content. Low-tech Magazine was born in 2007 and has seen minimal changes ever since. Because a website redesign was long overdue - and because we try to practice what we preach - we decided to build a low-tech, self-hosted, and solar-powered version of Low-tech Magazine. The new blog is designed to radically reduce the energy use associated with accessing our content. Why a Low-tech Website? We were told that the Internet would "dematerialise" society and decrease energy use. Contrary to this projection, it has become a large and rapidly growing consumer of energy itself. In order to offset the negative consequences associated with high energy consumption, renewable energy has been proposed as a means to lower emissions from powering data centers. For example, Greenpeace's yearly ClickClean report ranks major Internet companies based on their use of renewable power sources."
Luciano Ferrer

Rang-Tan's Story | Iceland's Banned Palm Oil - 0 views

    "Last year I went to West Kalimantan in Borneo to see for myself the effects of the runaway growth of the palm oil industry. I came home firm in the belief that Iceland would not continue using palm oil until companies delivered on their zero deforestation commitments. This is because palm oil has had devastating consequences for local communities, who are being displaced, and on endangered species like the orangutan (our closest relative in the wild), which are being driven close to extinction. Palm oil has many benefits, chiefly that its yields are better than the alternatives. But it is grown almost exclusively in areas of tropical rainforest, which are the 'crown jewels' of our planet's biodiversity. With 146 football pitches of rainforest being lost every hour in Indonesia alone, the urgency of the crisis cannot be overstated. And global demand is set to double by 2050. At Iceland the 1,000 tonnes of palm oil we used annually pale into insignificance compared to many of our competitors. As such a tiny player we took the decision that the only way we could create meaningful change was to shout very loudly from outside the established palm oil industry. So we decided simply to stop using palm oil until the industry cleaned up its act. It was our own decision to give consumers a choice where previously there was none. We never called for a wider industry ban, and accept entirely that a wholesale boycott of palm oil is not the right long term solution. ..."
Luciano Ferrer

Exxon Predicted 2019's Ominous CO2 Milestone in 1982 - 0 views

    "... The prediction is a pretty damn good one. The world is now about 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than it was and carbon dioxide levels are at 415 ppm. The estimate was part of Exxon's "high case" scenario, which assumed fossil fuel use would quicken and that the world would be able to tap new reserves in the late 2000s from at the time unreachable shale gas. The memo also warned that the extra carbon dioxide would enhance the greenhouse effect and that an "increase in absorbed energy via this route would warm the earth's surface causing changes in climate affecting atmospheric and ocean temperatures, rainfall patterns, soil moisture, and over centuries potentially melting the polar ice caps." Honestly, it gave me chills re-reading the memo 37 years later. The company clearly described all the horrors we're facing now. The only thing its scientists got wrong was that what they called "potentially serious climate problems" wouldn't emerge until the late 21st century. So much for that. ..."
Luciano Ferrer

¿Quién controla el mundo? Las 10 empresas que participan en más de 40.000 - E... - 0 views

    "En 2011, S. Vitali, J.B. Glattfelder, and S. Battiston, publicaron un artículo de gran importancia, no solo muy citado, sino muy leído: The network of global corporate control (PLOS ONE, 26 de octubre de 2011) donde expusieron los resultados de una investigación gigantesca, realizada en la Escuela Politécnica de Zúrich, sobre la relación entre los propietarios de las mayores empresas del mundo. ..."
    "En 2011, S. Vitali, J.B. Glattfelder, and S. Battiston, publicaron un artículo de gran importancia, no solo muy citado, sino muy leído: The network of global corporate control (PLOS ONE, 26 de octubre de 2011) donde expusieron los resultados de una investigación gigantesca, realizada en la Escuela Politécnica de Zúrich, sobre la relación entre los propietarios de las mayores empresas del mundo. ..."
Luciano Ferrer

La descomunal huella de carbono de las poderosas corporaciones de la carne y ... - 0 views

    "Tres compañías de producción de carne -JBS, Cargill y Tyson- emitieron más gases con efecto de invernadero el año pasado que toda Francia, y casi tanto como algunas de las mayores compañías petroleras, tales como Exxon, BP y Shell. Pocas compañías de carne y lácteos calculan o publican sus emisiones climáticas. Así que, por primera vez en la historia, hemos calculado las emisiones de las corporaciones relacionadas con la cria de animales utilizando la metodología más abarcadora creada hasta la fecha por la Organización de Naciones Unidas de la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO)."
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