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Garrett Eastman

Mobile phone apps/games and its effect on the market - 0 views

    Abstract: "The advantage of using app verses tradition browsing on mobile devices in the market can improve communication with customer. Allowing more creative way to promote brand and advertise to the growing crowd of mobile ecommerce. Mobile apps will be a great tool to simplify the customer‟s path to products that they value in the future as mobile market grows larger and more complex. Organizations that fail to see and act on the potential of the growing mobile market will get left behind. Additionally those that can simplify mobile commerce, making commerce more interactive with less hassle, give customer the experience they want, more secure, and put all that in the palm of a customer‟s hand will be able to ride the trend to success."
Garrett Eastman

Portable Presence: Can Mobile Games Be Immersive Games? - 0 views

    Abstract: "Mobile games - in particular, games played on smartphones and tablet computers - are becoming increasingly popular. Yet, there has been little research into whether players can experience immersion while playing mobile games. As the potential for immersive mobile games would be of interest to game developers, researchers and players, it is proposed to measure mobile immersion by comparing Osmos, a multi-platform ambient video game, on three differentsized devices - a smart phone, a tablet and a desktop computer."
Garrett Eastman

Mobile games in Museums: from learning through game play to learning through game design - 1 views

    "This paper investigates aspects of learning in museums through mobile games, i.e games that are played usually by groups of players, using mobile devices that allow interaction with the space and the exhibits and physical mobility of the players. It is argued that playing these games (which usually follow the pattern of scavenger hunt or role playing narratives), results in visitor engagement, motivation and knowledge about museum exhibits. Despite of these positive aspects, it has been observed that learning remains at the level of transfer of factual information about the exhibits. It is argued that in order to enrich the learning experience of game play we need to also involve the visitors in the process of designing mobile games for the museum."
Garrett Eastman

MOGAT: Mobile Games with Auditory Training for Children with Cochlear Implants - 0 views

    Abstract: "To improve musical auditory habilitation for children post cochlear im- plantation, we developed MOGAT: MObile Games with Au- ditory Training. The system includes three musical games built with o -the-shelf mobile devices to train their pitch perception and intonation skills respectively, and a cloud- based web service which allows music therapists to monitor and design individual training for children. The design of the games and web service was informed by a pilot survey (N=60 children). To ensure widespread use with low-cost mobile devices, we minimized the computation load while retaining highly accurate audio analysis. A 6-week user study (N=15 children) showed that the music habilitation with MOGAT was intuitive, enjoyable and motivating. It has improved most children's pitch discrimination and production, and several children's improvement was statistically signi cant (p < 0:05)."
Garrett Eastman

Designing a Context-Aware Campus Area Gaming Environment for Mobile Platforms - 0 views

    From the abstract: "This thesis is dealing with what have been identified as "pervasive games". Investigation and analysis of reasons behind their appearance, popularization is made. Different trends within classical game-development and theory of classical game-design are investigated to establish similarities and differences, challenges and solutions this newly emerged type of games is introducing. Knowledge presented in theoretical sections is used to design, develop, deploy and test a game-environment for mobile platforms that is adjusted for campus area. This designed game-environment consists of two essential components: Front-End, which is represented by Android mobile application and Back-End server logic. Both of components were designed, tested and implemented. Designed game-environment received a name "DTU GoblinsNGold and has been launched. It is made available publicly worldwide through Google Play market. All of these aspects and milestones are described in details inside practical part of this thesis. During game-environment testing valuable data was received that described all aspects of functionality of implemented system together with behavioral patterns of players. These results of deployment together with conclusions are presented in later sections."
Garrett Eastman

Honoring the Code: Conversations With Great Game Designers - 1 views

    Published 2013 and excerpted in Google Books. From the description: "In Honoring the Code: Conversations with Great Game Designers, 16 groundbreaking game developers share their stories and offer advice for anyone aspiring to a career in the games industry. You'll learn from their triumphs and failures and see how they dealt with sweeping changes in technology, including critical paradigm shifts from CD-ROMs and 3D graphic cards to the Internet and mobile revolution. The book presents in-depth interviews with a diverse mix of game professionals, emphasizing the makers of adventure games, role-playing games, and real-time strategies. It focuses on developers who have contributed to multiple eras or genres as well as those who have hired, taught, or mentored newcomers. Since the mobile revolution has opened up new demographics and new gameplay mechanics, the book features current developers of games for mobile devices. It also explores how indie game developers are making commercial-quality games with a small team mostly using free tools and funded with crowdsourcing applications."
Garrett Eastman

Interacting with Objects in Games Through RFID Technology - 0 views

    From the introduction::"The main objective of this chapter is focused on how to exploit the evolution of technology to improve user interaction in game environments through digitalized objects with identifi‐ cation technology (such as RFID or Near Field Communication). Digitalized objects are used as interaction resources. They are used in conjunction with mobile devices providing the performance of tasks with a simple and intuitive gesture. In the first place, mobile devices offer sophisticated methods to provide users with services to make use of information and to interact with objects in the real world. In the second place, physical objects are associated with digital information through identification technologies such as RFID. In this context, physical mobile interactions allow users to play games through natural interaction with ob‐ jects in the real world. This chapter has six sections. Section 2 describes some concepts such as: Ubiquitous Computing, the Internet of Things and the types of interaction used in games. Section 3 presents the general infrastructure of RFID systems. In section 4, we de‐ scribe the development of two RFID games. In section 5 their advantages and disadvantages are presented. Finally, conclusions are set out in Section 6."
Garrett Eastman

O-Mopsi: Mobile Orienteering Game using Geotagged Photos - 0 views

    Abstract: "Location-based mobile gaming combines gameplay with physical ac tivity. We have developed a game, O- Mopsi, based on the concept of orienteering, which can be played on mobile phones with GPS receiver and Internet connection. In order to complete a game, a play er must visit a set of targets that are photos chosen from a user-generated geotagged database. Game crea tion, management and live tracking can be done using a web interface. The game was presented at an annual international festival whic h is aimed at introducing science and technology to school children and the overa ll feedback received from the players was positive. "
Garrett Eastman

The Development and Effect of Serious Games - 0 views

    From the abstract: "In this thesis we present the development of this mobile multi-platform serious game intended to teach the basic information about asthma to teenagers and young adults. We review the design of the game and the mobile technologies used to create the game. We present conclusions based on observations made while interviewees played the game, and detail the changes made to the game based on these observations. Each interviewee also provided feedback on the game, and completed several assessments to measure their knowledge of asthma before and after playing the game. We review the knowledge each interviewee gained from the interaction with the game, and draw and present conclusions based on the background each subject comes from"
Garrett Eastman

Design and Implementation of Mobile Educational Games: Networks for Innovation - 0 views

    P. 158 in a long document. Abstract: " 157 Chapter 8Design and Implementation of Mobile Educational Games: Networks for Innovation Rob Harrap 1 , Sylvie Daniel 2 , Michael Power 3 , Joshua Pearce 4 , Nicholas Hedley 5 1 Queen's University, Department of Geological Sciences and Geological 2 Université Laval, Department of 3 Université Laval, Faculty of 4 Michigan Technological University, Department of Materials Science & Engineering and theDepartment of Electrical & Computer Engineering, 5 Simon Fraser University, Department of Abstract :" Research networks foster creativity and break down institutional bar-riers, but introduce geographic barriers to communication and collaboration. Indesigning mobile educational games, our distributed team took advantage of di-verse talent pools and differing perspectives to drive forward a core vision of our design targets. Our strategies included intense design workshops, use of online meeting rooms, group paper and software prototyping, and disseminationof prototypes to other teams for refinement and repurposing. Our group showedstrong activity at the university-centered nodes with periods of highly effectivedissemination between these nodes and to outside groups; we used workshopinvitations to gather new ideas and perspectives, to refine the core vision, toforge inter-project links, and to stay current on what was happening in othernetworks. Important aspects of our final deliverables came from loosely-associated network members who engaged via collaborative design exercises inworkshops, emphasizing the need to bring the network together and the im-portance of outside influences as ideas evolve. Our final deliverable, a mobileeducational game and a series of parallel technology demonstrations, reflect themix of influences and the focus on iterated development that our net
Garrett Eastman

A Simultaneous-Movement Mobile Multiplayer Game Design Based on Adaptive Background Par... - 0 views

    "Abstract-Implementations of mobile games have become prevalent industrial technology due to the ubiquitous nature of mobile devices. However, simultaneous-movement multiplayer games - games that a player competes simultaneously with other players - are usually affected by such parameters as latency, type of game architecture and type of communication technology. This paper makes a review of the above parameters, considering the pros and cons of the various techniques used in addressing each parameter. It then goes ahead to propose an enhanced mechanism for dealing with packet delays based on partitioning the game background into grids. The proposed design is implemented and tested using Bluetooth and Wi-Fi communication technologies. The efficiency and effectiveness of the design are also analyzed."
Garrett Eastman

Developer releases source of HTML5 mobile game, sheds light on challenges | Ars Technica - 0 views

    "Inspired by the buzz around HTML5, game development studio Wooga recently attempted to build a complete mobile game with standards-based Web technologies. To share the results of its year-long experiment, the company has published the game's source code on GitHub under an open source software license."
Garrett Eastman

Designing a Mobile Game to Teach Conceptual Knowledge of Avoiding "Phishing Attacks" - 0 views

    Abstract: "Phishing is a form of online identity theft, which attempts to appropriate confidential and sensitive information such as usernames and passwords from its victims. To facilitate cyberspace as a secure environment, phishing education needs to be made accessible to home computer users and mobile games enable embedded learning in a natural environment. Previously, we have introduced a mobile game design that aimed to enhance avoidance motivation and behavior to protect against phishing threats. This paper focuses on a design that develops the conceptual knowledge that is necessary to combat phishing threats, home computer teaching users about phishing emails and web addresses. The prototype game design is presented on Google App Inventor Emulator."
Garrett Eastman

SwordFight: Enabling a New Class of Phone-to-Phone Action Games on Commodity Phones - 0 views

    Abstract: "Mobile gaming is a big driver of app marketplaces. However, few mobile games deliver truly distinctive gameplay experi- ences for ad hoc collocated users. As an example of such an experience, consider a sword ght dual between two users facing each other where each user's phone simulates a sword. With phone in hand, the users' thrusts and blocks translate to attacks and counterattacks in the game. Such Phone-to- Phone Mobile Motion Games (MMG) represent interesting and novel gameplay for ad hoc users in the same location. One enabler for anMMG game like sword ght is continuous, accurate distance ranging. Existing ranging schemes cannot meet the stringent requirements of MMG games: speed, ac- curacy and noise robustness. In this work, we design FAR, a new ranging scheme that can localize at 12Hz with 2cm median error while withstanding up to 0dB noise, multipath and Doppler e ect issues. Our implementation runs on com- modity smartphones and does not require any external in- frastructure. Moreover, distance measurement accuracy is comparable to that of Kinect, a xed-infrastructure motion capture system. Evaluation on users playing two prototype games indicate that FAR can fully support dynamic game motion in real-time."
Garrett Eastman

Scaling Online Collaborative Games to Urban Level - 0 views

    Abstract: "With the growing availability of personal communication devices we are witnessing a tremendous increase in the demand for mobile services based on location and context. Mobile gaming is, of course, following this same trend. Unfortunately, differently from other services, location- and context-based gaming strictly requires near-field communication to interact with nearby players in order to create teams and arenas. Since currently adopted technologies suffer from scalability (Bluetooth) or energy (WiFi) constraints, Opportunistic Networks (ONs) have already been addressed as a viable solution to involve a considerable number of players on a wider area. While massive multiplayer games are commonplace on wired networks, it is not yet clear how player experience is affected by the increased delay and probabilistic message forwarding introduced by a huge population over an ON. In this paper we address this problem by proposing an opportunistic collaborative game, which is meaningful for the category of collaborative puzzle games, and evaluating its playability and scalability by means of simulations on a real city topology."
Garrett Eastman

Movers and Shakers : Conversation and Conflict in a Serious Game for Tablets - 0 views

    Abstract: "Movers and Shakers is a tablet - based serious game that explores how subversive game design can foster meaningful conversational conflict beyond outside the game's digital screens . This two - player strategy puzzle was developed at the Singapore - MIT GAMBIT Game Lab and is used as a research tool to ex plore novel challenges in multi player serious games. The project provides insights into the affordances and challenges of mobile serious games for co - located players."
Garrett Eastman

Marketing A nalytics for F ree - to - P lay G ames - 0 views

    Abstract: "This thesis deals with free to play marketing analytics in the light of mobile iOS games. Other platforms will be also discussed as well as mobile marketing aspects such as user acquisition, big data and metrics."
Garrett Eastman

Developing a Digital Game to Support Cultural Learning amongst Immigrants - 0 views

    Abstract :"Immigrants entering the European Community face a range of challenges in adapting to and understanding the culture of their host nation. Failure to address these challenges can lead to isolation and difficulties integrating into the society of the host country, leading to fragmented communities and a range of social issues . As part of a comprehensive suit e of services for immigrants , the European - funded M obile Assistance for Social Inclusion and Empowerment of Immigrants with Persuasive Learning Technologies and Social Network Services (MASELTOV) project seeks to provide both practical tools and le arning services via mobile devices, providing a readily usable resource for immigrants . In this workshop paper, the game - based learning aspect of the MASELTOV project is introduced, with the rationale behind its design presented. In doing so, the b enefits and implications of mobile platforms and emergent dat a capture techniques for game - based learning are discussed, as are methods for putting engaging gameplay at the forefront of the experience whilst relying on rich data capture and analysis to pro vide an effective learning solution. Through comparison to several other projects, a number of recommendations are put forward for games deployed in contexts similar to that of MASELTOV: a focus on establishing a significant audience with which to conduct ethical research into efficacy, the need for robust pedagogical frameworks suited to the learning context, and the evolution of methods for data capture and analysis of player activity."
Garrett Eastman

Mobile adaptive procedural content generation - 0 views

    From the abstract: "In this paper, we propose the integration of two PCG-based approaches (experiencedriven and context-driven PCG) to support the generation of adaptive mobile game levels. We present and discuss the implementation of our approach in an existing game, 7's Wild Ride. Gameplay semantics and player modeling are used to steer a level generator, featuring a time-dependent dynamic diculty adjustment mechanism. From our two user studies, we conclude that (i) context-driven levels are preferable over traditional ones, and (ii) the game can adapt to di erent player types, keeping its gameplay balanced and player satisfaction."
Garrett Eastman

Social Gaming: The Game Changer? | BostInno - 0 views

    Comparison of mobile gaming with traditional console games and industry figures
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