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Nicholas Lan

BBC: Horrible noises experiment - 0 views

    part of the bbc's citizen sciene thingy 'so you want to be a scientist. it's like a game show for science experiments if you're not familiar. the bookmark will take you to the online participation part of one of the experiments selected. here's the main page. "This experiment is being run by citizen scientist Izzy Thomlinson for BBC Radio 4's So You Want To Be A Scientist?. It aims to find out what you think about unpleasant sounds. Please read the following statement and click Take Part Now! if you agree to participate."
Luís F. Simões

Mapping Dark Matter Case Study - Kaggle - 3 views

  • Mapping Dark Matter competition to encourage the development of new algorithms that can measure the way dark matter causes tiny distortions in images of galaxies by changing their ellipticity, or how their shapes are stretched.
    Blog posts describing the approaches followed by the contestants that ranked 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
Tobias Seidl

Home | InnoCentive - 4 views

    yes, interesting site, am following it since some time

Crowdsourced game to study synthetic RNA for nano-machinery - 0 views

    Pretty cool - and pretty addictive to play :-D
Dario Izzo

NASA Brings Earth Science 'Big Data' to the Cloud with Amazon Web Services | NASA - 3 views

    NASA answer to the big data hype
    "The service encompasses selected NASA satellite and global change data sets -- including temperature, precipitation, and forest cover -- and data processing tools from the NASA Earth Exchange (NEX)" Very good marketing move for just three types of selected data (MODIS, Landsat products) plus four model runs (past/projection) for the the four greenhouse gas emissions scenarios of the IPCC. It looks as if they are making data available to adress a targeted question (crowdsourcing of science, as Paul mentioned last time, this time climate evolution), not at all the "free scrolling of the user around the database" to pick up what he thinks useful, mode. There is already more rich libraries out there when it comes to climate ( Maybe simpler approach is the way to go: make available the big data sets categorized by study topic (climate evolution, solar system science, galaxies etc.) and not by instrument or mission, which is more technical, so that the amateur user can identify his point of interest easily.
    They are taking a good leap forward with it, but it definitely requires a lot of post processing of the data. Actually it seems they downsample everything to workable chunks. But I guess the power is really in the availability of the data in combination with Amazon's cloud computing platform. Who knows what will come out of it if hundreds of people start interacting with it.
Nicholas Lan

Kerbal Space Program | Media - 2 views

    what seems to be an impressively detailed space game
  • ...4 more comments...
    Yeah... 2011 called with the greetings. However, there was quite an interesting news about KSP recently... Perhaps it's been ACT's small failure to spot this opportunity? Considering we wrote space missions games ourselves...
    This guy actually makes very detailed video tutorials about how to master the orbital dynamics in Kerbal. I think the level of detail (and sometimes realism) is quite impressive:
    I will have to try this definitely, looks like a lot of fun.. I also saw some crazy 'Insane Rocket Division' videos.. :)
    @Marek: true, old news. But "opportunity"? For what? The games we write are always games with a scientific purpose (not training not educational) Kerbal Space programme is cool, but it is a game just like Microsoft Flight Simulator (but less accurate). Having ESA mission simulated in it is also cool but is it what we should or could do? Even more is it want we want to do? My personal opinion: No-No-No
    > The games we write are always games with a scientific purpose (not training not educational) I'd say investigating how to get the crowd may be an important part of "science of crowdsourcing". So, an obvious example would be comparing how many participants the original ACT space mission game attracted versus a variant implemented in Kerbal and why. Easily made and easily publishable I think. But that's just an obvious example I can give on the spot. I think there is more potential than that, so would not dismiss the idea so definitively. But then, correct me if I'm wrong, social sciences are still not represented in the ACT... Perhaps an idea to revive during the upcoming retreat? ;-)
    it's on sale on steam til tomorrow by the way if anyone's interested
Luís F. Simões

SCiO: Your Sixth Sense. A Pocket Molecular Sensor For All ! by Consumer Physics, Inc. -... - 8 views

  • Meet SCiO. It is the world's first affordable molecular sensor that fits in the palm of your hand. SCiO is a tiny spectrometer and allows you to get instant relevant information about the chemical make-up of just about anything around you, sent directly to your smartphone.
  • Upload and tag the spectrum of any material on Earth to our database.
    really interesting new project over at Kickstarter. Fully funded within 2 days of being announced. This one will probably get into the millions.
Luís F. Simões

Picbreeder: Collaborative Interactive Art Evolution (Genetic Art) - 1 views

    Following up on our coffee-time discussion, here's an Evolutionary Algorithm where you are the fitness function, and evolution is guided by your subjective artistic sense. Start from scratch, or pick an existing image in the database, and start evolving. At every generation, you are presented with the individuals/images in the population. Pick the ones you like. Those will be the parents from which the next generation will be bred. Repeat, repeat... where do you get to? If you want to learn more about the science behind this, check the tutorial below by Kenneth Stanley, who is also this site's supervisor:
Luís F. Simões

Crowdfund a Moon Monolith Mission? - Slashdot - 1 views

  • Jamie found a somewhat amusing little essay on putting together a crowd-sourced mission to put a monolith on the moon. The author estimates it would cost half a billion dollars, which is a sum he thinks could be raised.
  • Let's raise the stakes. I propose raising half a trillion dollars to develop a time machine and put a monolith in Olduvai Gorge three million years in the past to influence Astralopithecus Afarensis evolution. Our very existence might depend on it.
Ma Ru

Sun For Everyun - 3 views

    Nice initiative, isn't it?
    some citizen science added to this would make it even better ... as it is it's rather, boh ...
    Well, true - making data public is one thing, and making others to work through them for you is another... I love the new term "citizen science" though (and an explanation on the Wikipedia page why they had to invent a new one because "crowdsourcing" is soooooo - politically - wrong).
Luís F. Simões

20 predictions for the next 25 years | - 5 views

    the 10th is interesting, connected with our crowdsourcing experiments with the spacegame
Luís F. Simões

Gamers solve puzzle which stumped scientists for years | Mail Online - 2 views

  • A team of gamers needed just ten days to produce an answer to an enzyme riddle that had eluded experts for more than a decade.
    link to the paper: additional info at:
Joris _

DailyTech - NASA Releases iPhone App - 2 views

  • The U.S. space agency has worked more diligently the past few years to better interact with the public.
    what about ESA?
  • ...3 more comments...
    have already sent it as a suggestion to our com department ... btw: installed the app and its really well done!!
    God no, why give more taxpayers' money to the shittiest, greediest and most closed company out there??
    why "more" ... do they get any taxpayers money? answer to your question: because its the most efficient (and coolest) platform to convey your message to a larger audience with relatively little effort ... btw: just ordered a time capsule for home :-)
    I said "more" because we already gave them money in the form of Sophia and Atlas :) If we want to be consistent in promoting "open" efforts (open innovation, open source, open governance, etc.) we should avoid Apple like the plague. They are far far worse than Microsoft in terms of closedness, secrecy, shady market practices and vendor lock-in. Just google a bit and you will find lots of example of their behaviour.
    cant' really argue about the Apple practices, although I ve read some things. I think the NASA app is more like a news feed and nothing more. But that online crowdsourcing game we had in mind, now that would be cool in a mobile version - new mobiles also have accelerometers nowadays
pacome delva

Galaxy Zoo 2 : The Story So Far - 3 views

  • The original Galaxy Zoo was launched in July 2007, with a data set made up of a million galaxies imaged with the robotic telescope of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. With so many galaxies, the team thought that it might take at least two years for visitors to the site to work through them all. Within 24 hours of launch, the site was receiving 70,000 classifications an hour, and more than 50 million classifications were received by the project during its first year, from almost 150,000 people.
    this is what I call a nice example of crowdsourcing or citizen scientists .... (remember my idea in the ideastorm ?? :-)
Juxi Leitner

Robots get smarter by asking for help - tech - 17 September 2009 - New Scientist - 0 views

  • The system uses Amazon's Mechanical Turk, an online marketplace which pairs up workers with employers that have simple tasks they need completing. The robot takes a photo of the object it doesn't recognise and sends it to Mechanical Turk.
Tobias Seidl

Global Futures Studies & Research by the MILLENNIUM PROJECT - 0 views

    The Millennium Project is a global participatory futures research think tank of futurists, scholars, business planners, and policy makers who work for international organizations, governments, corporations, NGOs, and universities. The Millennium Project manages a coherent and cumulative process that collects and assesses judgements from its several hundred participants to produce the annual "State of the Future", "Futures Research Methodology" series, and special studies such as the State of the Future Index, Future Scenarios for Africa, Lessons of History, Environmental Security, Applications of Futures Research to Policy, and a 700+ annotated scenarios bibliography.
    very nice page - we should use some of its resources!!
Francesco Biscani

Tom Sawyer, whitewashing fences, and building communities online - 3 views

  • If you are looking to ideas like open source or social media as simple means to get what you want for your company, it’s time to rethink your community strategy.
  • I’ve talked to people at companies who are considering “open sourcing” their product because they think there is an army of people out there who will jump at the chance to build their products for them. Many of these people go on to learn tough but valuable lessons in building community. It’s not that simple.
    Illuminating article about corporations trying to exploit "open source" and not getting what they want.
    I like the red had definition: "To be the catalyst in communities of customers, contributors, and partners creating better technology the open source way."
    yeah, it is the same with crowdsourcing in general, when some company "managers" see how much cheaper they could do it but don't understand where it comes from...
Kevin de Groote

Galaxy Zoo Mergers - 0 views

    Instead of classifying galaxies (image analysis), this new project asks the public to try to recreate collisions
Nina Nadine Ridder

Astronomers resort to crowdfunding to save key telescope - 1 views

    Related to our discussion on crowdfunding from Friday's science coffee. (Another sad example of how Tony Abbott's policy negatively affects the Australian science community... ) A team of astronomers have resorted to raising funds through crowdsourcing to try and save an Australian telescope involved in mapping the Milky Way. The 22-metre diameter Mopra Radio Telescope, based near Coonabarabran in western New South Wales, is slated to be shut down by the end of the year after $110-million was slashed from CSIRO in last year's federal budget.
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