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Nina Nadine Ridder

Wild Cape York and glittering reef - 1 views

    Really interesting bit hidden in the last paragraph: Monitoring coral bleaching from space with Envisat penetrating down to a depth of 10 m "[...] Envisat's Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer sensor can detect coral bleaching down to depths of ten metres, meaning Envisat could potentially map coral bleaching on a global scale."
    No, it can't :-) Since 8 April 2012 Envisat is a proud holder of the title of one of the biggest pieces of space junk out there in LEO...
    admittedly correct, so the past tense would have been a more appropriate choice... Nevertheless, plenty of data to look back at and Sentinel-3 will launch eventually! ;)
pacome delva

Royal Society Fellows Question Body's Climate Change Statements - 1 views

  • The Royal Society has released a statement acknowledging that its climate guide is being updated and noting: "The new guide has been planned for some time but was given added impetus by concerns raised by a small group of Fellows of the Society that older documents designed to challenge some of the common misrepresentations of the science were too narrow in their focus."
    The "climatosceptics" are more and more powerful, in France it's crazy how much they are in newspaper and television... Before it was fancy to fear the global warming, now it's fancy to fight the "dictat" of the Science, as if Science was a religion with its dogma !
Nina Nadine Ridder

Arguments from Global Warming Skeptics and what the science really says - 1 views

    I think I posted this before (I think it was abt the iPod app) but regarding our discussion this afternoon it s a nice summary of the most frequent sceptic arguments...
    It's not easy not to be a global warming sceptic in a places like Noordwijk or Plymouth...
Nina Nadine Ridder

Met Office: catastrophic climate change could happen with 50 years - Telegraph - 3 views

    Scare tactics to prepare for Copenhagen.
pacome delva

An evil atmosphere is forming around geoengineering - 0 views

  • A number of right-wing think tanks actively denying climate change are also promoting geoengineering, an irony that seems to escape them.
  • Wood believes that climate engineering is inevitable. In a statement that could serve as Earth's epitaph, he declared: "We've engineered every other environment we live in, why not the planet?"
  • It's estimated that if whoever controls the scheme decided to stop, the greenhouse gases that would have built up could cause warming to rebound at a rate 10 to 20 times that of the recent past - a phenomenon referred to, apparently without irony, as the "termination problem".
Luís F. Simões

Chatbot Wears Down Proponents of Anti-Science Nonsense - 6 views

  • Nigel Leck, a software developer by day, was tired of arguing with anti-science crackpots on Twitter. So, like any good programmer, he wrote a script to do it for him.
pacome delva

Cutting Soot Counteracts Warming in California - 1 views

  • models suggest that cut may also have cut into the warming of the state's climate in an unexpectedly big way, preventing temperatures from climbing even higher.
  • "This indeed has major implications for mitigating climate change on a global scale," says Ramanathan. "We have the chance to see a quick global response."
Nina Nadine Ridder

-- Press Releases December 2009 ... - 2 views

    The view from space showing the impact of global warming in a European Atlas of Environmental Change and Climate Communities
Nina Nadine Ridder

Top 10 Surprising Results of Global Warming | LiveScience - 5 views

    #4 is pretty interesting 
  • ...1 more comment...
    first time I hear about this!!! Is there any peer reviewed paper reference to this? should impact missions like GOCE!!
    There are (even in Science): There is also a group at UCAR (lead by S. Solomon, one of the Gods in atmospheric research) who are analyzing this effect:
    for the drag effect, this is well known in fluid mechanics, we use the Knudsen number, which explains this phenomenon ... for a perfect gaz though!
Nina Nadine Ridder

NASA Launches New Site Against Climate Change - It is aimed at educating children - Sof... - 0 views

    with a link to the very cute web page for kids (might be interesting for some of you when your daughters are a little older ;) )
Luís F. Simões

20 predictions for the next 25 years | - 5 views

    the 10th is interesting, connected with our crowdsourcing experiments with the spacegame
Luís F. Simões

Stepping Away From the Trees For a Look at the Forest | Science/AAAS - 1 views

  • An ingenious new tool triggers a cascade of new insights. In this special section, Science's news reporters and editors mark the end of the current decade by stepping back from weekly reporting to take a broader look at 10 insights that have changed science since the dawn of the new millennium.
    For a direct link to the 10 articles, showing their abstracts, go here.
Luís F. Simões

Shell energy scenarios to 2050 - 6 views

    just in case you were feeling happy and optimistic
  • ...7 more comments...
    An energy scenario published by an oil company? Allow me to be sceptical...
    Indeed, Shell is an energy company, not just oil, for some time now ... The two scenarii are, in their approach, dependant of economic and political situation, which is right now impossible to forecast. Reference to Kyoto is surprising, almost out-dated! But overall, I find it rather optimistic at some stages, and probably the timeline (p37-39) is unlikely with recent events.
    the report was published in 2008, which explains the reference to Kyoto, as the follow-up to it was much more uncertain at that point. The Blueprint scenario is indeed optimistic, but also quite unlikely I'd say. I don't see humanity suddenly becoming so wise and coordinated. Sadly, I see something closer to the Scramble scenario as much more likely to occur.
    not an oil company??? please have a look at the percentage of their revenues coming from oil and gas and then compare this with all their other energy activities together and you will see very quickly that it is only window dressing ... they are an oil and gas company ... and nothing more
    not JUST oil. From a description: "Shell is a global group of energy and petrochemical companies." Of course revenues coming from oil are the biggest, the investment turnover on other energy sources is small for now. Knowing that most of their revenues is from an expendable source, to guarantee their future, they invest elsewhere. They have invested >1b$ in renewable energy, including biofuels. They had the largest wind power business among so-called "oil" companies. Oil only defines what they do "best". As a comparison, some time ago, Apple were selling only computers and now they sell phones. But I would not say Apple is just a phone company.
    window dressing only ... e.g. Net cash from operating activities (pre-tax) in 2008: 70 Billion$ net income in 2008: 26 Billion revenues in 2008: 88 Billion Their investments and revenues in renewables don't even show up in their annual financial reports since probably they are under the heading of "marketing" which is already 1.7 Billion $ ... this is what they report on their investments: Capital investment, portfolio actions and business development Capital investment in 2009 was $24 billion. This represents a 26% decrease from 2008, which included over $8 billion in acquisitions, primarily relating to Duvernay Oil Corp. Capital investment included exploration expenditure of $4.5 billion (2008: $11.0 billion). In Abu Dhabi, Shell signed an agreement with Abu Dhabi National Oil Company to extend the GASCO joint venture for a further 20 years. In Australia, Shell and its partners took the final investment decision (FID) for the Gorgon LNG project (Shell share 25%). Gorgon will supply global gas markets to at least 2050, with a capacity of 15 million tonnes (100% basis) of LNG per year and a major carbon capture and storage scheme. Shell has announced a front-end engineering and design study for a floating LNG (FLNG) project, with the potential to deploy these facilities at the Prelude offshore gas discovery in Australia (Shell share 100%). In Australia, Shell confirmed that it has accepted Woodside Petroleum Ltd.'s entitlement offer of new shares at a total cost of $0.8 billion, maintaining its 34.27% share in the company; $0.4 billion was paid in 2009 with the remainder paid in 2010. In Bolivia and Brazil, Shell sold its share in a gas pipeline and in a thermoelectric power plant and its related assets for a total of around $100 million. In Canada, the Government of Alberta and the national government jointly announced their intent to contribute $0.8 billion of funding towards the Quest carbon capture and sequestration project. Quest, which is at the f
    thanks for the info :) They still have their 50% share in the wind farm in Noordzee (you can see it from ESTEC on a clear day). Look for Shell International Renewables, other subsidiaries and joint-ventures. I guess, the report is about the oil branch.
    no - its about Shell globally - all Shell .. these participations are just peanuts please read the intro of the CEO in the pdf you linked to: he does not even mention renewables! their entire sustainability strategy is about oil and gas - just making it (look) nicer and environmentally friendlier
    Fair enough, for me even peanuts are worthy and I am not able to judge. Not all big-profit companies, like Shell, are evil :( Look in the pdf what is in the upstream and downstream you mentionned above. Non-shell sources for examples and more objectivity: thanks.
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