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Asteroid mining could lead to self-sustaining space stations - VIDEO!!! - 5 views

    Let's all start up some crazy space companies together: harvest hydrogen on Jupiter, trap black holes as unlimited energy supplies, use high temperatures close to the sun to bake bread! Apparently it is really easy to do just about anything and Deep Space Industries is really good at it. Plus: in their video they show Mars One concepts while referring to ESA and NASA.
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    I really wonder what they wanna mine out there? Is there such a high demand on... rocks?! And do they really think they can collect fuel somewhere?
    Well they want to avoid having to send resources into space and rather make it all in space. The first mission is just to find possible asteroids worth mining and bring some asteroid rocks to Earth for analysis. In 2020 they want to start mining for precious metals (e.g. nickel), water and such.They also want to put up a 3D printer in space so that it would extract, separate and/or fuse asteroidal resources together and then print the needed structures already in space. And even though on earth it's just rocks, in space a tonne of them has an estimated value of 1 million dollars (as opposed to 4000 USD on Earth). Although I like the idea, I would put DSI in the same basket as those Mars One nutters 'cause it's not gonna happen.
    I will get excited once they demonstrate they can put a random rock into their machine and out comes a bicycle (then the obvious next step is a space station).
    hmm aside from the technological feasibility, their approach still should be taken as an example, and deserve a little support. By tackling such difficult problems, they will devise innovative stuffs. Plus, even if this doom-to-fail endeavour may still seem you useless, it creates jobs and make people think... it is already a positive! Final word: how is that different from what Planetary Resources plan to do? It is founded by a bunch of so-called "nuts" ... ( ! a little thought: "We must never be afraid to go too far, for success lies just beyond" - Proust
    I don't think that this proposal is very different from the one by Planetary Resources. My scepticism is rooted in the fact that - at least to my knowledge - fully autonomous mining technology has not even been demonstrated on Earth. I am sure that their proposition is in principle (technically) feasible but at the same time I do not believe that a privately funded company will find enough people to finance a multi-billion dollar R&D project that may or may not lead to an economically sensible outcome, i.e. generate profit (not income - you have to pay back the R&D cost first) within the next 25 years. And on that timescale anything can happen - for all we know we will all be slaves to the singularity by the time they start mining. I do think that people who tackle difficult problems deserve support - and lots of it. It seems however that up till now they have only tackled making a promotional video... About job creation (sorry for the sarcasm): if usefulness is not so important my proposal would be to give shovels to two people - person A digs a hole and person B fills up the same hole at the same time. The good thing about this is that you can increase the number of jobs created simply by handing out more shovels.
Dario Izzo

Check your country impact on science!!! - 8 views

    Did you know that papers in space science are among the most quoted? Check how your country is doing .... you will be surprised :)
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    In terms of country based quotations ("Most scited countries") I cannot access space science, only Geosciences, Immunology, Material Science, and Psychiatry & Psychology. But when I first saw the list of countries at the left under "Impact in Science" I saw Argentinia was on top, and USA was on last position. Yes, I was surprised, until I realised that is was just an alphabetical order. Did you see the same list?
    scotland's a separate country. must be preparing for independence already. and it's highest percentage is for space science. crazy
    Dajan, you need to click on the country you are interested in ....
    Nooo, can't be THAT simple.
    data a bit old .... newer data (but less well presented) at there you can also read: "The 20th century was largely dominated by the US as a major powerhouse of scientific research and innovation, with 40% of the papers indexed in the Web of Science fielded by US scientists in the 1990s. By 2009, that figure was down to 29%. The US now struggles to keep pace with increased output from Europe and Asia."
    hottest space science paper in January 2012: Field: Space Science Article Title: Herschel Space Observatory An ESA facility for far-infrared and submillimetre astronomy Authors: Pilbratt, GL;Riedinger, JR;Passvogel, T;Crone, G;Doyle, D;Gageur, U;Heras, AM;Jewell, C;Metcalfe, L;Ott, S;Schmidt, M Journal: ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 518: art. no.-L1 JUL-AUG 2010 * ESTEC SRE SA, ESA Res & Sci Support Dept, Keplerlaan 1, NL-2201 AZ Noordwijk, Netherlands. * ESTEC SRE SA, ESA Res & Sci Support Dept, NL-2201 AZ Noordwijk, Netherlands. * ESTEC SRE OA, ESA Sci Operat Dept, NL-2201 AZ Noordwijk, Netherlands. * ESTEC SRE P, ESA Sci Operat Dept, NL-2201 AZ Noordwijk, Netherlands. * ESOC OPS OAH, ESA Mission Operat Dept, D-64293 Darmstadt, Germany. * ESAC SRE OA, ESA Sci Operat Dept, Madrid 28691, Spain.
    Interestingly, Space Science is the only field in which my country has positive "Impact vs. world" value (even more interestingly as we don't even have a proper national space agency)...
    this might also be an indication / point to an issue with their data concerning space science publications ... quite surprising indeed that all Europeans are doing so well in this field
    Something should be wrong, for Spain I can read: Economics & Business 4.54 -28 Only minus 28!
Luís F. Simões

Singularity University, class of 2010: projects that aim to impact a billion people wit... - 8 views

    At the link below you find additional information about the projects: Education: Ten weeks to save the world
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    this is the podcast I was listening to ...
    We can do it in nine :)
    why wait then?
    hmm, wonder how easy it is to get funding for that, 25k is a bit steep for 10weeks :)
    well, we wait for the same fundings they get and then we will do it in nine.... as we say in Rome "a mettece un cartello so bboni tutti". (italian check for Juxi)
    and what you think about the project subjects?
    I like the fact that there are quite a lot of space projects .... and these are not even bad in my view: The space project teams have developed imaginative new solutions for space and spinoffs for Earth. The AISynBio project team is working with leading NASA scientists to design bioengineered organisms that can use available resources to mitigate harsh living environments (such as lack of air, water, food, energy, atmosphere, and gravity) - on an asteroid, for example, and also on Earth . The SpaceBio Labs team plans to develop methods for doing low-cost biological research in space, such as 3D tissue engineering and protein crystallization. The Made in Space team plans to bring 3D printing to space to make space exploration cheaper, more reliable, and fail-safe ("send the bits, not the atoms"). For example, they hope to replace some of the $1 billion worth of spare parts and tools that are on the International Space Station.
    and all in only a three months summer graduate program!! that is impressive. God I feel so stupid!!!
    well, most good ideas probably take only a second to be formulated, it's the details that take years :-)
    I do not think the point of the SU is to formulate new ideas (infact there is nothing new in the projects chosen). Their mission is to build and maintain a network of contacts among who they believe will be the 'future leaders' of space ... very similar to our beloved ISU.
Joris _

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics - Space and the Biological Economy - 0 views

  • the U.S. space program has a robust life science program that is diligently working to innovate new approaches, research and technologies in the fields of biotechnology and bio-nanotechnology science, which are providing new solutions for old problems – including food security, medical needs and energy needs
  • more money be allocated to develop environmentally sound and energy efficient engine programs for commercial and private aviation
  • waste water program
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  • we lack fundamental knowledge about the entire effect of the photosynthesis system on food growth, and that space-based research could provide vital clues to scientists on how to streamline the process to spur more efficient food growth
  • From the start of the space age until 2010 only around 500 people have journeyed into space, but with the advent of private space travel in the next 24 months another 500 people are expected to go into space
  • Wagner indentified prize systems that award monetary prizes to companies or individuals as an effective way to spur innovation and creativity, and urged the Congressional staffers present to consider creating more prize systems to stimulate needed innovation
    a bunch of ideas, iinitiatives, and good points about upcoming changes in space ...
Juxi Leitner

Obama declares war on space junk - space - 29 June 2010 - New Scientist - 2 views

  • The US will also fund research into cleaning up the space junk that's already there.
  • Obama administration also calls for research into technologies that could remove space debris already in orbit, such as laser tractor beams.
andreiaries -- Huge Satellite Poses 150-Year Threat of Space Debris - 1 views

    ESA is still at the forefront of space debris developments. But we do have a brilliant idea from the public: "Pay Communist China to shoot it down."
    Just in case you don't realise, it's the one which model is next to the Space EXPO :-) Quite a piece of debris...
Joris _ -- Railway to the Sky? NASA Ponders New Launch System - 3 views

  • A team of engineers from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida and some of the agency's other field centers are looking into this and other novel launch systems based on cutting-edge technologies.
  • The launch system would require some advancements of existing technologies, but it wouldn't need any brand-new technologies to work
  • Scramjet vehicles could be used as a basis for a commercial launch program
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  • It's not very often you get to work on a major technology revolution
    I wonder if they are also working with that SCRAMSPACE initiative in Australia that was presented at ESTEC a while back...
    what about a space elevator!!! quiet old concept (1895), see this link on wiki
Marcus Maertens

Everything You Wanted to Know about Space Tourism but Were Afraid to Ask | Space Safety... - 3 views

    "chances are that if 700 passengers are flown annually, up to 10 of them might not survive the flight in the first years of the operations." most remarkable also the question who is to blame if a dead and burned space tourist corps comes crashing down from the sky into your car.
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    How sure is the information that a human body would not completely burn / ablate during atmospheric re-entry? I am not aware of any material ground tests in a plasma wind tunnel confirming that human tissue would survive re-entry from LEO.
    Since a steak would not even be cooked by dropping it from very high altitudes ( I would doubt that a space tourists body would desintegrate by atmospheric re-entry.
    Funny link, however, some things are not clear enough: 1. Ablation rate is unknown 2. What are the entry conditions? The link suggests that the steak is just dropped (no initial velocity). 3. What about the ballistic coefficient? 4. How would the entry body orientation? It would be a quite non-steady state configuration I guess with heavy accelerations. 5. How would vacuum exposure impact on the water in the body/steak and what would be the consequence for ablation behaviour? 6. Does surface chemistry play a role (not ablation, but catalysis)? My conclusion: the example with the steak is a funny and not so bad exercise, not more.
    This calls for some we serious simulations by the Petkow code it seems to me ...
    I still would need some serious input data...

In Space We Trust - the art-project about space exploration - 1 views

    In Space We Trust - An art project about space exploration. Enjoy!
Luís F. Simões

NASA Turns to 3D Printing for Self-Building Spacecraft | - 4 views

  • SpiderFab Concept CREDIT: Unlimited Tethers
    CubeSats + 3D printing... for space. I'm surprised this isn't an ACT project :) more info: SpiderFab: Process for On-Orbit Construction of Kilometer-Scale Apertures
    $100,000 from NASA's Innovative Advanced Concepts program to hammer out a design and figure out whether spacecraft self-construction makes business sense .... I can answer for 0$ ..... NO Infact the question is just stupid: a) spacecraft self-construction exist: then it is a no brainer to decide wether it makes business sense b) it does not: then there is no business
Nicholas Lan

Kerbal Space Program | Media - 2 views

    what seems to be an impressively detailed space game
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    Yeah... 2011 called with the greetings. However, there was quite an interesting news about KSP recently... Perhaps it's been ACT's small failure to spot this opportunity? Considering we wrote space missions games ourselves...
    This guy actually makes very detailed video tutorials about how to master the orbital dynamics in Kerbal. I think the level of detail (and sometimes realism) is quite impressive:
    I will have to try this definitely, looks like a lot of fun.. I also saw some crazy 'Insane Rocket Division' videos.. :)
    @Marek: true, old news. But "opportunity"? For what? The games we write are always games with a scientific purpose (not training not educational) Kerbal Space programme is cool, but it is a game just like Microsoft Flight Simulator (but less accurate). Having ESA mission simulated in it is also cool but is it what we should or could do? Even more is it want we want to do? My personal opinion: No-No-No
    > The games we write are always games with a scientific purpose (not training not educational) I'd say investigating how to get the crowd may be an important part of "science of crowdsourcing". So, an obvious example would be comparing how many participants the original ACT space mission game attracted versus a variant implemented in Kerbal and why. Easily made and easily publishable I think. But that's just an obvious example I can give on the spot. I think there is more potential than that, so would not dismiss the idea so definitively. But then, correct me if I'm wrong, social sciences are still not represented in the ACT... Perhaps an idea to revive during the upcoming retreat? ;-)
    it's on sale on steam til tomorrow by the way if anyone's interested
Thijs Versloot

This "Space Glass" Lets You Drink Whiskey In Orbit - 3 views

    Photo credit: The glass has a number of interesting innovations. Ballentine's. A liquor company has created a " Space Glass" that they say can work in the microgravity environment of space. The Open Space Agency's James Parr was commissioned to create the product, and the results are actually quite interesting.
    Makes sense specially after seeing very good japanese whiskey arriving at the ISS :-)
Joris _ -- Bigelow Aerospace Soars with Private Space Station Deals - 0 views

  • A private space company offering room on inflatable space habitats for research has found a robust international market
  • A question that continues to float through the halls of NASA and the Congress: Is there a commercial market for utilizing space?

House Approves Flat 2011 Budget for Most Science Agencies - ScienceInsider - 0 views

    "Some segments of the research community would get their preferences under the House spending bill. For example, it matches the president's request for a 1.5% increase for NASA, to $19 billion, including a 12% increase, to $5 billion, for the space science program. Legislators had already worked out a deal with the White House on the future of the manned space program, and they included funding for an additional shuttle flight in 2011. They even added $35 million to the $20 million increase that the president requested for NASA's education programs, boosting them by a whopping 30% to $180 million. "
    Some segments of the research community would get their preferences under the House spending bill. For example, it matches the president's request for a 1.5% increase for NASA, to $19 billion, including a 12% increase, to $5 billion, for the space science program. Legislators had already worked out a deal with the White House on the future of the manned space program, and they included funding for an additional shuttle flight in 2011. They even added $35 million to the $20 million increase that the president requested for NASA's education programs, boosting them by a whopping 30% to $180 million.
nikolas smyrlakis

The Space Place :: Inventions (Spinoffs) from Space - 0 views

    Well appart from the space pen and that joke about the Russians just using a pencil. Has ESA had any space-originated inventions?

Japanese Space Research Center will be Suspended Over a Moonlike Crater - 1 views

    They are developing so-called "Avatar" technology which will allow people to control robots remotely, as in the movie "Avatar." With Avatar X, they hope to revolutionize space exploration, resource extraction, and other space-based activities. On the Avatar X website, it says, "AVATAR X aims to capitalize on the growing space-based economy by accelerating development of real-world Avatars that will enable humans to remotely build camps on the Moon, support long-term space missions and further explore space from afar."
Luís F. Simões

ARKYD: A Space Telescope for Everyone, by Planetary Resources - Kickstarter - 0 views

    space-related kickstarters moving from cubesats to space telescopes. This funding campaign was launched today, and will last for 32 days. They are asking for 1M USD.
    "Since the formation of Planetary Resources, our primary goal has been to build technology enabling us to prospect and mine asteroids. We've spent the last year making great leaps in the development of these technologies." - Damn we need to get in touch with these people..!

Warp Drive More Possible Than Thought, Scientists Say | - 1 views

    Sante, Andreas, Luzi, Pacome ... we need you: "But recently White calculated what would happen if the shape of the ring encircling the spacecraft was adjusted into more of a rounded donut, as opposed to a flat ring. He found in that case, the warp drive could be powered by a mass about the size of a spacecraft like the Voyager 1 probe NASA launched in 1977.

    Furthermore, if the intensity of the space warps can be oscillated over time, the energy required is reduced even more, White found.

    "The findings I presented today change it from impractical to plausible and worth further investigation," White told "The additional energy reduction realized by oscillating the bubble intensity is an interesting conjecture that we will enjoy looking at in the lab.""
    To me, this looks a little bit like the claim "infinity minus one is a little bit less than infinity"...
    Luzi I miss you ...
Aurelie Heritier

"Space cops" may help avoid collisions of satellites and space debris - 0 views

    U.S. scientists say they're working on mini-satellites that could function as "space cops" to help avoid collisions in space of satellites and space debris. Researchers at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California have tested a ground-based satellite to prove it is possible to refine the orbit of another satellite in low Earth orbit.
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