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New Space Applications Supported By Open Data And Crowdsourcing | ESA's ARTES Applications - 4 views

    Artes-20 embracing crowdsourcing and putting substantial money into it - at least its first step

iAMscientist - 1 views

    crowdsourcing science funding ...
    there have been a few of these popping out lately, thanks to Kickstarter's incredible success. This one launched last month, and has a lot of projects already, including a fully funded one (219 backers, $12,247 raised) to "find the first exomoon":
Francesco Biscani

NASA Will Crowdsource Its Photos of Mars | Motherboard - 4 views

  • Researchers hope that crowdsourcing imaging targets will increase the camera’s already bountiful science return.
    Here we go, material for curiosity cloning, life detection via image compression, etc. etc.
    tar cvfz compressed.tgz MarsImages/ Love it!
Christos Ampatzis

International Experts Blend Space Technologies and Crowdsourcing to Enhance Disaster Ma... - 1 views

    Crowsourcing Awareness: "To augment the use of these space technologies, virtual communities of group intelligence - called "Crowdsourcing" - can aide in emergency planning and post-disaster coordination."
Ma Ru

PLOS Computational Biology: Ten Simple Rules for Organizing an Unconference - 1 views

    For future reference... At the same time, a crowdsourced article: "We began the crowdsourcing by collecting a list of possible rules for the article via a git-controlled repository" SVN would be so 2000-ish...
Daniel Hennes

NASA's Asteroid Grand Challenge Series - 1 views

    NASA's new crowdsourcing initiative to find asteroid threats.
Thijs Versloot

ISEE-3 Reboot Project - Recovering an satellite from deep space by crowdsourcing @Spac... - 3 views

    "A band of space hackers and engineers are trying to do something never done before - recover a 36 year old NASA spacecraft from the grips of deep space and time. With old NASA documents and Rockethub crowdfunding, a team led by Dennis Wingo and Keith Cowing is attempting to steer ISEE-3, later rechristened ICE, the International Cometary Explorer, back into an Earth orbit and return it to scientific operations. Dennis says, 'ISEE-3 can become a great teaching tool for future engineers and scientists helping with design and travel to Mars'. Only 40 days remain before the spacecraft will be out of range for recovery. A radio telescope is available, propulsion designs are in hand and the team is hoping for public support to provide the small amount needed to accomplish a very unique milestone in space exploration
Francesco Biscani

Chrome Experiments - Home - 2 views

    Pretty impressive examples of html5. Maybe interesting for the crowdsourcing game?
Dario Izzo

Ushahidi :: Crowdsourcing Crisis Information (FOSS) - 3 views

shared by Dario Izzo on 08 Jul 10 - Cached
    This platform could be used to collect information from astronomers? Or, can we come up with a cool space app for it?
Francesco Biscani

Gamers beat algorithms at finding protein structures - 0 views

  • Foldit takes a hybrid approach. The Rosetta algorithm is used to create some potential starting structures, but users are then given a set of controls that let them poke and prod the protein's structure in three dimensions; displays provide live feedback on the energy of a configuration. 
  • By tracing the actions of the best players, the authors were able to figure out how the humans' excellent pattern recognition abilities gave them an edge over the computer.
  • Humans turn out to be really bad at starting from a simple linear chain of proteins; they need a rough idea of what the protein might look like before they can recognize patterns to optimize. Given a set of 10 potential structures produced by Rosetta, however, the best players were very adept at picking the one closest to the optimal configuration.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The authors also note that different players tended to have different strengths. Some were better at making the big adjustments needed to get near an energy minimum, while others enjoyed the fine-scale tweaking needed to fully optimize the structure. That's where Foldit's ability to enable team competitions, where different team members could handle the parts of the task most suited to their interests and abilities, really paid off.
    Some interesting ideas for our crowdsourcing game in here.
Ma Ru

Some *real* crowdsourcing by NASA - 1 views

    For the time being the page does not load for me (overload?) but I've just read an article about it in the local news.
    loads fine for me ... and very nice layout - well done in general in my view
    This Zooniverse looks nice in general ... look also at the other projects:
Luís F. Simões

Kaggle: Crowdsourcing Data Modeling - 2 views

  • Kaggle is an innovative solution for statistical/analytics outsourcing. We are the leading platform for data modeling and prediction competitions. Companies, governments and researchers present datasets and problems - the world's best data scientists then compete to produce the best solutions. At the end of a competition, the competition host pays prize money in exchange for the intellectual property behind the winning model.
Athanasia Nikolaou

More science crowdsourcing games! - "EyeWire" - 4 views

    There is this optical neuron that gets stimulated from motion. Mapping it is difficult in the lab: "The stumbling block is a lack of fine-grained anatomical detail about how the neurons in the retina are wired up to each other." So, use people deciphering from 2D images --> the 3D neuron structure using the human spatial reasoning to figure out what is part of a branching cell and what is just background noise in the images (yet incomparable to their best algorithms' performance) 120.000 users so far mapped 2% of the retina
Paul N

Help Scientists Track Cosmic Ray Particles Using Your Smartphone Camera - 2 views

    Looks like crowdsourcing for astronomy stuff is already being done.
Annalisa Riccardi

Space View Project - 2 views

    Crowdsourcing space debris monitoring
Dario Izzo

Kaggle: making data science a sport - 2 views

    Old post from Luis brought back from graveyard..... At least two good ideas to put there: 1) tipping points prediction 2) planetary phases for trajectory transfer and probably many more if we think about it a bit more

Space in Videos - 2013 - 03 - AstroDrone - 3 views

    Guido and Paul's app is out - and here is the "promotion" video ...
Annalisa Riccardi

Duolingo - 3 views

shared by Annalisa Riccardi on 02 Nov 12 - No Cached
    Crowdsourced text translation platform. You learn a new language and you help translating the web!
Ma Ru

The Wisdom of the Crowd in Combinatorial Problems - 5 views

    A real scientific study...
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