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nikolas smyrlakis

SiG | Social Innovation Generation - 0 views

    How about that for an abstract discipline, and I thought CMS was abstract. Sounds great though: Social Innovation Generation: "Social innovation is an initiative, product, process or program that profoundly changes the basic routines, resource and authority flows or beliefs of any social system. Successful social innovations have durability and broad impact. While social innovation has recognizable stages and phases, achieving durability and scale is a dynamic process that requires both emergence of opportunity and deliberate agency, and a connection between the two."

Open innovation and Apple .... - 6 views

    interesting blog entry
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    Your link points to a restricted LinkedIn page... Here's the original link:
    A pretty standard Apple-o-getic (ah ah) blog post. How many times does the guy say 'I like Apple'? Anyway, I'm having a hard time understanding the point he is trying to make. Apple should open up its innovation? It shouldn't because they are so hip, cool, a 'unique company' and an 'exception to the rule'? Mah..
    I think the point is the guy bashes the "open innovation theory" (whatever the theory is) with his main argument being that Apple is not open and at the same time very successful.
    this guy is actually one of the most fervent supporters of open innovation and tries to promote it whereever he can ... his problem is that at least at first view Apple does not confirm his theory ...
    lol, the 'about' page is priceless bullshit: "Corporate Mind Exchange (CMX) events in which corporate innovation leaders discuss relevant challenges and issues. No academics, consultants or start-ups; just corporate practitioners." We are doing it wrong, Leo. We don't need no stinking Universities! "Network groups in which 12-20 innovation leaders from different companies meet 4-6 times annually to discuss challenges and issues. Workshops and events with thought leaders and practitioners." What the hell are "innovation/thought leaders"?

American Innovation Losing its Shine? - 4 views

    interesting reflections by MIT head on innovation in US
    interesting, especially since in all COmmission papers US innovation is praised and changes expected are only related to China/India (for the better)... Article mixes a lot talk on innovation with numbers that I do not see necessarily connected (trade deficit, GDP growth etc.). Seems to me the real problematique behind the article is only the next planned distribution of federal funds and where they should cut...
    well I understand her point. Spending cuts are only vicious short term solutions against economical downturn since growth (GDP is an interesting measure indeed) comes from innovation, research and production. Nonetheless, what she is describing is happening in EU too. So who will take the lead? I am not certain China is the one. In my view, it has not yet solved its domestic issues... and US still has more Nobel Prize than China. One thing for sure, the way it is EU is only a "wagon" of the train...
Nicholas Lan

Infinite Stupidity | Conversation | Edge - 0 views

    amusing take on innovation A tiny number of ideas can go a long way, as we've seen. And the Internet makes that more and more likely. What's happening is that we might, in fact, be at a time in our history where we're being domesticated by these great big societal things, such as Facebook and the Internet. We're being domesticated by them, because fewer and fewer and fewer of us have to be innovators to get by. And so, in the cold calculus of evolution by natural selection, at no greater time in history than ever before, copiers are probably doing better than innovators. Because innovation is extraordinarily hard. My worry is that we could be moving in that direction, towards becoming more and more sort of docile copiers.
Joris _

What the strange persistence of rockets can teach us about innovation. - 5 views

    If I could write, this is exactly what I would write about rocket, GO, and so on... :) "we are decadent and tired. But none of the bright young up-and-coming economies seem to be interested in anything besides aping what the United States and the USSR did years ago. We may, in other words, need to look beyond strictly U.S.-centric explanations for such failures of imagination and initiative. ... Those are places we need to go if we are not to end up as the Ottoman Empire of the 21st century, and yet in spite of all of the lip service that is paid to innovation in such areas, it frequently seems as though we are trapped in a collective stasis." "But those who do concern themselves with the formal regulation of "technology" might wish to worry less about possible negative effects of innovation and more about the damage being done to our environment and our prosperity by the mid-20th-century technologies that no sane and responsible person would propose today, but in which we remain trapped by mysterious and ineffable forces."
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    Very interesting, though I'm amused how the author tends to (subconsciously?) shift the blame to non-US dictators :-) Suggestion that in absence of cold war US might have abandoned HB and ICBM programmes is ridiculous.
    Interesting, this was written by Neal Stephenson ( ). Great article indeed. The videos of the event from which this arose might be equally interesting: Here Be Dragons: Governing a Technologically Uncertain Future "To employ a commonly used metaphor, our current proficiency in rocket-building is the result of a hill-climbing approach; we started at one place on the technological landscape-which must be considered a random pick, given that it was chosen for dubious reasons by a maniac-and climbed the hill from there, looking for small steps that could be taken to increase the size and efficiency of the device."
    You know Luis, when I read this quote, I could help thinking about GO, which would be kind of ironic considering the context but not far from what happens in the field :p
    Would have been nice if it were historically more accurate and less polemic / superficial
    mmmh... the wheel is also an old invention... there is an idea behind but this article is not very deepfull, and I really don't think the problem is with innovation and lack of creative young people !!! look at what is done in the financial sector...

IdeaConnection: Open Innovation success story: Open Innovation Boost to Space Exploration - 4 views

    Is it a yearly thing?
nikolas smyrlakis

Michael O'Leary at the Innovation Convention 2011 - Brussels - YouTube - 2 views

    very debatable but surely different and entertaining - Master Class with Michael O'Leary at the Innovation Convention 2011 - Brussels

Innovative Birds Are Also Less Flexible Learners - 1 views

    Innovative individuals are less flexible learners while innovative species are also at the same time more flexible.
Marcus Maertens

Serious gaming meets disruptive innovation - 2 views

    Maybe of interest for those into innovative disruption etc? ;)
    I could not detect the "disruptive innovation" in the paper
Luís F. Simões

The Truth About Google X: An Exclusive Look Behind The Secretive Lab's Closed Doors - 4 views

  • Space elevators, teleportation, hoverboards, and driverless cars: The top-secret Google X innovation lab opens up about what it does--and how it thinks.
    Interesting insight indeed, I see quite some overlap with the ACT mantra, athough they have 250 people and an outdoor playground.. To Teller, this failure-loving lab has simply stepped into the breach. Small companies don't feel they have the resources to take moonshots. Big companies think it'll rattle shareholders. Government leaders believe there's not enough money, or that Congress will characterize a misstep or failure as a scandal. These days, when it comes to Hail Mary innovation, "Everyone thinks it's somebody's else's job," Teller says.

NASA - NASA Innovation Fund - 0 views

    list of newly selected innovation projects by NASA; contains some topics at least interesting from the title and some that we have worked on! anybody interested in making a quick read and analysis of these? (though last time we did not get much feedback on our report)

Wiley InterScience :: JOURNALS :: Journal of Product Innovation Management - 0 views

    On line journal on Innovation Managment

Innovation policy: not just a jumbo shrimp : Article : Nature - 0 views

    Another contribution to idea management, science, and innovation policy
Luís F. Simões

Noordwijk | Space Apps Challenge - 1 views

  • On the weekend of the 12 and 13 April 2014 ESA Business Incubation Centre Noordwijk and Verhaert Connect are proud to host the NASA International Space Apps Challenge in the European Space Innovation Centre Noordwijk.
  • Developers, designers, innovators all kinds of creative thinkers from all seven continents will come together for two days of creativity and computer coding to address challenges of global importance. This year we expect to have about 40 challenges that support NASA's mission directorates in five themes: Earth Watch, Technology in Space, Human Spaceflight, Robotics and Asteroids.
    "Developers, designers, innovators all kinds of creative thinkers" aka "nerd objective-C programmers with no life"?
    Well, the ACT actually proposed a few of the topics (BEWARE, THERE BE CUCUMBERS!). Some are not necessarily software based, like creating a LEGO model of the ExoMars rover (although they stripped LEGO from the challenge description and now it just says "create an ExoMars rover from hardware" ... ). Also we had no clue that they would host part of the challenge here at ESTEC - so our 5 or 6 challenges will all be hosted in Rome... ...
Thijs Versloot

Innovative solutions based on Earth Observation data #copernicus @esa - 2 views

    The Earth Monitoring Competition is annually awarding prizes to innovative solutions for business and society based on Earth observation data.
Dario Izzo

The 50 Worst Inventions - TIME - 9 views

    innovating has its risks :)
    They forgot to mention that Jimi Heselden, the owner of Segway Inc., died by falling of the cliff... of course while riding a Segway.
Nicholas Lan

Cut EU red tape: Report from the Business Taskforce - 2 views

    some interesting recommendations part of a current discussion between the commission and some member states in a general, and apparently popular with all parties, drive to reduce bureaucracy to, among other things, stimulate innovation. Firms face a challenge. They produce superb products, offer world-class services and benefit from being able to sell to a European market of 500 million customers. But they are often encumbered by problematic, poorly-understood and burdensome European rules. The impact is clear: fewer inventions are patented, fewer sales are made, fewer goods are produced and fewer jobs are created.
    what hypocrites ... "As businesspeople, we are convinced that these and many other problems must be addressed if British and European firms are to compete in the global marketplace. We need regulation to operate in a pan-European market. We are not against regulation per se. But we need regulation that is pro-growth and pro-innovation." sure ....

Innovation | Presans - 1 views

    nice new social network - by French! ... also nice layout :-)
Dario Izzo

Project 10^100 winners - 6 views

    Five great innovative initiatives already happening
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