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The relationship between lifestyle and campus eating behaviors in mal and females - 1 views

    Jackson, Rebecca. "The relationship between lifestyle and campus eating behaviors in mal and females." College Student Journal 43.1 (2009): 860-871. Ebscohost. Web. 22 Nov. 2010.

    Poor nutritional practices and heightened levels of stress, two common attributes of university life, are strongly linked with weight gain and decreased health. Little research has examined the relationships between university students' lifestyle factors and campus eating behaviours; therefore, this study aimed to examine relationships between lifestyle and campus eating behaviour. Both lifestyle and eating behaviour questionnaires were developed and administered to male and female undergraduate students at a Canadian university. Students whose living arrangements had not changed since high school consumed less alcohol than individuals who moved away from their previous dwellings. Fast food consumption was also significantly related to lower physical activity levels and higher expenditures for food on campus. Males also consumed more alcohol than females and spent more money for food on campus. Conclusion. Relationships do exist between lifestyle and campus eating behaviour. These results may be used as a foundation for future research on the effect of lifestyle on eating behaviours and nutritional status in university age student


    Jackson, Rebecca A., Tanya R. Berry, and Michael D. Kennedy. "The Relationship Between Lifestyle and Campus Eating Behaviours in Male and Female University Students." College Student Journal 43.3 (2009): 860-871. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 3 Nov. 2010. This article gives a lot of information about college students and the risks that they are taking when they come to a new environment while being on their own. Several tests were taken to determine the difference between males and females and their behaviors towards drinking, eating, and exercising. It does a really good job on separating the genders and showing that the male and female lifestyle drastically changes when they come to college. It shows statistics on how much the cost of a student would spend depending on their physical activity as well. Overall, college can have an extreme impact on a students' life.

The Female Collegiate Cross-Country Runner: Nutritional Knowledge and Attitudes - 1 views

    Zawila, Laurie, Cathy-Sue Steib, and Barbara Hoogenboom. "The Female Collegiate Cross-Country Runner: Nutritional Knowledge and Attitudes." Journal of Athletic Training 38.1 (2003): 67-74. Print.

Nutritional Knowledge and Eating Behaviors of Female, Collegiate Swimmers - 0 views

    Hoogenboom, Barbara, Jennifer Morris, and Chad Morris. "Nutritional Knowledge and Eating Behaviors of Female, Collegiate Swimmers." North American Journal of Physical Therapy 4.3 (2009): 139-48. Pub Med Central. The Sports Physical Therapy Section of the American Physical Therapy Association, 2009. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. . bababababbababab

EBSCOhost: Reversing fortunes or content change? Gender gaps in math-related skill thr.... - 2 views

    This Article is about how scholars would always focused on males and their math skill but overlook females. They look into why famales have diadvantages come about and how it keeps increasing but they also are good at certin maths. You will see the contrast between the males and females.

The Relationship Between Lifestyle and Campus Eating Behaviors in Male and Female Unive... - 2 views

    Jackson, Rebecca A., Tanya R. Berry, and Michael D. Kennedy. "THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LIFESTYLE AND CAMPUS EATING BEHAVIOURS IN MALE AND FEMALE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS." College Student Journal 43.3 (2009): 860-871. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. This link goes over the differences between males and females in college and their eating and drinking habits. It also explains the changes students make within these subjects when transitioning from high school to college. They research was done through survey of college students.


    Engeln-Maddox, Renee, and Steven A. Miller. "TALKING BACK TO THE MEDIA IDEAL: THE DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF THE CRITICAL PROCESSING OF BEAUTY IMAGES SCALE." Psychology of Women Quarterly 32.2 (2008): 159-171. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. Thin and flawless, this is beauty. According to the media the ideal female body is thin, tan, tall, and completely flawless. That is what the magazines and the movies have taught us to believe and that is what most women have been made to think. However, the research in this article shows that women are more critical of these images than previously thought. It shows that women do not accept these images as what to strive for and they realize that they are unattainable and fake.

Weight gain, dietary restraint, and disordered eating in the freshman year of college - 1 views

    Objective: The aims of the study were to assess whether women during the first year of college experience (1) significant weight gain; (2) a prospective relation between dietary restraint and weight gain; (3) an increase in disordered eating; and (4) a prospective relation between dietary restraint or concern about the Freshmen 15 (i.e., weight gain of 15 lbs during the freshman year of college) and disordered eating.\n\nMethod\nParticipants were 336 female students in their first year of college who completed questionnaire measures of Body Mass Index (BMI), eating disorder pathology, dietary restraint, body image, and self-esteem.\n\nResults\nParticipants' mean weight gain was approximately 3 lbs (1.5 kg), and among those who gained weight, the mean gain was 7.32 lbs (3.3 kg). Dietary restraint in September did not predict weight change in April, but participants who lost weight reported significantly greater dietary restraint than those participants who gained weight. Eating disorder symptoms increased significantly from September to April. Dietary restraint, concern about the "Freshman 15", and self-esteem in September uniquely predicted EDE-Q Weight and Shape Concern subscale scores in April.\n\nDiscussion\nFemale students in their first year of college gain a small but significant amount of weight, and weight gain was mostly unrelated to dietary restraint. Disordered eating increases during the first year of college and, is predicted by prospective dietary restraint and concerns about weight gain.

A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Child Maltreatment on Later Outcomes among High-... - 0 views

    Tyler, Kimberly A., Katherine A. Johnson, and Douglas A. Brownridge. "A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Child Maltreatment on Later Outcomes among High-Risk Adolescents." Journal of Youth and Adolescence 37.5 (2008): 506-521. ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. A sample was taken from 360 students that examined the effects of childhood abuse, parenting and well-being through running away and school involvement. Results showed that parenting had a direct involvement with school engagement, running away and well-being. Neglect during childhood was related to abuse while sexual abuse and living in a disadvantaged neighborhood were left with worse well-being. Running away was definately associated with participation in violent activities. Gender also moderated the relationship with running away and abuse in favor of females.

Closing the Gender Gap - 1 views

    Beckman, Mary. "Closing the Gender Gap." Science Now (2005): 1-3. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. With new research done with monkeys, they have found that there is a gender gap in math but mainly in early childhood and that the gap could be closed. With a little extra training the female monkeys can catch up to the males. That extra work can close that gap. Monkeys and humans are similar so if we try the same ideas they did with the female monkeys, maybe as humans we could close the gender gap within math.

Rethinking Gender Differences in Literacy - 2 views

    Gambell, Trevor J., and Darryl M. Hunter. "Rethinking Gender Differences in Literacy." Canadian Journal of Education 24.1 (1999): 1-16. ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. This source provides explanations for why there are differences in literacy for genders. It gives five 5 reasons as to why these differences occur. These reasons are the following: evaluative bias, home socialization, role and societal expectations, male psychology, and equity policy. These five reasons explain why males begin ahead of females, but by the time school ended the gaps closed and women out performed males.

Seeing: Gender and Literacy - 2 views

    Bartlett, Carol. "Seeing: Gender and Literacy." Text Quarterly 7.1 (1994): 1,4. ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. This too is an article that relates gender roles to literacy. It talks about the different learning behaviors relating to male and females. It states that men enroll in school in order to achieve something, while women enrol for the sake of desire for learning. Men are said to pick up at task and master it until picking up a new one while women work with more than one task at the same time. Men and women have different learning, writing, and reading techniques from one another.\n\n

EBSCOhost: A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Child Maltreatment on Later Outcomes... - 1 views

    Tyler, Kimberly A., Katherine A. Johnson, and Douglas A. Brownridge. "A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Child Maltreatment on Later Outcomes among High-Risk Adolescents." Journal of Youth and Adolescence 37.5 (2008): 506-521. ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. A sample was taken from 360 students that examined the effects of childhood abuse, parenting and well-being through running away and school involvement. Results showed that parenting had a direct involvement with school engagement, running away and well-being. Neglect during childhood was related to abuse while sexual abuse and living in a disadvantaged neighborhood were left with worse well-being. Running away was definately associated with participation in violent activities. Gender also moderated the relationship with running away and abuse in favor of females.

The relationship between alcohol use, eating habits and weight change in college freshmen - 1 views

    Lloyd-Richardson, Elizabeth. "The relationship between alcohol use, eating habits and weight change in college freshmen." Eating Behaviors 9.4 (2008): 504-8. Ohio Link. Web. 8 Nov. 2010.\n\nA group of reasearchers preformed a study that aimed to improve understanding of how alcohol consumption in college freshmen affects eating patterns before, during, and after drinking, as well as its relation to body weight change. They used \ntwo hundred eighty-two college freshmen (61% female; 59% Caucasian) completed measures of alcohol use, measured body mass index (BMI), and eating and activity habits before, during and following drinking episodes. Students were categorized by drinking status (non-drinker, low-risk, and moderate/high-risk) in order to explore group differences. There results were that moderate risk drinkers were more likely than low-risk drinkers to report increases in appetite after drinking, with nearly half of students reporting overeating and making unhealthy food choices following drinking. Moderate-risk drinkers also demonstrated significant increases in 1st semester BMI change, relative to non-drinkers and low-risk drinkers.\n\n\n\n

Comparison of Media‐Literacy Programs to Strengthen College Women's Resistanc... - 3 views

    Irving, L. M. and Berel, S. R. "Comparison of Media-Literacy Programs to Strengthen College Women's Resistance to Media Images." Psychology of Women Quarterly. 25 (2001): 103-111. Wiley Online Library. Web. 3 Nov. 2010. This article is talking about the results of a study that was done among college aged women. It was to see the effects of media images on their body image. It was done with 110 undergraduate women to see what they thought about the images the media was projecting toward them and how it effects how they see themselves. It was also done to see what would help stop this from continuing to happen to these young women. Throughout the study it was shown that with the help of this "intervention" the women began to question whether or not the images were really what ideal beauty looks like. This shows that through media literacy something like this can be stopped and women can feel better about their body image.


    Agliata, Daniel, and Stacey Tantleff-Dunn. "THE IMPACT OF MEDIA EXPOSURE ON MALES' BODY IMAGE." Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology 23.1 (2004): 7-22. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. Most of the research done with the effects the media has on body image is done with women. However, men are also greatly effected by the media. While women are told to be thinner and smaller men are told to be stronger and bigger. Women are told to loose weight and diet while men are told to be more muscular and lift weights. In the past studies have shown that women feel the pressure to be thin because of the media. What more recent studies are showing is the increase pressure that men also feel to be more muscular.

The Power and Impact of Gender-Specific Media Literacy - 1 views

    Bullen, Rebecca Richards. "The Power and Impact of Gender-Specific Media Literacy." Youth Media Reporter 3.(2009): 149-152. Communication & Mass Media Complete. EBSCO. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. Girls are not the only ones who are effected by the media. Both boys and girls look at the media and react to the stereotypes they see. However, they are effected differently. Girls are effected by images of what they think they should look like specifically their bodies. This causes them to do things that are stupid and even dangerous to achieve what they think they should look like.

Gender, Culture and Mathematics Performance - 3 views

    Hyde, Janet S., and Janet E. Mertz. "Gender, culture, and mathematics performance." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106.22 (2009): 8801-8807. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. This article talks about if there is a relationship between gender, culture and mathematics performance. They go through three questions the want to answer -Do gender differences in mathematics performance exist in the general population? Do gender differences exist among the mathematically talented? Do females exist who possess profound mathematical talent? The article talks about how some countries have closed the gap such as England but the USA has not. They go to answer all of the questions through the research they do and have charts/graphs.

Different, Not Better: Gender Differences in Mathematics Learning and Achievement. - 3 views

    Geist, Eugene A., and Margaret King. "Different, Not Better: Gender Differences in Mathematics Learning and Achievement." Journal of Instructional Psychology 35.1 (2008): 43-52. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. Within this article they go through data, literature and research on the gap of the gender. They question if boys are really better at math compared to girls. Yes, there is a gap between the genders that they have found by it is not caused by what we think. The assumption is that there is a biological difference but with the studies they figured out that males learn differently compared to females which is causing this gap. The education systems need to take this in to consideration so that the needs of both genders get met.

In England, Girls Are Closing Gap With Boys in Math. - 3 views

    Whalen, Jeanne, and Sharon Begley. "In England, Girls Are Closing Gap With Boys in Math." Wall Street Journal - Eastern Edition 30 Mar. 2005: A1+. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. In England they are talking about changing how they teach math within the classroom. They want to close the gender gap in math by changing how teachers teach their lessons. The school boards want to switch from a simple lecture and memorizing to a more hands on so that may the girls could have a better chance of catching up. Harvard is looking into if this is a good idea to do because they are having a hard time figuring out why males excel in math compared to females.
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