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Joseph P

Normal Stages of Human Development - 1 views

    "Normal Stages of Human Development." Child Development Info. Web. 18 Nov. 2010.\n\n- This site doesn't necessarily help my paper, but it might help someone. This site displays basic traits or habits that average children should aquire at certain ages. It only goes up to age five, which is why it is not helpful to me (I'm primarily studying Autistic teenagers). It touches on emotional, social, and physical traits. This is good if you need a list of traits for a "regular" child to compare an Autistic child to.
Karissa D

Developing Literacy/Developing Gender: Constructing College Freshmen - 1 views

    Rose, Shirley. Developing Literacy/Developing Gender: Constructing College Freshmen. 1991. ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 22 Nov. 2010.\n\nThis article is more of a research reflection. It is three teachers' views on English and Literacy. They discovered that gender is a problem in literacy and that it cannot be ignored. Teachers tend to read their students papers in reflection of their own gender. The three teachers discovered this fact by reviewing a number of papers and answering three review questions provided for each. The results provide awareness for readers in hopes to reverse this trend\n\n
Abby Purdy

Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science of the Reading Brain - 0 views

    This is a link to the listing for this book on OhioLINK. It sounds like it might be helpful to those doing research on literacy development, how we learn to read. As the description implies, this might be an easy introduction to a rather complex topic. Wolf, a professor of child development at Tufts University, integrates psychology and archaeology, linguistics and education, history and neuroscience in a truly path-breaking look at the development of the reading brain-a complicated phenomenon that Wolf seeks to chronicle from both the early history of humanity and the early stages of an individual's development ("unlike its component parts such as vision and speech... reading has no direct genetic program passing it on to future generations"). Along the way, Wolf introduces concepts like "word poverty," the situation in which children, by age five, have heard 32 million less words than their counterparts (with chilling long-term effects), and makes time for amusing and affecting anecdotes, like the only child she knew to fake a reading disorder (attempting to get back into his beloved literacy training program). Though it could probably command a book of its own, the sizable third section of the book covers the complex topic of dyslexia, explaining clearly and expertly "what happens when the brain can't learn to read." One of those rare books that synthesizes cutting edge, interdisciplinary research with the inviting tone of a curious, erudite friend (think Malcolm Gladwell), Wolf's first book for a general audience is an eye-opening winner, and deserves a wide readership. (From the description on
Christian C

EBSCOhost: Experience of Sexual Abuse in Childhood and Abortion in Adolescence and Ear... - 2 views

    Boden, Joseph M., David M. Fergusson, and L. John Horwood. "Experience of Sexual Abuse in Childhood and Abortion in Adolescence and Early Adulthood." Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal 33.12 (2009): 870-876. ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. The study looks at how child sexual abuse can tie in with adolescent abortions to influence adulthood. The study that was done was a 25-year study of the heath, development and adjustment of 1,265 New Zealand children. Studies showed that if higher rates of abuse were shown, then high rates of pregnancy and abortion developed.
Kathleen P

Using Music to Support the Literacy Development of Young English Language - 2 views

    Paquette, Kelli, and Sue Rieg. "Using Music to Support the Literacy Development of Young English Language Learners." Early Childhood Education Journal 36.3 (2008): 227-232. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. Music is a way to let children experience learning in a different way. The article talked about how by learning and singing songs they are learning literacy and exploring ideas that are not brought up in the common classroom, such as creativity in the art.\n"Whether children listen to the ''music'' of the rain, popular chil- dren's songs, or make their own musical compositions, important skills, such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking are developed. In an early childhood classroom, a musically, literacy-rich environment will generate interest, encourage creativity, and set the stage for a positive learning environment.
Angela D

Media's role in developing images of 'self' and the 'other' - 1 views

    Stephanous, Andrea Zaki. "Media's role in developing images of 'self' and the 'other'." Media Development 54.2 (2007): 14-18. Communication & Mass Media Complete. EBSCO. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. Media is a means of persuasion. When used by a strict government it can be a way of persuading citizens to do or not do something. Through stereotypes the mass media can be used to change public sentiment towards whatever the producers of this media would like. This can be helpful or hurtful to a nation. Through the discussion of this topic it shows the reader examples of this. Specifically it talks about the Middle East and the Israeli conflict.
Ahmed A

"Developed world is robbing African countries of health staff" - 0 views

    Coombes, Rebecca."Developed world is robbing African countries of health staff". BMJ, Volume 230, p.923, April 23, 2005. This article talks about how developed nations are draining all the healthcare professionals out of the developing countries, and that this sort of drain is causing very strained health services in these regions, since most of them have very few to no doctors or nurses in most of the areas. This helps in quickening the depletion of health services and thus health in general, in these developing nations.
Jill S

Txt msg n school literacy: does texting and knowledge of text abbreviations adversely a... - 4 views

    Plester, Beverly, Clare Wood, and Victoria Bell. "Txt msg n school literacy: does texting and knowledge of text abbreviations adversely affect children's literacy attainment?." Literacy 42.3 (2008): 137-144. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 3 Nov. 2010. There has been a dramatic increase in the number of children who own and use mobile phones regularly. Some of these children even prefer text messaging to actual conversation and have developed a knowledge of an abbreviated language used in text messages known as "textisms." Many studies have focused on the effects of "textisms" in the language of adults, but few have focused on children and how extreme exposure to text messaging affects their development of language. The authors strive to evaluate these effects in this article, which describes a study they performed. The first part of the study analyzed how the number of text messages sent along with the knowledge of "textisms" affect performance on a standardized test known as the Key Stage test. The second part focused on the link between the use of "textisms" and spelling and writing. From this study and the results it produced, the authors determined that, in general, there is not a connection between text messaging and poor writing and reading abilities.
Jill S

EBSCOhost: Txt msg n school literacy: does texting and knowledge of text abbreviations... - 3 views

    Plester, Beverly, Clare Wood, and Victoria Bell. "Txt msg n school literacy: does texting and knowledge of text abbreviations adversely affect children's literacy attainment?." Literacy 42.3 (2008): 137-144. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 3 Nov. 2010. There has been a dramatic increase in the number of children who own and use mobile phones regularly. Some of these children even prefer text messaging to actual conversation and have developed a knowledge of an abbreviated language used in text messages known as "textisms." Many studies have focused on the effects of "textisms" in the language of adults, but few have focused on children and how extreme exposure to text messaging affects their development of language. The authors strive to evaluate these effects in this article, which describes a study they performed. The first part of the study analyzed how the number of text messages sent along with the knowledge of "textisms" affect performance on a standardized test known as the Key Stage test. The second part focused on the link between the use of "textisms" and spelling and writing. From this study and the results it produced, the authors determined that, in general, there is not a connection between text messaging and poor writing and reading abilities.
Alexandra L

EBSCOhost: Eating behaviour and eating disorders in students of nutrition sciences - 1 views

    Korinth, Anne, Sonja Schiess, and Joachim Westenhoefer. "Eating behaviour and eating disorders in students of nutrition sciences." Public Health Nutrition 13.1 (2010): 32-37. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 15 Nov. 2010. This article talks about how some students who study nutrition are more likely to develop eating disorders. People can not decide whether or not the students are making better nutritional decisions or not. It comes to the conclusion that students who know more about health and nutrition are more likely to develop these disorders because they are more aware of their intake. Therefore, there is no specific type of student which is affected by nutrition and health.
Lia F

Storytelling as a Constructivist Model for Developing Language and Literacy - 2 views

    Palmer, Barbara C., Shelly J. Harshbarger, and Cindy A. Koch. "Storytelling as a Constructivist Model for Developing Language and Literacy." Journal of Poetry Therapy 14.4(2001): 199-212. OhioLINK. Web. 3 Nov. 2010. This article lists the benefits of storytelling to young children. When teachers or any adult tells children stories it increases their vocabulary and their listening and reading comprehension. Through story telling, children also learn how to construct a story. They learn what the beginnning, middle, and end are. Once theyl learn how to construct a story, they begin to learn how to write their own stories. Storytelling greatly benefits children's literacy.
Christian C

Experience of Sexual Abuse in Childhood and Abortion in Adolescence and Early Adulthood - 1 views

    Boden, Joseph M., David M. Fergusson, and L. John Horwood. "Experience of Sexual Abuse in Childhood and Abortion in Adolescence and Early Adulthood." Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal 33.12 (2009): 870-876. ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. The study looks at how child sexual abuse can tie in with adolescent abortions to influence adulthood. The study that was done was a 25-year study of the heath, development and adjustment of 1,265 New Zealand children. Studies showed that if higher rates of abuse were shown, then high rates of pregnancy and abortion developed.
Christian C

Experience of Sexual Abuse in Childhood and Abortion in Adolescence and Early Adulthood - 1 views

    Boden, Joseph M., David M. Fergusson, and L. John Horwood. "Experience of Sexual Abuse in Childhood and Abortion in Adolescence and Early Adulthood." Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal 33.12 (2009): 870-876. ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. The study looks at how child sexual abuse can tie in with adolescent abortions to influence adulthood. The study that was done was a 25-year study of the heath, development and adjustment of 1,265 New Zealand children. Studies showed that if higher rates of abuse were shown, then high rates of pregnancy and abortion developed.
Margaret B


    Kaderavek, Joan N., and Paula Rabidoux. "INTERACTIVE TO INDEPENDENT LITERACY: A MODEL FOR DESIGNING LITERACY GOALS FOR CHILDREN WITH ATYPICAL COMMUNICATION." Reading & Writing Quarterly 20.3 (2004): 237-260. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. This article talks about how autistic children develop their literacy through a range of activities and behaviors. It also talks about two pain points in how autistic children develop their literacy techniques. Experts believe that learning literacy early on for autistic children will not determine their total oral language development. They need to look at reading and writing as communication practices from an early age. It is also talks about how speech production can be improved through writing instructions. Social interaction is a large part of developing literacy.
Karissa D

Family Initiative for English Literacy Handbook - 1 views

    Quintero, Elizabeth, TX. Literacy Center. El Paso Community Coll., and Others And. "Project FIEL: Family Initiative for English Literacy Handbook." (1990): ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. This text is about English and literacy. It explains how important language is for the evolution of literacy. It gives different visual examples of the development of children throughout the years. The project that the article is about informs the reader how important it is for literacy to develop all throughout the ages. Parents needs to be the primary assistants in helping progress a child's english and literacy, and then teachers take on the role as they get older. This article houses many examples for this inquiry.
Karissa D

Gender and Literacy Learning: Implications for Research in Adult Literacy - 1 views

    Hayes, Elisabeth, and Jennifer Hopkins. "Gender and Literacy Learning: Implications for Research in Adult Literacy Education." (1996): ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. This article is also a research article about adult literacy. It touches base on gender roles as it applies to literacy. It establishes that the lack of focus on gender roles and literacy effects the success in that area of knowledge. It states that the development between women and men is different pertaining to literacy, menaing it is an unequal development. Lack of attention on this issue and resistence to accept this social role causes problems when learning about writing.
Angela D


    Chambers, Karen L., and Susan M. Alexander. "MEDIA LITERACY AS AN EDUCATIONAL METHOD FOR ADDRESSING COLLEGE WOMEN'S BODY IMAGE ISSUES." Education 127.4 (2007): 490-497. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. Women are all exposed to images in the media of thin, perfect looking models and are almost always under pressure to look like them. As a result, some women develop an eating disorder to become thin like these models they see in the media. However, not all women do develop an eating disorder. This article discussed the possibility that this is because some women are taught to analyze these images and messages and so they are not as effected by them. Through this media literacy they can overcome what they are shown and they do not hurt themselves and have a healthy self image.
Matt G

A Comparison of Athletes and Non-Athletes at Highly Selective Colleges: Academic Perfor... - 3 views

    Aries, Elizabeth, et al. "A Comparison of Athletes and Non-Athletes at Highly Selective Colleges: Academic Performance and Personal Development." Research in Higher Education 45.6 (2004), 577-602. Ohio Link. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. This was a study that compared athletes and non-athletes at highly selective colleges. First, it compares conclusions people have come to about student-athletes. On one hand, some believe that athletics help to develop the person in a wide variety of ways. On the other hand, some believe it takes up too much time and takes away from their academics. This study basically shows that it varies from person to person, depending on the particular school they attend.
Jill S

Problematic internet and cell-phone use: Psychological, behavioral, and health correlates. - 2 views

    Jenaro, Cristina, et al. "Problematic internet and cell-phone use: Psychological, behavioral, and health correlates." Addiction Research & Theory 15.3 (2007): 309-320. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. Recently, more studies have been performed to examine newly developed addictions to technologies such as the Internet and cell phones. Some of these studies have found that full-time students are more at risk to develop these addictions and that these addictions are related to some psychological and behavioral disorders. To see if these observations are correct, a study was performed in which three hundred and thirty-seven college students participated. The first thing that was determined was that there was not a correlation between internet or cell phone over-use and substance abuse or gambling addiction. The second was that there was a correlation between technology over-use and psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, and insomnia. The third was that healthy behavior and technology over-use are not related.
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