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John Evans

Tips for Beating the Clock in the Classroom | Edutopia - 0 views

    "In Texas, there are 180 days of instruction, taking away 30 days for state testing so that leave 150 days for instruction. Let's say that a teacher gives a curriculum-based test once every two weeks and the district benchmark test three times a year. That is 21 less days of instruction or 129 days. Now, schools typically have three days of teacher in-service. Five special assemblies, two holiday parties, two half days, four emergency drills and three sick days takes away 15 more days bringing it to 111 days."
John Evans

Five Ways for Teachers To Take Charge of Their Own Learning | Canadian Education Associ... - 3 views

    "In Manitoba there are traditionally five provincially mandated PD days per year. This year the topics for the first four of my school's PD days were 'Cultural Proficiency' (a division sponsored event), an 'EdCamp' (facilitated by division coordinators), a day where teachers work with other teachers from around the province in their teaching area, and a school-based session on 'Deeper Learning and Critical Thinking' with support from a division coordinator. Our final day will be on the topic of 'Positive Behaviour Interventions and Supports'. We will join one of our feeder elementary schools, and the day will be facilitated by divisional educational support services staff. Although these sessions have all been of great value, and have resulted in many thoughtful conversations, the days are somewhat disjointed. The topics for each day are chosen by divisional administration or school-based administrators, without the input of the teachers that will 'benefit' from the PD sessions. To make these PD days more valuable, teachers need to keep the conversations going on these important topics for deep learning to occur, or this 'one size fits all' model needs to be abandoned for a more teacher directed PD model. If teachers are in charge of the topic of their personal PD, they will be more likely to own this time and use the division sponsored PD days as a catalyst to deeper learning and connections to other professionals within their own building and beyond. Teachers need going beyond the four or five division sponsored PD days to ensure personal and professional growth."
John Evans

Pi Day history: Perfect symmetry, a mathematical constant, wave formulas, and pie. - 0 views

    "There are holidays like Mother's Day, Earth Day, Thanksgiving Day. Even a Talk-Like-Shakespeare Day. But Friday is Pi Day. Really! It's official. The date March 14 (that is, 3/14) was designated Pi Day by House Resolution 224 of the first session of the 111th Congress of the United States. It begins "Whereas the Greek letter (Pi) is the symbol for the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter," and is followed by 11 more whereases before it resolves to support the designation of "Pi Day" to encourage "schools and educators to observe the day with appropriate activities that teach students about Pi and engage them about the study of mathematics.""
John Evans

Pi Day: An Example of an Interdisciplinary, Engaging Lesson | User Generated Education - 1 views

    I have the privilege of teaching my gifted elementary students for multiple years. At my one school, I have them in class for a full day each week, and each year I have special thematic days for which the students get very excited, e.g., Halloween and Day of the Dead "Wars," Valentines Day, Book Celebrations, and Pi Day. I love planning a variety of interdisciplinary activities for these days and I love watching how 100% are fully engaged for the entire time.
John Evans

Daily inspiring quotes for January - 1 views

    "Start the NEW YEAR the right way! For January we have one inspiring quote for you for every day of the month! Every morning, write down the positive quote of the day on a piece of paper, put it in your wallet so you can look at it a few times during the day. Write it on a post-it and hang it on your fridge or your computer. Take a picture and save it has your phone or computer background for the day! Make it your motto of the day! Share it! Every morning write down the quote of the day and make sure to hand that note to someone else on that day to spread more positive vibes and energies to those around you as well!"
John Evans

Daily Shoot: Miss Dunsiger's Class - Day 187 | - 0 views

    Today was Dr. Davey's first Maker Day, and an amazing one at that! Here's a look at our day. All of the Grade 1-Grade 7 students participated in today's Maker Day. Students attended two of seven different sessions based on their interests: Minecraft/Coding, Collaborative Art, Beautiful Junk, Positive Graffiti, Making Music, Lego/Blocks, and Egg Drop. Staff members paired up together to facilitate the learning at each of the sessions, and the students directed most of the learning based on their interests. I (Aviva) worked with an amazing Grade 4 student that led the Minecraft/Coding session, and even worked with small groups of students on coding the Arduino. It was really quite incredible! After two sessions, students reflected on the day and on their learning, and then extended the "Maker Learning" back in the classroom. Today was all about the Learning Skills, problem solving, creativity and critical thinking. As you can hear in our video reflection, there were also links to our classroom learning including Science (Structures) and Math (shapes, figures, and non-standard measurement). There was also a lot of Arts learning today (with creating music and creating works of art including the elements of design). What an amazing day!"
John Evans

Resources for Learning About Empathy on Valentine's Day | Edutopia - 0 views

    "Valentine's Day creates a lot of excitement for students, and of course, there are plenty of teachable moments around the day. You might cover the history of the holiday, some V-Day-themed math, or a fun, heart-shaped art project. The opportunities are endless. But Valentine's Day is also a great time to talk with your kids about compassion and caring."
John Evans

#The100DayProject | The Great Discontent (TGD) - 0 views

    "Welcome to #The100DayProject home base! Here, you'll find an overview of the project, discover how you can participate and follow other participants, and learn more about Elle Luna's inspiration for the project. What Is the 100-Day Project? It's a celebration of process that encourages everyone to participate in 100 days of making. The great surrender is the process; showing up day after day is the goal. For the 100-Day Project, it's not about fetishizing finished products-it's about the process."
John Evans

Maintaining "First-Day" Excitement - The Principal of Change - 0 views

    "All over Canada, and at many schools in North America, today is the first day of school. Doing the work that I do today, I did not realize that until I opened up Facebook this morning and was hit by a barrage of "the first day of grade _____" pictures all over my feed.  The excitement on the faces of many students was contagious, but it also seemed that some parents were pretty happy to send their kids back to school as well What I have been thinking about a lot lately is about how we maintain that "first-day" excitement in our students throughout the year? Although this is something that I do my best to support in my work, I know that this is not an easy task for educators and schools as there are so many variables in the lives of our students and ourselves that have an impact on our experience in school. My focus here is on how do we create an experience in school that is both joyous while challenging.  The reason both elements are essential is that it is easier to "challenge" our students to grow in a space where they are excited to be in the first place. If a student hates coming to school every day, it is going to be a lot tougher to push them toward growth."
John Evans

We Asked Teachers What They'd Do With Ten Extra Minutes a Day. Here's What They Said. |... - 2 views

    "What if you could squeeze an extra ten minutes out of your busy day and devote them to more meaningful interactions with students, colleagues and parents? While a school day is estimated to be around 6.7 hours, every educator knows that a teacher's workday is much longer. Carving out extra time in a teaching day may seem like a tall order for many educators, who often must steal hours from their evenings, cutting into their own professional development time and tipping the scales on their work-life balance. While a school day is estimated to be around 6.7 hours, every educator knows that a teacher's workday is much longer. Add the time required for all the other parts of the job-lesson planning, providing students extra support, grading, and parent and staff meetings-and teachers can expect to put in a 12- to 16-hour workday. Recent advancements in data analytics and artificial intelligence, however, may help teachers gain back some of those hours. These technologies offer new efficiencies and insights into classroom learning, allowing educators to harness the power of data from their learning management systems (LMSs) and freeing them up to focus their time on activities that truly lead to better learning outcomes."
John Evans

Please, No More Professional Development! - Finding Common Ground - Education Week - 4 views

    "Please, No More Professional Development! By Peter DeWitt on April 17, 2015 8:10 AM Today's guest blog is written by Kristine Fox (Ed.D), Senior Field Specialist/Research Associate at Quaglia Institute for Student Aspirations (QISA). She is a former teacher and administrator who has passion for teacher learning and student voice. Kris works directly with teachers and leaders across the country to help all learners reach their fullest potential. Peter DeWitt recently outlined why "faculty meetings are a waste of time." Furthering on his idea, most professional development opportunities don't offer optimal learning experiences and the rare teacher is sitting in her classroom thinking "I can't wait until my district's next PD day." When I inform a fellow educator that I am a PD provider, I can read her thoughts - boring, painful, waste of time, useless, irrelevant - one would think my job is equal to going to the dentist (sorry to my dentist friends). According to the Quaglia Institute and Teacher Voice and Aspirations International Center's National Teacher Voice Report only 54% percent of teachers agree "Meaningful staff development exists in my school." I can't imagine any other profession being satisfied with that number when it comes to employee learning and growth. What sense does it make for the science teacher to spend a day learning about upcoming English assessments? Or, for the veteran teacher to learn for the hundredth time how to use conceptual conflict as a hook. Why does education insist everyone attend the same type of training regardless of specialization, experience, or need? As a nod to the upcoming political campaigns and the inevitable introduction of plans with lots of points, here is my 5 Point Plan for revamping professional development. 5 Point Plan Point I - Change the Term: Semantics Matter We cannot reclaim the term Professional Development for teachers. It has a long, baggage-laden history of conformity that does not
John Evans

Earth Day: Lesson Plans, Reading Lists, and Classroom Ideas | Edutopia - 1 views

    "Earth Day is right around the corner. Many educators are preparing lessons that introduce environmental science concepts for students. Are you planning on incorporating Earth Day into your classroom? The annual event-which started in 1970-provides students with an opportunity to explore a range of subjects, whether science-based investigations, thematic reading, or creative arts projects. To help teachers brainstorm some ways to incorporate Earth Day into the curriculum, we've compiled a list of resources that offer lessons, ideas, tips, and activities that are perfect for Earth Day. There's a bit of everything, including lesson plans, tools, resources, and student reading lists."
John Evans

Teaching while Grieving: How to function while coping with the loss of a loved one | Th... - 1 views

    "The week after my dad passed, I decided to come back. Bereavement time was up and I felt that getting back into my classroom would help. I was wrong. By the third day I was still feeling lost, overwhelmed, and exhausted. I ended taking the last two days of the week off. I came back, what I felt as "refreshed", the following Monday. Only still feeling lost, overwhelmed, and exhausted. As soon as I walked into the school I immediately met with the principal and told him that I couldn't continue. I needed more time away to deal with my emotions and to understand the scope of what took place. I could hear words of my dad echoing in my ear - "take care of yourself… if you don't, you'll end up sick." While my dad's health wasn't that great, and he knew it; he always made sure that everyone else took better care of themselves. Exactly like me. I make sure that others are always put before me. I could not longer do that. I needed to take care of myself before I ended up lying on the floor unable to move, like Izzy in Grey's Anatomy. Those four extra days was what I needed. I processed his death, I cried, I slept (for nearly two whole days), and I remembered the good times. I sat on the couch catching up on missed shows, Netflix, and Days of our Lives. We stress the importance of good mental health to our students, but I wasn't heeding my own words. I knew that being in the classroom too soon after his death wasn't making me a good teacher for my students."
John Evans

Losing Sleep Over Other People's Kids: The Emotional Toll of Teaching - 0 views

    "When Thanksgiving break rolled around last month, teachers all over the country breathed a collective sigh of relief. This school year hasn't exactly been a cakewalk, and, like most teachers, I was delighted to finally be getting a few days off and some quality time with my children. I was looking forward to big meals, cozy nights at home with my family, and lots of love, laughter, and relaxation. Unfortunately, I know that this kind of fun and fulfilling break is not a reality for many of my students. And a couple of days into the break I couldn't resist texting my co-teacher to chat about the same worries that plague us day in and day out. "Do you think Jake's parents are leaving him at home alone all day?" "Mia complained of an earache Friday. I hope her grandmother will take her to the doctor if it gets worse." "Did Kira say she was going to her dad's over Thanksgiving? She's always so emotional after she visits him, and she's allergic to his dog.""
John Evans

Creative 100 Days of School Project Ideas - Class Tech Tips - 0 views

    "The 100th day of school is a special milestone that offers a fun opportunity to engage students in creative and meaningful activities. Whether you're celebrating with a classroom project, a collaborative activity, or independent student work, there are plenty of 100 days of school project ideas to choose from. You might want to have students create something over the course of a week or during a single lesson. Today on the blog, I have nine tech-friendly 100 Days of School project ideas for your consideration! They are ready for you to customize and modify to fit the needs of your group, and they connect with a wide range of subject areas. Let's take a look at these nine project ideas to celebrate the 100th day of the school year!"
John Evans

Celebrate Pi Day: Seven Classroom Resources for Pi Learning | Edutopia - 1 views

    "Happy 3.14159265358979323846264 Day! That's right, Pi Day is coming on 3/14, and the annual celebration offers a great opportunity for students explore Pi! (And maybe enjoy some pie, as well.) Of course, there are plenty of great teaching resources online to help your class celebrate Pi Day, and we here at Edutopia thought we'd help. "
John Evans

Free Technology for Teachers: 14 Educational Resources for Earth Day 2014 - 1 views

    "Earth Day 2014 is coming up next week. As I've done in the past, I've compiled a list of resources for teaching about Earth Day and environmental science in general. Here are fourteen resources for teaching and learning about Earth Day and environmental science."
John Evans

How to Celebrate Pi Day in Your Classroom | Edutopia - 0 views

    "Pi Day is coming on March 14! And not just any old Pi Day, but an "Epic Pi Day" on 3.14.15 at 9:26:53, corresponding to the first 10 digits of pi (3.141592653). This happens only once per century -- truly a "once-in-a-lifetime event" for most of us."
John Evans

Global Day of Design April 26, 2016 - 0 views

    "Students need to make, build, and tinker. The Global Day of Design is one-day that focuses on using the Design Thinking process in school. Our goal for the Global Day of Design is to inspire a transformation in schools around the world to incorporate design into an every day practice with our students."
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