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Barbara Smith

Excellent Chiropractic Services - 1 views

I would like to thank The Chiropractic Domain for providing me with the best chiropractor in Adelaide. There service was really effective that I was relieved of the back pain that I felt for quite ...

started by Barbara Smith on 13 Dec 12 no follow-up yet
Barbara Smith

The Health Service That You Truly Deserve - 1 views

I have been suffering from my migraine for several years already. The medicines which I used only gave me temporary relief but did not really solve my problem. I was already hopeless thinking that ...

started by Barbara Smith on 10 Oct 12 no follow-up yet
My Wellness

Yoga Poses for Pregnant Women - 0 views

    Pregnancy is a very special time for every woman. There are some Poses Beneficial in Pregnancy an expectant mother should not do while pregnant like Yoga Breathing (Pranayama), Cat-Cow Pose (Marjariasana), Bound Angle pose (Baddha konasana).If you are doing yoga, practise it only under expert supervision and guidance.
My Wellness

untitled - 0 views

    Coconut oil is often described as the healthiest oil on earth. Health benefits of coconut oil are hair care, skin care, weight loss, maintaining cholesterol levels to lowers the risk of heart disease,coconut oil helps in killing bacteria, viruses, fungi and thus helps prevent infections.
My Wellness

Bringaraj For Hair Loss, Premature Graying of Hair - 0 views

    Bhringaraj is important Ayurveda herb, widely used in hair fall control, liver disorders, skin diseases etc in Ayurveda.It is believed to maintain and Liver health,Healthy skin, Cholesterol and blood sugar,Beneficial for nervous system, rejuvenate hair, teeth, bones, memory, sight, and hearing.
My Wellness

Healthiest Winter Foods - 0 views

    Find tips on eating Health Fruits during Winter Season to keep immune system up. Some of Winter Fruits are Apples, Pomegranate, Oranges, Passion Fruit, Pears, etc.
My Wellness

Benefits of Surya Namaskar Yoga - 0 views

    There are various Health benefits of surya namaskar yoga in our daily life -improve hair fail, loss weight,improve skin, digestive system, for Stronger bones and better eyesight, Improves memory and concentration,flexible muscles.
My Wellness

How can I stop the hiccups? - 0 views

    Hiccups occur due to spasm contracts the diaphragm,there are several easy home remedies that are often successful in getting rid of hiccups.
    Hiccups occur due to spasm contracts the diaphragm,there are several easy home remedies that are often successful in getting rid of hiccups.
My Wellness

untitled - 0 views

    Some foods are quite delicious in taste but turn out to be just as bad for health, so if want to stay fit and healthy then avoid such unhealthy foods like Microwave Popcorn, Smoothies, Sodas, Processed meat and Energy drinks.
My Wellness

Organic Food: What Are the Real Benefits? - 0 views

    some of the benefits of going organic with your diet are that it does not contain harmful pesticides and chemicals, higher nutritional properties than non-organic food,feel cleaner, healthier and make you feel more energetic,full of proteins, vitamins and antioxidants.
My Wellness

How to Understand and Use the Nutrition Facts Label - 0 views

    why Protein is a necessary part of our day to day life??, A high protein diet can help build muscle, lose weight, improve brain power with rich protein food such as Lean meat & Poultry,Seafood, Vegetables, Eggs, Milk etc.
My Wellness

How to Use Milk Thistle for Liver - 0 views

    Milk Thistle is an herbal use to protects from Liver Cancer, it`s contains antioxidants repair the liver from damage induced by chronic liver disorders such as hepatitis and liver cirrhosis.

Daily Healthy Life Style - - 0 views

    Best Health Tips and guideline for men and women....
comfort finds

How to Reduce Pressure Sores? - 1 views

while sitting for long period of time, due to sitting blood flows slows in that area, without enough blood in that area is the reason for sores, It can reduce by using COCCYX Cushions ,it helps in ...

health healthy fitness to skin chair for back pain healing cushion coccyx

started by comfort finds on 05 Sep 19 no follow-up yet

Deyga Anti Acne Kit Review in Detail (Get Spotless Skin) - 0 views

    Deyga anti acne kit review here to get spotless skin. Best for acne and pimples.
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