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Geralynn Demarest

facilitator - 0 views

  • Role of Discussion Facilitator: Encourage and guide the discussion Be clear about the purpose and expected outcomes of the discussion Encourage participants to respond to each other as well as to the facilitator Recognize participants via private and public messages Share information and resources and encourage others to do the same Create a welcoming environment Tie together the threads of the discussion and summarize it Enforce the discussion group ground rules, if necessary Keep the discussion focused on the topic Clarify the questions and comments of participants, if necessary Act as an unbiased, neutral commentator Participate regularly, actively and thoughtfully Ask leading questions; resist being too chatty Decide when to resolve conflict/hostile interaction
    • Geralynn Demarest
      This is like a quick reference guide of things to remember when creating an online course and facilitating discussions.
    Quick reference for tips to keep in mind while creating discussions in an online environment.
    While creating my course, hiking101, I want to keep in mind the role of discussion facilitator. This source was found through Merlot, and provides a quick snapshot of things to remember.
Robert Braathe

MERLOT Business Portal - 0 views

  • Welcome to the MERLOT Business Portal, where we share:   Tips for using technology to teaching business courses People who participate in our community of educators' Learning Materials that you can use in your classes' Beyond MERLOT includes resources outside MERLOT that can help you as a faculty member Showcase features some of our award winning websites in the business discipline
    • Robert Braathe
      This section is going to be useful for me in my business courses to allow me to use up to date resources
    A useful section of Merlot directly related to Business Education
    A great resource to connect and utilize up to date resources
alexandra m. pickett

Amy's Blog - 0 views

  • I never realized that five hours could feel like fifteen minutes once I get engaged in my work. 
    • alexandra m. pickett
      eureaka!!! that is exactly what engaged learning is!! Thank you for this observation. I am so glad to hear you had this experience!! Now you know what it feels like and what you are going for with your own students.... this is what I mean when i say "engagement over content." thanks for sharing. : ) me
Mike Fortune

Blooms Digital Taxonomy v2.12 - 4 views

    Wow, thanks Mike. This is exactly what I have been looking for - although I did not know it until now! Combining Bloom's taxonomy with technology seems almost too obvious. But until someone takes the trouble to painstakingly match the thinking skills with the technology skills, things will continue to remain in the air. Thanks for sharing this important idea.
    You're welcome Joy! Professor Pickett suggested I search it. I am also so glad to have found something like this, where new instructional technology forms can get the necessary reinforcement from a well regarded and widely used guide like Bloom's taxonomy. BTW I learn a great deal from your posts!
Joan Erickson

Teaching College Courses Online vs Face-to-Face -- THE Journal - 0 views

  • Students are sometimes aggressive and questioning of authority in ways not seen face-to-face
    • Joan Erickson
      I wonder if Alex has ever been challenged in the online setting? Politely challenged or hostily?
    • alexandra m. pickett
      both. it is difficult for some more than others when their beliefs are challenged. and change is not easy for anyone. And when one's identity is tied to one's beliefs it gets even more complex. i see all interactrions as an opportunity to learn for everyone involved. I have had angry hostile challenges from students in the past as well as polite challenges. I have also experienced misunderstandings in courses between students and with me. These are teachable moments in my view that provide opportunities for learning. My goal in situations when they arise is to understand, question, explain, and support. i have had students that could not believe that they could completely design a course before it was taught, or that they could teach a course without a lecture. I have had students get very angry about feedback i have given them in discussion. I have had students not believe it was possible for them to do what i asked them to do in the course. I have had students completely misconstrue a comment from me and a student completely misconstrue a review from a classmate. All of these situations challenged me. In one situation i ended up having a private video discussion with the student to clarify. In another, i ended up helping the student question and understand his need for control better, in yet another i was firm and consistent in my response focusing on the instruction rather than taking in personnally, and so on ... i am flexible, understanding, empathetic, and kind, as long as i feel the student is willing to work with me and at least try to meet me half way. I have no problem being direct and have clear boundaries about what is acceptable. I will not tolerate disrespect. And if someone (myself included) cannot even consider the possibility that they have something to learn, then my tolerance and empathy diminishes. significantly. : )
Joan Erickson

Cooperative Learning - Resources (CA Dept of Education) - 0 views

  • heterogeneous
  • positive interdependence
  • Individualistic and competitive teaching methods certainly have their place in the instructional program, but they should be balanced with cooperative learning
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Cooperative learning represents a valuable strategy for helping students attain high academic standards
  • interdependence and individual accountability
  • the theory and philosophy of cooperative learning; (2) demonstrations of cooperative methods; and (3) ongoing coaching and collegial support at the classroom level
    what instructors have to know in order to implement cooperative learning
alexandra m. pickett

E-learning and Web 2.0 tools for schools - 4 views

    Fascinating! I found the categories very helpful to get an overview of the entire tool landscape. Thanks lots.
    this link is useful to me, will save the link in my Teacher's Resources module
Melissa Pietricola

Habits_of_Mind_Curriculum_VT_WDP.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 1 views

    How to Teach Habits of Mind, VT Correctional Facility suggestions.
Kelly Hermann

AbleData: Welcome to AbleData - 0 views

    This site has a wealth of resources for those interested in learning more about assistive technology in general as well as those researching specific products.  AbleData provides resources for users, product reviews and a searchable database of companies that manufacture assistive software and devices, as well as a library that allows users to search for publications and other information about assistive technology.  It is a dynamic website that is updated frequently so it helps users to stay current on a rapidly changing field.
alexandra m. pickett

Building my course and what is working here | JJ Wagner - 0 views

  • getting my 12 posts in
    • alexandra m. pickett
      some of those 12 posts can be replies to others in the course. Not clear if that is clear to you. hope it is now. interactions with others in this course is a key aspect of it.
  • grade
    • alexandra m. pickett
      don't forget to self-assess with the rubric.
Nicole Arduini-Van Hoose

The Construction of Shared Knowledge in Collaborative Problem Solving - 0 views

    Love all things about problem solving!
Diane Gusa

Describing the Habits of Mind - 0 views

  • h, cultivate, observe, and assess. The intent is to help students get into the habit of behaving intelligently. A Habit of Mind is a pattern of intellectual behaviors that leads to productive actions.
  • Persisting
  • Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they never quit. —Conrad Hilton
  • ...28 more annotations...
  • Managing Impulsivity
  • Listening with Understanding and Empathy
  • Highly effective people spend an inordinate amount of time and energy listening (Covey, 1989).
  • Senge, Roberts, Ross, Smith, and Kleiner (1994) suggest that to listen fully means to pay close attention to what is being said beneath the words—listening not only to the "music" but also to the essence of the person speaking; not only for what someone knows but also for what that person is trying to represent
  • Questioning and Posing Problems
  • Thinking Flexibly
  • Flexible thinkers display confidence in their intuition
  • They tolerate confusion and ambiguity up to a point, and they are willing to let go of a problem, trusting their subconscious to continue creative and productive work on it. Flexibility is the cradle of humor, creativity, and repertoire. Although many perceptual positions are possible—past, present, future, egocentric, allocentric, macrocentric, microcentric, visual, auditory, kinesthetic—the flexible mind knows when to shift between and among these positions
  • Thinking About Thinking (Metacognition)
  • Striving for Accuracy
  • Whether we are looking at the stamina, grace, and elegance of a ballerina or a carpenter, we see a desire for craftsmanship, mastery, flawlessness, and economy of energy to produce exceptional results
  • our inclination and ability to find problems to solve.
  • Intelligent people are in a continuous learning mode
  • Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations
  • Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision
  • Gathering Data Through All Senses
  • Creating, Imagining, Innovating
  • Creative people are open to criticism. They hold up their products for others to judge, and they seek feedback in an ever-increasing effort to refine their technique. They are uneasy with the status quo. They constantly strive for greater fluency, elaboration, novelty, parsimony, simplicity, craftsmanship, perfection, beauty, harmony, and balance.
  • Responding with Wonderment and Awe
  • Taking Responsible Risks
  • Finding Humor You can increase your brain power three to fivefold simply by laughing and having fun before working on a problem. —Doug Hall
  • Thinking Interdependently
  • Collaborative humans realize that all of us together are more powerful, intellectually or physically, than any one individual
  • Working in groups requires the ability to justify ideas and to test the feasibility of solution strategies on others
  • t also requires developing a willingness and an openness to accept feedback from a critical friend. Through this interaction, the group and the individual continue to grow. Listening, consensus seeking, giving up an idea to work with someone else's, empathy, compassion, group leadership, knowing how to support group efforts, altruism—all are behaviors indicative of cooperative human being
  • Remaining Open to Continuous Learning
  • Generative listening is the art of developing deeper silences in oneself, slowing the mind's hearing to the ears' natural speed and hearing beneath the words to their meaning
  • They are invigorated by the quest of lifelong learning. Their confidence, in combination with their inquisitiveness, allows them to constantly search for new and better ways. People with this Habit of Mind are always striving for improvement, growing, learning, and modifying and improving themselves. They seize problems, situations, tensions, conflicts, and circumstances as valuable opportunities to learn (Bateson, 2004).
    Have you every heard of habitus?
alexandra m. pickett


    This was great! Just the other day, I met Peter Shea for the first time. He has soooo much to share about online learning!
alexandra m. pickett

Cell Phone Etiquette: 15 Rules To Follow (PICTURE) - 0 views

    This is GREAT! Just the other day I was in a public bathroom and heard someone talking on their cell phone in the bathroom stall - talk about lack of etiquette (and also - ewww--how gross!).
Michael Lucatorto

CLASS SIZE & DISCUSSION INTERACTIVITY.doc - Powered by Google Docs - 0 views

    I loved the discussion on class size! Provocative, compelling and food for thought!!!
Donna Angley

MIT OpenCourseWare | Writing and Humanistic Studies | 21W.755 Writing and Reading Short... - 0 views

shared by Donna Angley on 16 Jul 11 - No Cached
Kristen Della liked it
  • different writers have addressed issues of plot, character, place and theme
    • Donna Angley
      I'm feeling more confident that my modules are right on topic.
  • devoted to workshops of original student stories.
    • Donna Angley
      This is really a great idea and one that I will keep in mind as my course evolves. I really enjoy writing myself and watching students write creatively, so this might be something I'd want to incorporate into my course eventually.
  • Reading the stories and articles as assigned and participating in discussion of these works is the center of our exploration.
    • Donna Angley
      The discussions in the online environment are the heart of the course learning activities.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • We shall workshop stories by both professional writers
    • Donna Angley
      Excellent idea!
  • your journal
    • Donna Angley
      My students will be blogging as their journaling tool.
  • The requirements to receive an A are harder to quantify, but they include more sophistication and grace in the writing, lively storytelling, and prose that approaches publishable quality.
    • Donna Angley
      Seems a little vague...perhaps a rubic would help students to understand how to get the "A"
Kristen Della

Definition of Archetype - 0 views

    As humans, we are all so different, yet so much alike. It is interesting to think that all people can possibly be characterized into 7 or 8 archetypes.
Kristen Della

Using Metrics to Describe the Participative Stances of Members Within Discussion Forums - 0 views

shared by Kristen Della on 16 Jul 11 - No Cached
Kristen Della liked it
    Researchers using forums and online focus groups need to ensure they are safe and need tools to make best use of the data. We explored the use of metrics that would allow better forum management and more effective analysis of participant contributions.
Donna Angley

MIT OpenCourseWare | Writing and Humanistic Studies | 21W.755 Writing and Reading Short... - 0 views

  • Student Stories
    • Donna Angley
      Love that the instructor includes student stories as an example.
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