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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Irene Watts-Politza

Irene Watts-Politza

Three generations of distance education pedagogy | Anderson | The International Review ... - 0 views

  • Another notable trend is towards more object-based, contextual, or activity-based models of learning. It is not so much a question of building and sustaining networks as of finding the appropriate sets of things and people
  • and activities. CloudWorks, a product of the OU-UK, is an example of this new trend, in which objects of discourse are more important than, or at least distinct from, the networks that enable them (Galley, Conole, Dalziel, & Ghiglione, 2010).
  • The next step in this cycle would seem to be, logically, to enable those sets to talk back to us: to find us, guide us, and influence our learning journeys. This represents a new and different form of communication, one in which the crowd, composed of multiple intelligences, behaves as an intentional single entity.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • PageRank algorithm behind a Google search works in exactly this way, taking multiple intelligent choices and combining them to provide ranked search results (Brin & Page, 2000).
  • it is not individuals, groups, or networks that help us to learn but a faceless intelligence that is partly made of human actions, partly of a machine’s.
  • We and others have described these entities in the past as collectives (Segaran, 2007).
  • Despite the ubiquity of such systems, what still remains unclear is how best to exploit them in learning. However, it seems at least possible that the next generation of distance education pedagogy will be enabled by technologies that make effective use of collectives.
  • learners and teacher collaborate to create the content of study, and in the process re-create that content for future use by others. Assessment in connectivist pedagogy combines self-reflection with teacher assessment of the contributions to the current and future courses. These contributions may be reflections, critical comments, learning objects and resources, and other digital artifacts of knowledge creation, dissemination, and problem solving.
  • Teaching presence in connectivist learning environments also focuses on teaching by example. The teachers’ construction of learning artifacts, critical contributions to class and external discussion, capacity to make connections across discipline and context boundaries, and the sum of their net presence serve to model connectivist presence and learning.
    Special Issue - Connectivism: Design and Delivery of Social Networked Learning Terry Anderson and Jon Dron Athabasca University, Canada Abstract. This paper defines and examines three generations of distance education pedagogy.
    Connectivism: Design and Delivery of Social Networked Learning Terry Anderson and Jon Dron Athabasca University, This paper defines and examines three generations of distance education pedagogy.
    Three Generations of Distance Education Pedagogy [Print Version] Special Issue - Connectivism: Design and Delivery of Social Networked Learning Terry Anderson and Jon Dron Athabasca University, Canada
Irene Watts-Politza

Assessing Social Presence in Asynchronous Text-based Computer Conferencing Courses - 1 views

    Explication of social presence, one of three elements in the community of inquiry model developed by Garrison, Anderson, and Archer. Community of inquiry model discussed.
Irene Watts-Politza

Chomsky on Dewey - 0 views

    Noam Chomsky discusses the learning and social theories of John Dewey.
Irene Watts-Politza

Teaching Presence in Online Learning - YouTube - 0 views

    Dr.Mark Kassel of Robert Morse University gives advice on developing teaching presence in the online learning environment.
Irene Watts-Politza

Student Engagement in High School Classrooms from the Perspective of Flow Theory - 0 views

    Excellent source of scholarly work on the nature of engagement. One of the authors is Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi, who authored the theory of flow.
Irene Watts-Politza

School Context, Student Attitudes and Behavior, and Academic Achievement: An Explorator... - 0 views

    A full-length study that concludes learner self-perception of being academically successful precedes learner engagement when these factors are weighed with respect to motivation.
Irene Watts-Politza

Minds on Fire: Open Education, the Long Tail, and Learning 2.0 (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUC... - 0 views

  • This involves acquiring the practices and the norms of established practitioners in that field or acculturating into a community of practice.
    • Irene Watts-Politza
      This is the model embraced by most teacher ed programs.
  • In this open environment, both the content and the process by which it is created are equally visible, thereby enabling a new kind of critical reading—almost a new form of literacy—that invites the reader to join in the consideration of what information is reliable and/or important.
  • And at the third level, any participant in Second Life could review the lectures and other course materials online at no cost. This experiment suggests one way that the social life of Internet-based virtual education can coexist with and extend traditional education.
    • Irene Watts-Politza
      Will the professions embrace as colleague one who excels in a non-credit course of study or will opportunities continue to be closed to those who don't present the "right" credentials?
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Through these continuing connections, the University of Michigan students can extend the discussions, debates, bull sessions, and study groups that naturally arise on campus to include their broader networks. Even though these extended connections were not developed to serve educational purposes, they amplify the impact that the university is having while also benefiting students on campus.14 If King is right, it makes sense for colleges and universities to consider how they can leverage these new connections through the variety of social software platforms that are being established for other reasons.
    • Irene Watts-Politza
      I am wondering if "leveraging" these networks will become a basis for funding in the case of state colleges and universities.
  • he site’s developers note: “We fundamentally believe that the new electronic environment and its tools enable us to revive the humanistic spirit of communal and collaboratively ‘playful’ learning of which the Decameron itself is the utmost expression.”
    • Irene Watts-Politza
      The notion of 'playful' learning is my ideal; this seems to be at odds with the test drill environment I am currently observing in grades 3 - 6. Currently, it seems as though there are two tracks developing in "Learning 2.0": assessment-driven and learner-driven.
  • As more of learning becomes Internet-based, a similar pattern seems to be occurring. Whereas traditional schools offer a finite number of courses of study, the “catalog” of subjects that can be learned online is almost unlimited. There are already several thousand sets of course materials and modules online, and more are being added regularly. Furthermore, for any topic that a student is passionate about, there is likely to be an online niche community of practice of others who share that passion.
  • that will support active, passion-based learning: Learning 2.0. This new form of learning begins with the knowledge and practices acquired in school but is equally suited for continuous, lifelong learning that extends beyond formal schooling.
    • Irene Watts-Politza
      Surely the content and skills currently being taught and assessed Pk-12 must give way to a new set of literacies.
Irene Watts-Politza

Race to the Top Fund - 1 views

    Federal website for RTTT information management
Irene Watts-Politza


    Summary of the New York State Regents' Reform Agenda in chart form (p. 2) with explanation of its connection to Fed's Race to the Top (RTTT) grant competition.
Irene Watts-Politza

The Technology Source Archives - Ten Ways Online Education Matches, or Surpasses, Face-... - 6 views

  • When an instructor posts a question on the asynchronous discussion board, every student in the class is expected to respond, respond intelligently, and respond several times.
    • Irene Watts-Politza
      This expectation is supported by the online instructor's facilitation of discourse and intellectual leadership, identified by Jones et al. as two aspects of teaching presence.
  • On a more formal note, online tests and quizzes can be constructed with an automatic grading capability that provides immediate feedback and references to text and class notes that explain the correct answers. Assignments, including grades and editorial comments, can be returned to students more promptly and usually with more detail than in the F2F environment.
    • Irene Watts-Politza
      This is something to consider with respect to formative assessment, RtI evidence/data, and computer-based grade books. Wondering how it would work in an open source learning platform for collecting data on teacher effectiveness at the university level?
  • They say that it is common for participants in online courses to develop a strong sense of community that enhances the learning process.
    • Irene Watts-Politza
      Bodes well for gobalization of education, especially when supported by language conversion apps.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • thrilled
    • Irene Watts-Politza
      This is indeed the perfect verb for this experience!
  • The thinking, planning, research, learning, and effort that goes into constructing and teaching an online course has rejuvenated many faculty members who were frankly going through the motions after numerous years of teaching the same courses, semester after semester, in the same classroom environment.
    • Irene Watts-Politza
      As online learning increases at the secondary level, is it possible that responsibility for curriculum development will become an APPR bargaining issue under the Regents Reform Agenda?
Irene Watts-Politza

Common Core-Modeling vs. Understanding - 1 views

    Description of the twelve shifts in PK-12 ELA and math instruction under Common Core State Standards, adopted by New York State Board of Regents in July 2010
Irene Watts-Politza

Tips on How to Create Killer Blog Posts Using Your Web TVs - 1 views

    Lisa, I thought this might help in future with developing web presence for Uzuri. Catherine, would this be helpful with your metacognition website?
Irene Watts-Politza

sharing what i know » Blog Archive » the cms is a dinosaur …and you know what... - 0 views

    Alex's reasons for moving from a course management system (CMS) to moodle for course delivery. If you are wondering why we are engaging on so many external sites, this is recommended reading.
Irene Watts-Politza

Teaching Today | How-To Articles | Using Technology to Motivate Middle School Students - 0 views

    Middle schools that develop challenging curricula of an exploratory nature are emerging as models in the field of technology integration.
Irene Watts-Politza

Teacher Presence: Using Introductory Videos in Online and Hybrid Courses by Paula Jones... - 1 views

    This e-magazine article provides researched-based information on the importance and components of teaching presence in the on-line learning environment. Blog format with related topics.
Irene Watts-Politza

An absolutely riveting online course: Nine principles for excellence in web-based teach... - 3 views

    This is an additional resource to use for building our courses.
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