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ScienceDirect - Educational Research Review : Peer assessment for learning from a socia... - 0 views

  • Peer assessment for learning from a social perspective: The influence of interpersonal variables and structural features
  • Peer assessment for learning from a social perspective: The influence of interpersonal variables and structural features
  • Peer assessment is fundamentally a social process whose core activity is feedback given to and received from others, aimed at enhancing the performance of each individual group member and/or the group as a whole
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • . Peer assessment is fundamentally a social process whose core activity is feedback given to and received from others, aimed at enhancing the performance of each individual group member and/or the group as a whole
  • Peer assessment is fundamentally a social process whose core activity is feedback given to and received from others, aimed at enhancing the performance of each individual group member and/or the group as a whole.
  • Peer assessment is fundamentally a social process whose core activity is feedback given to and received from others, aimed at enhancing the performance of each individual group member and/or the group as a whole
  • although peer assessment is a social process, interpersonal variables have hardly been studied; more specifically, they were measured in only 4 out of 15 studies.
  • Peer assessment for learning from a social perspective: The influence of interpersonal variables and structural features

Digital natives: Everyday life versus academic stud y - 0 views

    Access to and use of technology by 'digital native' students studying in our universities has been an area of much speculation, though relatively little empirical research. This has led some pundits to call for a radical rethink of how higher education uses technology to deliver education. Others are more circumspect and think it is necessary to hear directly from these 'digital natives' about their actual technology practices before jumping to such conclusions. This paper reports on a study that aimed to do just that; the study comprised a survey of the technology access and practices in both everyday life and for academic study of first year university students. The findings suggest that, for the participants of this study, access and usage of technology does not neatly fit into the stereotype of the 'digital native'. Access to and use of some technologies was found to be quite high whilst others have significant levels of non-adoption. A comparison was made between technologies and activities undertaken as part of students' everyday life in contrast to their academic study and it was found that the usage rates were generally lower for academic study. Access to and use of different technologies for different purposes is variable and university teachers and policymakers need to take this variability into account when making changes at the course or institution levels. What is also required is more in-depth investigation of the technology practices of these 'digital natives' to understand how technology is transforming their social and academic lives and, importantly, how they are shaping technology to suit their lives.

Metacognition: An Overview - 1 views

  • Metacognitive experiences involve the use of metacognitive strategies or metacognitive regulation (Brown, 1987). Metacognitive strategies are sequential processes that one uses to control cognitive activities, and to ensure that a cognitive goal (e.g., understanding a text) has been met. These processes help to regulate and oversee learning, and consist of planning and monitoring cognitive activities, as well as checking the outcomes of those activities.
  • Self-questioning is a common metacognitive comprehension monitoring strategy. If she finds that she cannot answer her own questions, or that she does not understand the material discussed, she must then determine what needs to be done to ensure that she meets the cognitive goal of understanding the text.
  • Knowledge is considered to be metacognitive if it is actively used in a strategic manner to ensure that a goal is met. For example, a student may use knowledge in planning how to approach a math exam: "I know that I (person variable) have difficulty with word problems (task variable), so I will answer the computational problems first and save the word problems for last (strategy variable)." Simply possessing knowledge about one's cognitive strengths or weaknesses and the nature of the task without actively utilizing this information to oversee learning is not metacognitive.
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  • Cognitive Strategy Instruction (CSI) is an instructional approach which emphasizes the development of thinking skills and processes as a means to enhance learning. The objective of CSI is to enable all students to become more strategic, self-reliant, flexible, and productive in their learning endeavors (Scheid, 1993). CSI is based on the assumption that there are identifiable cognitive strategies, previously believed to be utilized by only the best and the brightest students, which can be taught to most students (Halpern, 1996). Use of these strategies have been associated with successful learning (Borkowski, Carr, & Pressley, 1987; Garner, 1990).
  • Metacognition enables students to benefit from instruction (Carr, Kurtz, Schneider, Turner & Borkowski, 1989; Van Zile-Tamsen, 1996) and influences the use and maintenance of cognitive strategies.
  • Metacognition and Cognitive Strategy Instruction
  • The study of metacognition has provided educational psychologists with insight about the cognitive processes involved in learning and what differentiates successful students from their less successful peers. It also holds several implications for instructional interventions, such as teaching students how to be more aware of their learning processes and products as well as how to regulate those processes for more effective learning.
  • Metacognition refers to higher order thinking which involves active control over the cognitive processes engaged in learning. Activities such as planning how to approach a given learning task, monitoring comprehension, and evaluating progress toward the completion of a task are metacognitive in nature. Because metacognition plays a critical role in successful learning, it is important to study metacognitive activity and development to determine how students can be taught to better apply their cognitive resources through metacognitive control.

Class Size - 0 views

  • Smaller class size seems to result in higher achievement among students who are economically disadvantaged. Students with lower academic ability seem to do better in smaller classes than in larger ones. It may be that class size affects student attitudes more significantly than it affects achievement. A direct effect of large class size is to lower the morale and increase the stress of teachers. There is typically little to be gained from reductions in class size that do not bring class size below 30.
  • Smaller classes are beneficial for children at the primary level, particularly in math and reading.
  • The most positive effects of small classes on pupil learning occur in grades K-3 in reading and mathematics.
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  • Little, if any, increase in pupil achievement can be expected from reducing class size if teachers continue to use the same instructional methods and procedures in the smaller classes that they have used in larger classes (Robinson, p. 82).
  • Teachers with small classes must not only be trained to be effective in such settings, but they must also be committed to try new skills and procedures.
  • Robinson, Glen E. “Synthesis of Research on the Effects of Class Size.” EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP (April 1990): 80-90.
  • The most recent comprehensive review of existing research was completed by Robinson (1990), and used a cluster analysis approach. Studies were “clustered” into categories considered important for class size decisions such as grade levels, subject areas, student characteristics, student achievement, student behavior, and teaching practices. The results of part of Robinson’s analysis appear below.
  • Effective schools research has extended its research agenda by focusing on an expanded number of variables that are presumed to be related to student achievement. Schools are now perceived as a cultural entity where the complex interplay of multiple variables affect the lives of all who learn and teach in those institutions. As the metaphor for American schools has shifted from an assembly line to that of a caring, learning community, the class size research agenda has also shifted to include such variables as instructional method, teacher morale and stress, teacher work load, student behavior and attitudes, content areas, student characteristics, and grade level. Bennett (1987), in a review of more recent research, found broad agreement among researchers on the following general conclusions:
    • alexandra m. pickett
      hey ;just demoing diigo to faculty
    • alexandra m. pickett
      another demo of a comment

Increasing Access to Higher Education: A study of the diffusion of online teaching amon... - 0 views

    This paper reports on research from 913 professors from community colleges, four-year colleges, and university centers in an attempt to determine potential barriers to the continued growth in adoption of online teaching in higher education. Four variables are significantly associated with faculty satisfaction and adoption or continuation of online teaching - levels of interaction in their online course, technical support, a positive learning experience in developing and teaching the course, and the discipline area in which they taught. Recommendations for institutional policy, faculty development, and further research are included.

Building a better student discussion | e! Science News - 0 views

    "While discussions can be variable and unpredictable in meeting course goals, having a clear approach and organization can increase the potential for active learnin"

Development of the PRO-SDLS: A Measure of Self-Direction in Learning Based on the Perso... - 0 views

    Development of the PRO-SDLS: A Measure of Self-Direction in Learning Based on the Personal Responsibility Orientation Model. The purpose of this study was to develop a reliable and valid instrument to measure self-directedness in learning among college students based on an operationalization of the personal responsibility orientation (PRO) model of self-direction in learning. The resultant 25-item Personal Responsibility Orientation to Self-Direction in Learning Scale (PRO-SDLS) was found to be a highly reliable instrument in the selected sample of graduate and undergraduate education students. Confirmatory factor analysis established that a four latent variable model fit the data. Scores from the PRO-SDLS were significantly related to criterion variables thought to demonstrate self-direction and to a known instrument of self-direction while accounting for additional variance. Recommendations for further research in the ongoing process of scale validation and implications for practice are provided

Transformation via Online Learning - 4 views

  • original target audience,
    • alexandra m. pickett
      who is your target?
    • Alicia Fernandez
      Nontraditional, commuter, reentry are terms assigned to my target student population, which I refer to as adult learners. Adult learners are difficult to categorize, as the determinants are often arbitrary. Their demographic variables cut across a wide swath of the population.  Ross Gordon (2011) refers to a set of shared characteristics which include: delayed entry or reentry to college, employment, and family and community responsibilities. They are also primarily part-time students. The group is typically described to be between the ages of 25-64.  Reference  Ross-Gordon, J. (2011). Research on adult learners: supporting the needs of a student population that longer nontraditional. Association of American Colleges and Universities.  (Previously bookmarked in Diigo)
  • adult online students
    • alexandra m. pickett
      what assumptions are you making about this population?
    • Alicia Fernandez
      I am assuming that adult online learners meet the six assumptions of Knowles' Andragogy learning theory. Traditional college students are often still formulating self-concepts and are involved in much more socialization on campus. Adult students are usually not seeking the social component and are driven by the immediate application of acquired skills and knowledge to life outside of the classroom.  The University of Central Florida (UCF) drilled down into the age demographics of their adult student population and extrapolated generational data. Hartmann et al. (2005) reported results of a survey of nearly 1,500 online learners at UCF that shed light on generational differences in attitudes and expectations among students born during 1946- 1964 (the cohort authors nicknamed 'Baby Boomers'), students born during 1965-1980('Generation X') and others born during 1981-1994 (the so-called 'NetGen' students). The results noted that there were substantial differences between the cohorts as far as learning engagement, interaction value, and whether they changed their approach to learning as a result of their online experience.  Hartmann, J., Patsy, M. & Chuck, D. (2005). Preparing the academy of today for the learner of tomorrow. In D. G. Oblinger & J. L. Oblinger (Eds.), Educating the Net Generation, pp. 6.1-6.15. Washington, DC: EDUCAUSE. Retrieved from  (Bookmarked in Diigo)
  • students who attend fully online
    • alexandra m. pickett
      not sure what you mean. these numbers are fully online students.
    • Alicia Fernandez
      Are these students that solely attend online classes?  Do they attend classes on campus as well?
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  • traditional and non-traditional students i
    • alexandra m. pickett
      This perspective/distinction is very interesting/curious to me. I don't distinguish. I guess you mean traditional age college students vs. older "adult" students. In my mind they are all adults and they are all online students. Just an observation of my own perspective. : )
    • Alicia Fernandez
      The literature I have reviewed indicates that younger age college students may not like the lack of social interaction and find the online classroom's demands of extensive writing too laborious.  I have also found a distance difference between the two groups in my own experience. Of course this is a broad generalization and there are exceptions.  
  • If undergrads enroll in online courses and do not actively participate, this will impact the development of critical thinking skills and meaningful learning outcomes for all students
    • alexandra m. pickett
      in my experience this "undergrad" or age variable is not significant. : )
    • Alicia Fernandez
      I think the maturity of the student matters greatly as far as motivation and level of participation. This would impact lower level undergrad courses much more. However, your experience proves that andragogy is not always defined by age. 
  • Jun 12th, 2014
  • Aug17
  • Satisfied. I am thrilled that I persevered and was able to complete the course. My Moodle course is far from stellar but I am pretty happy with the results of my maiden voyage.
  • I know that I have learned that social presence and teaching presences are as important as cognitive presence. More to the point, I learned that as an online student my reluctance to focus on the social aspects of the online classroom may have inhibited community building.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      Hi Alicia! Nice blog! don't forget to self assess each post!
  • Morrison, D. (2014, February 28). Best methods and tools for online educators to give students helpful and meaningful feedback. Online Learning Insights. Retrieved from

The Truth About Homework - 1 views

  • Carole Ames of Michigan State University points out that it isn’t “quantitative changes in behavior” – such as requiring students to spend more hours in front of books or worksheets – that help children learn better.  Rather, it’s “qualitative changes in the ways students view themselves in relation to the task, engage in the process of learning, and then respond to the learning activities and situation.”  In turn, these attitudes and responses emerge from the way teachers think about learning and, as a result, how they organize their classrooms.  Assigning homework is unlikely to have a positive effect on  any of these variables.  We might say that education is less about how much the teacher covers than about what students can be helped to discover – and more time won’t help to bring about that shift.
    • Nicole Gallo
      Developing an online course is not just the transfer of a traditional course to an online platform.  Assigning a video is not providing the student with a relevant experience nor a reason to engage; it can still be viewed through the lens of just homework. 
  • Finally, any theoretical benefit of practice homework must be weighed against the effect it has on students’ interest in learning.  If slogging through worksheets dampens one’s desire to read or think, surely that wouldn’t be worth an incremental improvement in skills.

Analysis of a Rubric for Assessing Depth of Classroom Reflections - 0 views

  • Retention and transfer of learned material are important—although too often merely implicit—goals of classes at the university level. Factors that enhance retention and transfer of learning are now key areas of research, and one frequently recommended method of enhancing these goals is to incorporate reflection into classroom practices (Saito & Miwa, 2007
  • Boyle, Duffy, and Dunleavy (2003) demonstrated that deep learners are characterized by being intrinsically motivated, able to relate new materials to previously learned information, and able to critically evaluate information; deep learning is also positively related to grade point average (GPA) and average exam scores
  • Finally, reflection has been linked
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  • incorporating reflections into the classroom is an important opportunity to increase depth of learning in the classroom. This study adds to this growing body of literature by presenting a new method for collecting and assessing reflections to make this incorporation more feasible
  • to deeper thinking (Short & Rinehart, 1993
  • Retention and transfer of learning are two variables related to knowledge, and their relationship to reflections should be studied explicitly rather than inferred from correlates (e.g., the relationship between reflection depth and GPA)

The Importance Of Teaching Culture In The Foreign Language Classroom - 0 views

  • In reality, what most teachers and students seem to lose sight of is the fact that ‘knowledge of the grammatical system of a language [grammatical competence] has to be complemented by understanding (sic) of culture-specific meanings [communicative or rather cultural competence]’ (Byram, Morgan et al., 1994: 4).
  • Culture in language learning is not an expendable fifth skill, tacked on, so to speak, to the teaching of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. It is always in the background, right from day one, ready to unsettle the good language learners when they expect it least, making evident the limitations of their hard-won communicative competence, challenging their ability to make sense of the world around them. (Kramsch, 1993: 1)
  • According to them, the teaching of culture has the following goals and is of and in itself a means of accomplishing them: To help students to develop an understanding of the fact that all people exhibit culturally-conditioned behaviours. To help students to develop an understanding that social variables such as age, sex, social class, and place of residence influence the ways in which people speak and behave. To help students to become more aware of conventional behaviour in common situations in the target culture. To help students to increase their awareness of the cultural connotations of words and phrases in the target language. To help students to develop the ability to evaluate and refine generalizations about the target culture, in terms of supporting evidence. To help students to develop the necessary skills to locate and organize information about the target culture. To stimulate students’ intellectual curiosity about the target culture, and to encourage empathy towards its people.
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  • teachers should ‘present students with a true picture or representation of another culture and language’ (Singhal, 1998). And this will be achieved only if cultural awareness is viewed as something more than merely a compartmentalised subject within the foreign language curriculum; that is, when culture “inhabits” the classroom and undergirds every language activity

Learning Theory (wikipedia) - 0 views

    In psychology and education, learning is commonly defined as a process that brings together cognitive, emotional, and environmental influences and experiences for acquiring, enhancing, or making changes in one's knowledge, skills, values, and world views (Illeris, 2000; Ormorod, 1995). Learning as a process focuses on what happens when the learning takes place. Explanations of what happens constitute learning theories. A learning theory is an attempt to describe how people and animals learn, thereby helping us understand the inherently complex process of learning. Learning theories have two chief values according to Hill (2002). One is in providing us with vocabulary and a conceptual framework for interpreting the examples of learning that we observe. The other is in suggesting where to look for solutions to practical problems. The theories do not give us solutions, but they do direct our attention to those variables that are crucial in finding solutions. There are three main categories or philosophical frameworks under which learning theories fall: behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. Behaviorism focuses only on the objectively observable aspects of learning. Cognitive theories look beyond behavior to explain brain-based learning. And constructivism views learning as a process in which the learner actively constructs or builds new ideas or concepts.

Small Insults and Doing Gender - 1 views

    Thinking of gender as an achievement
    We usually think of gender as a set of traits (as in femininity and masculinity), a role (as in scripts for behavior), or a social variable (as in salary differences). The doing of gender discuss in this article is different than all of these. Doing gender shifts our attention away from the inner person and to the interaction, where we can see gender as an achievement. I will use this in my introductory module preceding a observation activity of watching a conversation between men and women in a social setting. The final culminating activity will be an blog reflection.


    This study examined the importance of faculty's commitment to pedagogical quality (CPQ) in predicting instructional technology adoption. A customized electronic survey of 27 questions was developed and implemented to four higher educational institutions and yielded 104 usable surveys. Data were analyzed with SPSS using correlation and backward stepwise regression methods. Results indicated CPQ is related to instructional technology adoption. Beliefs about instructional technology and categorical variables (academic title, years taught in higher education, and tenure status) affect both CPQ and faculty adoption of instructional technology independently. Intrinsic and extrinsic motives, and teaching in health-related courses also predict adoption
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