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Kristen Della

Person-centered therapy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Person-centered therapy (PCT) is also known as person-centered psychotherapy, person-centered counselling, client-centered therapy and Rogerian psychotherapy. PCT is a form of talk-psychotherapy developed by psychologist Carl Rogers in the 1940s and 1950s.
ian august

John Dewey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • School and Society (1900), The Child and the Curriculum (1902), Democracy and Education (1916) and Experience and Education (1938). Throughout these writings, several recurrent themes ring true; Dewey continually argues that education and learning are social and interactive processes, and thus the school itself is a social institution through which social reform can and should take place.
  • addition, he bel
  • addition, he be
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • ieved that students thrive in an environment where they are allowed to experience and interact with the curriculum, and all students should have the opportunity to take part in their own learning.
  • life means to give him command of himself; it means so to train him that he will have the full and ready use of all his capacities” (1897, p. 6).[23] In addition to helping students realize their full potential, Dewey goes on to acknowledge that education and schooling are instrumental in creating social change and reform
  • According to Dewey, the teacher should not be one to stand at the front of the room doling out bits of information to be absorbed by passive students. Instead, the teacher’s role should be that of facilitator and guide.
  • The teacher is not in the school to impose certain ideas or to form certain habits in the child, but is there as a member of the community to select the influences which shall affect the child and to assist him in properly responding to these influences (p. 9)
    john dewey wikipedia page
Diane Gusa

ETAP640amp2011: Search results - 0 views

  • In my f2f General Psychology class I plan on having students submit a draft of their paper, everyone exchange in class, and then together we go through the rubric. My self-regulation professor, Dr. Heidi Andrade suggested going through the rubric with student in class and having them use different colored pencils to underline sections in the paper that meet or do not meet specific rubric requirements.
Diane Gusa

IIER 20(2): Khine and Hayes - Investigating women's ways of knowing: An exploratory stu... - 0 views

  • Personal epistemological beliefs, one's beliefs about the nature and acquisition of knowledge, and their role in the learning process have become a focus of a growing body research in recent years. Studies show that a person's epistemological beliefs play an important role in their intellectual development as well as in learning specific subjects (Hofer, 2008)
  • Baxter Magolda (1992) describes ways of knowing as being "related to, but not dictated by gender" (p.8)
  • Their subjects described five ways of knowing - received knowledge, subjective knowledge, constructed knowledge, procedural knowledge, all similar to those of Perry, and silence. From their data Belenky et al. distilled these five epistemological positions down to focus on two: preprocedural and procedural knowing, which corresponded to 'relativism' in Perry's scheme. In 1986 this work culminated in the publication of "Women's ways of knowing: The development of self, voice and mind".
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Importantly, they saw that CK and SK scores were not related to performance and thus concluded that 'ways of knowing' were more reflective of a learning style or approach rather than a reflection of ability or intellectual capacity (Gallotti et al., 1999)
  • Research in personal epistemology looks into ways of knowing, focusing on the nature of knowledge (certainty, structure and source of knowledge) and beliefs about learning (speed and ability to learn). The exploration of different learning or cognitive styles and in particular the relationship between gender and epistemological beliefs in tertiary education contexts is an area of much current research focus.
  • Students' separate knowing and connected knowing scores, however, did predict preferences for different kinds of teaching.
  • Separate knowing scores were always higher in males whereas females had always higher connected knowing scores. The connected and separate knowing scores of males were not significantly different, whereas females typically showed significantly higher connected scores.
  • , learning occurs in different ways for different people in different situations, and may be affected by the learning styles of others who are present. According to Gallotti et al. (1999), students tend to prefer teachers whose style reflects their own. Schommer-Aikens and Easter (2006) find it likely that teachers' personal epistemological paradigms would impact on their decisions about forms of instruction, curriculum and evaluation. Should this be the case, an awareness on the part of the teacher and the learners of the predominant or favoured ways of knowing within a learning context might be seen as a useful tool in designing classroom activities which take into account student diversity.
Diane Gusa

Indigenous Knowledge Systems/Alaska Native Ways of Knowing - 0 views

  • This article seeks to extend our understanding of the processes of learning that occur within and at the intersection of diverse world views and knowledge systems, drawing on experiences derived from across Fourth World contexts, with an emphasis on the Alaska context in particular
  • Until recently there was very little literature that addressed how to get Western scientists and educators to understand Native worldviews and ways of knowing as constituting knowledge systems in their own right, and even less on what it means for participants when such divergent systems coexist in the same person, organization or community.
  • issues on a two-way street, rather than view them as a one-way challenge to get Native people to buy into the western system.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • ecognize the limitations of a mono-cultural education system,
  • While western science and education tend to emphasize compartmentalized knowledge which is often de-contextualized and taught in the detached setting of a classroom or laboratory, indigenous people have traditionally acquired their knowledge through direct experience in the natural world.
  • The incongruities between western institutional structures and practices and indigenous cultural forms will not be easy to reconcile
  • The complexities that come into play when two fundamentally different worldviews converge present a formidable challenge.
  • As a concept, indigenous knowledge benchmarks the limitations of Eurocentric theory — its methodology, evidence, and conclusions — reconceptualizes the resilience and self-reliance of indigenous peoples, and underscores the importance of their own philosophies, heritages, and educational processes. Indigenous knowledge fills the ethical and knowledge gaps in Eurocentric education, research, and scholarship (2002:5).
  • The study of indigenous knowledge systems as it relates to education falls into three inter-related research themes: documentation and articulation of indigenous knowledge systems; delineating epistemological structures and learning/cognitive processes associated with indigenous ways of knowing; and developing/assessing educational strategies integrating indigenous and western knowledge and ways of knowing.
Diane Gusa

Bloom's Taxonomy - Emerging Perspectives on Learning, Teaching and Technology - 0 views

  • , Lorin Anderson, led a new assembly which met for the purpose of updating the taxonomy, hoping to add relevance for 21st century students and teachers
  • Note the change from Nouns to Verb
  • Revised Bloom's Taxonomy takes the form of a two-dimensional tabl
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Emphasis is placed upon its use as a "more authentic tool for curriculum planning, instructional delivery and assess
    Scroll down to Table 1 and scroll further to see animation.
Diane Gusa

From behaviorism to humanism: Incorporating self-direction in learning concept - 0 views

  • It appears that many adult educators today, especially those recognizing the value of self-direction in learning, operate primarily from humanist beliefs and c
  • It also has been our observation that some instructional designers (and many other educators) seem to have difficulty accepting or incorporating humanist beliefs and instead appear guided primarily by behaviorist or neobehaviorist beliefs and paradigms based primarily on logical positivism, although cognitive psychology is increasingly informing the instructional design field.
  • We consider it important to understand why some of the philosophical differences between the two disciplines exist.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • instructional design as a separate discipline, has developed from several forms of inquiry: (a) research pertaining to media usage and communications theory; (b) general systems theory and development; and (c) psychological and learning theory. Reigeluth (1983) suggests that the three theorists most responsible for the current development of instructional design knowledge include B. F. Skinner (1954), David Ausubel (1968), and Jerome Bruner (1966). Skinner is identified because of his work with behaviorism and Bruner and Ausubel are recognized because of their contributions to cognitive psychology. Reigeluth (1987) has also compiled information on several other authors, theories, and models he believes important to the development of instructional design as a profession. Gagne (1985), Piaget (1966), and Thorndike (and colleagues) (1928) are other scholars frequently cited as foundational for much of today's thinking about instructional design.
  • Humanism generally is associated with beliefs about freedom and autonomy and notions that "human beings are capable of making significant personal choices within the constraints imposed by heredity, personal history, and environment"
  • As Hollis (1991) notes, "traditionally, instructional technologists have largely ignored the humanists' ideas among all the available theories from which to draw upon and incorporate into their schemes. Theoretically, instructional technology has been based on research in human learning and communications theories. In reality, more borrowing of ideas is needed, especially from the ranks of the humanists" (p. 51
  • Humanist principles stress the importance of the individual and specific human needs. Among the major assumptions underlying humanism are the following: (a) human nature is inherently good; (b) individuals are free and autonomous, thus they are capable of making major personal choices; (c) human potential for growth and development is virtually unlimited; (d) self-concept plays an important role in growth and development; (e) individuals have an urge toward self-actualization; (f) reality is defined by each person; and (g) individuals have responsibility to both themselves and to others (Elias & Merriam, 1980).
  • "If an individual is concerned primarily with personal growth and development, how can that person truly be concerned with what is good for all of society?"
  • The learning environment should allow each learner to proceed at a pace best suited to the individual.
  • It is important to help learners continuously assess their progress and make feedback a part of the learning process. 5. The learner's previous experience is an invaluable resource for future learning and thus enhancing the value of advanced organizers or making clear the role for mastery of necessary prerequisites.
  • We do recognize there may be times when self-directed opportunities are minimal, such as when involved in collaborative learning or when learning entirely new content, but believe that the assumption of personal responsibility is possible in ways not tied to the type of learning or content.

Using Audio Feedback to Promote Teaching Presence - Spectrum Newsletter Spring 2009 - 0 views

  • Social presence is defined as, “The ability of participants in the community of inquiry to project their personal characteristics into the community, thereby presenting themselves to the other participants as ‘real people’
  • Social presence is the pathway whereby cognitive presence is developed.
  • As faculty and students cultivate social presence in a course through meaningful dialogue, deepened analysis and application of course concepts can take place.
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  • These roles need not be limited to simply the instructor, as students can also exhibit teaching presence in the course through such activities as leading group discussion assignments of collecting and sharing instructional resources
  • Yet, textual feedback, particularly in the context of a blended or online course, can lack rich detail and tone.
  • As textual forms of communication dominate current electronic communications, opportunities to engage auditory and kinesthetic learners ought to be cultivated.
  • Students perceived audio feedback to be more effective than text-based feedback for conveying nuance. Audio feedback was associated with feelings of increased involvement and enhanced learning community interactions. Audio feedback was associated with increased retention of content. Audio feedback was associated with the perception that the instructor cared more about the student.
  • Ice, Swan, Kupczynski, and Richardson (2008) studied the impact of asynchronous audio feedback in an online course and noted the following:
    Community of Inquiry (COI) whereby three key elements crucial to the success of any learning endeavor are highlighted: cognitive presence, social presence, and teaching presence. Figure 1 illustrates the integration of these elements of the learning environment.
Teresa Dobler

Socratic method and online teaching - 0 views

  • over an extended period of time
    • Teresa Dobler
      Asynchronous forms allow students more time in discussions

Do Online Students Dream of Electric Teachers? - 0 views

  • dopt a conversational tone in online course materials,
  • The best form of evaluation, however, is self-evaluation.
  • confront those same courses as an alien force which threatens to dominate and oppress them
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • These students, in turn, become desensitized as their instructors begin to appear almost robotic in their provocations and responses (or
  • geographic “distance” necessarily translates into “emotional distance,
    Role of teacher involvement and relationships in online classes "geographic "distance" necessarily translates into "emotional distance"
Jessica M - 0 views

    • Jessica M
      "Effective practice can be defined as employing a range of  pedagogic skills to bring about the best possible learning for the widest variety of learners."
    • Jessica M
      "Designing learning activities takes place in real academic  contexts in which any particular activity is likely to form  part of a wider set of decisions involving the design of programmes, modules, sessions and individual resources."

Facilitating management learning developing critical reflection through reflective tools. - 0 views

    The aim of this article is to explore how the practice of critical reflection within a management learning process can be facilitated through the application of reflective processes and tools. A distinction is drawn between reflection as a form of individual development (of, say, the reflective practitioner), and critical reflection as a route to collective action and a component of organizational learning and change.
Teresa Dobler

Management Strategies: Do Smaller or Larger Groups Promote Better Individual Performanc... - 0 views

  • while larger teams generally are more productive overall than smaller ones, individual members of the bigger groups were less fruitful than their counterparts on the smaller teams.
  • people may not have the time and energy to form relationships
  • On a smaller team, people knew what resources were available and felt they could ask questions when things went wrong. The situation was more controllable
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • motivation and coordination loss.
    • Teresa Dobler
      Two reasons why individuals in larger groups do not perform as well.
Jessica M - 0 views

    • Jessica M
      In the hands of students, a good rubric can orient learners to the concept of quality as defined by experts in a field, inform self- and peer assessment, and guide revision and improvement. Rubrics can be informative as well as evaluative.
    • Jessica M
      During self-assessment, students reflect on the quality of their work, judge the degree to which it reflects explicitly stated goals or criteria, and revise. Self-assessment is formative-students assess works in progress to find ways to improve their performance.
Kimberly Barss

The Wooden Periodic Table Table - 1 views

  • This website documents, in great depth, a large collection of chemical elements and examples of their applications, common and uncommon. Click any element tile above and you will find probably more than you ever wanted to know about that element. All these samples (well, at least the ones that fit) are stored in a wooden periodic table, by which I mean a physical table you can actually sit at, in my office at Wolfram Research. I decided to build this table by accident in early 2002, as a result of a misunderstanding while reading Uncle Tungsten by Oliver Sacks. I won't bore you with the details here (see the Complete Pictorial History of the Wooden Periodic Table Table), but once it was finished I felt obligated to start finding elements to go in it (because under the name of each element in my table there is a sample area). Then I started building a website to document all my samples, and that's when things really got out of hand. A few months later my little table won the 2002 Ig Nobel Prize in Chemistry, clearly the highest honor for which it is eligible. Sensing an audience, I began to take the website more seriously, which led to my being asked to write a monthly column for Popular Science magazine, which I've now been doing continuously since the July 2003 issue. Later I formed a most satisfying partnership with Max Whitby building high-end museum displays, selling element samples and sets, and filming video demonstrations of the chemical properties of the elements. This website now contains the largest, most complete library of stock photographs of the elements and their applications available anywhere, as well as a large and growing collection of 3D images documenting hundreds of samples rotated through 360 degrees. Try clicking on some elements in the table above: I think you'll be surprised what's lurking behind those little tiles. And if you like the pictures, you'll love the poster! After years of photography and months of assembling images, I published a photographic periodic table poster based on my collection:
    • Kimberly Barss
      Everything about this site is brilliant! I am so grateful that I found this resource...and wish that I could someday purchase a table of his!

Gamification Shows the Learner Visible Signs of Their Learning | Faculty Focus - 0 views

  • One of the strengths of gamification is that it provides visible milestones of the student’s mastery of content in real time (when it is well designed). Too often in an instructional setting, the learner doesn’t know whether or not he or she really understands or can apply the knowledge they are learning. There is often no visible sign of mastery of the content or application of the content.
  • Gamification should orient the learner to where they are in the instructional process, where they are going, and how much further they have to go until the end. The concept is that the learner is able to “see” progress. The progress might be in the form of a character moving up a mountain or an image of how close the learner is to the next level (Kapp, 2013).
  • Gamification uses criterion and mastery to advance the learner from one element of the instruction to the next.
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  • Mastery learning provides an approach that recognizes that aptitude for learning may be more closely linked to time and perseverance than to ability (Bloom, 1971; Melton, 2008)
  • The technique of scaffolding and the use of levels in games provides visual progress to the student and maintain interest in the instruction as the student moves from level to level having different experiences and achieving success as they progress toward the ultimate goal. In gamification, the levels usually become more difficult and challenging as the student moves toward the end and the skills they exhibit at the final level would not be possible without the experience of playing the preceding levels. This idea is embodied in Merrill’s application principle that “instruction should provide coaching, which should be gradually withdrawn to enhance application” (Merrill, 2009, pp. 42).
    • lkryder
      coaching in this case can be automated if the tools are deployed well
    gamefying and use of visual signs of learning, ZPD

Johns Hopkins University School of Education Graphics and Learning - 0 views

  • It is of course important to organize one's ideas before formal writing, but I now believe that all students should have the choice of whether to do so in outline or in some graphic form.
    visualizing ideas and types of visualization
    visualizing ideas and types of visualization
alexandra m. pickett

Dobler's Online Learning | One teacher's adventures into online teaching - 3 views

  • I hope that this is the correct approach to the assignment.
  • The research certainly says it will! According to Ice, Swan, Kupczynski, and Richardson, research has shown that other students find audio feedback more effective than written feedback.
  • At first, I wondered why the checklist was not given while I was developing the course.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      interesting. I always think of the checklists as formative. You have access to them in the manual. hmmm. need to think about this more. becuase in my mind you do have access to them as you design your cousre. But i also like your reflection. need to think.
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  • I plan to continue blogging as I work to incorporate what I have learned into my class this year.
  • “If instructors gave as much thought to the construction of their on-campus courses as they do their online courses, all education would be better”.
  • I hope that my learning about online teaching really does have positive impacts on my face-to-face teaching.
alexandra m. pickett

Supporting the Spectrum - Building a Bridge between Families and Schools - 1 views

  • Reflections of Module 1  
    • alexandra m. pickett
      BRILLIANT!! : )
  • The one thing that I did not realize before entering online courses is how it would impact my writing.
  • In addition we as instructors should continue our learning process.
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  • It is important to create an online community to shift the course from a teacher centered course to a student centered course. We want to facilitate our courses and guide content, but let the students dig deep to provide a rich and diverse experience that has meaning to the participants.
  • So what have I learned? I have learned who I am as a learner, and what I appreciate in a professor. I have learned that I need to let my voice and personality be known to my students because that is how we will connect and become emotionally connected to our course. I reflect on Professor Pickett’s introduction by her daughter. I immediately connected and realized that there was a human being behind the words, and she was relatable. This course is challenging and pushes my abilities, but the interaction with students and the professor helps me know that I am not a lone, and gives me space to evaluate my goals and reflect on what my presence is in our class and in developing the course.
    • Hedy Lowenheim
      Hey Heather Thanks for reminding me of this tool. It looks very cool! Lucky you to go on vacation, must have been tricky. I have been in the same predicament, being enrolled in a course and being on vaca. Definitely a challenge, you just have to be very, very disciplined. But all of us have that in common. Hedy
  • When I read the post prompt of “Where are you?” I know that Professor meant in the course, but I immediately had a flash of Carl Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot. “The significance of our lives and our fragile planet is then determined only by our own wisdom and courage (Sagan,2011) .”
    • alexandra m. pickett
      so, you may think this course is about online teaching, but it is really about changing the world. : ) I need you to help me. Together we can do more than alone. "where are you?" is a multilayered question.
  • What I have realized in this course, is that teaching presence and social presence and cognitive presence come together to create meaningful learning environments for students and teachers. We want to facilitate this in our classrooms but also in our schools, buildings and districts. We want to create shared spaces where teachers are working together connecting, asking questions, working together to find solutions. When we look at the Seven Principles of Effective teaching, all of these principles are centered around communication and interaction. It is about forming relationships and understanding each other. It is about connecting, creating and understanding.
  • This course held a mirror up to the learner in me. Inside I want to connect with others. The social element in learning is vital. I want to connect, I want to be validated and I want to feel safe in my learning spaces. I want to learn from someone who is passionate about their subject and teaching. I want to be inspired and I want to feel like I am making a contribution. All of these elements have been present in our discussion forum. We have exchanged ideas, thoughts and we have been able to thoughtfully disagree.
  • April 2019 February 2017 July 2015 June 2015 January 2015 August 2014 February 2014 December 2013 November 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013
alexandra m. pickett

Instruction by Design - 5 views

  • I was a bit surprised
    • alexandra m. pickett
      why surprised? It is no longer a question of whether is is as good as f2f instruction. There is a now a significant body of evidence that online instruction done well surpasses f2f instruction:
  • I have been pushed to find out and learn about topics relevant to me!
  • I believe that using questions that allow my students to explore areas that are relevant to their unique situations will help them to be successful.
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  • After reading that statement, I felt as though many things clicked for me. The course design and teaching practices are closely linked. The social, cognitive, and teaching presence are related and depend on each other. What does this mean for my course? For me it translates to making sure my course design contains a careful balance to establish the community of inquiry, and that my teaching practices are supported by my course design.
  • First that instructors must give control over the learning to the students, and second that instructors must be skilled at guiding discussions in order to help students learn what is necessary through interactions with others. I especially liked an analogy that Luke used in one of his discussion posts, “Yoda (the teacher) guided Luke (the student) in the ways of the Force, he pointed him where he needed to go but had Luke do the work.” I think this is very relatable for those of us who are star wars fans. Yoda is this incredibly wise mentor, who says very little. The statements he makes are brief but have a lot of meaning. I do see how this relates to effective teaching online. I had to help facilitate a discussion in a past online class, and always felt hesitant to jump in. My sense was that you only want to add something when the thinking stops. You only want to ask enough questions, or statements to get the thinking going again.
  • When I think about my own learning in this course, I realize that even though I may not have direct contact with my classmates or the instructor, I am following those interaction patterns in this course.  I am working with the concepts and ideas introduced in each module, researching, relating, and making connections.  Then I bring my work back to the community to share.  My classmates or the instructor will absorb my contributions and perhaps push it further with suggesting alternate views, or things I have not considered.
  • Now we are discussing how we are using text based environments to create intimacy in learning environments.  Perhaps, it is not all that different
    • alexandra m. pickett
  • I now believe that a teacher is someone who can create an environment where students are able to gain knowledge through interaction and experience.  This may be through reviewing materials or engaging in activities, but that seems less important to me now.  The crucial part is now designing the interactions. 
    • alexandra m. pickett
      Eureaka!! it is NOT about content : ) brilliant!
  • my workshop is really about the journey rather than the destination
  • I realized that although you may think you are engaging students in your course, it may be trickier than you expect
  • I really appreciated that the course was able to allow me to reach these conclusions in my own way, rather than just telling me “the line between direct instruction and facilitation of discourse can be blurred”. 
  • I have been able to make the big connections, and form ideas in a way that previously has been difficult for me. 
  • I feel as though the reflection assignments have provided the context for my brain to think in a different way.  This not only gives me confidence for the future, but it also helps me to discover the connections I have made unconsciously!  It seems kind of strange to say that, but it is true!  I am hoping to continue to use blogging as a tool to document my insights and learning after the course ends.
  • I definitely was struggling with motivation when I felt the connection to my classmates and the instructor fading.
    • alexandra m. pickett
  • Through ETAP640, I have really learned how important reflection is for deep learning. It is through my blog posts that I have been able to tie all the ideas together in my head and makes sense out of the information. The course manual suggests that you ask your students why they are taking the course within the ice breaker.
  • Now I understand that asking the students to articulate what they want to get out of the course is an important start to getting them to reflect on their learning and progress throughout the course.
    • alexandra m. pickett
  • Maree (4)
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