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Invicta Men's Automatic Watch - 0 views

    The Invicta Men's Automatic Watch is great it is a wish for individuality and assertiveness that generates our own unique style and is the foundation of the fashion industry because fashion is culture. Invicta Men's Automatic Watch creates a unique style and a man's fashion. Are you searching for the Invicta Men's Automatic Watch? If you say Yes, then you start reading this article here all information described in your demand.

Oculus - 1 views

    Watch Oculus (2014) online for free at HD quality, full-length movie. Watch Oculus movie online from 2014. The movie Oculus has got a rating, of total votes for watching this movie online. Watch this on WatchLive
Anne Bubnic

Preferring the Web Over Watching TV - 0 views

    Parents who worry that their children watch too much television can take heart: a bigger concern may be children spending too much time online. For children ages 10 to 14 who use the Internet, the computer is a bigger draw than the TV set, according to a study recently released by DoubleClick Performics, a search marketing company. The study found that 83 percent of Internet users in that age bracket spent an hour or more online a day, but only 68 percent devoted that much time to television.
Cheryl Lykowski

McGruff Partnership - National Crime Prevention Council - 0 views

    The National Crime Prevention Counci developed a series of public service announcements done in partnership with the Ad Council on topics related to cyberbullying. In 2007, they came out with CYBERBULLYING TALENT SHOW and CYBERBULLYING KITCHEN - both aimed at girls. In 2008, they followed up with a third PSA, BOYS EXPERIENCE IT TOO. See: Chicken: Talent Show Kitchen:
Anne Bubnic

Professor Garfield Foundation: Internet Safety and You - 1 views

    Yes that Garfield! Garfield animated comics educate kids about cyberbullying and online safety. Other topics in development include digital and media literacy. Students watch animated lessons, try interactive/guided practice and apply interactive knowledge to earn safety certificates. Teacher lesson plans can be downloaded.
Margaret Moore-Taylor

Blubbr - Create Interactive Quizzes Using YouTube Clips - 3 views

    Blubbr is a neat quiz creation service that I recently learned about on Free Technology for Teachers. Using Blubbr you can create interactive quizzes that are based on YouTube clips. Your quizzes can be about anything of your choosing. The structure of the quizzes has a viewer watch a short clip then answer a multiple choice question about the clip. Viewers know right away if they chose the correct answer or not.  Great for reinforcing a topic on internet safety, social netiquette, social skills etc.
Eviely Simons

Cash For Importance Need Without Any Low Credit Checks - 0 views

    It is just when you look for the alternative of quick same day loans with no credit watch that you get an opportunity to deal with the fleeting instabilities. These advances are anything but difficult to infer and very possible for individuals with dreadful low credit.
Devia Rajput

In Hollywood Top 10 Vigorous Films - 0 views

    You See Top 10 Vigorous Films.Now we will find out the Top Ten Best Animated Movies of all time. There are so many animated movies which are very hit in all over the world. They have all very fantastic scene or actions in these movies. These movies earned in million dollars. The peoples watched that movies with full interest.
Anne Bubnic

What you should know about phishing identity-theft scams [Video] - 0 views

    Watch this excellent video from Microsoft to find out more about phishing e-mail scams and how they are used for identity theft. The video will show you how fraudulent e-mail messages and spoofed Web sites-two common forms of phishing-can trick you into s
Anne Bubnic

Bullying: We Can All Help Stop It - 0 views

    The effects of bullying go beyond the school yard. For you as a parent, here's what to watch for, what you can do, and where you can go to get help. From the Ministry of Education [Ontario, Canada]
Anne Bubnic

TV, Computer Make Children Sleep Less - 0 views

    Middle school children who have a television or computer in their room sleep less during the school year, watch more TV, play more computer games and surf the net more than their peers who don't - reveals joint research conducted by the University of Haifa and Jezreel Valley College.
Anne Bubnic

Spying on the Text Generation - 0 views

    When it comes to watching over their tech-obsessed teenagers, parents are learning the dangers of too much information. Having the ability to monitor and knowing how to is important. But sometimes the threat of intervention [Don' t give me reason to...] is better than actual intervention.
Anne Bubnic

Adina's Deck: The Exclusive Detective Agency Specializing in Solving Cyber Bully Mysteries - 0 views

    Fabulous School Assembly Program! Although the team is based in the San Francisco Bay Area, they travel and give presentations nationwide. They bring a sense of balance to all of the predator-based talks given by law enforcement. The creators of this project are graduates of Stanford's Learning, Design & Technology program and also have a background in film making. They have won numerous awards at local, national and international film festivals for their work and were a huge hit at the California League of Middle Schools Conference, last Fall.

    You can see a video clip of Adina's Deck at: adinasdecktrailer

Lucy Gray

Review of Frontline: Growing Up Online - 0 views

    I'm surprised by this review of the Frontline program. I would have thought Eric would have been more critical. I agree that it's an important show to watch; however, I was concerned with a few things. One, I was concerned with the portrayal of a "helicopter" mom who wanted her kids' social networking passwords in case of emergency and I was also concerned about the kid who very cavelierly said he never read books. I also really wondered about parents who complained that their kids never turned off their cellphones at dinner time. I need to re-watch this program, but I think there is much here to be discussed that's not about the technology. It's about how we talk to and engage our students and children. It's really easy to blame bad behavior and scary incidents on technology.
    [February 08] A summary of each chapter and commentary provided by Eric Grant.
Anne Bubnic

YouTube lawsuit tests copyright law - 0 views

    Educators are closely watching a $1 billion copyright infringement lawsuit challenging YouTube's ability to keep copyrighted material off its popular video-sharing web site-a lawsuit that could have important implications for the future of Web 2.0 applications, observers say.
Anne Bubnic

Cyberethics: Downloading Music from the Internet | eMINTS - 0 views

    Cyberethics curriculum from the eMINTS project. These sites highlight the debate about downloading music from the Internet for free. Watch videos of musicians expressing their thoughts on the issue. There is also information about copyright law and explanations about why these types of downloads are considered illegal and unethical. The sites are helpful for teachers who want students to debate the issue. There are links to eThemes Resources on Internet safety and computer basics.
Anne Bubnic

Smile You're on YouTube! | CTA - 0 views

    From the California Teacher Association. When you least expect it, one of your students takes out his cell phone and secretly records you. The next thing you know, the video is posted on YouTube and the world is watching.
Anne Bubnic Toolbox - Video Library - 0 views

    Watch these short videos to learn more about the top security issues that affect consumers like you. If you're new to learning about protecting your computer and your information online, you can start with the basics.
Judy Echeandia

Top News - eSN Recruits Student Broadcasters - 0 views

    "Watch the premier broadcast of eSN's Student Video Network (SVN), in which students from across the nation report on recent ed-tech trends and new developments. Eagan High School in Eagan, Minn., reports on AUP enforcement and peer-to-peer file sharing."
Anne Bubnic

Telling Their Stories: Oral History Archives Project - 0 views

    Powerful lessons for future generations. Read, watch and listen to interviews conducted by high school students at the Urban School of San Francisco.
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