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Anne Bubnic

Cybersafety Assembly causes controversy on first day of high school - 0 views

  • John Gay, a police officer for the Cheyenne Police Department in Wyoming, volunteered at the request of Windsor High School principal Rick Porter to speak to students at two assemblies about the dangers of predators surfing social networking Web sites such as MySpace and Facebook.Gay shared how he could pull pictures off of Windsor High School students who had their own MySpace and Facebook pages. Nordic’s daughter, Shaylah, was one of the students Gay singled out to the point where Shaylah left the auditorium in tears.
  • Shaylah said Gay showed the other students her phone number, read her blogs and comments out loud.
  • He kept on picking at her and picking at her and picking at her and everyone said, ‘That’s harassment,’ ” Weakland said.
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  • “Officer Gay chose it as an opportunity to take Shaylah’s pictures and her MySpace and use it as an example of what not to do, but then just really publicly humiliate her and mocked her,” said Nordic, who coaches wrestling at the high school and football and track at Windsor Middle School. “She left the auditorium in tears and busted out crying. He told the student body that he took her information from MySpace and showed it to a predator in prison and asked him what he would do with it.”
  • “You could imagine her sitting there and hearing that,” Nordic said. “He asked everybody there, ‘Is Shaylah Nordic here?’ So she raised her hand and then he went on to post the pictures and talk about it. He said she was likely to be raped and murdered because how easy it was to access this stuff, and how easy it was to get information.”
    Ty Nordic understands the need to inform kids about the dangers of sexual predators on the Internet. But when his 16-year-old daughter was targeted during an assembly at Windsor High School on the first day of school Tuesday afternoon, Nordic was left with plenty of unanswered questions for the presenter whom he said used inappropriate language during the assembly and singled out specific students.
Anne Bubnic

California Assembly Bill 86 - 0 views

    Existing law, the Interagency School Safety Demonstration Act of 1985, states that the intent of the Legislature in enacting its provisions is to encourage school districts, county offices of education, law enforcement agencies, and agencies serving youth to develop and implement interagency strategies, in-service training programs, and activities that will, among other things, reduce school crime and violence, including bullying. Existing law establishes the School/Law Enforcement Partnership and charges it with undertaking several efforts intended to reduce school crime, as specified,including bullying.

    This bill would specify that bullying, as used in these provisions,means one or more acts by a pupil or a group of pupils directed against another pupil that constitutes sexual harassment, hate violence, or severe or pervasive intentional harassment, threats, or intimidation that is disruptive, causes disorder, and invades the rights of others by creating an intimidating or hostile educational environment, and includes\nacts that are committed personally or by means of an electronic act, as defined.

    Existing law prohibits the suspension, or recommendation for expulsion, of a pupil from school unless the principal determines that the pupil has committed any of various specified acts, including, but not limited to, hazing, as defined. This bill, in addition, would give school officials grounds to suspend a pupil or recommend a pupil for expulsion for bullying, including, but not limited to, bullying by electronic act.

Anne Bubnic

Parents to File Grievances over MySpace School Assembly - 0 views

    A group of eight Windsor High School parents will file grievances with Re-4 School district in the wake of an Internet safety assembly that saw one girl leave in tears. The eight parents came together feeling nothing has been done since several high school students and their MySpace pages were used in an Internet safety presentation by Cheyenne Police Department officer John Gay on Aug. 19, the first day of school in the Windsor-Severance Re-4 School District.
Anne Bubnic

New York State: Scrambling for solutions to cyberbullying - 0 views

  • Both the state Senate and Assembly have proposed anti-cyberbullying laws. Kathy Wilson of Sen. Carl Marcellino's (R-Syosset) office said that the Senate has proposed two bills in the last two years that add computers to the list of modes of illegal harassment, but the Assembly passed neither.The Assembly's website states that the Assembly has proposed bills "to define and prohibit the bullying, cyberbullying and hazing of students and others on school property" as well as to add a database for reporting such complaints, but has not passed either yet.
  • Both the state Senate and Assembly have proposed anti-cyberbullying laws. Kathy Wilson of Sen. Carl Marcellino's (R-Syosset) office said that the Senate has proposed two bills in the last two years that add computers to the list of modes of illegal harassment, but the Assembly passed neither.
  • The Assembly's website states that the Assembly has proposed bills "to define and prohibit the bullying, cyberbullying and hazing of students and others on school property" as well as to add a database for reporting such complaints, but has not passed either yet.
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  • Matuk said that the task of monitoring children's electronic activities has been complicated by such devices as iPhones, from which I.M.s can be sent from anywhere. "This is going to require partnership between the schools and the community," he added.
    Schoolyard bullies are a long-standing problem but now, in the age of the Internet, they are increasingly using electronic devices to torment their victims. Because cyberbullying has become so prevalent, several states, including New York, have proposed legislation to control cyberbullying.
Anne Bubnic

Olivia's Letters | PBS - 0 views

    News coverage about a middle school student victimized by online and offline bullying has prompted a grassroots solidarity campaign. She's received over 1,400 letters of support so far, and it's serving as a teachable moment that no school should ignore. Olivia Gardner was just a sixth grader when the bullying began two years ago. Previously diagnosed with epilepsy, Olivia was tormented by her peers because of the disease. In school, they'd call her "retard." Online, they created an "Olivia Haters" page on MySpace and would use it to make fun of her. The school district eventually got involved, bringing in the families of the kids who were involved in the bullying, as well as holding a series of student assemblies on the problem. But it was too little, too late for Olivia, who soon transferred to another school.
Anne Bubnic

California lawmakers consider cyberbullying bill - 0 views

  • Assembly Bill 86, introduced by Assemblyman Ted Lieu of Torrance, passed the Senate on Monday by a 12-11 vote and now heads back to the Assembly for consideration of Senate amendments, according to an Associated Press report. If the Assembly approves the Senate amendments, the bill will be sent to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
  • Lieu's bill would allow students to be suspended or expelled from school for bullying that occurs via electronic communication, including cell phones, computers, or pagers.
  • Experts say the biggest obstacle to combating cyberbullying is that children are unlikely to report it. Unlike real-life bullying, there is often no witness or physical scar to alert parents or teachers to a cyberbullying situation.
    School bullies who use the Internet or text messaging to harass fellow students could be kicked out of school under a bill being considered by the California Legislature [AB 86]
Anne Bubnic

Adina's Deck: The Exclusive Detective Agency Specializing in Solving Cyber Bully Mysteries - 0 views

    Fabulous School Assembly Program! Although the team is based in the San Francisco Bay Area, they travel and give presentations nationwide. They bring a sense of balance to all of the predator-based talks given by law enforcement. The creators of this project are graduates of Stanford's Learning, Design & Technology program and also have a background in film making. They have won numerous awards at local, national and international film festivals for their work and were a huge hit at the California League of Middle Schools Conference, last Fall.

    You can see a video clip of Adina's Deck at: adinasdecktrailer

Anne Bubnic

WEB|WISE|KIDS: Katie Canton - 0 views

    You can download Katie Canton's story here. When she was 15, she met a 22 year old guy in a chatroom and fell in love. Only after playing the game MISSING with her family, did Katie come to realize that "John" was an online predator, who is now serving 20 years in prison. Katie has become an articulate spokesperson for Web Wise Kids and she speaks at school assemblies to advise other kids.
Anne Bubnic

California AB 86 Assembly Bill - Pupil Safety - 0 views

    The California Department of Education (CDE) and the Office of the Attorney General (AG) co-administer the School/Law Enforcement Partnership program. The Partnership has funded the Kern County Office of Education for a five-year period to administer the statewide School Safety and Violence Prevention Training Grant. The grant provides for safe schools planning, bullying prevention, and crisis response training. This training program does not currently include prevention of bullying that occurs via electronic communication devices. Need for the bill : A poll commissioned in 2006 by Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, showed that one in three teens and one in six preteens have been victims of cyber bullying and that more than 2 million of those victims told no one about the attacks.
Anne Bubnic

Public Humiiation or Net Safety Ed? - 0 views

    Anne Collier recounts the saga of the Windsor High School teen who was recently singled out at a school assembly meant to warn students about the dangers of providing too much personal profile information on MySpace. She asks us for input on whether we think this is effective cybersafety training - or a form of public humiliation.
Anne Bubnic - SafeSurf - Kids, Teens, Adults - 0 views

    Florida's Cybersafety Initiative consists of SafeSurf Web sites for Kids, Teens and Adults and a cybersafety school assembly program that specifically targets middle and high school students to educate them about cyberpredators and personal internet safety.
Vicki Davis

Cybersafety Resources for Educators - 131 views

Adina's Deck Fabulous School Assembly Program! Although the team is based in the San Francisco Bay Area, they travel and give present...

curriculum cybersafety

Anne Bubnic

Adina's Deck: Back To School Newsletter - 0 views

    Learn the latest about Adina's Deck, the award winning cybersafety film, which now has two additional sequels. The team is available for school assembly programs.
Anne Bubnic

Sexting and Cyber Safety - School Library Journal - 0 views

  • The controversy around sexting is growing in part because of more incidents, but also because of the legal ramifications involved. Sending nude images of underage children through digital media can be considered child pornography, and those taking and transmitting the images can be charged—whether they themselves are underage or not.
    Gina Healy didn't expect to hold an assembly with her middle schoolers about sexting. But after the school newspaper wrote about an alleged incident involving 8th graders sending nude photos over cell phones, Healy consulted with the Newton, PA, police department-and then talked to her students.
Anne Bubnic

As 'Trolling' Turns More Vicious, What, If Anything, Can Stop It? - 0 views

    One afternoon in the spring of 2006, for reasons unknown to those who knew him, Mitchell Henderson, a seventh grader from Rochester, Minnesota, took a .22-caliber rifle down from a shelf in his parents' bedroom closet and shot himself in the head. The next morning, Mitchell's school assembled in the gym to begin mourning. His classmates created a virtual memorial on MySpace and garlanded it with remembrances. One wrote that Mitchell was a "hero to take that shot, to leave us all behind. God do we wish we could take it back." Someone e-mailed a clipping of Mitchell's newspaper obituary to, a Web site that links to the MySpace pages of the dead.
Anne Bubnic

WEB|WISE|KIDS: Katie Canton Story [Video] - 0 views

    This video from WebWise Kids tells Katie Canton's story and is excellent to use in class with students. When she was 15, Katie met a 22 year old guy in a chatroom and fell in love. Only after playing the game MISSING with her family, did she come to realize that "John" was an online predator. He is now serving 20 years in prison, after Katie worked with the police and turned in evidence against him. Katie has become an articulate spokesperson for Web Wise Kids and she speaks at school assemblies to advise other kids. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Kate Olson

Cyberbullying and Internet Safety - 0 views

    Blog post resource for parents, students and teachers on cyberbullying and internet safety.
    This blogpost is intended as a resource for parents, pupils and staff and came from the excellent PHSCE evening for parents recently organised by Ms Tina Duff. It supported the strong approach to these topics by the school's senior leadership team. Cyberbullying and Internet Safety have been the subject of whole school assemblies and are part of the IT curriculum taught in KS2 and KS3 when pupils are given their own blogs and encouraged to use social networking tools to support their learning in class.
Anne Bubnic

Teen Bullying Prevention - A Cyber Bullying Suicide Story [video] - 0 views

    The cyberbullying suicide story of Ryan Halligan, as told to Middle Schoolers at a school assembly. The raw pain in this video will move you to tears and it's obvious that John Halligan's story of his son makes an impact on his youth audiences as well. For more information on how to get copies of the video, go to Safe Passage Media . I like the fact that he encourages "bystanders" to get involved.
Anne Bubnic

The Case of the Plagiarized Paper [Video Caper] - 1 views

    Suggested classroom use (4th-10th grade): writing, literature, history, technology/computer teachers, character education, leadership classes. Additional use: school-wide assemblies, school broadcasts, district streaming, counselor sessions, "back to school" programs on cheating/plagiarism, college prep, in preperation for assigning a major writing assignment,
Anne Bubnic

Adina's Deck Creator, Debbie Heimowitz - 0 views

    Debbie created the Adina's Deck film for her master's thesis in the Learning, Design and Technology program at Stanford. See:
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